

哈尔滨工程大学 免费考研网/2016-04-02


姓 名:史金辉

职 称:教授
电 话:
传 真:**
邮 箱:shijinhui@hrbeu.edu.cn


史金辉,1979年出生,博士,副教授,SPIE会员,中国光学学会高级会员,中国仪器仪表学会光电专委会委员,黑龙江省光学学会理事,2007年11月取得哈尔滨工程大学材料学专业博士学位,2009.01-2010.01期间英国南安普敦大学光电研究中心(Optoelectronics Research Center)访问学者,2011.09-2012.06期间东南大学青年骨干教师国内访问学者,与Prof. N. Zheludev、崔铁军教授等合作了超材料Metamaterials的研究,包括高温超导超材料Metamaterials特性、超材料Metamaterials电磁诱导透明和Fano谐振、可调谐Metamaterials器件及表面等离激元光子学的应用研究等。



1. 2013.01-2015.12,国家自然科学基金项目,项目编号: **

2. 2012.09-2013.12,中国博士后科学基金面上资助,项目编号: 2012M511171

3. 2011.01-2013.12,黑龙江省自然科学基金项目,项目编号:LC201006

4. 2012.9-2014.9,哈尔滨市科技创新人才研究专项资金项目,项目编号:2012RFLXG030

论文(* corresponding author):

1. J.H. Shi, X.C. Liu, S.W. Yu, T.T. Lv, Z. Zhu, H.F. Ma and T.J. Cui. Dual-band asymmetric transmission of linear polarization in bilayered chiral metamaterial. Appl. Phys. Lett. (In press)

2. X. Gao, J.H. Shi, X.P. Shen, H.F. Ma, W.X. Jiang, L.M. Li, and T.J. Cui. Ultrathin dual-band surface plasmonic polariton waveguide and frequency splitter in microwave frequencies. Appl. Phys. Lett., 102, 151912 (2013) (SCI收录)

3. J.H. Shi*, H.F. Ma, W.X. Jiang, T.J. Cui, Multiband stereometamaterial-based polarization spectral filter, Phys. Rev. B 86, 035103 (2012) (SCI收录)

4. X.Q. Lu, J.H. Shi*, R. Liu, C.Y. Guan, Highly-dispersive electromagnetic induced transparency in planar symmetric metamaterials, Optics Express, 20(16): 17581-17590 (2012) (SCI收录)

5. J.H. Shi*, Z. Zhu, H.F. Ma, W.X. Jiang, and T.J. Cui, Tunable symmetric and asymmetric resonances in an asymmetrical split-ring metamaterial, Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 073522 (2012) (SCI收录)

6. H. F. Ma, J. H. Shi, B.G. Cai, and Tie Jun Cui, Total transmission and super reflection realized by anisotropic zero-index materials, New J. Phys. 14, 123010 (2012) (SCI收录)

7. H.F. Ma, J.H. Shi, W.X. Jiang, and T.J. Cui, Experimental realization of bending waveguide using anisotropic zero-index materials, Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 253513 (2012) (SCI收录)

8. 刘冉, 史金辉*, E. Plum, V.A. Fedotov, N.I. Zheludev, 基于平面超材料的Fano谐振可调谐研究, 物理学报, 61(15): 154101 (2012) (SCI收录)

9. X. Gao, J.H. Shi, H.F. Ma, W.X. Jiang and T.J. Cui, Dual-band spoof surface plasmon polaritons based on composite-periodic gratings, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45, 505104 (2012) (SCI收录)

10. 史金辉*, 刘冉, 余胜武, 朱正, 关春颖, 王政平等, 非对称结构平面电磁超材料的微波特性研究, 应用科学学报, 30(4): 369-373 (2012) (EI收录)

11. C.Y. Guan, X.Z. Tian, J.H. Shi, Q. Dai, F.J. Tian and L.B. Yuan, Experimental and theoretical investigations of bending loss and birefringence in embedded-core hollow fiber, Journal of Lightwave Technology, 30(19): 3142-3146 (2012) (SCI收录)

12. Y. Wang, C.Y. Guan, H.L. Wu, X.Z. Tian, Y. Liu, J.H. Shi and L.B. Yuan. Flat optical fiber refractive index sensors based on multimode-interference. Sensor Letters, 10(7):1452-1456 (2012) (SCI收录)

