

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-26









张景怀,哈尔滨工程大学材料科学与化学工程学院副教授、材料科学与工程专业硕士生导师和博士生导师,浦项科技大学博士后(合作导师Nack Joon Kim教授,韩国科学院院士,Scripta Materialia编辑,哈尔滨工程大学客座教授)。近年来在Nature Communications (Nature子刊)、Scientific Reports (Nature出版集团)、Scripta Materialia、Journal of Materials Chemistry B、Materials and Design、Materials Science and Engineering A等共发表学术论文100余篇,单篇最高引用120次,h-index为26,1篇论文入选ESI高被引论文,并获得JMST-ESI优秀论文奖(ESI TOP Paper Award),相关成果在新材料在线网、中国技术转让网等材料科学与技术权威网站做专题报道;授权发明专利16项;出版著作1部(科学出版社)。获2017年中国稀土科学技术奖(基础研究类)二等奖1项,获2015年黑龙江省自然科学奖二等奖1项;获2014年度黑龙江省冶金行业科技进步奖一等奖1项;获2013年黑龙江省自然科学技术学术成果奖二等奖1项;获2014年哈尔滨市自然科学技术学术成果奖二等奖1项;1篇论文入选2011年中国百篇最具影响国内学术论文,并入选2013领跑者5000—中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文。现任Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 国际期刊(SCI)编委,Corros. Sci.、J. Alloys Compd.等10余种SCI期刊审稿人,黑龙江省金属学会轻金属专业委员会副秘书长,全国镁合金青年工作委员会常务委员。指导的研究生多次获得研究生国家奖学金。

2000年9月-2004年7月 河北大学 学士学位
2004年9月-2009年7月 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所 硕博连读
2015年3月-2016年4月 浦项科技大学(POSTECH) 博士后

2015年3月-2016年4月 浦项科技大学(POSTECH)
2009年8月-至今 哈尔滨工程大学 讲师、副教授

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目1项,负责人;
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,负责人;
3. 黑龙江省科学基金面上项目1项,负责人;
4. 黑龙江省科学基金青年项目1项,负责人;
5. 中国博士后基金1项,负责人;
6. 黑龙江省博士后基金1项;负责人;
7. 黑龙江省博士后启动基金1项;负责人;
8. 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(引进优秀人才资助计划)1项,负责人;
9. 中央高校基金基础提升计划1项,负责人;
10. 稀土资源利用国家重点实验室基金3项,负责人。


1. 材料分析测试方法
2. 传输原理



1. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 国际期刊(SCI)编委
2. Corros. Sci.、J. Alloys Compd.、Mater. Sci. Eng. A、Mater. Design、J. Mater. Sci.等SCI期刊审稿人
3. 黑龙江省金属学会轻金属专业委员会副秘书长
4. 全国镁合金青年工作委员会常务委员
5. 江苏省“双创计划”科技副总
6. 太原华银泰合金有限公司科技副总

1. 张景怀、冷哲、张丽、巫瑞智、张密林,一种长周期结构相增强的镁锂合金及其制备方法,ZL **6.3 授权。
2. 张景怀、冷哲、郭旭英、张丽、林华益、费鹏飞、尹婷婷、张密林、巫瑞智,一种高强度镁锂合金及其制备方法,ZL **5.1 授权。
3. 张景怀、徐驰、张丽、张密林、巫瑞智、徐龙江、焦玉凤,一种医用可均匀降解镁合金的制备方法, ZL **4.7 授权。
4. 冷哲、张景怀、尹婷婷、张丽、费鹏飞、林华益、张密林、巫瑞智,一种超塑性高强耐热镁合金及其制备方法,ZL **7.4 授权。(学生第一)
5. 冷哲、张景怀、巫瑞智、张密林、姜风春、朱天龙、刘旭贺、崔崇亮,一种镁基稀土合金材料及其制备方法,ZL **0.5 授权。(学生第一)
6. 巫瑞智、张密林、张景怀,往复式挤压制备镁锂基复合材料的方法,ZL **3.2 授权。
7. 尹婷婷、巫瑞智、张景怀、张密林、冷哲、杜冠军,镁锂合金表面电镀铜溶液及镁锂合金表面电镀铜处理方法,ZL **8.9 授权。
8. 张密林、史红岩、张景怀、冷哲、姜风春、王国伟,一种Mg-Al-La/Al叠层复合材料及其制备方法,ZL **4.3 授权。
9. 张密林、史红岩、冷哲、张景怀、姜风春、王国伟,一种原位自生Al4La晶须增强镁基复合材料及制备方法,ZL **3.9 授权。
10. Jian Meng, Jinghuai Zhang, Dingxiang Tang, Deping Zhang, Daqing Fang, AE series heat resistant compression casting magnesium alloy containing cerium and lanthanum. United States Patent, Pub. No.: US 2009/** A1. (美国专利,导师第一)
11. 孟健,张景怀,唐定骧, 张德平,王鸿燕,杜海,一种含镧的AE系耐热压铸镁合金的制备方法,ZL **9.8 授权。(导师第一)
12. 孟健,张德平,张景怀,田政,富钇稀土高强耐热抗蠕变压铸镁合金,ZL **3.6 授权。
13. 孟健,张德平,田政,张景怀, 房大庆,邱鑫,唐定骧,鲁化一,杜海,含铈镧高强耐蚀压铸镁合金,ZL **7.0 授权。
14. 孟健,田政,张德平,张景怀,房大庆,牛晓东,唐定骧,鲁化一,张洪杰,含富钇稀土高强耐蚀Mg-Al-Mn压铸镁合金,ZL **1.1 授权。
15. 巫瑞智、王天资、马旭东、杨金亮、张景怀、张密林,高强韧性镁锂合金及累积叠轧焊工艺制备高强韧性镁锂合金的方法, ZL **3.5授权。
16. 刘旭贺、巫瑞智、牛中毅、冷哲、刘滨、张景怀、张密林,一种镁锂合金低温超塑性材料及其制备工艺,ZL **2.4授权。

