(1.中南大学 土木工程学院,长沙 410075;2.高速铁路建造技术国家工程实验室(中南大学),长沙 410075)
关键词: 富水裂隙 涌水量 注浆加固 涌水灾害 支护结构
Calculation method and law analysis of water inflow in tunnel under water-rich fissure surrounding rock
FU Helin1,2,AN Pengtao1,2,WU Yimin1,2,LI Jie1,2,CHEN Long1,2
(1.School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China;2. National Engineering Laboratory for Construction Technology of High Speed Railway (Central South University),Changsha 410075, China)
The prediction accuracy of tunnel water inflow in water rich fracture area is poor, and the problem of water inflow has not been well solved. To solve this problem, considering the fractured surrounding rock and grouting area as heterogeneous and anisotropic media, and the initial support and secondary support structures as homogeneous and isotropic media, a simplified calculation model of tunnel water inflow under fractured surrounding rock is constructed. The calculation formula of tunnel water inflow in water rich fractured area is deduced based on the theory of underground hydraulics and the law of fluid mass conservation. Through the degradation analysis and the field measured data of the case project, the rationality of constructing the simplified calculation model of tunnel water inflow in the water rich fissure area and the correctness of the solution of the calculation formula of water inflow are verified. Finally, based on the analytical solution, the influence law of each characteristic parameter on the tunnel water inflow in the water rich fissure area is revealed, and the water inflow mechanism of the tunnel in the water rich fissure area is discussed. The research shows that the maximum error between the theoretical calculated value and the field measured value is 8.1%, which verifies the rationality of the model and the correctness of the formula derivation. The water inflow of the tunnel increases with the increase of the maximum width of the crack, which is approximately linear due to the joint restriction of the water shutoff structure. When the ratio of grouting area thickness to tunnel radius is less than 2 times, the tunnel water inflow is significantly affected by the thickness of grouting area. The water inflow of tunnel in water rich fracture area is restricted by the fracture distribution law and support structure, so we should pay attention to the investigation of fracture distribution.
Key words: water rich fissure water inflow grouting reinforcement water inrush disaster supporting structure
傅鹤林, 安鹏涛, 伍毅敏, 李鲒, 陈龙. 富水裂隙围岩隧道涌水量计算方法与规律分析[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2024, 56(3): 110-116. DOI: 10.11918/202112018.

FU Helin, AN Pengtao, WU Yimin, LI Jie, CHEN Long. Calculation method and law analysis of water inflow in tunnel under water-rich fissure surrounding rock[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2024, 56(3): 110-116. DOI: 10.11918/202112018.

基金项目 国家自然科学基金(51978668);广东省交通运输厅课题(DFH(201904)YS1-001) 作者简介 傅鹤林(1965—), 男, 教授, 博士生导师 通信作者 安鹏涛,anpengtao@gxu.edu.cn 文章历史 收稿日期: 2021-12-04
Abstract Full text Figures/Tables PDF
傅鹤林1,2, 安鹏涛1,2

1. 中南大学 土木工程学院, 长沙 410075;
2. 高速铁路建造技术国家工程实验室(中南大学), 长沙 410075
收稿日期: 2021-12-04; 录用日期: 2022-02-18; 网络首发日期: 2023-11-01
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51978668);广东省交通运输厅课题(DFH(201904)YS1-001)
作者简介: 傅鹤林(1965—), 男, 教授, 博士生导师
通信作者: 安鹏涛,anpengtao@gxu.edu.cn
摘要: 富水裂隙区隧道涌水量预测精度较差,涌水问题尚未得到较好的解决。针对此问题,视裂隙围岩及注浆区为非均质各向异性介质,初期支护及二次支护结构为均质各向同性介质,构建了裂隙围岩下隧道涌水简化计算模型,基于地下水力学理论及流体质量守恒定律推导了富水裂隙区隧道涌水量计算公式。通过退化分析及案例工程现场实测数据验证了构建富水裂隙区隧道涌水简化计算模型的合理性及涌水量计算式求解的正确性,最后基于解析解揭示了各特征参数对富水裂隙区隧道涌水的影响规律,探讨了富水裂隙区隧道涌水机制。结果表明:理论计算值与现场实测值最大相对误差为8.1%,验证了构建模型的合理性及公式推导的正确性;隧道涌水量随裂隙最大宽度的增加而增大,受堵水结构的联合制约,两者近似呈线性关系;注浆区厚度与隧道半径比值在2倍以内时,隧道涌水量受注浆区厚度的影响显著;富水裂隙区隧道涌水受裂隙分布规律及支护结构的制约,应重视对裂隙分布的调查。
关键词: 富水裂隙 涌水量 注浆加固 涌水灾害 支护结构
Calculation method and law analysis of water inflow in tunnel under water-rich fissure surrounding rock
FU Helin1,2, AN Pengtao1,2

