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地址:哈尔滨市南通大街145号 哈尔滨工程大学 动力楼703室
朱东(Dong Zhu),高端外籍教授,博士生导师,现为哈尔滨工程大学动力与能源工程学院船用设备摩擦学中心首席科学家。1984年获清华大学博士学位,是中国培养的第一位机械工程博士。后到美国从事研究和高端产品开发约25年,目前是美国机械工程师学会(ASME)与国际摩擦与润滑学会(STLE)会士(Fellow), 2014年为国际摩擦与润滑学会年会组织委员会主席暨大会主席。兼任国际主要摩擦学杂志Journal of Tribology 和Tribology Transactions副主编,纽约斯普林格出版的“摩擦学百科全书”编辑,并曾在ASME和STLE有多项其它兼职。2012年十月到四川大学工作之前,曾任清华大学摩擦学国家重点实验室客座教授、三一重工索特传动设备有限公司副总经理、美国西北大学和劳伦斯工业大学兼职教授等职务。

1968年毕业于哈尔滨军事工程学院空军工程系, 获航空工程学士学位

1968年毕业后到云南大理剑川县解放军农场劳动。1970年春到临沧地区河底岗工程指挥部,任机修车间技术员,1972年任车间负责人, 1973年任党委办公室副主任。
1974年到哈尔滨船舶工程学院4系任理论力学与机械设计教师, 并兼任学员队长。
1984年博士毕业后留清华任教, 带研究生, 并兼任摩擦学研究所科学秘书。1985年参与起草摩擦学国家重点实验室规划, 该实验室于1988年建成, 是清华大学的第一个国家重点实验室。
1985年底应邀到美国著名的西北大学工业摩擦学研究中心为研究员(Research Fellow),从事机械传动零件摩擦与润滑的计算器仿真与实验研究项目。.在这期间开发的齿轮摩擦学与动力学分析程序,以及发动机汽缸活塞分析程序,至今仍被一些大公司所应用。
1990年底受聘于美国铝业公司ALCOA (世界最大铝业公司, 年销售约180亿美元),从事有关金属加工中的摩擦与润滑研究,在公司总部技术中心表面技术部任摩擦测试实验室技术主管与轧机实验室技术主管。
1994年9月至2008年6月在美国伊顿公司(Eaton Corporation)总部研究开发中心工作,为主任工程师及项目主管。伊顿公司是国际主要的零部件跨国供货商之一, 年销售额约140亿美元。所从事的工作概括如下:
1) 美国能源部(DOE)项目: “重载卡车动力传动系统减磨与增效节能” (2004-2009, 五年五百万美元, 我为项目发起提议起草人及团队技术负责人);
2) 美国能源部(DOE)项目: “纳米真空合成材料镀膜及其工业应用”(2006-2010, 四年三百九十万美元。我为项目发起提议人及团队技术负责人)。
包括真空镀膜技术研究, 热喷涂镀膜技术研究, 表面加工技术研究, 摩擦学与表面工程基础研究(表面接触与润滑的计算器模拟, 表面失效的计算器模拟, 纳米级三维表面形貌测量及其对机械零件工作与寿命的影响, 等等)。我为多个项目的主管。在任表面镀膜项目主管时曾领导12-14人的团队, 年资金额曾高达1.6至2百万美元。
包括卡车零部件分公司, 汽车发动机零部件分公司, 航空航天零部件分公司的各项研究及新产品开发, 例如卡车机电混合系统的开发, 卡车无级变速器开发, 齿轮设计软件与数据库开发,齿轮寿命评估方法研究, 齿轮表面加工方法及对效率与寿命的影响, 柴油机高速增压器工效与寿命, 发动机汽缸阀门的镀膜及表面处理研究, 航空航天液压马达液压泵的润滑与密封, 等等.
2008年6月从伊顿公司退休. 后到清华大学为客座教授, 从事摩擦学教学与科研。
2008年在美国伊利诺州注册一个公司, Tri-Tech Solutions, Inc., 从事摩擦与润滑软件开发与技术咨询(业务最早起于2002年,公司情况详见www.Tri-Tech-Solutions.com)。