1. 先进镁合金制备与加工技术,科学出版社,2012.

2019年 (*为通讯作者)
100. Jinshu Xie, Jinghuai Zhang *, Shujuan Liu, Zehua Li, Li Zhang, Ruizhi Wu, Legan Hou, Milin Zhang,Hydrothermal Synthesis of Protective Coating on Mg Alloy for Degradable Implant Applications, Coatings 2019, 9, 160; doi:10.3390/coatings**
99. R.G.Li, H.B.Shafqat, J.H.Zhang*, R.Z.Wu, G.Y.Fu, L.Zong, Y.Su, Cold-working mediated converse age hardening responses in extruded Mg-14Gd-2Ag-0.5Zr alloy with different microstructure, Materials Science and Engineering: A 748 (2019) 95-99.

2018年 (*为通讯作者)
98. Rong-Guang Li, Farhan Asghar, Jing-Huai Zhang, Guang-Yan Fu, Qun Liu, Bei-Tao Guo, Yong-Mei Yu, Shu-Guo Guo, Yong Su, Xue-Jiao Chen, Lin Zong, Microstructure Evolution of Extruded Mg–6Gd Alloy Under 175 C and 150 MPa, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40195-018-0817-2.
97. Hailong Chen, Tianfu Yu, Zhongyuan Qi, Ruizhi Wu, Guojun Wang, Xinyu Lv, Fuguan Cong, Legan Hou, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang, Effect of Minor Er on the Microstructure and Properties of Al-6.0Mg-0.4Mn-0.1Cr-0.1Zr Alloys, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 27 (2018) 5709–5717.
96. Aboubakr Medjahed, Mehdi Derradji, Abdeldjalil Zegaoui, Ruizhi Wu,* Bingcheng Li, Yang Wang, Legan Hou, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang, Fabrication Process, Tensile, and Gamma Rays Shielding Properties of Newly Developed Fiber Metal Laminates Based on an Al–Li Alloy and Carbon Fibers-Tungsten Carbide Nanoparticles Reinforced Phthalonitrile Resin Composite, Adv. Eng. Mater. 2018, **.
95. Liqun Wu, Ruizhi Wu*, Jinghuai Zhang, Legan Hou, Milin Zhang, Synergistic effect of carbon nanotube and grapheme nanoplatelet addition on microstructure and mechanical properties of AZ31 prepared using hot-pressing sintering, J. Mater. Res., 2018, DOI: 10.1557/jmr.2018.421
94. Guoqiang Li, Jinghuai Zhang*, Ruizhi Wu, Shujuan Liu, Bo Song, Yufeng Jiao, Qiang Yang, Legan Hou, Improving age hardening response and mechanical properties of a new Mg-RE alloy via simple pre-cold rolling, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 777 (2019)1375-1385.
93. Tianfu Yu, Bingcheng Li, Aboubakr Medjahed , Legan Hou, Ruizhi Wu*, Jinghuai Zhang, Jianfeng Sun, Milin Zhang, Impeding effect of the Al3(Er,Zr,Li) particles on planar slip and intergranular fracture mechanism of Al-3Li-1Cu-0.1Zr-X alloys, Materials Characterization 147 (2019) 146–154.
92. Jinghuai Zhang, Shujuan Liu, Ruizhi Wu*, Legan Hou, Milin Zhang, Recent developments in high-strength Mg-RE-based alloys: Focusing on Mg-Gd and Mg-Y systems, Journal of Magnesium and Alloys, 6 (2018) 277-291. (院士邀请综述)
91. Liqun Wu, Ruizhi Wu*, Legan Hou, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang, Microstructure, mechanical properties and wear performance of AZ31 matrix composites reinforced by graphene nanoplatelets(GNPs), Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 750 (2018) 530-536.
90. Peng Ji, Ruiying Long, Legan Hou, Ruizhi Wu*, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang, Study on hydrophobicity and wettability transition of Ni-Cu-SiC coating on Mg-Li alloy, Surface and Coatings Technology, 350 (2018) 428-435.
89. Aboubakr Medjahed, Houssameddine Moula, Abdeldjalil Zegaoui, Mehdi Derradji, Ruizhi Wu*, Legan Hou, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang, Influence of the rolling direction on the microstructure, mechanical, anisotropy and gamma rays shielding properties of an Al-Cu-Li-Mg-X alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A 732, (2018) 129-137.