1. School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China;
2. National Engineering Laboratory for Construction Technology of High Speed Railway (Central South University), Changsha 410075, China
Abstract: The prediction accuracy of tunnel water inflow in water rich fracture area is poor, and the problem of water inflow has not been well solved. To solve this problem, considering the fractured surrounding rock and grouting area as heterogeneous and anisotropic media, and the initial support and secondary support structures as homogeneous and isotropic media, a simplified calculation model of tunnel water inflow under fractured surrounding rock is constructed. The calculation formula of tunnel water inflow in water rich fractured area is deduced based on the theory of underground hydraulics and the law of fluid mass conservation. Through the degradation analysis and the field measured data of the case project, the rationality of constructing the simplified calculation model of tunnel water inflow in the water rich fissure area and the correctness of the solution of the calculation formula of water inflow are verified. Finally, based on the analytical solution, the influence law of each characteristic parameter on the tunnel water inflow in the water rich fissure area is revealed, and the water inflow mechanism of the tunnel in the water rich fissure area is discussed. The research shows that the maximum error between the theoretical calculated value and the field measured value is 8.1%, which verifies the rationality of the model and the correctness of the formula derivation. The water inflow of the tunnel increases with the increase of the maximum width of the crack, which is approximately linear due to the joint restriction of the water shutoff structure. When the ratio of grouting area thickness to tunnel radius is less than 2 times, the tunnel water inflow is significantly affected by the thickness of grouting area. The water inflow of tunnel in water rich fracture area is restricted by the fracture distribution law and support structure, so we should pay attention to the investigation of fracture distribution.
Keywords: water rich fissure water inflow grouting reinforcement water inrush disaster supporting structure
1 模型建立及基本假定岩体由岩石及结构面组成,岩石的渗透性一般极弱,忽略非裂隙区渗透性,岩体的渗透性仅取决于裂隙的发育程度[18]。考虑实际工况及方便问题解答,深埋富水裂隙区隧道涌水问题作如下假定[19]:1)初期支护及二次支护结构均质且各向同性,围岩与注浆圈非均质且各向异性;2)流体不可压缩;3)隧道为大埋深且渗流处于稳定状态;4)注浆区及支护结构内渗流满足达西定律。
仅考虑围岩内裂隙渗透性时构建富水裂隙围岩下隧道涌水的简化计算模型,如图 1所示。图中二次支护结构内缘、二次支护结构外缘、初期支护外缘及注浆区外缘半径分别为r0、r1、r2及rg,二次支护结构及初期支护渗透系数分别为ke及kc,二次支护结构内缘与外缘承担水头分别为h0及h1,裂隙i内缘及外缘水头分别为h2i及hgi,涌水影响半径处水头为H0。
Fig. 1