13. H.S. Wang, C.Y. Guan, D. Gao, J.H. Shi, and L.B. Yuan. Loss characteristics of helical-core fiber, Optoelectronics Letters, 8(4): 280-283 (2012) (EI收录)

14. J.H. Shi*, C.Y. Guan, Z.P. Wang, Ultra-narrow resonances and near-field energy density enhancement in planar cross-linked metamaterials, Photonics and Nanostructures-Fundamentals and Applications, 9: 255-260 (2011) (SCI收录)

15. J.H. Shi*, Z.P. Wang, C.Y. Guan, et al. Multi-wavelength metal-dielectric nonpolarizing beam splitters in the near-infrared range, Optics & Laser Technology, 43, 515-518 (2011) (SCI收录)

16. V.A. Fedotov, A. Tsiatmas, J.H. Shi, R. Buckingham, P. de Groot, Y. Chen, S. Wang, and N.I. Zheludev. Temperature control of Fano resonances and transmission in superconducting metamaterials, Opt. Express, 18, 9015-9019 (2010) (Spotlight)(SCI收录)

17. 关春颖, 苑立波, 史金辉. 微孔光纤表面等离子共振传感特性分析, 光学学报, 2011, 31(2): ** (EI: **958)

18. J.H. Shi, C.Y. Guan, Z.P. Wang, Local field energy density enhancement in planar metamaterials, Proceedings of SPIE, 8093, 80931S, 2011

19. 史金辉, 朱正, 王政平, 关春颖. 可见光波段金属介质膜消偏振分光镜的理论设计, 光学学报, S100303-1 (2011)

20. J.H. Shi, N. Papasimakis, V.A. Fedotov, Z.P. Wang and N.I. Zheludev. Angular electromagnetic response of double-ring metamaterials for TE polarization, Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 276 012086 (2011)

21. J.H. Shi, R. Liu, Y.X. Li, Z.P. Wang, T.S. Fu. Positive and negative metamaterials as frequency selective surface, Proc. SPIE 7854, 78543O (2010)

22. C.Y. Guan, L.B. Yuan, and J.H. Shi. Supermode analysis of multicore photonic crystal fibers. Optics Communications, 283(13):2686-2689 (2010) (SCI收录)

23. V.A. Fedotov, J.H. Shi, A. Tsiatmas, Y. Chen, P. de Groot, and N.I. Zheludev. Fano resonances in high-Tc superconducting metamaterials, arXiv:1001.4154 (2010)

24. J.H. Shi, C.Y. Guan, and Z.P. Wang. Design and analysis of metal-dielectric nonpolarizing beam splitters in a glass cube, Applied Optics, 48, 3385-3390 (2009) (SCI 收录)

25. J.H. Shi, Z.P. Wang, C.Y. Guan. Theoretical analysis of non-polarizing beam splitters with appropriate amplitude and phase, Optics and Laser Technology, 41:351-355 (2009) (SCI 收录)

26. J.H. Shi and Z.P. Wang. Designs of infrared nonpolarizing beam splitters with a Ag layer in a glass cube, Applied Optics, 47(14), 2619-2622 (2008) (SCI 收录)

27. J.H. Shi and Z.P. Wang. Theoretical analysis of two nonpolarizing beam splitters in asymmetrical glass cubes, Applied Optics, 47(13), C275-C278 (2008) (SCI 收录)

28. C.Y. Guan, J.H. Shi and L.B. Yuan. Photonic crystal polarizing and non-polarizing beam splitters, Chinese Physics Letters, 25, 556-558 (2008) (SCI 收录)

29. J.H. Shi and Z.P. Wang. New designs and characteristics analysis of non-polarizing beam splitters, Optics & Laser Technology, 40, 682-686 (2008) (SCI 收录)

30. 史金辉, 王政平. 消偏振分光棱镜的设计与性能分析. 哈尔滨工程大学学报, 29(9):1019-1022 (2008) (EI 收录)

31. Z.P. Wang, J.H. Shi and S.L. Ruan. Design of infrared non-polarizing beam splitters, Optics & Laser technology, 39, 394-399 (2007) (SCI 收录)

32. Z.P. Wang, Q.B. Li, Y. Qi, Z.J. Huang, J.H. Shi. Wavelength dependence of the sensitivity of a bulk glass optical current transformer. Optics and Lasers Technology, 38(2):87-93 (2006) (SCI 收录)

