

本站小编 Free考研考试/2021-12-04



(1.西安石油大学 材料科学与工程学院,西安 710065; 2.先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室(哈尔滨工业大学),哈尔滨 150001)


为提高T形接头的焊接效率、降低其焊接变形,本文提出了冷丝填充双热源协同焊接的工艺方法,主要利用有限元模拟技术研究了厚度6 mm的5083铝镁合金T形接头双热源协同焊接温度场、应力场及变形特征。模拟结果显示,双热源热输入相同的情况下,T形接头焊接温度场在立板两侧呈对称椭圆形分布,椭圆长轴与焊接方向一致,热源后方区域的温度梯度小于前方,主要是同时受到电弧与凝固焊道热量的叠加作用所致,热量分布范围拓宽;底板x方向的纵向残余应力呈“多峰”状对称分布,近缝区以拉应力为主,应力峰值为111.6 MPa;远缝区以压应力为主,应力值随着远离焊缝而变大,原因是距离热源越远,焊接热应力越小,压应力峰值为73.4 MPa;立板y方向从底部到顶部呈从“拉”到“压”的演变趋势,纵向残余应力先减小后微增,近缝区应力峰值为183 MPa,远缝区应力峰值为33.5 MPa;T形接头的横向收缩变形最大,变形量峰值为1.727 mm,主要与熔池金属冷却凝固时横向剧烈收缩、“拉拽”热影响区和母材有关。

关键词:  双热源协同焊接  T形接头  温度场  应力场  焊接变形





Numerical simulation of T-joint welding with cold wire filling and double heat sources

QIANG Wei1, LU Yongxin1,2, YUAN Yinhui1, SUN Can1

(1.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi′an Shiyou University, Xi′an 710065, China; 2.State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining(Harbin Institute of Technology), Harbin 150001, China)


To improve the welding efficiency and reduce the welding deformation of T-joint, the technology of double heat source cooperative welding with cold wire filling was put forward. The temperature field, stress field, and deformation characteristics of 6 mm thick 5083 aluminum magnesium alloy T-joint with double heat sources were studied by finite element simulation technology. Simulation results show that the temperature field of T-joint presented a symmetrical elliptical distribution on both sides of the vertical plate under the equal heat input of double heat sources, and the long axis of the ellipse was consistent with the welding direction. The temperature gradient in the area behind the heat source was smaller than that in the front, which was mainly caused by the superposition of the heat from the arc and the solidification weld bead, and the heat distribution range was widened.The longitudinal residual stress in the x direction of the bottom plate was symmetrically distributed in a “multi-peak” shape, and the tensile stress was dominant in the near seam area, with the peak stress of 111.6 MPa. The compressive stress was dominant in the far seam area, and the stress value increased with the distance from the welding seam. The reason was that the farther away from the heat source, the smaller the welding thermal stress was, and the peak compressive stress was 73.4 MPa. From the bottom to the top of the vertical plate, the evolution trend was from “tension” to “compression”, the longitudinal residual stress first decreased and then increased slightly, the peak stress in the near seam area was 183 MPa, and the peak stress in the far seam area was 33.5 MPa.The transverse shrinkage deformation of T-joint was the largest, with the deformation peak value of 1.727 mm, which was mainly related to the transverse sharp contraction, the “pull” heat affected zone, and the base metal, when the molten pool metal was cooled and solidified.

Key words:  double heat source cooperative welding  T-joint  temperature field  stress field  welding deformation

强伟, 路永新, 袁银辉, 孙粲. T形接头冷丝填充双热源协同焊接数值模拟[J]. 材料科学与工艺, 2021, 29(5): 57-62. DOI: 10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20200331.
QIANG Wei, LU Yongxin, YUAN Yinhui, SUN Can. Numerical simulation of T-joint welding with cold wire filling and double heat sources[J]. Materials Science and Technology, 2021, 29(5): 57-62. DOI: 10.11951/j.issn.1005-0299.20200331.
基金项目 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划资助项目(2020JQ-768);先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室开放课题研究基金(AWJ-21M21) 通信作者 强伟,E-mail:qiangw@xsyu.edu.cn 作者简介 强伟(1988—),男,博士 文章历史 收稿日期: 2020-11-02 网络出版日期: 2021-06-06

Contents            Abstract            Full text            Figures/Tables            PDF

强伟1, 路永新1,2, 袁银辉1, 孙粲1     
1. 西安石油大学 材料科学与工程学院,西安 710065;
2. 先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室(哈尔滨工业大学),哈尔滨 150001

收稿日期: 2020-11-02; 网络出版日期: 2021-06-06
基金项目: 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划资助项目(2020JQ-768);先进焊接与连接国家重点实验室开放课题研究基金(AWJ-21M21)
作者简介: 强伟(1988—),男,博士.
通信作者: 强伟,E-mail:qiangw@xsyu.edu.cn.