2 涌水计算分别计算二次支护结构、初期支护、注浆区及围岩区域渗流场,据流体质量守恒定律,推导渗流稳定时隧道涌水量计算表达式。
2.1 裂隙围岩区假定裂隙围岩及注浆区内渗流为一维流且满足立方定律,计算式[20]为
$q_{i}=\frac{\gamma b_{i}^{3}}{12 \mu} \frac{\partial H_{i}}{\partial x_{i}}$ (1)
$\left\{\begin{array}{l}\left.H_{i}\right|_{x=r_{\mathrm{g}}}=h_{\mathrm{g} i} \\\left.H_{i}\right|_{x=R}=H_{0}\end{array}\right.$ (2)
$q_{i}=\frac{\gamma b_{i}^{3}}{12 \mu} \frac{H_{0}-h_{\mathrm{g} i}}{R-r_{\mathrm{g}}}$ (3)
$h_{\mathrm{g} i}=H_{0}-12 \mu q_{i} \frac{R-r_{\mathrm{g}}}{\gamma b_{i}^{3}}$ (4)
2.2 注浆区据假定,注浆区水流速度与水力梯度满足达西定律,表达式为
$v=k_{\mathrm{g}} J $ (5)
$q_{i}=A_{i} v_{i}=b_{i} k_{\mathrm{g}} \frac{\partial H_{i}}{\partial x_{i}} $ (6)
$\left\{\begin{array}{l}\left.H_{i}\right|_{x=r_{g}}=h_{g i} \\\left.H_{i}\right|_{x=r_{2}}=h_{2 i}\end{array}\right.$ (7)
$q_{i}=k_{\mathrm{g}} b_{i} \frac{h_{\mathrm{g} i}-h_{2 i}}{r_{\mathrm{g}}-r_{2}}$ (8)
$h_{2 i}=h_{g i}-q_{i} \frac{r_{\mathrm{g}}-r_{2}}{k_{\mathrm{g}} b_{i}}$ (9)
$h_{2 i}=H_{0}-12 \mu q_{i} \frac{R-r_{\mathrm{g}}}{\gamma b_{i}^{3}}-q_{i} \frac{r_{\mathrm{g}}-r_{2}}{k_{\mathrm{g}} b_{i}}$ (10)
2.3 支护结构隧道施作支护结构后周边渗水透过围岩、注浆圈及初期支护,经环向排水盲管、纵向排水管及横向排水管流入隧道中心排水沟或侧向排水沟,再依靠纵坡排出隧道。理论分析时常忽略复杂的排水系统,假定等效渗透系数后视支护结构为各向同性均匀介质[21]。据渗流力学原理,无限平面内单孔隧道稳定径向渗流连续性方程的极坐标表达式[22]为
$\frac{1}{\rho} \frac{\partial}{\partial \rho}\left(\rho \frac{\partial \psi}{\partial \rho}\right)=0 $ (11)
$h_{R 1}-h_{R 2}=\frac{Q}{2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} k} \ln \frac{R_{1}}{R_{2}}$ (12)
$h_{1}-h_{0}=\frac{Q}{2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} k_{\mathrm{e}}} \ln \frac{r_{1}}{r_{0}}$ (13)
$h_{2}-h_{1}=\frac{Q}{2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} k_{\mathrm{c}}} \ln \frac{r_{2}}{r_{1}}$ (14)
$h_{2}=h_{0}+\frac{Q}{2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} k_{\mathrm{e}}} \ln \frac{r_{1}}{r_{0}}+\frac{Q}{2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} k_{\mathrm{c}}} \ln \frac{r_{2}}{r_{1}}$ (15)
$\begin{gather*}\overline{h_{2}}=\frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}\left(h_{2 i} b_{i}\right)}{2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} r_{2}}= \\\frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}\left[\left(H_{0}-12 \mu q_{i} \frac{R-r_{\mathrm{g}}}{\gamma b_{i}^{3}}-q_{i} \frac{r_{\mathrm{g}}-r_{2}}{k_{\mathrm{g}} b_{i}}\right) b_{i}\right]}{2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} r_{2}} \end{gather*}$ (16)
$\begin{gather*}h_{0}+\frac{Q}{2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} k_{\mathrm{e}}} \ln \frac{r_{1}}{r_{0}}+\frac{Q}{2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} k_{\mathrm{c}}} \ln \frac{r_{2}}{r_{1}}= \\\frac{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}\left[\left(H_{0}-12 \mu q_{i} \frac{R-r_{\mathrm{g}}}{\gamma b_{i}^{3}}-q_{i} \frac{r_{\mathrm{g}}-r_{2}}{k_{\mathrm{g}} b_{i}}\right) b_{i}\right]}{2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} r_{2}} \end{gather*}$ (17)
$Q=\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} q_{i}$ (18)
$\begin{gather*}2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} r_{2} h_{0}+r_{2} \frac{Q}{k_{\mathrm{e}}} \ln \frac{r_{1}}{r_{0}}+r_{2} \frac{Q}{k_{\mathrm{c}}} \ln \frac{r_{2}}{r_{1}}+Q \frac{r_{\mathrm{g}}-r_{2}}{k_{\mathrm{g}}}= \\H_{0} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} b_{i}-12 \mu \frac{R-r_{\mathrm{g}}}{\gamma} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}\left(\frac{q_{i}}{b_{i}{ }^{2}}\right) \end{gather*}$ (19)