88. T.T.T. Trang, J.H. Zhang (共同一作), J.H. Kim, A. Zargaran, J.H. Hwang, B.-C. Suh & N.J. Kim*, Designing a magnesium alloy with high strength and high formability, Nature Communications (2018) 9:2522, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-04981-4.
87. X.C. Cai, B.R. Sun, Y. Liu, N. Zhang, J.H. Zhang, H. Yu, J.Y. Huang, Q.M. Peng, T.D. Shen*, Selection of grain-boundary segregation elements for achieving stable and strong nanocrystalline Mg, Materials Science and Engineering: A, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2018.01.058
86. Aboubakr Medjahed, Abdelkhalek Henniche, Mehdi Derradji, Tianfu Yu, Yang Wang, Ruizhi Wu*, Legan Hou, Jinghuai Zhang, Xinlin Li, Milin Zhang, Effects of Cu/Mg ratio on the microstructure, mechanical and corrosion properties of Al-Li-Cu-Mg-X?alloys, Materials Science and Engineering: A, In Press, 2018
85. Huajie Wu, Tianzi Wang, Ruizhi Wu*, Legan Hou, Jinghuai Zhang, Xinlin Li, Milin Zhang, Effects of Annealing Process on the Interface of Alternate α/β Mg-Li Composite Sheets Prepared by Accumulative Roll Bonding, Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 254 (2018) 265-276
84. Rongguang Li, Jinghuai Zhang*, Guangyan Fu, Lin Zong, Beitao Guo, Yongmei Yu, Yong Su, Yongsheng Hao, Different precipitation hardening behaviors of extruded Mg–6Gd–1Ca?alloy?during artificial aging and creep processes, Materials Science and Engineering: A 715 (2018) 186-193
83. Rongguang Li, Jinghuai Zhang*, Guangyan Fu, Lin Zong, Beitao Guo, Yongmei Yu, Shuguo Guo, An Unusual Texture Evolution in Extruded Mg-14Gd-based Alloy during Annealing, Advanced Engineering Materials, In Press, 2018
82. Guoqiang Li, Jinghuai Zhang*, Ruizhi Wu, Yan Feng, Shujuan Liu, Xiaojun Wang,Yufeng Jiao, Qiang Yang, Jian Meng, Development of high mechanical properties and moderate thermal conductivity cast Mg alloy with multiple RE via heat treatment, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 34 (2018) 1076-1084. (ESI高被引论文,ESI TOP Paper Award)
81. Legan Hou, Ruizhi Wu*, Tianzi Wang, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang, Anping Dong*, Baode Sun, Microstructures and mechanical properties of the Mg-5Li-1Al sheets prepared by accumulative roll bonding, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 34 (2018) 317-323
80. Feng Zhong, Tianzi Wang, Ruizhi Wu*, Legan Hou, Jinghuai Zhang, Xinlin Li, Milin Zhang, Anping Dong and Baode Sun, Microstructure, Texture, and Mechanical Properties of Alternate?α/β Mg–Li Composite Sheets Prepared by Accumulative Roll Bonding, Advanced Engineering Materials 19 (2017) DOI: 10.1002/adem.**
79. Yang Wang, Zheng Li, Tianfu Yu, Aboubakr Medjahed, Ruizhi Wu*, Legan Hou, Jinghuai Zhang, Xinlin Li and Milin Zhang, Effect of Sc and Zr on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of As-Cast Al–Li–Cu Alloys, Advanced Engineering Materials, 2017, DOI: 10.1002/adem.**
78. Legan Hou, Bingcheng Li, Ruizhi Wu*, Lin Cui, Peng ji, Ruiying Long, Jinghuai Zhang, Xinlin Li, Anping Dong*, Baode Sun, Microstructure and mechanical properties at elevated temperature of Mg-Al-Ni alloy prepared by powder metallurgy, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 33 (2017) 947-953
77. Legan Hou, Ruizhi Wu*, Xiaodong Wang, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang, Anping Dong*, Baode Sun, Microstructure, mechanical properties and thermal conductivity of the short carbon fiber reinforced magnesium matrix composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 695: 2820-2826
76. Bingcheng Li, Legan Hou, Ruizhi Wu*, Jinghuai Zhang, Xinlin Li, Milin Zhang, Anping Dong, Baode Sun, Microstructure and thermal conductivity of?Mg-2Zn-Zr?alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 722 (2017) 772-777