摘要: 为提高T形接头的焊接效率、降低其焊接变形,本文提出了冷丝填充双热源协同焊接的工艺方法,主要利用有限元模拟技术研究了厚度6 mm的5083铝镁合金T形接头双热源协同焊接温度场、应力场及变形特征。模拟结果显示,双热源热输入相同的情况下,T形接头焊接温度场在立板两侧呈对称椭圆形分布,椭圆长轴与焊接方向一致,热源后方区域的温度梯度小于前方,主要是同时受到电弧与凝固焊道热量的叠加作用所致,热量分布范围拓宽;底板x方向的纵向残余应力呈“多峰”状对称分布,近缝区以拉应力为主,应力峰值为111.6 MPa;远缝区以压应力为主,应力值随着远离焊缝而变大,原因是距离热源越远,焊接热应力越小,压应力峰值为73.4 MPa;立板y方向从底部到顶部呈从“拉”到“压”的演变趋势,纵向残余应力先减小后微增,近缝区应力峰值为183 MPa,远缝区应力峰值为33.5 MPa;T形接头的横向收缩变形最大,变形量峰值为1.727 mm,主要与熔池金属冷却凝固时横向剧烈收缩、“拉拽”热影响区和母材有关。
关键词: 双热源协同焊接    T形接头    温度场    应力场    焊接变形    
Numerical simulation of T-joint welding with cold wire filling and double heat sources
QIANG Wei1, LU Yongxin1,2, YUAN Yinhui1, SUN Can1     
1. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Xi′an Shiyou University, Xi′an 710065, China;
2. State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining(Harbin Institute of Technology), Harbin 150001, China

Abstract: To improve the welding efficiency and reduce the welding deformation of T-joint, the technology of double heat source cooperative welding with cold wire filling was put forward. The temperature field, stress field, and deformation characteristics of 6 mm thick 5083 aluminum magnesium alloy T-joint with double heat sources were studied by finite element simulation technology. Simulation results show that the temperature field of T-joint presented a symmetrical elliptical distribution on both sides of the vertical plate under the equal heat input of double heat sources, and the long axis of the ellipse was consistent with the welding direction. The temperature gradient in the area behind the heat source was smaller than that in the front, which was mainly caused by the superposition of the heat from the arc and the solidification weld bead, and the heat distribution range was widened. The longitudinal residual stress in the x direction of the bottom plate was symmetrically distributed in a "multi-peak" shape, and the tensile stress was dominant in the near seam area, with the peak stress of 111.6 MPa. The compressive stress was dominant in the far seam area, and the stress value increased with the distance from the welding seam. The reason was that the farther away from the heat source, the smaller the welding thermal stress was, and the peak compressive stress was 73.4 MPa. From the bottom to the top of the vertical plate, the evolution trend was from "tension" to "compression", the longitudinal residual stress first decreased and then increased slightly, the peak stress in the near seam area was 183 MPa, and the peak stress in the far seam area was 33.5 MPa.The transverse shrinkage deformation of T-joint was the largest, with the deformation peak value of 1.727 mm, which was mainly related to the transverse sharp contraction, the "pull" heat affected zone, and the base metal, when the molten pool metal was cooled and solidified.
Keywords: double heat source cooperative welding    T-joint    temperature field    stress field    welding deformation    

1 冷丝填充双热源协同焊接方法图 1为T形接头冷丝填充双热源协同焊接的原理示意图。

图 Figure1(Fig.Figure1)
图 1 T形接头冷丝填充双热源协同焊接原理示意图Fig.1 Welding principle of T-joint with cold wire filling and double heat sources: (a) main view; (b) left view


