(1.山东大学 岩土与结构工程研究中心,济南 250061;2. 山东高速集团有限公司,济南 250101; 3.曼彻斯特大学 机械、航空与土木工程学院,曼彻斯特 M13 9PL;4.山东大学(齐河)新材料与智能装备研究院,山东 德州 251100;5.山东大学 齐鲁交通学院,济南 250002)
关键词: 地下开挖 在役桩 卸荷效应 荷载传递法 承载特性
Vertical bearing characteristics of in-service pile in underground excavation engineering of existing building
WANG Shujian1,2,FENG Ruofeng1,3,ZHANG Qianqing1,4,CUI Wei1,5
(1.Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Research Center, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China; 2.Shandong Hi-Speed Group Co., Ltd., Jinan 250101, China; 3. School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, The University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK; 4. Research Institute of New Material and Intelligent Equipment, Shandong University (Qihe County), Dezhou 251100, Shandong, China; 5.School of Qilu Transportation, Shandong University, Jinan 250002, China)
In the project of underground excavation beneath existing building supported by piles, there is a need to evaluate the vertical bearing capacity of the in-service piles under the condition of soil excavation. The influence of variation of soil stress and soil rebound on the bearing characteristics of soil around pile and at pile base was determined. Considering the effect of soil excavation, a hyperbolic model of load transfer along pile shaft and a bilinear model of load transfer at pile end were established. In view of the over-consolidation state of soil induced by the unloading effect of excavation, the calculation method was established to evaluate the ultimate unit skin friction of pile shaft under the condition of excavation. On the basis of the finite difference method and the load transfer method, the calculation method was proposed for predicting the vertical bearing characteristics of in-service pile under the condition of underground excavation beneath existing building. The validity of the proposed method was verified by comparing with the experimental results. Results show that the influence of soil rebound and the over-consolidation state of soil due to excavation on the pile shaft resistance and pile base resistance should be taken into account for the analysis of the pile behavior subject to underground excavation. If the calculated normalized soil rebound is relatively small (e.g.less than 1), the soil rebound can be neglected in the settlement analysis.