2016年 (*为通讯作者)
75. Minliang Su, Jinghuai Zhang*, Yan Feng, Yijia Bai, Wei Wang, Zhongwu Zhang, Fengchun Jiang, Al-Nd intermetallic phase stability and its effects on mechanical properties and corrosion resistance of HPDC Mg-4Al-4Nd-0.2Mn alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 691 (2017) 634-643.
74. Yufeng Jiao, Jinghuai Zhang* Lili He, Milin Zhang, Fengchun Jiang, Wei Wang, Liming Han, Longjiang Xu and Ruizhi Wu, Al-RE Intermetallic Phase Stability and Effects on Corrosion Behavior in Cold-Chamber HPDC AE44 Alloy, Advanced Engineering Materials, 18 (2016) 148-155.
73. Jinpeng Zhuang, Yongbin Jing, Yaming Wang, Jinghuai Zhang, Huanxin Xie, Jinglong Yan*, Degraded and osteogenic properties of coated magnesium alloy AZ31; an experimental study, Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research, 2016, 11:30 DOI: 10.1186/s13018-016-0362-5.

72. Jinghuai Zhang*, Chi Xu,Yongbin Jing, Shuhui Lv, Shujuan Liu, Daqing Fang, Jinpeng Zhuang, Milin Zhang, Ruizhi Wu, New horizon for high performance Mg-based biomaterial with uniform degradation behavior: Formation of stacking faults, Scientific Reports 5, 13933 (2015) doi:10.1038/srep13933.
71. Yufeng Jiao, Jinghuai Zhang*, Pengyu Kong, Zhongwu Zhang, Yongbin Jing, Jinpeng Zhuang, Wei Wang, Li Zhang, Chi Xu, Ruizhi Wu, Milin Zhang, Enhancing the performance of Mg-based implant materials by introducing basal plane stacking faults, Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 3 (2015) 7386-7400.
70. Chi Xu, Jinghuai Zhang*, Shujuan Liu, Yongbin Jing, Yufeng Jiao, Longjiang Xu, Li Zhang, Fengchun Jiang, Milin Zhang, Ruizhi Wu, Microstructure, mechanical and damping properties of Mg-Er-Gd-Zn alloy reinforced with stacking faults, Materials and Design, 79 (2015) 53-59.
69. Yufeng Jiao, Jinghuai Zhang*, Yongbin Jing, Chi Xu, Shujuan Liu, Li Zhang, Longjiang Xu, Milin Zhang, Ruizhi Wu, Development of High-Performance Mg Alloy via Introducing Profuse Long Period Stacking Ordered Phase and Stacking Faults, Advanced Engineering Materials, 17 (2015) 876-884.
68. Tianzi Wang , Tianlong Zhu, Ruizhi Wu*, Wei Miao, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang, Microstructure and mechanical properties of LA51 and LA51–0.5Y alloys with different accumulated strains and rolling temperatures, Materials & Design, 85 (2015) 190-196.