美国机械工程师学会(ASME) 摩擦学研究顾问委员会(Research Committee on Tribology) 委员(2003至2012)
ASME摩擦学部评奖委员会主席(Honors & Awards Committee, Tribology Division, 2007-2008,2002-2007为委员)
国际摩擦润滑学会(STLE) 学术年会组织委员会(AMPC)委员(2006至今, 2012年起为副主席,2013年为委员会主席,2014为国际摩擦学年会STLE Annual Meeting轮值主席).
STLE主办的“摩擦学会刊(Tribology Transactions)”编辑(Associate Editor, 2003至2016).
ASME主办的“摩擦学杂志(Journal of Tribology)”编辑(Associate Editor, 2009至2016).
美国西北大学兼职教授(Adjunct Full Professor, 2002-2004)
美国劳伦斯工业大学兼职教授(Adjunct Full Professor, 1995-2005)。


D. Zhu, R. Miller, and A. Elmoursi, 2010, “Friction- and Wear-Reduction Coating,” #8,039,096, October 18, 2011.
L. M. Solovyeva, K. S. Jansson, A. A. Elmoursi, and D. Zhu, 2009, “Energy Conversion Device and Method of Reducing Friction,” #2009/** A1, Dec. 31, 2009
D. Zhu, M. Bujold and P. Watts, “Polished Gear Surfaces,” #6,732,606 B1, May 11, 2004.


共发表技术文章140多篇(其中67篇为单独作者或第一作者), 到目前为止论文总引用次数为4000次左右,其中引用50次以上的有25篇,100次以上的有12篇,最高引用次数为408次(一篇).