Key words: underground excavation in-service pile unloading effect load transfer method bearing characteristics
王术剑, 冯若峰, 张乾青, 崔伟. 既有建筑地下开挖工程中在役桩竖向承载特性分析[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2023, 55(2): 117-124. DOI: 10.11918/202112112.
WANG Shujian, FENG Ruofeng, ZHANG Qianqing, CUI Wei. Vertical bearing characteristics of in-service pile in underground excavation engineering of existing building[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2023, 55(2): 117-124. DOI: 10.11918/202112112.
基金项目 山东省泰山学者青年专家项目(tsqn202103163);国家自然科学基金(51778345,52078278);山东大学齐鲁青年学者项目 作者简介 王术剑(1982—),男,博士研究生;
张乾青(1983—),男,教授,博士生导师 通信作者 张乾青, zjuzqq@163.com 文章历史 收稿日期: 2021-12-18
Abstract Full text Figures/Tables PDF
王术剑1,2, 冯若峰1,3, 张乾青1,4, 崔伟1,5
1. 山东大学 岩土与结构工程研究中心,济南 250061;
2. 山东高速集团有限公司,济南 250101;
3. 曼彻斯特大学 机械、航空与土木工程学院,曼彻斯特 M13 9PL;
4. 山东大学(齐河)新材料与智能装备研究院, 山东 德州 251100;
5. 山东大学 齐鲁交通学院,济南 250002
收稿日期: 2021-12-18; 接受日期: 2022-03-02; 网络出版日期: 2022-05-07
基金项目: 山东省泰山学者青年专家项目(tsqn202103163);国家自然科学基金(51778345,52078278);山东大学齐鲁青年学者项目
作者简介: 王术剑(1982—),男,博士研究生; 张乾青(1983—),男,教授,博士生导师
通信作者: 张乾青, zjuzqq@163.com
摘要: 如何评价土体开挖条件下在役桩的竖向承载能力,是桩支承的既有建筑地下开挖工程中亟待解决的关键问题, 围绕上述问题,明确土体开挖条件下土体应力状态改变、回弹等因素对桩侧和桩端承载特性的影响,建立考虑土体开挖效应影响的桩侧荷载传递双曲线模型和桩端荷载传递双折线模型,考虑开挖卸荷效应引起的土体超固结状态提出土体开挖条件下桩侧极限摩阻力的计算方法,基于有限差分法和荷载传递法形成既有建筑地下开挖条件下在役桩基竖向承载特性的计算方法。通过与现有试验结果比对分析,验证计算方法的合理性。结果表明,对地下增层开挖条件下单桩进行分析时,应考虑开挖引起的土体回弹、桩周土超固结状态等因素对桩侧和桩端承载特性的影响,当计算的归一化土体回弹量较小时(< 1),沉降分析中可不考虑回弹效应。
关键词: 地下开挖 在役桩 卸荷效应 荷载传递法 承载特性
Vertical bearing characteristics of in-service pile in underground excavation engineering of existing building
WANG Shujian1,2, FENG Ruofeng1,3, ZHANG Qianqing1,4, CUI Wei1,5
1. Geotechnical and Structural Engineering Research Center, Shandong University, Jinan 250061, China;
2. Shandong Hi-Speed Group Co., Ltd., Jinan 250101, China;
3. School of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, The University of Manchester, Manchester M13 9PL, UK;
4. Research Institute of New Material and Intelligent Equipment, Shandong University (Qihe County), Dezhou 251100, Shandong, China;
5. School of Qilu Transportation, Shandong University, Jinan 250002, China