67. Li Zhang, Jinghuai Zhang*, Chi Xu, Yongbin Jing, Jinpeng Zhuang, Ruizhi Wu, Milin Zhang. Formation of stacking faults for improving the performance of biodegradable Mg-Ho-Zn alloy, Materials Letters, 133 (2014) 158-162.
66. Jinghuai Zhang*, Longjiang Xu, Yufeng Jiao, Chi Xu, Li Zhang, Shujuan Liu, Jian Meng, Ruizhi Wu, Milin Zhang. Study of Mg-Ymm-Zn alloys with high-strength at elevated temperatures processed by water-cooled mold casting, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 610 (2014) 139-144.
65. Li Zhang, Jinghuai Zhang*, Chi Xu, Shujuan Liu, Yufeng Jiao, Longjiang Xu, Yanbo Wang, Jian Meng, Ruizhi Wu, Milin Zhang. Investigation of high-strength and superplastic Mg-Y-Gd-Zn alloy, Materials & Design, 61 (2014) 168-176.
64. Zhe Leng, Jinghuai Zhang*, Jianfeng Sun, Hongyan Shi, Shujuan Liu, Li Zhang, Milin Zhang, Ruizhi Wu. Notch tensile behavior of extruded Mg-Y-Zn alloys containing long period stacking ordered phase, Materials & Design, 56 (2014) 495-499.
63. Li Zhang, Jinghuai Zhang*, Zhe Leng, Shujuan Liu, Qiang Yang, Ruizhi Wu, Milin Zhang. Microstructure and mechanical properties of high-performance Mg-Y-Er-Zn extruded alloy, Materials & Design, 54 (2014) 256-263.
62. Ya-Fei Hou, Shu-Juan Liu*, Jing-huai Zhang, Xiao Cheng, You Wang*. Facile hydrothermal synthesis of TiO2-Bi2WO6 hollow superstructures with excellent photocatalysis and recycle properties, Dalton Transactions, 43 (2014)1025-1031
61. Xuying Guo, Ruizhi Wu*, Jinghuai Zhang, Bin Liu, Milin Zhang. Influences of solid solution parameters on the microstrucuture and hardness of Mg-9Li-6Al and Mg-9Li-6Al-2Y, Materials & Design, 53 (2014) 528-533.
60. Zhiku Qu, Ruizhi Wu*, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang. Microstructures and corrosion resistance of three typical superlight Mg-Li alloys, International Journal of Materials Research, 105 (2014) 58-64.
59. Zhikun Qu, Libin Wu, Ruizhi Wu*, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang, Bin Liu. Microstructures and tensile properties of hot extruded Mg-5Li-3Al-2Zn-xRE(Rare Earths) alloys, Materials & Design, 54 (2014) 792-795.
58. Qiuming Peng*, Hui Fu, Junling Pang, Jinghuai Zhang, Wenlong Xiao. Preparation, mechanical and degradation properties of Mg-Y-based microwire, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 29 (2014) 375-384.
57. Huayi Lin, Ruizhi Wu*, Pengfei Fei, Zhe Leng, Xuying Guo, Jinghuai Zhang, Bin Liu, Milin Zhang. The solution and aging behavior of Mg-8Li-3Al-xCe(x = 0, 1.0) alloys, Kovove materially-Metallic Materials, 52 (2014) 47-55.
56. Tianlong Zhu, Chongliang Cui, Tianlong Zhang, Ruizhi Wu*, Sergey Betsofen, Zhe Leng, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang. Influence of the combined addition of Y and Nd on the microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Li alloy, Materials & Design, 57 (2014) 245-249.
55. Tianlong Zhu, Jianfeng Sun, Chongliang Cui, Ruizhi Wu*, Sergey Betsofen, Zhe Leng, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang. Influence of Y and Nd on microstructure, texture and anisotropy of Mg-5Li-1Al alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 600 (2014) 1-7.
54. Legan Hou, Ruizhi Wu*, Jiqing Li, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang, Yongchen Shang, Zhikun Qu, Effects of hot extrusion on microstructrure, texture and mechanical properties of Mg-5Li-3Al-2Zn alloy, Materials Science Forum, 773-774 (2014) 218-225.
53. Zhongyi Niu, Zhe Leng, Jinghuai Zhang*, Ruizhi Wu, Milin Zhang, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-6Li-6.5Gd-1Dy-2Zn alloys, Materials Science Forum, 773-774 (2014) 275-280.
52. 王天资,巫瑞智*,张景怀,刘滨,铝导电材料的研究进展,材料科学与工艺,22 (2014) 53-61.
51. Congliang Cui, Tianlong Zhu, Ruizhi Wu*, Sergey Betsofen, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang, Microstructure and texture evolution of Mg-Li alloy during rolling, International Journal of Materials Research, 105 (2014) 1111-1117.