2 有限元模拟2.1 双椭球热源模型热源模型的选择对于焊接温度场和应力场的计算精度有直接影响,针对双热源协同焊的热源特点,本文选用如图 2所示的双椭球热源模型。双椭球热源模型的前半部分为1/4椭球,后半部分为1/4椭球。其前半部分和后半部分椭球内部的热源分布分别为:

图 Figure2(Fig.Figure2)
图 2 双椭球热源模型Fig.2 Double ellipsoid heat source model

$q\left( {x, y, z} \right) = \frac{{6\sqrt 3 {f_{\rm{f}}}Q}}{{{\rm{ \mathsf{ π} }}ab{c_{\rm{f}}}\sqrt {\rm{ \mathsf{ π} }} }}{e^{ - 3{x^2}/{a^2}}}{e^{ - 3{y^2}/{b^2}}}{e^{ - 3{z^2}/c_{\rm{f}}^2}}$ (1)

$q\left( {x, y, z} \right) = \frac{{6\sqrt 3 {f_{\rm{b}}}Q}}{{{\rm{ \mathsf{ π} }}ab{c_{\rm{b}}}\sqrt {\rm{ \mathsf{ π} }} }}{e^{ - 3{x^2}/{a^2}}}{e^{ - 3{y^2}/{b^2}}}{e^{ - 3{z^2}/c_{\rm{b}}^2}}$ (2)

式中:a为双椭球的半宽,取值4 mm;b为双椭球的深度,取值5 mm;cfcb分别为双椭球的前半部分和后半部分的长度,分别取值2 mm、5 mm;fffb分别为总的热输入功率在熔池前后两部分的能量分布系数,ff+fb=2;Q为有效热输入,Q =ηUIU为电弧电压;I为焊接电流;η为热效率,取值0.7。

2.2 几何建模与边界条件建立T形接头的三维模型,如图 3所示。其中,T形接头的底板尺寸为300 mm×150 mm×6 mm,立板尺寸为300 mm×50 mm×6 mm。角焊缝采用提前预制的方式与母材统一建模,焊脚尺寸为3 mm,能量加载采用生死单元法进行,工件约束方式如图 4所示。

图 Figure3(Fig.Figure3)
图 3 T形接头三维模型Fig.3 Three dimensional model of T-joint

图 Figure4(Fig.Figure4)
图 4 工件约束方式Fig.4 Workpiece constraint mode

除焊缝最内侧采用四面体单元,模型其余部分均采用六面体单元进行网格划分,总单元数为61 200个,节点数82 008个。热源模式设置为体热源,初始环境温度为20 ℃,工件外表面为自然散热边界条件,主要传热形式为对流换热。

$ - \lambda \frac{{\partial T}}{{\partial n}} = h({T_{\rm{s}}} - {T_0})$ (3)


5083铝合金的物理性能参数采用插值函数获得,如表 1所示。模拟采用的焊接电流为207 A,电弧电压为7.25 V,焊接速度为3 mm/s。

表1(Table 1)
表 1 铝合金物理性能参数Table 1 Physical property parameters of aluminum alloy 温度/℃ 热导率/(W·(m·℃)-1) 比热容/(J·(kg·℃)-1)

20 119 900

100 121 921

200 126 1 005

300 130 1 047

400 138 1 089

500 139 1 092

600 139 1 095

700 139 1 097

表 1 铝合金物理性能参数Table 1 Physical property parameters of aluminum alloy

2.3 数值模拟结果分析2.3.1 温度场模拟结果图 5为T形接头的焊接温度场云图。由于铝合金的熔点大约为600 ℃,因此,云图中温度高于600 ℃的部分可视为焊接熔池,以灰色显示。可见,双热源协同作用下的双熔池已经合并为单一贯穿熔池,表明在当前工艺条件下,T形接头可以很好地实现根部熔透。本文所有的讨论均是基于熔透焊缝展开。

图 Figure5(Fig.Figure5)
图 5 T形接头双热源协同焊接温度场Fig.5 Temperature field of double heat source cooperative welding of T-joint

图 6为T形接头立板距离焊缝中心不同位置(20、35和50 mm)的热循环曲线,由于双热源协同焊的热源对称分布于立板两侧,因此只显示单侧模拟结果。热循环曲线表明,测试位置的温度随着时间的变化呈现先上升后下降的总体趋势,随着焊接过程的持续,热源逐渐移近测试点,测点温度升高,待逐渐远离焊缝,测点温度降低,曲线峰值温度为280 ℃,出现在距离热源最近的测试位置。