$b_{i}=\frac{b_{\max }}{i^{\frac{\beta}{3}}}$ (20)
$q_{i}=\frac{q_{\max }}{i^{\beta}}$ (21)
$\begin{align*}& 2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} r_{2} h_{0}+r_{2} \frac{Q}{k_{\mathrm{e}}} \ln \frac{r_{1}}{r_{0}}+r_{2} \frac{Q}{k_{\mathrm{c}}} \ln \frac{r_{2}}{r_{1}}+Q \frac{r_{g}-r_{2}}{k_{\mathrm{g}}}= \\& H_{0} b_{\max } \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} \frac{1}{i^{\frac{\beta}{3}}}-12 \mu \frac{R-r_{\mathrm{g}}}{\gamma} \frac{q_{\max }}{b_{\text {max }}^{2}} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}\left(i^{-\frac{\beta}{3}}\right)\end{align*}$ (22)
$q_{\max }=\frac{Q}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} \frac{1}{i^{\beta}}}$ (23)
$\begin{align*}& 2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} r_{2} h_{0}+r_{2} \frac{Q}{k_{\mathrm{e}}} \ln \frac{r_{1}}{r_{0}}+r_{2} \frac{Q}{k_{\mathrm{c}}} \ln \frac{r_{2}}{r_{1}}+Q \frac{r_{\mathrm{g}}-r_{2}}{k_{\mathrm{g}}}= \\& H_{0} b_{\max } \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} \frac{1}{i^{\frac{\beta}{3}}}-12 \mu \frac{R-r_{\mathrm{g}}}{\gamma b_{\text {max }}^{2}} \frac{Q}{\sum\limits_{i=1}^{N} \frac{1}{i^{\beta}}} \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}\left(i^{-\frac{\beta}{3}}\right)\end{align*}$ (24)
3 解析验证 3.1 退化分析考虑到本文主要研究内容为富水裂隙围岩下隧道涌水问题,为验证本文构建的富水裂隙围岩区隧道涌水简化计算模型的合理性及涌水量计算式推导的正确性。假定围岩裂隙无限多且宽度均为b,此时富水裂隙围岩可视为均质围岩,且β=1,N=
$\begin{gather*}2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} r_{2} h_{0}+r_{2} \frac{Q}{k_{\mathrm{e}}} \ln \frac{r_{1}}{r_{0}}+r_{2} \frac{Q}{k_{\mathrm{c}}} \ln \frac{r_{2}}{r_{1}}+Q \frac{r_{\mathrm{g}}-r_{2}}{k_{\mathrm{g}}}= \\2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} r_{2} H_{0}-12 Q \mu \frac{R-r_{\mathrm{g}}}{\gamma b^{2}} \end{gather*}$ (25)
$\mu=\frac{\gamma b^{2}}{12 k_{\mathrm{r}}}$ (26)
$\begin{gather*}2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} r_{2} h_{0}+r_{2} \frac{Q}{k_{\mathrm{e}}} \ln \frac{r_{1}}{r_{0}}+r_{2} \frac{Q}{k_{\mathrm{c}}} \ln \frac{r_{2}}{r_{1}}+Q \frac{r_{\mathrm{g}}-r_{2}}{k_{\mathrm{g}}}= \\2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} r_{2} H_{0}-Q \frac{R-r_{\mathrm{g}}}{k_{r}} \end{gather*}$ (27)
$\ln (x+1) \approx x $ (28)
$\begin{gather*}2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} r_{2} h_{0}+r_{2} \frac{Q}{k_{\mathrm{e}}} \ln \frac{r_{1}}{r_{0}}+r_{2} \frac{Q}{k_{\mathrm{c}}} \ln \frac{r_{2}}{r_{1}}+r_{2} \frac{Q}{k_{\mathrm{g}}} \ln \frac{r_{\mathrm{g}}}{r_{2}}= \\2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} r_{2} H_{0}-r_{2} \frac{Q}{k_{r}} \ln \frac{R-r_{\mathrm{g}}+r_{2}}{r_{2}} \end{gather*}$ (29)
$Q=\frac{2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}}\left(H_{0}-h_{0}\right) k_{r}}{\frac{k_{r}}{k_{\mathrm{e}}} \ln \frac{r_{1}}{r_{0}}+\frac{k_{r}}{k_{\mathrm{c}}} \ln \frac{r_{2}}{r_{1}}+\frac{k_{r}}{k_{\mathrm{g}}} \ln \frac{r_{\mathrm{g}}}{r_{2}}+\ln \frac{R-r_{\mathrm{g}}+r_{2}}{r_{2}}} $ (30)
$Q=\frac{2 {\rm{\mathsf{π}}} H_{0} k_{r}}{\ln \frac{R}{r_{2}}} $ (31)
3.2 工程算例依托鸿图隧道在建工程进行现场试验,实时监测涌水量以进一步验证本文构建的富水裂隙区隧道涌水简化计算模型的合理性及公式推导的正确性。
3.2.1 工程简介鸿图隧道位于广东省,长6 336 m,地面标高345~1 060 m,隧道底部设计标高239~344 m,最大埋深约739 m,为深埋特长山岭隧道。隧址区有多条断层及裂隙存在,同时隧道紧邻飞泉电站、飞泉水库、三渡水库及下穿黄棉湖水库,部分断层与大型水体相连,施工期突涌水风险极高。
选取施工期掌子面开挖揭示的裂隙发育段,在相应里程桩号支护结构内埋设智能弦式数码渗压计,保护后由二次支护结构引出。渗压计量程为1.0 MPa,灵敏度为0.001 MPa,现场埋设与测量如图 2所示。
Fig. 2