Abstract: In the project of underground excavation beneath existing building supported by piles, there is a need to evaluate the vertical bearing capacity of the in-service piles under the condition of soil excavation. The influence of variation of soil stress and soil rebound on the bearing characteristics of soil around pile and at pile base was determined. Considering the effect of soil excavation, a hyperbolic model of load transfer along pile shaft and a bilinear model of load transfer at pile end were established. In view of the over-consolidation state of soil induced by the unloading effect of excavation, the calculation method was established to evaluate the ultimate unit skin friction of pile shaft under the condition of excavation. On the basis of the finite difference method and the load transfer method, the calculation method was proposed for predicting the vertical bearing characteristics of in-service pile under the condition of underground excavation beneath existing building. The validity of the proposed method was verified by comparing with the experimental results. Results show that the influence of soil rebound and the over-consolidation state of soil due to excavation on the pile shaft resistance and pile base resistance should be taken into account for the analysis of the pile behavior subject to underground excavation. If the calculated normalized soil rebound is relatively small (e.g.less than 1), the soil rebound can be neglected in the settlement analysis.
Keywords: underground excavation in-service pile unloading effect load transfer method bearing characteristics
既有建筑地下增层工程是一项综合性很强的复杂工程,包含既有基础加固、基坑支护结构增设、基础托换、土体开挖、地下室底板浇筑、结构柱和托换桩截除等工序(以群桩基础支承的既有建筑地下增层开挖工程为例,见图 1)。目前,国内外已有既有建筑进行地下增层改造的成功案例[1-5]。桩基础支承的既有建筑地下增层过程中应重点关注土体开挖效应下桩基承载力损失和桩基渐进变形过程,从变形控制角度出发,明确既有建筑地下增层开挖条件下在役桩基竖向承载特性变化过程。鉴于既有建筑地下增层开挖工程的实际情况和复杂性,在役桩基承载特性现场试验很难开展。因此,有必要提出既有建筑地下开挖条件下在役桩基竖向承载特性分析方法。
Fig. 1
图 1 群桩支承的既有建筑地下增层开挖示意 Fig. 1 Schematic diagram of underground excavation beneath existing building supported by pile groups
荷载传递法用于桩基承载特性分析时能否获得合理的计算结果,关键在于能否选择恰当的荷载传递函数。荷载传递函数可通过试验数据拟合或理论分析获得。目前,国内外学者提出了众多荷载传递模型,如双折线模型[12]、理想弹塑性模型[13]、三折线模型[14]、幂函数模型[15]、软化模型[16-17]和双曲线模型[7, 18]等。张乾青[19]总结了不同桩侧和桩端荷载传递模型,明确了荷载传递模型中参数的意义和取值方法。上述荷载传递模型未考虑开挖引起的土体回弹、应力状态变化对桩基承载特性的影响。为考虑土体开挖对桩基荷载传递特性的影响,龚晓南等[20-22]提出了考虑土体开挖效应的荷载传递函数。
1 荷载传递模型 1.1 桩侧荷载传递双曲线模型竖向受荷单桩某一深度z处桩身位移Ss(z)为桩-土相对位移w(z)和土体位移ws(z)之和,即桩身位移Ss(z)与桩侧单位摩阻力τs(z)关系为[7]
