(吉林大学 材料科学与工程学院,长春 130022)
对某动车组L型截面变曲率铝合金门立柱的拉弯成形过程进行模拟.基于不同阶段下的截面应力应变分布和回弹半径变化关系,探索了铝合金门立柱拉弯成形精度的影响因素,优选工艺参数及控制方法,并通过试验进行验证.结果表明:变曲率L型截面铝合金门立柱拉弯成形主要缺陷为截面畸变和回弹,其中截面畸变缺陷包括直线段区域腹板塌陷和圆弧端区域立边内凹.调整拉伸量等工艺参数一定程度上能够减小截面畸变缺陷和回弹.截面畸变缺陷主要因拉弯过程中立边受力不同引起.设置背压板,增加压板载荷能够减小直线段腹板截面畸变值;优化拉弯模具轮廓线,可降低圆弧端的立边截面畸变值.门立柱小圆弧端一侧回弹程度比大圆弧端一侧更严重,主要因变曲率铝合金门立柱两端不对称引起,影响门立柱的贴模度.利用回弹补偿法修正模具型面可有效控制回弹.试验最佳工艺参数为:预拉量1%,包覆拉伸量4.5%,补拉量0.5%,直线段区域施加40 kN背压力,构件成形精度大幅度提高,满足设计要求.
关键词: 铝合金门立柱 变曲率L型截面 拉弯成形 数值模拟 精度控制
基金项目:国家自然科学基金(51790483); 吉林省科技发展计划项目(20160204058GX)
Accuracy control of stretch bending for variable curvature L-section aluminum alloy door column of EMU
XU Hong,LIU Meng,GUO Zhipeng,ZOU Yujie,LU Rui,GU Zhengwei,CHENG Xiuming
(College of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China)
The stretch bending process of the variable curvature L-section aluminum alloy door column of an electric multiple unit (EMU) was simulated. Based on the relationship between the stress and strain distribution of the cross-section and the spring-back radius at different stages, the factors affecting the precision of stretch bending process were systematically explored for optimizing processing parameters and controlling methods, which were then verified by experiment. Results show that the main forming defects during bending were corss-section distortions and spring-back, where the cross-section distortion defects were web collapse in straight section and concave deformation of vertical edge in arc segment. The defects of cross-section distortions and spring-back could be reduced to some extent, by adjusting the processing parameters such as the stretching amount. The cross-section distortions were mainly caused by different forces on the vertical side during the stretch bending process. By setting back plate and increasing its load, the distortion value of the web plate in straight section could be reduced. The optimization of the profile of the bending die could decrease the distortion value of the vertical edge section in arc segment. Moreover, the spring-back degree in the small arc side was more serious than that in the large arc side, which was mainly due to the asymmetry of both ends of the variable curvature aluminum alloy door column, affecting the part-mold contact gap of the door column. The spring-back could be alleviated via modifying the die surface by spring-back compensation method. The forming accuracy could be greatly enhanced to meet the design requirements when the amount of pre-elongation, wrap-elongation, and post-elongation was 1%, 4.5%, and 0.5%, respectively, and the back pressure applied to the straight section was 40 kN.
Key words: aluminum alloy door column variable curvature L-section stretch bending numerical simulation accuracy control
徐虹, 刘猛, 国志鹏, 邹玉杰, 卢睿, 谷诤巍, 程秀明. 动车组变曲率L型截面铝合金门立柱拉弯精度控制[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2021, 53(2): 77-83. DOI: 10.11918/202006085.

XU Hong, LIU Meng, GUO Zhipeng, ZOU Yujie, LU Rui, GU Zhengwei, CHENG Xiuming. ccuracy control of stretch bending for variable curvature L-section aluminum alloy door column of EMU[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2021, 53(2): 77-83. DOI: 10.11918/202006085.

基金项目 国家自然科学基金(51790483);吉林省科技发展计划项目(20160204058GX) 作者简介 徐虹(1972—),女,副教授,研究生导师 通信作者 程秀明,xmcheng@jlu.edu.cn 文章历史 收稿日期: 2020-06-15
Abstract Full text Figures/Tables PDF
徐虹, 刘猛, 国志鹏, 邹玉杰, 卢睿, 谷诤巍, 程秀明