50. Jinghuai Zhang*, Li Zhang, Zhe Leng, Shujuan Liu, Ruizhi Wu, Milin Zhang. Experimental study on strengthening of Mg-Li alloy by introducing long period stacking ordered structure, Scripta Materialia, 68 (2013) 675-678.
49. Zhe Leng, Jinghuai Zhang*, Tingting Yin, Li Zhang, Xuying Guo, Qiuming Peng, Milin Zhang, Ruizhi Wu. Influence of biocorrosion on microstructure and mechanical properties of deformed Mg-Y-Er-Zn biomaterial containing 18R-LPSO phase, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, 28 (2013) 332-339.
48. Zhe Leng, Jinghuai Zhang*, Tianlong Zhu, Ruizhi Wu, Milin Zhang, Shujuan Liu, Jianfeng Sun, Li Zhang. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-(6, 9)RY-4Zn alloys by extrusion and aging, Materials & Design, 52 (2013) 713-719.
47. Zhe Leng, Jinghuai Zhang*, Chongliang Cui, Jianfeng Sun, Shujuan Liu, Ruizhi Wu, Milin Zhang. Compression properties at different loading directions of as-extruded Mg-9RY-4Zn (RY: Y-rich misch metal) alloy with long period stacking ordered phase, Materials & Design, 51 (2013) 561-566.
46. Zhe Leng, Jinghuai Zhang*, Tingting Yin, Li Zhang, Shujuan Liu, Milin Zhang, Ruizhi Wu. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-9RY-4Cu alloy with long period stacking ordered phase, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 580 (2013) 196-201.
45. Zhe Leng, Jinghuai Zhang*, Huayi Lin, Pengfei Fei, Li Zhang, Shujuan Liu, Milin Zhang, Ruizhi Wu. Superplastic behavior of extruded Mg-9RY-4Zn alloy containing long period stacking ordered phase, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 576 (2013) 202-206.
44. Q. Peng*, H. Fu, J. Zhang, Y. Tian, R. Liu. Preparation, mechanical and degradation properties of Mg-based microwire for self-assembly stents, European Cells and Materials, 26. Suppl. (2013) 5
43. Ya-Fei Hou, Shu-Juan Liu*, Jing-huai Zhang, Xiao Cheng, You Wang, Facile hydrothermal synthesis of TiO2–Bi2WO6 hollow superstructures with excellent photocatalysis and recycle properties, Dalton Transactions, 43 (2014) 1025-1031.
42. Tingting Yin, Ruizhi Wu*, Zhe Leng, Guanjun Du, Xuying Guo, Milin Zhang, Jinghuai Zhang. The process of electroplating with Cu on the surface of Mg-Li alloy, Surface and Coatings Technology, 225 (2013) 119-125.
41. Chengji Jin, Ruizhi Wu*, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang, The effects of Sn on microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Li-Zn-Sn alloys, Advanced Materials Research, 650 (2013) 185-189.

40. Zhe Leng, Jinghuai Zhang*, Milin Zhang, Xuhe Liu, Haibo Zhan, Ruizhi Wu. Microstructure and high mechanical properties of Mg-9RY-4Zn (RY: Y-rich misch metal) alloy with long period stacking ordered phase, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 540 (2012) 38-45.
39. Jinghuai Zhang, Shujuan Liu, Zhe Leng, Xuhe Liu, Zhongyi Niu, Milin Zhang*, Ruizhi Wu. Structure stability and mechanical properties of high-pressure die-cast Mg-Al-La-Y-based alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 531 (2012) 70-75.
38. Jing-huai ZHANG*, Shu-juan LIU, Zhe LENG, Mi-lin ZHANG, Jian MENG, Rui-zhi WU. Structure stability and mechanical properties of high-pressure die-cast Mg-Al-Ce-Y-based alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 22 (2012) 262-267.
41. Xuhe Liu*, Ruizhi Wu, Zhongyi Niu, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang. Superplasticity at elevated temperature of an Mg-8%Li-2%Zn alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 541 (2012) 372-375.
37. Qiuming Peng*, Ning Ma, Xuejun Li, Jinghuai Zhang. Age hardening response of a Mg-5 wt.%Sc alloy under an applied stress field, Materials Letters, 78 (2012) 58-61.
36. Ning Ma, Qiuming Peng*, Xuejun Li, Hui Li, Jinghuai Zhang, Yongjun Tian. Influence of
Scandium on Corrosion Properties and Electrochemical Behaviour of Mg Alloys in Different Media, International Journal of Electrochemical science, 7 (2012) 8020-8034.
35. WU Li-bin, LIU Xu-he, WU Rui-zhi*, CUI Chong-liang, ZHANG Jing-huai, ZHANG Mi-lin. Microstructure and tensile properties of Mg-Li-Al-Zn based alloys with Ce addition, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 22(2012) 779-785.
34. CUI Chongliang, ZHU Tianlong, LENG Zhe, WU Ruizhi*, ZHANG Jinghuai, ZHANG Milin. Effects of combined addition of Y and Nd on microstructure and texture after compression of Mg-Li alloy at room temperature, Acta Metallurgica Sinica, 48 (2012) 725-732.
33. Bin Liu*, Jinghuai Zhang, Zhongyi Niu, Junqing Li, Effect of La-rich Misch Metal on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of As-extruded Mg-14Li-3Al Alloy, Advanced Materials Research, 391-392 (2012) 32-36.
32. Zhe Leng, Jinghuai Zhang*, Milin Zhang, Xuhe Liu, Haibo Zhan, Ruizhi Wu, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-9RY-4Zn alloy with LPSO phase, 13th Joint China-Russia Symposium on Advanced Materials and Processing Technology, 04-08 June, 2012, Harbin, Chnia (oral report in English from corresponding author).
31. Jinghuai Zhang*, Zhe Leng, Chongliang Cui, Ruizhi Wu, Milin Zhang, High-performance Mg-8Y-1Er-Zn (wt.%) alloy, China Advanced Metal Materials Academic Seminar, 4-6 September, 2012, Harbin, Chnia (oral report in Chinese from corresponding author ).