$\begin{aligned}S_{\mathrm{s}}(z)= & w(z)+w_{\mathrm{s}}(z)= \\& \frac{a \tau_{\mathrm{s}}(z)}{1-b \tau_{\mathrm{s}}(z)}+\frac{r_0}{G_0} \ln \left(\frac{r_{\mathrm{m}}}{r_0}\right) \tau_{\mathrm{s}}(z)\end{aligned}$ (1)
$w_{\mathrm{s}}^{\prime}(z)=\psi \sum\limits_z^{z_{\mathrm{m}}} \frac{\sigma_{\mathrm{re}}(h)}{E_{\mathrm{ur}}(h)} \Delta h$ (2)
$\sigma_{\text {re }}(z)=\alpha_{\mathrm{z}} P_0-\gamma^{\prime} z$ (3)
$E_{\mathrm{ur}}=K_{\mathrm{ur}} p_{\mathrm{a}}\left(\sigma_3 / p_{\mathrm{a}}\right)^{n_{\mathrm{ur}}}$ (4)
$S_{\mathrm{s}}(z)=\frac{a \tau_{\mathrm{s}}(z)}{1-b \tau_{\mathrm{s}}(z)}+\frac{r_0}{G_0} \ln \left(\frac{r_{\mathrm{m}}}{r_0}\right) \tau_{\mathrm{s}}(z)-f(z)$ (5)
$f(z)=\psi \sum\limits_z^{z_{\mathrm{m}}} \frac{\Delta \sigma_{{ }_{\mathrm{v}}}^{\prime}-\gamma^{\prime} h}{K_{\mathrm{ur}} p_{\mathrm{a}}\left(K_0 \Delta \sigma^{\prime}{ }_{\mathrm{v}} / p_{\mathrm{a}}\right)^{n_{\mathrm{ur}}}} \Delta h$ (6)
1.2 桩侧荷载传递模型参数确定式(1)中参数a为桩-土界面初始剪切刚度ks0的倒数,b的倒数为桩-土相对位移无穷大时对应的单位侧摩阻力,可表示为[7, 18, 26]
$\left\{\begin{array}{l}a=1 / k_{\mathrm{s} 0} \\b=R_{\mathrm{s}} / \tau_{\mathrm{su}}\end{array}\right.$ (7)
$k_{s 0}=\frac{G_0}{r_0 \ln \left(r_{\mathrm{m}} / r_0\right)}$ (8)
$\tau_{\mathrm{su}}=\sigma^{\prime}{ }_{\mathrm{n}} \tan \delta=\left[\left(1-\sin \varphi^{\prime}\right) \sigma^{\prime}{ }_{\mathrm{v}}\right] \tan \delta$ (9)
$\tau_{\mathrm{su}}=\left[\left(1-\sin \varphi^{\prime}\right) R_{\mathrm{OC}}^{\sin \varphi} \sigma^{\prime}{ }_{\mathrm{v}}\right] \tan \delta$ (10)
$R_{\mathrm{OC}}=\frac{\bar{\gamma}_1\left(z-h_1\right)+q_0}{\bar{\gamma}_2\left(z-h_2\right)}$ (11)
以图 2中开挖宽度为2a的情况为例,地面下深度h范围内土体开挖导致深度z处竖向有效应力改变量Δσ′v可计算为[21]
$\begin{aligned}\Delta \sigma^{\prime}= & \frac{\bar{\gamma}_1}{\pi}\left[h\mathrm{arctan }\frac{a}{z_1}-\frac{a}{2} \ln \left(r_1^2\right)+z \mathrm{arctan } \frac{z_1}{a}+h \mathrm{arctan } \frac{a}{z_2}+\frac{a}{2} \ln \left(r_2^2\right)-z \mathrm{arctan } \frac{z_2}{a}\right]+ \\& \frac{\bar{\gamma}_1}{2 \pi(1-v)}\left[\frac{a}{2} \ln \left(r_2^2\right)-\frac{a}{2} \ln \left(r_1^2\right)+2 z(1-2 v)\left(\mathrm{arctan } \frac{z_2}{a}-\mathrm{arctan } \frac{z}{a}\right)-\frac{2 a h z}{r_2^2}\right]\end{aligned}$ (12)
Fig. 2
图 2 竖向有效应力改变量计算示意 Fig. 2 Calculation diagram of variation of vertical effective stress