吉林大学 材料科学与工程学院,长春 130022
收稿日期: 2020-06-15
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金(51790483);吉林省科技发展计划项目(20160204058GX)
作者简介: 徐虹(1972—),女,副教授,研究生导师
通信作者: 程秀明,xmcheng@jlu.edu.cn
摘要: 对某动车组L型截面变曲率铝合金门立柱的拉弯成形过程进行模拟.基于不同阶段下的截面应力应变分布和回弹半径变化关系,探索了铝合金门立柱拉弯成形精度的影响因素,优选工艺参数及控制方法,并通过试验进行验证.结果表明:变曲率L型截面铝合金门立柱拉弯成形主要缺陷为截面畸变和回弹,其中截面畸变缺陷包括直线段区域腹板塌陷和圆弧端区域立边内凹.调整拉伸量等工艺参数一定程度上能够减小截面畸变缺陷和回弹.截面畸变缺陷主要因拉弯过程中立边受力不同引起.设置背压板,增加压板载荷能够减小直线段腹板截面畸变值;优化拉弯模具轮廓线,可降低圆弧端的立边截面畸变值.门立柱小圆弧端一侧回弹程度比大圆弧端一侧更严重,主要因变曲率铝合金门立柱两端不对称引起,影响门立柱的贴模度.利用回弹补偿法修正模具型面可有效控制回弹.试验最佳工艺参数为:预拉量1%,包覆拉伸量4.5%,补拉量0.5%,直线段区域施加40 kN背压力,构件成形精度大幅度提高,满足设计要求.
关键词: 铝合金门立柱 变曲率L型截面 拉弯成形 数值模拟 精度控制
ccuracy control of stretch bending for variable curvature L-section aluminum alloy door column of EMU
XU Hong, LIU Meng, GUO Zhipeng, ZOU Yujie, LU Rui, GU Zhengwei, CHENG Xiuming

College of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130022, China
Abstract: The stretch bending process of the variable curvature L-section aluminum alloy door column of an electric multiple unit (EMU) was simulated. Based on the relationship between the stress and strain distribution of the cross-section and the spring-back radius at different stages, the factors affecting the precision of stretch bending process were systematically explored for optimizing processing parameters and controlling methods, which were then verified by experiment. Results show that the main forming defects during bending were corss-section distortions and spring-back, where the cross-section distortion defects were web collapse in straight section and concave deformation of vertical edge in arc segment. The defects of cross-section distortions and spring-back could be reduced to some extent, by adjusting the processing parameters such as the stretching amount. The cross-section distortions were mainly caused by different forces on the vertical side during the stretch bending process. By setting back plate and increasing its load, the distortion value of the web plate in straight section could be reduced. The optimization of the profile of the bending die could decrease the distortion value of the vertical edge section in arc segment. Moreover, the spring-back degree in the small arc side was more serious than that in the large arc side, which was mainly due to the asymmetry of both ends of the variable curvature aluminum alloy door column, affecting the part-mold contact gap of the door column. The spring-back could be alleviated via modifying the die surface by spring-back compensation method. The forming accuracy could be greatly enhanced to meet the design requirements when the amount of pre-elongation, wrap-elongation, and post-elongation was 1%, 4.5%, and 0.5%, respectively, and the back pressure applied to the straight section was 40 kN.
Keywords: aluminum alloy door column variable curvature L-section stretch bending numerical simulation accuracy control
高速化成为轨道交通发展趋势,作为高速化的核心装备,时速300~350 km/h高速动车组成为中国重点发展主导车型,需求旺盛,市场巨大.高速铝合金车体是高速动车组国产化自主研制需突破的九大关键技术之一.因轨道车辆车体构件尺寸大,形状复杂,尺寸和形状精度要求高,制造难度大,多采用拉弯工艺对铝合金型材进行成形[1].对于复杂截面、变曲率、成形精度要求高的铝合金型材结构件,传统拉弯成形已不能满足现代化生产.为了提高型材弯曲件的精度,降低生产成本,目前主要以试验和数值模拟为主[2-4].
图 1为L型截面铝合金型材车门立柱,位于每节车体两端,是高速动车组侧墙组件中的一个重要构件.车门立柱在实际生产时常常出现截面畸变和回弹缺陷,导致轮廓精度差,无法与车门配合,影响车体安全性和气密性.
Fig. 1

1 门立柱拉弯成形分析及建模 1.1 门立柱结构分析门立柱构件由铝型材弯曲而成,两端为圆弧段,中央为直线段,如图 2所示,其腹板壁厚6 mm,立边壁厚10 mm,在成形精度方面要求腹板畸变小于1 mm;两段圆弧区域立边畸变分别小于1.2 mm.由图可见该件截面呈L型,属于开口型截面,加上该件立边较高,长度较长、外轮廓曲率变化复杂以及纵向左右不对称,使得拉弯后构件容易出现截面畸变、直线段平面度差和两端回弹大等成形缺陷.
Fig. 2