图 Figure6(Fig.Figure6)
图 6 双热源协同焊接热循环曲线Fig.6 Thermal cycle curve of double heat source cooperative welding

图 7为热源达到焊缝中间位置时刻的温度场云图。双热源协同焊的等温线基本呈椭圆形,椭圆长轴与焊接方向一致,以立板为轴呈对称分布。热源前方等温线较后方密集,温度梯度更大,热源移动方向决定了热源前方工件的温度低于热源后方,因此热源与热源前方区域单位长度的温度差(即温度梯度)较大,而热源与热源后方区域的温度梯度较小。

图 Figure7(Fig.Figure7)
图 7 热源达到焊缝中部时刻的温度场云图Fig.7 Nephogram of temperature field when heat source reaches the middle of the seam

2.3.2 应力场模拟结果在焊接过程中,不均匀的加热冷却导致构件各部分发生程度不同的“热胀冷缩”,从而导致焊后工件中存在残余应力。一般来说,焊缝的纵向残余应力数值较大,会对焊接变形产生重大影响[18],因此本小节重点探讨T形接头中纵向残余应力的分布特征。

图 8显示了T形接头双热源协同焊接的纵向残余应力云图。由图可见,拉应力集中分布于焊缝区,远离焊缝的母材区主要以压应力为主。通过理论分析可知,焊缝部位冷却收缩时需要承受远离焊缝区域低温金属的“拉拽”作用,应力分布以拉应力为主,根据力的相互作用法则,焊缝受到拉拽的同时也对周围金属施加了“挤压”作用,因而周围金属主要承受压应力。

图 Figure8(Fig.Figure8)
图 8 T形接头纵向残余应力云图Fig.8 Longitudinal residual stress nephogram of T-joint

图 9(a)显示了T形接头底板x方向的纵向残余应力分布特征,可见纵向残余应力为“多峰”状对称分布,拉应力主要分布于焊缝及邻近区域,存在3个极大值,最大应力值位于A2处,残余应力值达到111.6 MPa。远离焊缝部位主要存在残余压应力,应力值随着与焊缝距离的增加而变大,最大压应力为73.4 MPa。图 9(b)所示为立板y方向的纵向残余应力分布特征,从立板底部到顶部,应力先减小后增加,立板约1/3的距离(靠近焊缝一侧)以残余拉应力为主,最大应力值为183 MPa,立板上远离焊缝的一段(约2/3距离)存在较小的残余压应力,最大值为33.5 MPa。

图 Figure9(Fig.Figure9)
图 9 T形接头应力分布曲线Fig.9 Stress distribution curve of T-joint: (a) stress distribution of bottom plate in x direction; (b) stress distribution of vertical plate in y direction

2.3.3 焊接变形模拟结果在不均匀焊接热循环作用下,焊件受拘束处易产生残余应力,而不受拘束的地方易发生变形,图 10显示了T形接头双热源协同焊接的变形情况。由图可得,x方向最大变形量为1.727 mm,y方向最大变形量为1.468 mm,z方向最大变形量为1.527 mm。综上所述,T形接头x方向变形量最大,即焊接引起的底板横向收缩变形最大,变形峰值达1.727 mm,分析原因是熔池金属冷却凝固时横向剧烈收缩,对热影响区及母材产生强烈的“拉拽”作用,迫使底板发生横向收缩。

图 Figure10(Fig.Figure10)
图 10 T形接头x方向(a)、y方向(b)及z方向(c)焊接变形Fig.10 Welding deformation of T-joint in (a) x direction, (b) y direction, and (c) z direction

3 结论1) 在双热源采用相同热输入的情况下,T形接头温度场在立板两侧呈对称椭圆形分布。

2) 底板x方向的纵向残余应力呈“多峰”状对称分布,拉应力主要分布于焊缝及邻近区域,峰值为111.6 MPa;远离焊缝的母材部位主要为压应力,应力值随着与焊缝距离的增加而变大,峰值为73.4 MPa。立板y方向从底部到顶部,纵向残余应力先减小后增加,立板上近焊缝区域以残余拉应力为主,最大应力值为183 MPa,立板上远焊缝区域以残余压应力为主,最大值为33.5 MPa。

3) T形接头的横向收缩变形最大,变形量峰值为1.727 mm。

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