注浆区渗透系数为3.5×10-5 m/s,与初期支护及二次支护结构渗透系数比值分别为15及20,其中二次支护结构渗透系数综合考虑了环向与纵向排水管作用[28],其余所需数据见表 1。
表 1

1 11 19.6 8 0.95
2 7 16.2 6 0.35
3 9 10.8 5 0.31
4 11 12.6 5 0.41
表 1 实验数据 Tab. 1 Experimental data
3.2.2 结果分析由式(24)计算理论涌水量,并与现场实测值进行对比,绘制曲线如图 3所示。
Fig. 3

4 特征参数敏感性分析鉴于所推导的隧道涌水量计算表达式(24)影响参数众多,直接分析较为复杂。现基于解析解揭示各特征参数对隧道涌水的影响规律,探讨富水裂隙区隧道涌水机制特征。
假定r0、r1、r2分别为6、6.5、6.8 m;地下水水位线距隧道中心距离为200 m;二次支护结构内缘水头为0 m;流体动力黏滞系数及重度分别为1.01×10-3 Pa · s及9.8×103 N · m-3;影响半径取地下水位高度的2倍。
4.1 裂隙分布参数β分析据现场多个断层区实测值及经验假定注浆区渗透系数为1.25×10-5 m/s;注浆区与初期支护结构及二次支护结构渗透系数比值为15与20;注浆区厚度为6 m; 裂隙数目N取10。由式(24)计算涌水量与裂隙的关系,绘制曲线如图 4所示。
Fig. 4