1.2 型材拉弯成形理论分析基于弯曲工程理论[14-15],分别对小曲率和大曲率型材拉弯成形过程进行理论分析,推导截面的应力应变分布表达式和回弹半径变化关系式.
$ \Delta r = {r_h} - {r_q} = \frac{{{\rm{ }}{r_q}\left( {{\sigma _w} - {\sigma _n}} \right)}}{{hE - {r_q}\left( {{\sigma _w} - {\sigma _n}} \right)}}{\rm{ }} \approx \\{\rm{ }}\frac{{r_q^2Dh/{R_C}}}{{hE - {r_q}Dh/{R_C}}} = \frac{{r_q^2D}}{{{\rm{ }}E{R_C} - {r_q}D}}. $ (1)
式中:rq、rh分别为卸载时型材底部回弹前、后半径; h为型材截面高度; σw、σn分别为卸载前型材顶部和底部单元所受应力; RC为补拉后应变中性层曲率半径; D为材料的塑性模量.
补拉阶段,近似认为截面应变在横截面高度方向呈线性分布,由图 3几何关系,z处的材料所受应力
Fig. 3

$ \Delta {\varepsilon _w} = - {\rm{ }}\frac{{{\sigma _w}}}{E}, $ (2)
$ \Delta {\varepsilon _n} \approx {\rm{ }}\frac{{{\sigma _w}\left( {\rho - {r_q}} \right){\rm{ }}}}{{E\left( {h + {r_q} - \rho } \right)}}. $ (3)
式中:E为材料弹性模量,ρ为应变中性层半径,rq为型材回弹前半径,h为型材截面高度, σw为回弹前型材外层材料的应力.
$ \begin{array}{l}\Delta r = {r_h} - {r_q} \approx \frac{{{\rm{ }}{r_q}\left[ {h\Delta {\varepsilon _n} - {r_q}(\Delta {\varepsilon _\omega } - \Delta {\varepsilon _n})} \right]{\rm{ }}}}{{h\left( {{\rm{ }}1 + {\rm{ }}\frac{{{r_q} - \rho {\rm{ }}}}{\rho }} \right){\rm{ }} + {r_q}(\Delta {\varepsilon _\omega } - \Delta {\varepsilon _n})}}{\rm{ }} = \\\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;\;{\rm{ }}\frac{{\rho 2{\sigma _w}}}{{E\left( {h + {r_q} - \rho } \right) - \rho {\sigma _w}}}.\end{array} $ (4)
1.3 有限元模型铝合金材料为6005A,性能数据如下:密度ρ为2.6×10-9 t/mm3;弹性模量E为70 000 MPa;泊松比μ为0.3;屈服强度σs为139.5 MPa;硬化系数K为401.5 MPa;应变强化系数n为0.2.考虑材料各向异性,采用Krupkowsky准则描述材料的真实应力-应变塑性变形关系:
$ \sigma = K{\left( {{\varepsilon _0} + {\varepsilon _p}} \right)^n}, $ (5)
$ {\varepsilon _0} = {\rm{ }}n{\rm{ }}\sqrt {\frac{{{\sigma _{\rm{s}}}}}{K}} . $ (6)
门立柱采用张臂式拉弯机拉弯成形,基于构件特征,建立如图 4所示的拉弯有限元模型.模型包括拉弯模具、夹钳、型材.由于腹板和立边板料不等厚,考虑到板厚方向应力会对模拟的精度有一定影响,本文采用实体板料网格单元模拟.在型材截面厚度方向上均使用5个积分点组成的4层实体单元.型材与拉弯模具之间罚接触,摩擦系数取0.1.
Fig. 4

2 数值模拟结果与缺陷控制 2.1 模拟结果分析根据模拟,拉弯成形中拉伸量的选取对最后成形效果有显著影响,在防止构件过分减薄的前提下,增大拉伸量有利于提高拉弯成形精度.初选如下拉弯工艺参数:预拉量1%,包覆拉伸量7.5%,补拉量0.5%,图 5为模拟结果.拉弯后,构件最大等效塑性应变为13.85%.L型截面门立柱的截面畸变主要为腹板塌陷和立边内凹,其中腹板塌陷出现在中央直线段区域,立边内凹主要出现在圆弧段区域.此外,在夹钳应力卸载后,构件不对称、两端回弹量不一样.其中小圆弧端的回弹量较大,达到9.616 mm,大圆弧端的回弹达到6.41 mm,如图 6所示.构件出现明显截面畸变并且回弹较大,因此必须优化工艺,控制成形精度.
Fig. 5

Fig. 6

2.2 拉伸量优化铝型材拥有良好的延展性,但延伸率太大会导致型材局部区域过分减薄甚至拉裂,影响整体强度.上述模拟结果发现原方案拉伸量过大.由于包覆拉伸量对成形精度影响最为显著,保持预拉量、补拉量不变,分别取1%、0.5%,包覆拉伸量选择4.5%、5.5%、6.5%进行模拟,结果见图 7.其中包覆拉伸量为4.5%时,小圆弧段区域最大塑性应变为9.58%,满足延伸率控制要求且最为安全.
Fig. 7