W. Pu, D. Zhu, and J. X. Wang, 2017, "A Starved Mixed EHL Model for the Prediction of Lubrication Performance, Friction and Flash Temperature with Arbitrary Entrainment Angle," to appear in Journal of Tribology. T. He, D. Zhu, J. X. Wang, and Q. Wang, 2017, "Experimental and Numerical Investigations of the Stribeck Curves for Lubricated Counterformal Contacts," ASME Journal of Tribology, 139, pp. 021505 1-13.X. P. Wang, Y. C. Liu, and D. Zhu, 2017, “Numerical Solution of Mixed Thermal Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication (TEHL) in Point Contacts with 3D Surface Roughness,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 139, pp. 011501 1-12.W. Pu, Q. Wang, D. Zhu, D., and J. X. Wang, 2016, “Rolling-Sliding Contact Fatigue of Surfaces with Sinusoidal Roughness,” International Journal of Fatigue, 90, pp. 57-68.W. Pu, J. X. Wang, and D. Zhu, 2016, "Friction and Flash Temperature Prediction of Mixed Lubrication in Elliptical Contacts with Arbitrary Velocity Vector," Tribology International, 99, pp. 38-46.T. He, D. Zhu, and J. X. Wang, 2016, “Simulation of Plasto-Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication (PEHL) in a Rolling Contact,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 138(3), pp. 031503 1-12.T. He, J. X. Wang, Z. J. Wang, and D. Zhu, 2015, “Simulation of Plasto- Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication (PEHL) in Line Contacts of Infinite and Finite Length,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 137(4), 041505 1-12.W. Pu, R. S. Yang, J. X. Wang, and D. Zhu, 2015, “Mixed Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication with 3D Machined Roughness in Spiral Bevel and Hypoid Gears,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 137(4), 041503 1-11.D. Zhu, J. X. Wang, and Q. Wang, 2015, “On the Stribeck Curves for Lubricated Counterformal Contacts of Rough Surfaces,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 137(2), 021501 1-10.W. Pu, J. X. Wang, Y. Zhang, and D. Zhu, 2014, "A Theoretical Analysis of the Mixed Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication in Elliptical Contacts with an Arbitrary Entrainment Angle,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 136(4), 041505 1-11.T. He, N. Ren, D. Zhu, and J. X. Wang, 2014, “Plasto-Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication (PEHL) in Point Contacts for Surfaces with Three-Dimensional Sinusoidal Waviness and Real Machined Roughness,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 136(3), 031504 1-11.D. Zhu, D., Y. C. Liu, and Q. Wang, 2014, “On the Numerical Accuracy of Rough Surface EHL Solution,” Tribology Transactions, 57, pp.570-580. Z. J. Wang, D. Zhu, and Q. Wang, 2014, "Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication of Inhomogeneous Materials Using Equivalent Inclusion Method," ASME Journal of Tribology, 136(2), 021501 1-10.D. Zhu, and Q. Wang, 2013, “Effect of Roughness Orientation on the EHL Film Thickness,” ASME Journal of Tribology,135, 031501 1-9.D. Zhu, and Q. Wang, 2012, “On the l Ratio Range of Mixed Lubrication,” J. of Engineering Tribology, 226, pp. 1010–1022.D. Zhu, J.X. Wang, N. Ren and Q. Wang, 2012, “Mixed Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication in Finite Roller Contacts Involving Realistic Geometry and Surface Roughness,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 134, 011504 1-10.D. Zhu, and Q. Wang, 2011, “Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication (EHL): A Gateway to Interfacial Mechanics ―Review and Prospect,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 133, 041001 1-14.N. Ren, D. Zhu, and Q. Wang, 2011, “Three-Dimensional Plasto-Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication (PEHL) for Surfaces with Irregularities," ASME Journal of Tribology, 133, 031502 1-10.N. Ren, D. Zhu, W. Chen, and Q. Wang, 2010, “Plasto-Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication in Point Contacts,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 132, 031501 1-11.D. Zhu, T. Nanbu, N. Ren, Y. Yasuda, and Q. Wang, 2010, “Model-Based Virtual Surface Texturing for Concentrated Conformal-Contact Lubrication,” Journal of Engineering Tribology, 224 (J8), pp. 685-696.D. Zhu, N. Ren, and Q. Wang, 2009, “Pitting Life Prediction Based on a 3-D Line Contact Mixed EHL Analysis and Subsurface von Mises Stress Calculation,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 131, 041501 1-8.Y. Liu, D. Zhu, and Q. Wang, 2008, “Effect of Stiff Coatings on EHL Film Thickness in Point Contacts,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 130, pp. 031501-1-6.Q., Wang, D., Zhu, R., Zhou, and F., Hashimoto, 2008, “Investigating the Effect of Surface Finish and Texture on Mixed EHL of Rolling and Rolling-Sliding Contacts,” Tribology Transactions, 51, pp.748-761.