

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-11-27


 2005.7 - 至今哈尔滨师范大学任教;
 2017-2018年复旦大学 青年骨干访问学者;
 2001-2005年哈尔滨师范大学 获学士学位;
 2005-2008年哈尔滨师范大学 获理学硕士学位;
 2010-2013年哈尔滨工业大学 获工学博士学位。

 1. 新型(有机、无机、及杂化)材料的非线性光学特性研究;
 2. 半导体微纳材料、微纳光学与光学器件性能研究;
 3. 超快激光与物质相互作用研究;

 1. 凝聚态物理
 2. 光学
 3. 非线性光学工程与技术
 4. 微纳光电功能性材料工程与技术
 5. 微纳光电子器件

 [1] 国家青年自然科学基金:一维IB和IIIA族金属掺杂ZnO微纳材料多光子吸收和载流子超快动力学过程的研究, No.**,2016.01-2018.12,负责人。
 [2] 省高校青年创新人才:金属掺杂ZnO半导体薄膜材料设计及非线性光学特性和光电器件应用性能的研究, No. UNPYSCT-**,2016.01-2018.12,负责人。
 [3] 省教育厅面上项目:苯氧基酞菁及金属配合物材料超快多光子激发动力学研究,No.**,2014.01-2016.12,负责人。
 [4] 省部共建教育部重点实验室开放课题:基于II-VI半导体微纳结构复合材料制备及其光电化学特性和应用性能的研究,No. PEBM201612, 2017.01.01—2018.12.31,负责人。
 [5] 省部共建教育部重点实验室开放课题:金属掺杂ZnO半导体薄膜材料设计及非线性光学特性和应用性能的研究, No. PEBM**,2018.01.01—2019.12.31,负责人。
 [6] 博士启动资金:金属掺杂ZnO半导体薄膜材料非线性光学特性及应用性能研究,No. XYB201410, 2018.01-2019.12,负责人;
 [7] 黑龙江省科技厅项目:新型掺杂半导体ZnO纳米材料的非线性光学特性研究,No. A201304P, 2014.01-2016.12,完成人;
 [8] 指导大学生创业创新项目2项