30. Jinghuai Zhang, Zhe Leng, Shujuan Liu, Jiqing Li, Milin Zhang*, Ruizhi Wu. Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Gd-Dy-Zn alloy with long period stacking ordered structure or stacking faults, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (2011) 7717-7722.
29. Jinghuai Zhang, Zhe Leng, Shujuan Liu, Milin Zhang*, Jian Meng, Ruizhi Wu. Structure stability and mechanical properties of Mg-Al-based alloy modified with Y-rich and Ce-rich misch metals, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (2011) L187-L193.
28. Jinghuai Zhang, Shujuan Liu, Zhe Leng, Milin Zhang*, Jian Meng, Ruizhi Wu. Microstructures and mechanical properties of heat-resistant HPDC Mg-4Al-based alloys containing cheap misch metal, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 528 (2011) 2670-2677.
27. Jinghuai Zhang, Zhe Leng, Milin Zhang*, Jian Meng, Ruizhi Wu. Effect of Ce on microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of high-pressure die-cast Mg-4Al-based alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (2011) 1069-1078.
26. Zhe Leng, Jinghuai Zhang*, Milin Zhang, Jian Meng, Ruizhi Wu, Microstructures and mechanical properties of heat-resistant high-pressure die-cast Mg-4Al-6RE-0.3Mn (RE= La, Ce, Pr, Nd, wt.%) alloys, Materials Science Forum, 686 (2011) 265-270.
25. Chongliang Cui, Libin Wu, Ruizhi Wu*, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang. Influence of yttrium on microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast Mg-5Li-3Al-2Zn alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (2011) 9045-9049.
24. Tao Wang, Ruizhi Wu*, Milin Zhang, Li Li, Jinghuai Zhang, Jiqing Li. Effects of calcium on the microstructures and tensile properties of Mg-5Li-3Al alloys, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 528 (2011) 5678-5684.
23. Jiqing Li, Zhikun Qu, Ruizhi Wu*, Milin Zhang, Jinghuai Zhang. Microstructure, mechanical properties and aging behaviors of as-extruded Mg-5Li-3Al-2Zn-1.5Cu alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 528 (2011) 3915-3920.
22. WU Li-bin, MENG Xiang-rui, WU Rui-zhi*, CUI Chong-liang, ZHANG Mi-lin, ZHANG Jing-huai. Solid-state composite technology for B4Cp reinforced magnesium-lithium alloy, Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 21 (2011) 820-824.

21. Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang*, Jian Meng, Ruizhi Wu, Dingxiang Tang. Microstructures and mechanical properties of heat-resistant high-pressure die-cast Mg-4Al-xLa-0.3Mn (x=1, 2, 4, 6) alloys. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 527 (2010) 2527-2537
20. Ke Liu, Jinghuai Zhang, Huayi Lu, Dingxiang Tang, L.L. Rokhlin, F.M. Elkin, Jian Meng*. Effect of the LPS structure and W-phase on the microstructures and mechanical properties of the Mg-8Gd-xZn-0.4Zr alloys, Materials & Design, 31 (2010) 210-219.
19. Jian Meng*, Jinghuai Zhang, Deping Zhang, Zheng Tian, Wei Sun,Huayi Lu, Dingxiang Tang, Development of heat-resistance and creep-resistance magnesium alloy of die-casting Mg-4Al-4La and/or Ce, Materials Science Forum, 654-656 (2010) 687-690.
18. Jiqing Li, Jiangmin An, Zhikun Qu, Ruizhi Wu*, Jinghuai Zhang, Milin Zhang. Effects of solution heat treatment on the microstructure and hardness of Mg-5Li-3Al-2Zn-2Cu alloy, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 527 (2010) 7138-7142.