(该文获国际摩擦学会最佳技术贡献奖)D., Zhu, 2007, “On Some Aspects in Numerical Simulation of Thin Film and Mixed EHL,” Journal of Engineering Tribology, 221(J), pp.561-579.D., Zhu, A., Martini, W., Wang, Y., Hu, B., Lisowsky, and Q., Wang, 2007, “Simulation of Sliding Wear in Mixed Lubrication,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 129, pp.544-552.Q., Wang, and D., Zhu, 2005, “Virtual Texturing: Modeling the Performance of Lubricated Contacts of Engineered Surfaces,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 127, pp. 722-728.D. Zhu, 2003, "Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication in Extended Parameter Ranges, Part IV ? Effect of Material Properties," Tribology Transactions, 47, pp.7-16.D. Zhu, 2003, "Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication in Extended Parameter Ranges, Part III ? Ellipticity Effect," Tribology Transactions, 46, pp.585-591.D. Zhu, 2003, "Effect of Surface Roughness on Mixed EHD Lubrication Characteristics," Tribology Transactions, 46, pp.44-48.D. Zhu, Q. Wang, S.B. Liu, and A. Martini, 2003, “A Transient Contact Stress Analysis for Mixed-EHL of Rough Surfaces, Stress Filed Animation, and a Virtual Texturing Technology,” Contact Mechanics - Friction: Modeling and Experiment, pp 93-98.D. Zhu, 2002, "Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication in Extended Parameter Ranges, Part II ? Load Effect," Tribology Transactions, 45, pp.549-555.D. Zhu, 2002, "Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication in Extended Parameter Ranges, Part I ? Speed Effect," Tribology Transactions, 45, pp.540-548.D. Zhu and Y.Z. Hu, 2001, "A Computer Program Package for the Prediction of EHL and Mixed Lubrication Characteristics, Friction, Subsurface Stresses and Flash Temperatures Based on Measured 3-D Surface Roughness," Tribology Transactions, 44, pp. 383-390. (该文获国际摩擦学会最佳技术贡献奖).D. Zhu and Y.Z. Hu, 2001, "Effects of Rough Surface Topography and Orientation on the Characteristics of EHD and Mixed Lubrication in Both Circular and Elliptical Contacts," Tribology Transactions, 44, pp. 391-398.Y.Z. Hu and D. Zhu, 2000, "A Full Numerical Solution to the Mixed Lubrication in Point Contacts," ASME Journal of Tribology, 122, pp.1-10.D. Zhu and Y.Z. Hu, 1999, "The Study of Transition from Full Film Elastohydrodynamic to Mixed and Boundary Lubrication," The Advanced Frontier of Engineering Tribology, published by STLE, Park Ridge, IL, pp.150-156.D. Zhu and X. L. Ai, 1997, "Point Contact EHL Based on Optically Measured Three-Dimensional Rough Surfaces," ASME Journal of Tribology, 119, pp.375-384.D. Zhu, G. Biresaw, S.J. Clark and T.J. Kasun, 1994, "Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication with O/W Emulsions," ASME Journal of Tribology, 116, pp. 310-320.D. Zhu, Y.Z. Hu, H.S. Cheng, T. Arai and K. Hamai, 1993, “A Numerical Analysis for Piston Skirts in Mixed Lubrication ??? Part II: Deformation Considerations,” ASME Journal of Tribology, 115, pp.125-133.D. Zhu, H.S. Cheng, T. Arai and K. Hamai, 1992, "A Numerical Analysis for Piston Skirts in Mixed Lubrication ??? Part I: Basic Modeling," ASME Journal of Tribology, 114, pp.553-562.D. Zhu, H.S. Cheng and B.J. Hamrock, 1990, "Effect of Surface Roughness on Pressure Spike and Film Constriction in Elastohydrodynamically Lubricated Line Contacts," Tribology Transactions, 33, pp.267-273.D. Zhu and H.S. Cheng, 1988, "Effect of Surface Roughness on the Point Contact EHL," ASME Journal of Tribology, 110, pp.32-37.D. Zhu and S.Z. Wen, 1984, "A Full Numerical Solution for the Thermoelasto- hydrodynamic Problem in Elliptical Contacts," ASME J. of Tribology, 106, pp.246-254.D. Zhu and L.Q. Zheng, 1982, "Dynamic and Tribological Analysis of High Speed Roller Bearings Used in Aeronautic Engines," Lubrication Engineering (Transactions of the Chinese Society of Tribologists), No.4, pp.1-6. D. Zhu, 1980, "Tooth Form Factor of Involute Gears in Bending Strength Calculations," Journal of Shipbuilding Engineering, No.1, pp. 176-188.
1) 1985年获清华大学优秀教师奖;1986年获清华大学优秀论文奖;
2) 1989年获中国国家教委颁发的国家科技进步一等奖;
3) 1994年获美国铝业公司颁发的最佳技术报告奖;
4) 1999年与EATON齿轮减速箱研究组同事共获最佳研究成果奖(Team One Award);
5) 2003年获国际摩擦润滑学会STLE的最佳技术贡献奖(Edmond E. Bisson Award);
6) 2004年加入EATON发明家俱乐部;
7) 2006年被授予国际摩擦润滑学会STLE杰出会员(Fellow)称号;
8) 2007年被授予美国机械工程师学会ASME杰出会员(Fellow)称号;
9)2010年再次获国际摩擦润滑学会STLE的最佳技术贡献奖(Edmond E. Bisson Award)。





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