$\begin{aligned}\Delta \sigma_{\mathrm{v}0}^{\prime}= & \frac{q_0}{\pi}\left(\arctan \frac{a}{z_1}+\arctan \frac{a}{z_2}\right)+ \\& \frac{q_0}{2 \pi(1-v)}\left\{\frac{a z_1}{r_1^2}+\frac{a[h+(3-4 v) z]}{r_2^2}+\frac{4 a h z z_2}{r_2^4}\right\}\end{aligned}$ (13)
$R_{\mathrm{OC}}=\frac{\bar{\gamma}_1 z+\Delta \sigma_{\mathrm{v}0}^{\prime}-\Delta \sigma_{\mathrm{v}}^{\prime}\left(h_1\right)}{\bar{\gamma}_2 z-\Delta \sigma_{{ }_{\mathrm{v}}}^{\prime}\left(h_2\right)}$ (14)
$\tau_{\mathrm{su}}=\left[\left(1-\sin \varphi^{\prime}\right) \sigma_{\mathrm{v}}^{\prime}+\frac{4 G_{\mathrm{s}}}{D} u_{\mathrm{cs}}\right] \tan \delta$ (15)
$\tau_{\mathrm{su}}=\left[\left(1-\sin \varphi^{\prime}\right) R_{\mathrm{OC}}^{\mathrm{sin} \varphi} \sigma^{\prime}{ }_{\mathrm{v}}+\frac{4 G_{\mathrm{s}}}{D} u_{\mathrm{cs}}\right] \tan \delta$ (16)
$G_0=C_{\mathrm{g}} p_{\mathrm{a}} \frac{\left(e_{\mathrm{g}}-e_0\right)^2}{1+e_0} \sqrt{\frac{p^{\prime}}{p_{\mathrm{a}}}}$ (17)
$u_{\mathrm{cs}}=\int_0^{\gamma_{\mathrm{cs}}} t_{\mathrm{s}} \tan \psi \mathrm{d} \gamma=t_{\mathrm{s}} \tan \psi_{\mathrm{p}} \frac{\gamma_{\mathrm{cs}}}{2}$ (18)
$\sin \psi_{\mathrm{p}}=\frac{\sin \varphi_{\mathrm{p}}^{\prime}-\sin \varphi_{\mathrm{cv}}^{\prime}}{1-\sin \varphi_{\mathrm{p}}^{\prime} \sin \varphi_{\mathrm{cv}}^{\prime}}$ (19a)
$\varphi_{\mathrm{p}}^{\prime}-\varphi_{\mathrm{cv}}^{\prime}=m I_{\mathrm{rd}}$ (19b)
$I_{\mathrm{rd}}=\left\{\begin{array}{l}5 D_{\mathrm{r}}-1, p^{\prime} \leqslant 150 \;\mathrm{kPa} \\D_{\mathrm{r}}\left[5-\ln \left(p^{\prime} / 150\right)\right]-1, p^{\prime}>150 \;\mathrm{kPa}\end{array}\right.$ (19c)
1.3 桩端荷载传递双折线模型张乾青[38]分析了国内外15个工地30多根不同类型桩(钻孔灌注桩、预制管桩和H型钢桩)的静载试验,结果表明,对于桩端未发生刺入或整体破坏的桩,桩端沉降与桩端阻力间的关系可采用双折线模型进行模拟。既有建筑地下开挖工程中在役桩承受的荷载一般不到其极限承载力的1/2,因此,桩端一般不会发生刺入或整体破坏,可采用双折线模型描述桩端位移Sb与桩端阻力qb间的关系[23]。桩端荷载传递双折线模型的数学表达式可表示为[39-40]
$q_{\mathrm{b}}=\left\{\begin{array}{l}k_1 S_{\mathrm{b}}, S_{\mathrm{b}}<S_{\mathrm{bu}} \\k_1 S_{\mathrm{bu}}+k_2\left(S_{\mathrm{b}}-S_{\mathrm{bu}}\right), S_{\mathrm{b}} \geqslant S_{\mathrm{bu}}\end{array}\right.$ (20)
式中:k1和k2为模型参数,分别为桩端阻力-桩端位移关系中第1和第2阶段的斜率;Sbu为双折线模型中第1阶段中极限桩端位移,与施工工艺、桩端土层、沉渣厚度等因素有关,其值可取1~9 mm[38, 41]。
$S_{\mathrm{b}}=\left\{\begin{array}{l}\frac{q_{\mathrm{b}}}{k_1}, q_{\mathrm{b}}<k_1 S_{\mathrm{bu}} \\\frac{q_{\mathrm{b}}-\left(k_1-k_2\right) S_{\mathrm{bu}}}{k_2}, q_{\mathrm{b}} \geqslant k_1 S_{\mathrm{bu}}\end{array}\right.$ (21)