2.3 截面畸变缺陷的控制L型截面铝合金型材门立柱的截面畸变主要为腹板塌陷和立边内凹,见图 8.由于L型截面构件为非对称截面,在夹钳拉伸力和弯矩作用下,直线段处腹板单元的受力状态为y向受拉,z向受压,立边单元y向受压,z向受拉.
Fig. 8

拉弯时直线段区域的腹板有立边一端,受到立边作用力的影响向上凸起,而腹板无立边一端在夹钳弯矩的作用下向下贴模,总体表现为直线段区域腹板塌陷,如图 5(a)所示.
根据直线段区域截面畸变的产生原因,在该区域设置背压板,限制该区域的立边拱起.压板的载荷大小将直接影响腹板上沿y轴各单元z向的应力分布,采用不同的背压力模拟拉弯过程,由图 9可知提高压板载荷能够减小直线段畸变.
Fig. 9

构件立边的截面畸变主要集中于圆弧段区域,由于拉弯过程中构件的立边出现减薄,导致立边底部和拉弯模具底部之间存在间隙,见图 5(b).由于立边底部未能接触受力,刚度不足、导致“立边失稳”,立边底部向模具方向倾斜.
根据立边截面畸变的产生原因,本文提出一种控制立边畸变的方法:即记录型材与模具底部对应点的间隙值gi,将原轮廓对应点等量偏移gi,光顺后的模具底部轮廓线,尽量确保在拉弯成形中立边与模具底部能够保持相互接触,图 10为拉弯模具优化前后底部轮廓变化.
Fig. 10

通过优化,测量构件各面的立边截面畸变值,图 11表明,立边截面畸变最大值由3.73 mm下降至1.68 mm,满足精度要求.
Fig. 11

2.4 回弹缺陷的控制构件的回弹导致门立柱外轮廓发生改变,会严重影响门立柱的贴模度,故回弹量的大小是考察门立柱成形质量的一项重要指标.构件的回弹定义如图 12所示,采用构件回弹前后半径R的变化和构件两端的间隙S来描述回弹大小.
Fig. 12

考虑到回弹变形大,本文采用一种基于数值模拟的虚拟迭代修模方法控制构件回弹.算法采用几何补偿法[16-19],图 13为几何补偿法示意.下面进行算法理论分析.
Fig. 13

$ S = \{ {s_i}\left| s \right. \in {\mathit{\Omega} ^3},1 \le i \le n\} , $ (7)
$ T = \{ {t_i}\left| t \right. \in {\mathit{\Omega} ^3},1 \le i \le n\} . $ (8)
$ M = S - \mu (T - S). $ (9)
式中, μ为补偿因子,一般取0.8~1.5.各点的偏差补偿值Φ
$ {M^2} = {M^1} - \mu ({T^1} - S). $ (10)
$ {M^{j + 1}} = {M^j} - \mu ({T^j} - S), $ (11)
$\mathit{\Phi} _i^j = - \mu (t_i^j - {s_i}). $ (12)
式中, j为迭代次数.当形状偏差
Fig. 14

Fig. 15

3 试验验证在Cyril Bath公司生产的数控拉弯机上进行拉弯试验.根据上述模拟结果,修正模具轮廓型面、重新构造拉弯胎具,设置背压板并优化工艺参数.压板压力由5 kN增大至40 kN,发现直线段最大腹板畸变由3.81 mm降低为0.86 mm;两段圆弧区域的截面立边畸变分别由2.81 mm和2.93 mm降低至0.95 mm和1.1 mm.
腹板和立边优化前后试验结果对比见图 16,构件的截面尺寸精度得到很大改善.在应力卸载后,构件外轮廓形状偏差较小,满足小于3 mm的设计指标,门立柱的成形精度达到要求.图 17为轮廓精度良好的门立柱.
Fig. 16

Fig. 17

4 结论1) 对拉弯成形工艺进行理论分析,基于简单的线性强化模型和力学假定,建立回弹半径变化的数学模型,给出回弹半径的变化规律,即截面高度增加,回弹半径变小;随着拉伸量增大,回弹半径变小;不同构件材料力学性能参数E不同,回弹半径也不同.
2) 变曲率L型截面铝合金门立柱在拉弯成形时容易出现腹板塌陷,在直线段处设置背压板,背压力从5 kN增大至40 kN,直线段区域腹板截面畸变值下降大约77%. 3)优化门立柱拉弯模具轮廓线,确保构件立边与拉弯模具底部保持接触,增加立边结构强度,使圆弧段的立边截面畸变值下降大约66%. 4)为避免壁厚过分减薄导致结构强度降低,铝合金型材拉弯时包覆拉伸量不宜超过5.5%.
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