

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:HE Jia-yue, ZHANG Wen-chao, LI Da-yu摘要:摘 要:为研究燃料电池等领域所使用的高性能定向多孔陶瓷,采用流延成型结合丝网印刷技术制备一维定向通孔ZrO2支架,利用流延成型工艺制得ZrO2陶瓷生坯,并在生坯表面丝网印刷石墨条纹,然后将其叠层,热合为整体后再烧结。研究了工艺参数对多孔陶瓷支架的孔结构影响规律,并对多孔陶瓷的抗热震性能进行了测试。结果表明该方法制得多孔陶瓷的孔径规则,孔道平行排列,孔密度高。并且随着陶瓷层厚度的增加,孔道边缘逐渐变得整齐,同时多孔ZrO2的抗热震循环(25~1000℃)达47次。
Abstract:Abstract:In order to study high performance oriented porous ceramics for the fuel cells and other fields, ZrO2 porous ceramics scaffold are fabricated by using tape-casting and screen printing methods. ZrO2 green tapes are prepared by using tape-casting and then the graphite stripes which are screen-printed on the surface of dry green tapes. Then the green tapes with graphite stripe on them are laminated and thermal synthesized in a certain order. Then the graphite phase is burnt out through sintering. The analysis is on the pore structure of porous ceramics scaffold. The thermal shock resistance of porous ceramic has been tested. Results show that the pore size of porous ceramic is regular by this method, the pore density is large and parallel, and with the thickness of the ceramic layer is increasing, the edge becomes regular. The thermal shock resistance cycles (25 ~1000℃) of porous ceramics can be increased up to 47 times with the increase in the thickness of green tapes.



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