
哈尔滨工程大学理学院研究生导师简介-葛 斌

哈尔滨工程大学 免费考研网/2016-04-02


姓 名:葛斌

职 称:副教授
电 话:**
传 真:
邮 箱:gebin791025@hrbeu.edu.cn


学 历:

1998.09-2002.07: 东北师范大学数学系数学与应用数学专业


2002.09-2005.07: 吉林大学数学所基础数学专业


2006.03-2010.07: 哈尔滨工业大学数学系基础数学专业


2010.12-2013.3 哈尔滨工程大学控制科学与工程博士后

2012.7-2012.8 南开大学数学所访问学者


2005.07 - 至今: 哈尔滨工程大学理学院数学系 讲师








近年来,先后在国际知名杂志《Zeitschrift fürAngewandte Mathematik und Physik》,《Monatshefte für Mathematik》,《Mathematische Nachrichten》,《Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications》,《Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods and Application》,《Applicable Analysis》,《Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, English Edition》以及《Acta Mathematica Acientia , English Edition》上发表15篇具有重要学术价值的SCI科研论文,2010年以来的代表性成果如下:


1. Ge Bin, Zhou, Qing-Mei, Xue, Three solutions for a differential inclusion problem involving the -Kirchhoff-type, Applicable Analysis, 92(2013):60-71.

2. Ge Bin, Zhou, Qing-Mei, Xue, Xiao-Ping, Multiplicity of solutions for differential inclusion problems in involving the -Laplacian, Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 63 (2012): 691-711.

3. Ge Bin, Zhou, Qing-Mei, Infinitely many positive solutions for a differential inclusion problem involving the -Laplacian, Mathematische Nachrichten, 285 (2012): 1303-1315.

4. Ge Bin, Zhou, Qing-Mei, Xue, Xiao-Ping, Multiplicity of solutions for differential inclusion problems in involving the -Laplacian, Monatshefte für Mathematik, 168 (2012): 363-380.

5. Ge Bin, Shen Ji-Hong, Multiple Solutions for a Class of Differential Inclusion System Involving the -Laplacian, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012, 971243, 1-17.

6. Ge Bin, Zhou Qing-Mei, Multiple solutions to a class of inclusion problem with the p(x)-Laplacian, Applicable Analysis, 91(2012):895-909.

7. Che Cheng-Fu; Ge Bin, Xue Xiao-Ping, Zhou Qing-Mei, W-0(1,p(x)) Versus C-1 Local Minimizers for Nonsmooth Functionals, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 17 (2012): 396-402.

8. Ge Bin, Multiple Solutions for a Class of Fractional Boundary Value Problems, Abstract and Applied Analysis, 2012, 468980, 1-13.

9. Ge Bin, Zhou Qing-Mei, Existence and multiplicity of solutions for a Neumann-type -Laplacian equation with nonsmooth potential, Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations, 17 (2011):1-12.

10. Ge Bin, Xue Xiao-Ping, Zhou Qing-Mei, Existence of at least five solutions for a differential inclusion problem involving the -Laplacian, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 12 (2011): 2304-2318 .

11. Ge Bin, Xue Xiao-Ping, Zhou Qing-Mei,Existence of periodic solutions for a differential inclusion systems involving -Laplacian, Acta Mathematica Scientia, (31) 2011:1786-1802.

12. Ge Bin, Xue Xiao-Ping, Zhou Qing-Mei, Multiple solutions for inequality Dirichlet problems by the -Laplacian, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods Applications, 73 (2010): 622- 633 .

13. Ge Bin, Xue Xiao-Ping, Zhou Qing-Mei, Multiple solutions for inequality Dirichlet problems by the -Laplacian, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11 (2010): 3198-3210.

14. Ge Bin, Xue Xiao-Ping, Guo Meng-Shu, Three solutions to inequalities of Dirichlet problem driven by -Laplacian, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, English Edition, 31 (2010): 1283-1292.


2 葛斌. 算子权移位的强不可约性, 黑龙江大学自然科学学报, 2007(24)286-290

2 葛斌, 徐新军. 一类行列式恒等式的证明及应用,哈尔滨商业大学学报,2008(24)592-595.

2 葛斌. 谱连通的双拟三角算子+小紧=τ(N)∩(SI) ,黑龙江大学自然科学学报,2008(25)151-153.

2 葛斌. 算子的拟正规性及亚正规性,黑龙江大学自然科学学报,2009(26)303-305.

2 葛斌, 薛小平, 周庆梅. 一类具有非光滑位势 p(x)-Kirchhoff 型问题多解性, 数学物理学报,已接收.

2 Dayang Sun, Yanheng Liu, Aimin Wang, Bin Ge. Research on Service-oriented Lifetime and Network Density in WSN,The 9th International Conference for Young Computer Scientists,2008:439-444.

2 Bin Ge, Xinjun Xu. The Proof and Application of Determinant Identities,International Journal of Mathematics and Computation,2009(5)89-97.

2 葛斌, 周庆梅. 由 p-Laplacian 算子导出的半变分不等式的特征值问题, 数学学报, 2012, 55(2): 1431-1438.

2 葛斌, 薛小平, 周庆梅. 一类具有非光滑位势p(x)-Kirchhoff型问题多解性, 数学物理学报, 2011, 31(5): 207-218.




