

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:SUN Zi-han,CHEN Shi-yu摘要:摘要:为了研究低频激励源无线输电系统中耦合线圈对传输效率的影响,采用双软件联合仿真方法,给出了电磁耦合线圈不同放置模式情况下的磁场分布以及系统效率、激励源波形与电磁耦合线圈之间的距离关系图。结果显示,无论线圈相对位置如何分布,正弦波和三角波激励源的系统传输效率与线圈位置布置关系较小,且两者传输效率相近,方波激励源下系统传输效率最低。最后,给出采用锂电池PNGV模型作为系统负载时,系统效率随时间变化波形图,使系统充电过程更接近实际充电情况。
Abstract:Abstract:In order to study the influence of the coupling coils on the transmission efficiency in wireless power transmission system with low-frequency excitation source, the dual software co-simulation method is used to analyze the magnetic field distribution under different placement modes of the electromagnetic coupling coil, and the relationship between the system efficiency and the excitation source waveform and the position of electromagnetic coupling coil is also given.The results show that no matter how the relative positions of the coils are distributed, the system transmission efficiency of the sine wave and triangle wave excitation sources has a small relationship with the coil position arrangement, the transmission efficiency of the two is similar, and the system transmission efficiency under the square wave excitation source is the lowest.Finally, using the lithium battery PNGV model as the system load, the system efficiency and time-varying waveforms are presented, so that the system charging process is closer to the actual charging situation.



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