代表性论文 :
 [1] Ke-Xin Zhang, Cheng-Bao Yao*, Yu Cai, Xing Wen, Yue Han, Hai-Tao Yin, Wen-Jun Sun, and Qiang-Hua Li, Structures, growth mechanism and optical properties of Ag-ZnO cored nanotubes, Materials letters, 2018,
 [2] Yue Han, Cheng-Bao Yao*, Yu-Tong Cao, Si-Qiu Li, Synthesis, structural and photoluminescence properties of copper nanolayers/particles uniformly decorated ZnO nanowires, Optics and Laser Technology (2018).
 [3] Ke-Xin Zhang, Cheng-Bao Yao*, Xing Wen, Qiang-Hua Li and Wen-Jun Sun, Ultrafast nonlinear optical and carrier dynamics properties of silver nanoparticles-decorated ZnO nanowires, RSC Adv., 2018, 8, 26133
 [4] Si-Qiu Li, Cheng-Bao Yao*, Yue Han, Yu-Tong Cao, The nonlinear absorption properties and excited-state charge-transfer dynamics of Er doped ZnO films, optical materials express, 2018.
 [5] Xing Wen, Yue Han, Chengbao Yao*, Kexin Zhang, Jin Li, Wenjun Sun, Qianghua Li, Meng Zhang, Jia-Da Wu, The photoluminescence, ultrafast nonlinear optical properties and carrier dynamics of 1D In-doped ZnO nanostructures: Experiment and mechanism, Optical Materials, 77, 2018, 67-76
 [6] Kexin Zhang, Xing Wen, Chengbao Yao*, Synthesis, structural and optical properties of silver nanoparticles uniformly decorated ZnO nanowires, Chemical Physics Letters 698 (2018) 147–151
 [7] Cheng-Bao Yao, Xing Wen,Qiang-Hua Li, Xiao-Yan Yana, Jin Li, Ke-Xin Zhanga, Wen-Jun Sun, Li-Na Bai, Shou-Bin Yang, The saturable absorption and reverse saturable absorption properties of Cu doped zinc oxide thin films,Chemical Physics Letters, 671, 2017, 113–117,
 [8] Cheng-Bao Yao, Ke-Xin Zhang,Xing Wen,Focus introduction: Z-scan technique, Optik, 140, 2017, P680–682
 [9] Cheng-Bao Yao, Ke-Xin Zhang,Xing Wen, Jin Li,Qiang-Hua Li, Shou-Bin Yang Morphologies, field-emission and ultrafast nonlinear optical behavior of pure and Ag-doped ZnO nanostructures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 698, 2017, 284–290
 [10] Xiao-Yan Yan, Ke-Xin Zhang, Cheng-Bao Yao*,Qiang-Hua Li, Ultrafast nonlinear optical properties and optical Kerr effect of In-doped ZnO nanowires, Materials letters, 2016,176, 49–51
 [11] Chengbao Yao, Xiaoyan Yan, Dawei Sun, Yanli Sui, Jin Li, Wenjun Sun, Qianghua Li and Shoubin Yang. Ultrafast dynamics of excited state of phenoxy-phthalocyanines in solution. Optics & Laser Technology, 76: 53-57, 2016.
 [12] Xiao-Yan Yan , Cheng-Bao Yao*,Jin Li, Jun-Yan Hu, Qiang-Hua Li, Shou-Bin Yang, Structural, photoluminescence and picosecond nonlinear optical effect of In-doped ZnO nanowires,Optical Materials 55 (2016) 73–77
 [13] Mingyue Tan, Chengbao Yao*, Xiaoyan Yan, Jin Li, Shu-Yang Qiu, Jun-Yan Hu, Wen-Jun Sun, Qiang-Hua Li, Shou-Bin Yang. Structural and nonlinear optical behavior of Ag-doped ZnO films, Optical Materials 51: 133-138, 2016.
 [14] Htwe, Zin Maung; Zhang, Yun-Dong; Chengbao Yao*,Li, Hui; Li, Han-Yang; Yuan, Ping , Investigation of third order nonlinear optical properties of undoped and indium doped zinc oxide (InZnO) thin films by nanosecond Z-scan technique, Optical Materials, 2016, 52:6-13
 [15] Chengbao Yao, Xiaoyan Yan, Mingyue Tan, Jin Li, Wenjun Sun and Shoubin Yang. The fluorescence and dynamics properties in phenoxy-phthalocyanines liquid. Optical Materials 44: 33-36, 2015.
 [16] Xiaoyan Yan, Chengbao Yao *, Jin Li, Qianghua Li, Wenjun Sun, and Shoubin Yang, Linear and nonlinear optical properties of phenoxyphthalocyanines liquid in the femtosecond regime: Experimental studies, Chinese optics letters October 30, 2015
 [17] Chengbao Yao, Yundong Zhang, Zhenyu Zhao, Lan Yang, Jin Li and Ping Yuan. The nonlinear absorption and optical limiting in phenoxy-phthalocyanines liquid in nano- and femto-second regime: Experimental studies, Optics & Laser Technology 58: 207-214, 2014.
 [18] Chengbao Yao, Yundong Zhang, Jin Li, Dengtai Chen, Haitao Yin, Changqiu Yu and Ping Yuan. Study of the nonlinear optical properties and behavior in phenoxy-phthalocyanines liquid at nanosecond laser pulses, Optical Materials 37: 80-86, 2014.
 [19] Chengbao Yao, Yundong Zhang, Weijun Sun, Changqiu Yu, Jin Li and Ping Yuan. The lifetime of the triplet excited state and modulation characteristics of all-optical switching in phenoxy-phthalocyanines liquid. Optics Express 21: 2212-2219, 2013.
 [20] Chengbao Yao, Yundong Zhang, Haitao Yin, Qingyu Meng, Changqiu Yu, Jin Li and Ping Yuan. Third-order nonlinear optical properties and optical limiting behavior of 1, 1-ferrocenedicarbaldehyde. Chemical Physics Letters 576: 35-38, 2013.
 [21] Chengbao Yao, Yun-Dong Zhang, Wen-Jun Sun, Elisee Kponou, Yuan-Xue Cai, Ping Yuan, All-optical switching properties of liquid C60/toluene solution, Optics Communications 289 (2013) 136–139
 [22] Chengbao Yao, Yundong Zhang, Dengtai Chen, Haitao Yin, Changqiu Yu, Jin Li and Ping Yuan. Study of all-optical switching and optical limiting properties in phenoxy-phthalocyanines liquid. Optics & Laser Technology 47: 228–231, 2013.
 [23] Yundong Zhang, Chengbao Yao, Haitao Yin, Changqiu Yu, Jin Li and Ping Yuan. The characteristics of all-optical switching and modulation in phenoxy-phthalocyanines liquid. The 2nd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2012 (ICETI2012) Nov. 2-6, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2012. Applied Mechanics and Materials 284-287: 2830-2834, 2013.
 [24] ChengBao Yao, Elisee Kponou, Yun-Dong Zhang, Jin-Fang Wang, Ping Yuan. Determination of the Triplet State Lifetime of C60 / Toluene Solution and C60 Thin Films by Pump-Probe Method[J]. Optics and Photonics Journal, 2011, 1, 81-84
 [25]ChengBao Yao,SY Wang,XW Rong,Z Meng,WJ Sun The study of chroma balance for led exposure system. The Proceedings of SPIE, 2008

 [1] 姚成宝,有机酞菁及金属配合物的非线性光学行为,哈尔滨地图出版社,ISBN978-7-5465-1494-9,2016.11
 [2] 姚成宝,一种基于光场辐照发光和光电化学性能的Ag /ZnO复合纳米线材料及其制备方法,6.8
 [3] 姚成宝,波长自调谐的光脉冲分割器,7.4
 [4] 姚成宝,基于光敏电阻实现晶体全反射角测量仪装置,ZL2.7
 [5] 姚成宝,可自由移动的手动升降式多功能实验仪器放置装置, ZL5.7
 [6] 姚成宝,可移动的旋转式多功能实验仪器放置装置, ZL1.9
 [7] 姚成宝,一种新型物理实验用便携式透镜装置, ZL3.9
 [8] 姚成宝,手动便携式制绳机装置, ZL3.6
 [9] 姚成宝,信号控制自动便携式制绳机装置, ZL4.3
相关话题/材料 光学 光电 金属 微纳

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