33. Z.P. Wang, Q.B. Li, Q. Tan, Z.J. Huang, J.H. Shi. Method of measuring practical retardance value and judging the fast or slow axis of quarter-wave plate, Measurement, 39(8), 729-735 (2006) (SCI 收录)


1. 关春颖, 史金辉, 苑立波. 二维完全带隙光子晶体偏振和消偏振分束器. 发明专利,专利号**3.0


1. R. Liu, B. Na, J.H. Shi, Z.P. Wang, Coupling effect in planar metamaterials, 2012 International Workshop on Metamaterials, Nanjing, China, Oct. 8-10 2012

2. X.C. Liu, R. Liu, Z. Zhu, J.H. Shi, Z.P. Wang, A transparent polarization transformer based on a bilayered metamaterial, 2012 International Workshop on Metamaterials, Nanjing, China, Oct. 8-10 2012

3. S.W. Yu, C.Y. Guan, J.H. Shi, Z.P. Wang, Multi-peak transmissions in concentric ring metamaterials mimicking electromagnetically induced transparency, 2012 International Workshop on Metamaterials, Nanjing, China, Oct. 8-10 2012

4. R. Liu, B. Na, J.H. Shi, Z.P. Wang, Multiple transmission windows in a bilayered metamaterial based on twisted asymmetrically split rings, Photonics Asia 2012-The proceeding of SPIE, Beijing,China, Nov. 5-7 2012

5. J.H. Shi, C.Y. Guan, Z.P. Wang, Local field energy density enhancement in planar metamaterials, SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, CA, USA, Aug 21 - 25 2011

6. J.H. Shi, E. Plum, V.A. Fedotov, N.I. Zheludev, Tuning trapped-mode resonances in a planar metamaterial, PIERS 2011, Suzhou, China, 12-16 Sep 2011

7. J.H. Shi, Z. Zhu, C.Y. Guan, et al. Highly resonant positive and negative metamaterials, OSA-IEEE-COS Topical Meeting on Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano- optics, Guangdong, China, 03-06 Dec 2010

8. J.H. Shi, N. Papasimakis, V.A. Fedotov, Z.P. Wang and N.I. Zheludev. Angular electromagnetic response of double-ring metamaterials for TE polarization, Third International Photonics and OptoElectronics Meetings (POEM 2010), Wuhan, China, 03-05 Nov 2010

9. (Invited) V. A. Fedotov, J. H. Shi, A. Tsiatmas, Y. Chen, P. de Groot, and N. I. Zheludev. Fano resonances in high-Tc superconducting metamaterials, SPIE Optics & Photonics, San Diego, CA, USA, 01 - 05 Aug 2010

10. V. A. Fedotov, J.H. Shi, A. Tsiatmas, P. J. de Groot, Y. Chen, and N. I. Zheludev. Fano resonances in High-Tc superconducting metamaterial, CLEO/QELS & CLEO: Applications and CLEO: Expo, May 16-21, 2010

11. V. A. Fedotov, J.H. Shi, A. Tsiatmas, P. J. de Groot, Y. Chen, and N. I. Zheludev. High-Tc superconducting metamaterial, Photonics Europe 2010, Brussels, Belgium, 12 - 16 Apr 2010

12. (Invited) N.I. Zheludev, V.A. Fedotov, N. Papasimakis, E. Plum, J. Shi. Metamaterials - from modeling and fabrication to application, 2009 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 30 Nov - 04 Dec 2009

13. J.H. Shi, C.Y. Guan, L.B. Yuan. Photonic crystal beam splitters based on hexagonal lattice,The Third International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Micro-waves and Optics-Metamaterials 2009, London, 30th August–4th September, 2009

14. J.H. Shi, Z.P. Wang, Z.J. Huang, Q.B. Li. Design and analysis of non-polarizing beam splitter in a glass cube. SPIE: APOC 2008, Hangzhou, China, Oct. 26-30, 2008

15. J.H. Shi and Z.P. Wang. Theoretical research on a LHM & RHM composed wave-absorber, Metamaterials 2007: 1st International Congress on Advanced Electromagnetic Materials in Microwaves and Optics, Rome, Italy, 22-26 Oct 2007
