

本站小编 Free考研考试/2024-10-07

Authors:XIAO Shi-yong,WANG Yun-yang,GE Bao-jun摘要:摘要:针对定子绕组中性点侧小匝数相间短路易形成发电机的主保护死区的问题,为防止故障进一步扩大造成机组严重损坏,采用机电融合的故障诊断方法以实现对主保护死区下短路故障准确及时地检测势在必行。建立了可准确模拟短路位置的同步发电机内部故障场路耦合模型,计算了某电站300MW水轮发电机中性点侧小匝数相间短路时的故障电流和气隙磁场,并结合麦克斯韦应力法计算了齿部动态电磁力的分布情况,找到了定子齿部电磁力的集中位置,揭示了动态电磁力随时间的变化情况和空间的分布规律。该文为水轮发电机铁心结构的优化设计和多源故障信息融合的故障诊断方法提供理论依据。
Abstract:Abstract:Aiming at the problem that the phase to phase short-circuit with two fault points close to the neutral point may cause dead region of protection schemes of large synchronous generators, and in order to prevent the further expansion of the fault from causing serious damage to generators, it is imperative to detect short-circuit faults under the dead zone of main protection scheme accurately and timely by merging electro-mechanical information.A external circuit-coupled finite element model of synchronous generators which can accurately simulate the short-circuit position is established. The fault current and air-gap magnetic field of a 300MW hydro-generator in a power station are calculated when the phase to phase short-circuit with two fault points are close to the neutral point occurs, and the dynamic electromagnetic force of the stator tooth is calculated by the Maxwell stress method. The location of maximum electromagnetic force at stator tooth is found under the fault condition. The local dynamic electromagnetic force changing with time and space distribution are revealed. The study in this paper provides the basis for the optimization design of the stator core and faults diagnosis method by merging electro-mechanical information.



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