$S_{\mathrm{b}}=\left\{\begin{array}{l}\frac{q_{\mathrm{b}}}{k_1}-f(L), q_{\mathrm{b}}<k_1 S_{\mathrm{bu}} \\\frac{q_{\mathrm{b}}-\left(k_1-k_2\right) S_{\mathrm{bu}}}{k_2}-f(L), q_{\mathrm{b}} \geqslant k_1 S_{\mathrm{bu}}\end{array}\right.$ (22)
1.4 桩端荷载传递模型参数确定桩端阻力-桩端位移关系中第1阶段斜率k1可根据Randolph和Wroth[27]的弹性理论解计算获得,即
$k_1=\frac{4 G_{\mathrm{b}}}{\pi r_0\left(1-v_{\mathrm{b}}\right)}$ (23)
桩端阻力-桩端位移关系中第2阶段斜率k2可根据试桩静载试验结果反分析得到[12, 38-41]。当缺乏试桩现场试验数据时,可采用桩端位移为10%D时对应的极限桩端承载力qb0.1进行估算,k2可表示为[42]
$k_2=\frac{0.3 q_{\text {bu }}-k_1 S_{\mathrm{bu}}}{0.1 D-S_{\mathrm{bu}}}$ (24)
$q_{\mathrm{bu}}=9 S_{\mathrm{u}}$ (25)
$q_{\text {bu }}=N_{\mathrm{q}} \sigma_{{ }_{\mathrm{v}}}^{\prime}$ (26)
$N_{\mathrm{q}}=\frac{A}{1-\sin \varphi_{\mathrm{cv}}^{\prime}}\left[\frac{G_{\mathrm{b}} / \sigma_{\mathrm{v}}^{\prime}}{B+D\left(G_{\mathrm{b}} / \sigma_{\mathrm{v}}^{\prime}\right)^{-0.8}}\right]^C$ (27)
$A=\frac{3\left(1+\sin \varphi^{\prime}{ }_{\mathrm{cv}}\right)}{3-\sin \varphi_{\mathrm{cv}}^{\prime}}\left(\frac{1+2 K_0}{3}\right)$ (28a)
$B=\left(\frac{1+2 K_0}{3}\right) \tan \varphi_{\mathrm{cv}}^{\prime}$ (28b)
$C=\frac{4 \sin \varphi_{\mathrm{cv}}^{\prime}}{3\left(1+\sin \varphi_{\mathrm{cv}}^{\prime}\right)}$ (28c)
$D=50\left[\frac{\left(1+2 K_0\right)}{3} \tan \varphi_{\mathrm{cv}}^{\prime}\right]^{1.8}$ (28d)
2 单桩荷载-沉降计算方法竖向荷载作用下单桩桩身位移Ss(z)与桩侧单位侧摩阻力τs(z)间的荷载传递微分方程为
$\frac{\mathrm{d}^2 S_{\mathrm{s}}(z)}{\mathrm{d} z^2}=\frac{\pi D \tau_{\mathrm{s}}(z)}{E_{\mathrm{p}} A_{\mathrm{p}}}$ (29)
$S_{\mathrm{s}}^{i+1}=\left(\frac{L}{n}\right)^2\left(-\frac{2 \pi r_0}{E_{\mathrm{p}} A_{\mathrm{p}}} \tau^i\right)+2 S_{\mathrm{s}}^i-S_{\mathrm{s}}^{i-1}$ (30)
1) 将单桩从桩顶至桩端分成n个桩段,桩顶处桩段编号为1,桩端处桩段编号为n。
2) 假定桩顶荷载Q。
3) 假设桩段1顶面和底面处的位移,Ss1和Ss2(其值假定较小)。
4) 根据式(1)或(5)(土体开挖前、后)计算桩段1顶面和底面处的桩侧单位摩阻力τs1和τs2。
5) 假设桩身轴力线性变化,桩段1底面处的桩身位移修正值可由式(31)计算获得,即
$S_{\mathrm{s}}^{2^{\prime}}=S_{\mathrm{s}}^1-S_{\mathrm{c}}^1$ (31)
式中:Sc1为桩段1的桩身压缩量,可根据式(32)计算获得, 即
$ S_{\mathrm{c}}^1=\frac{\Delta l\left\{Q+\left[Q-\frac{\pi D \Delta l\left(\tau_{\mathrm{s}}^1+\tau_{\mathrm{s}}^2\right)}{2}\right]\right\}}{2 E_{\mathrm{p}} A_{\mathrm{p}}} $ (32)
6) 比较式(31)中计算获得的Ss2′与步骤(3)中假定的Ss2值。若|Ss2-Ss2′|≤1×10-6 m,则桩段1底面处的桩身位移可取为Ss2;若|Ss2-Ss2′|>1× 10-6 m,需重新假定步骤3)中的Ss2值,直至|Ss2-Ss2′|≤ 1×10-6 m为止。
7) 采用式(30)计算其他桩段的桩身位移。