图 4表明隧道涌水量随裂隙最大宽度的增加而增大,两者近似呈线性关系,这与裸洞时裂隙围岩下隧道涌水与裂隙宽度的立方成正比的关系有差异。究其原因,本文考虑了注浆与隧道支护结构,堵水结构联合作用减弱了围岩裂隙对涌水的影响。
4.2 注浆区厚度确定注浆区渗透系数取1.25×10-5 m/s;注浆区与初期支护结构及二次支护结构渗透系数比值为15与20;裂隙数目N取10;裂隙分布参数β取0.3。由式(24)计算涌水量与注浆区厚度的关系,绘制曲线如图 5所示。
Fig. 5

图 5显示隧道涌水量随注浆区厚度的增加而不断降低,但敏感性逐渐减弱,帷幕注浆设计时应对注浆圈厚度进行优化。但注浆圈厚度影响分界点约为隧道半径的2倍,大于视围岩为均质且各向同性时计算的注浆圈厚度[28]。
4.3 注浆区渗透系数分析注浆区厚度取6 m;二次支护结构渗透系数为6.25×10-7 m/s;初期支护渗透系数为8.33×10-7 m/s;注浆区与二次支护结构渗透系数比值为λ;裂隙数目N取10;裂隙分布参数β取0.3。由式(24)计算涌水量与注浆区渗透系数的关系,绘制曲线如图 6所示。
Fig. 6

图 6显示隧道涌水量随注浆圈渗透系数的下降而非线性降低。参数λ < 40时,注浆圈渗透系数对涌水量敏感性显著;参数λ>40时,继续降低注浆圈渗透系数对隧道涌水量影响较弱。
4.4 支护结构渗透系数分析注浆区厚度取6 m,渗透系数取1.25×10-5 m/s;注浆区与初期支护渗透系数比值为ξ;注浆区与二次支护结构渗透系数比值为κ;裂隙数目N取10;最大裂隙宽度为16 mm;裂隙分布参数β=0.3。由式(24)计算涌水量与支护结构渗透系数的关系,绘制曲线如图 7所示。
Fig. 7

图 7表明,隧道排水量随初期支护及二次支护结构渗透系数的降低而非线性下降,其中参数ξ与κ宜分别取20与40。同时,初期支护背后的环向盲管等隧道排水系统极为重要,环向盲管一旦堵塞,由排水体系流出的水量急剧下降,防水板及二次衬砌承受的水头将增大。须定期对环向盲管进行检查,以防堵塞进而压裂防水板甚至二次衬砌,对隧道结构造成破坏。
5 结论基于地下水力学理论及流体质量守恒定律推导了涌水量计算式,揭示了各特征参数对富水裂隙区隧道涌水的影响规律。得出以下具体结论:
1) 构建了富水裂隙围岩下隧道涌水简化计算模型,推导了隧道涌水量计算式,通过退化分析及现场试验验证了富水裂隙围岩下隧道涌水简化计算模型构建的合理性及涌水量计算式推导的正确性。
2) 隧道涌水量随裂隙最大宽度的增加而增大,受堵水结构的联合制约,两者近似满足线性分布,富水裂隙区隧道施工时,应通过注浆控制最大裂隙宽度,避免隧址区地下水环境的破坏。
3) 注浆区厚度与隧道半径比值在2倍以内时,隧道涌水量受注浆区厚度的影响显著,该值大于视围岩为均质且各向同性时计算的注浆圈厚度,表明富水裂隙区隧道施工时可适当增加注浆圈厚度。
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