17. Jinghuai Zhang, Deping Zhang, Zheng Tian, Jun Wang, Ke Liu, Huayi Lu, Dingxiang Tang, Jian Meng*, Microstructures, tensile properties and corrosion behavior of die-cast Mg-4Al-based alloys containing La and/or Ce, Materials Science and Engineering A, 489 (2008) 113-119.
16. Jinghuai Zhang, Jun Wang, Qiu Xin, Deping Zhang, Zheng Tian, Xiaodong Niu, Dingxiang Tang, Jian Meng*, Effect of Nd on the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of die-cast Mg-4Al-based alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 464 (2008) 556–564.
15. Jinghuai Zhang, Xiaodong Niu, Xin Qiu, Ke Liu, Changming Nan, Dingxiang Tang, Jian Meng*, Effect of yttrium-rich misch metal on the microstructures, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of die cast AZ91 alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 471 (2009) 322-330.
14. Jinghuai Zhang, Ke Liu, Daqing Fang, Xin Qiu, Peng Yu, Dingxiang Tang , Jian Meng*, Microstructures and mechanical properties of Mg-4Al-0.4Mn-xPr (x=1, 2, 4, 6) high-pressure die-cast alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 480 (2009) 810-819.
13. Jinghuai Zhang, Peng Yu, Ke Liu, Daqing Fang, Dingxiang Tang, Jian Meng*, Effect of substituting cerium-rich mischmetal with lanthanum on microstructure and mechanical properties of die-cast Mg-Al-RE alloys, Materials and Design, 30 (2009) 2372-2378.
12. Jinghuai Zhang, Ke Liu, Daqing Fang, Xin Qiu, Dingxiang Tang, Jian Meng*, Microstructure, tensile properties and creep behavior of high-pressure die-cast Mg-4Al-4RE-0.4Mn (RE=La, Ce) alloys, Journal of Materials Science, 44 (2009) 2046-2054.
11. J.H. Zhang, H.F. Liu, W. Sun, H.Y. Lu, D.X. Tang, J. Meng*, Influence of Structure and Ionic Radius on Solubility Limit in the Mg-RE Systems, Materials Science Forum, 561-565 (2007) 143-146.
10. 张景怀,唐定骧,张洪杰,王立民,王军,孟健*,稀土元素在镁合金中的作用及其应用,稀有金属,5 (2008) 659-667 (全国百篇最具影响国内论文).
9. Ke Liu, Jinghuai Zhang, L.L. Roklin, F.M. Elkin, Dingxiang Tang, Jiang Meng*, Microstructures and mechanical properties of extruded Mg-8Gd-0.4Zr alloys containing Zn, Materials Science and Engineering A, 505 (2009) 13-19.
8. Ke Liu, Jinghuai Zhang, Guihua Su, Dingxiang Tang, L.L. Rokhlin, F.M. Elkin, Jian Meng*. Influence of Zn content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of extruded Mg-5Y-4Gd-0.4Zr alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 481 (2009) 811-818.
7. Ke Liu, Jinghuai Zhang, Dingxiang Tang, Jian Meng*, Effect of Zn concentration on the microstructures and mechanical properties of extruded Mg-7Y-4Gd-0.4Zr alloys, Journal of Materials Science, 44 (2009) 74-83.
6. J.Wang, D.P.Zhang, D.Q.Fang, X.D.Niu, H.Y.Lu, D.X.Tang, J.H. Zhang, J. Meng*, Effect of Y for enhanced age hardening response and mechanical properties of Mg-Ho-Y-Zr alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 454(2008)194-200.
5. Zhang Jinghuai, Tang Dingxiang, Fang Daqing, Lu Huayi, Meng Jian*, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg-Al based alloy with different mixed rare earths, 2006 Beijing International Materials Week, Beijing, June 25-30, 2006.
4. 张德平,田政,张景怀,王军,唐定骧,孟健*,镱对AZ91D镁合金显微组织和力学性能的影响 ,中国稀土学报,1 (2009) 104-109.
3. 于彭,张景怀,刘轲,周德凤,唐定骧,孟健*,Yb对Mg-5Al-0.4Mn镁合金显微组织和力学性能的影响,铸造,58 (2009) 108-112.
2. 唐定骧,张景怀,张洪杰,王立民,鲁化一,孟健*,稀土镁合金的研发与应用,中国镁加工产业发展高层论坛,2006,136-141.
1. 孟健*,张洪杰,房大庆,张德平,王军,张景怀,王立民,唐定骧,稀土镁中间合金的研究和应用,63届世界镁业大会论文集,2006.


1. 2015年黑龙江省自然科学奖二等奖1项;
2. 2017年中国稀土科学技术奖二等奖1项;
3. 2014年度黑龙江省冶金行业科技进步奖一等奖1项;
4. 2013年黑龙江省自然科学技术学术成果奖二等奖1项 ;
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7. 指导本科生获得2013黑龙江“西钢杯”大学生材料科学与工程创新设计大赛一等奖;
8. 2012级张丽、2014级苏民良、2016级李国强获得研究生国家奖学金;2016级冯艳获得中船黄埔文冲特等奖学金(2018.10.18)

1. 2018年10月。指导的2016级硕士研究生共有2位:1位同学(李国强)以材料科学与工程专业总分第一的成绩获得硕士研究生国家奖学金;另一位同学(冯艳)获得中船黄埔文冲特等奖学金。
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3. 2018年12月08日。1篇论文获得2018年JMST-ESI优秀论文奖(ESI TOP Paper Award)(2018年共有6篇获奖论文)。
4. 2019年3月7日。祝贺研一同学谢金书在Coatings期刊发表SCI论文。



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