8) 由式(33)计算单桩总侧摩阻力Qs,即
$Q_{\mathrm{s}}=\sum\limits_1^{n+1} \pi D \Delta l \frac{\left(\tau_{\mathrm{s}}^i+\tau_{\mathrm{s}}^{i+1}\right)}{2}$ (33)
9) 根据计算获得的桩段n底面位移Ssn+1和式(21)或(22)(土体开挖前、后)计算桩端阻力Qb (考虑桩端面积)。
10) 根据式(34)计算单桩总承载力Q′,即
$Q^{\prime}=Q_{\mathrm{s}}+Q_{\mathrm{b}}$ (34)
11) 比较式(34)中计算获得的Q′与步骤2)中假定的Q值。若|Q-Q′|小于一给定的容许误差值,如1 N,则桩段1顶面处位移可取为Ss1;若|Q-Q′|大于该容许误差值,需重新假定步骤3)中的Ss1值,直至|Q-Q′|小于给定的容许误差值为止。
3 算例分析 3.1 算例1此算例来自文献[46]中桩基足尺载荷试验,选用桩长为6 m、桩径为0.6 m、桩身弹性模量约为30 GPa的钻孔灌注桩静载试验结果进行相关分析。现场测试表明,地表下存在约20 m的花岗岩残积土,地下水位位于地表以下约10 m处(即地下水位在桩端以下)。根据现场静力触探试验和Mascarucci[34]、Bolton[36]、Rowe[37]、Viana[46]和Jamiolkowski等[47]研究结果可知,该场地土层临界状态摩擦角约为32°,剪切带厚度ts约为4 mm,剪切模量折减系数α取其平均值0.75,qc实测值、Dr估算值、φp估算值和ψp估算值见图 3。
Fig. 3
图 3 土层物理力学特性 Fig. 3 Physical and mechanical properties of soil layer
单桩实测荷载-位移曲线和本文计算方法获得的单桩荷载-位移曲线见图 4。可以看出,本文方法计算得到的预测结果与实测结果较吻合。
Fig. 4
图 4 桩顶荷载-沉降曲线的计算值和实测值 Fig. 4 Calculated and measured load-settlement curve at pile head
3.2 算例2该算例来自冯若峰等[48]开展的既有建筑地下土体开挖条件下在役桩承载特性模型试验。为模拟实际工程中的开挖过程,模型实验中桩基始终在承担上部荷载的条件下进行桩周土体的开挖。每层土体开挖后待在役桩变形稳定后方可进行下一层土体开挖。该模型试验中模型桩由铝管打磨制成,桩径为0.03 m,桩长为1.0 m,桩身弹性模量为25.9 GPa。试验中所用砂土的平均相对密实度、内摩擦角等参数见文献[48],不同开挖深度时砂土的剪切模量可根据经验公式(17)计算求得。既有建筑地下土体开挖条件下在役单桩实测荷载-归一化沉降(wt/D,即桩顶沉降/桩径)曲线和本文计算方法获得的单桩荷载-归一化沉降曲线见图 5。可以看出,对于地下增层开挖条件下的在役单桩,考虑和不考虑开挖卸荷效应计算得到的极限承载力相近,但考虑开挖效应计算结果要略高于不考虑开挖效应计算结果。对于桩顶刚度,考虑开挖土体回弹计算结果要低于不考虑土体回弹计算结果。考虑开挖卸荷回弹效应的计算结果与试验结果更为吻合。
Fig. 5
图 5 在役桩顶荷载-归一化沉降曲线的计算值和实测值 Fig. 5 Calculated and measured load-normalized settlement curve at head of in-service pile
$w_{\text {ref }}=\frac{\tau_{\text {su }}}{k_{\mathrm{s} 0}}$ (35)
敏感性分析表明,采用无量纲化分析使得参数取值大小对结果不产生影响。计算的正规化方均根差与归一化回弹量的关系见图 6。可以看出,当归一化土体回弹量wr/wref < 1时,荷载传递曲线计算偏差小于5%,此时是否考虑土体回弹对于计算结果影响不大,实际分析中可略去回弹效应;当wr/wref>3时,计算误差已经超过了10%,沉降计算中需考虑土体回弹的影响。
Fig. 6
图 6 土体回弹量对于荷载传递关系的影响 Fig. 6 Influence of soil rebounding on load transfer relationship of pile
4 结论围绕既有建筑地下土体开挖条件下在役桩竖向承载能力评价等问题展开研究,提出了既有建筑地下土体开挖条件下在役桩基竖向承载特性的计算方法,并通过算例分析验证了本文计算方法的合理性。结论如下:
1) 地下增层在役桩基开挖效应包括开挖段侧阻力的直接损失、开挖卸荷引起的桩周土体应力状态变化及土体回弹引起的桩顶刚度降低。
2) 可采用双曲线模型模拟桩侧单位摩阻力和桩-土相对位移间的关系,可采用双折线模型模拟桩端位移和桩端阻力间的关系。
3) 对于较复杂的荷载传递函数,无法获得竖向荷载作用下单桩荷载传递微分方程的解析解时,可采用有限差分法,结合荷载传递法建立既有建筑地下土体开挖条件下在役桩基竖向承载特性的计算方法。
4) 对地下增层开挖条件下单桩进行分析时,应考虑开挖引起的土体回弹、桩周土超固结状态等因素对桩侧和桩端承载特性的影响。
5) 当归一化土体回弹量小于1时,荷载传递曲线计算偏差小于5%,沉降分析中可不考虑回弹效应。
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