(同济大学 机械与能源工程学院, 上海 201804)
为更好地解决系统参数摄动和外负荷扰动等不确定性因素下离合器接合轨迹可变性及其跟踪偏差带来的接合过程问题,提出了离合器接合轨迹的优化及跟踪控制方法. 以装载机V型工况重载后退换挡中离合器接合过程为研究对象,建立冲击度和滑磨功相结合的二次型性能指标泛函,在干扰矩阵有参数化表达的非平稳随机项下,通过构造Hamiltonian函数并依据Pontryagin极大值原理和解析Riccati微分方程,得到时变最优控制律和权重系数调整下的可变扭矩最优轨迹;为提高非线性特性执行机构参数摄动下最优轨迹的跟踪精度,将接合过程品质优化问题转化为轨迹跟踪的单一目标问题,采用指数趋近律滑模控制方法设计的控制器实现了跟踪误差在0.3%以内的精准跟踪,用Lyapunov理论对其进行了稳定性分析. 数值仿真结果表明,该控制方法降低了离合器接合冲击度及滑磨功,有助于提高离合器接合过程品质,对解决同类问题具有理论性工程参考价值.
关键词: 非平稳随机信号 湿式离合器 接合轨迹 冲击度 滑磨功 滑模控制
Optimization and tracking control of the clutch engagement process under non-stationary random cyclic conditions
LI Xiaoxiang,WANG Anlin,FAN Xucan,WU Jingpei
(School of Mechanical Engineering, Tong Ji University, Shanghai 201804, China)
To better solve the problem of clutch engagement process caused by variability of the clutch engagement trajectory and the tracking deviation under uncertain factors such as system parameter perturbation and external load disturbance, the optimization and tracking control method of the clutch engagement trajectory are proposed. Taking the clutch engagement process in the heavy-duty reverse shifting of the loader V-type working condition as the research object, a quadratic performance index function combining the jerk and friction work is established. Under the non-stationary random term with parameterized expression in the disturbance matrix, the variable torque optimal trajectory under the time-varying optimal control law and weight coefficient adjustment is obtained by constructing the Hamiltonian function and solving the Riccati differential equation based on Pontryagin maximum principle. To improve the tracking accuracy of the optimal trajectory under perturbation of nonlinear characteristic actuator, the quality optimization problem of the engagement process is transformed into a single target problem of trajectory tracking. The controller designed by sliding mode control method with exponential approach law achieves accurate tracking with tracking error within 0.3%, and its stability analysis is carried out by Lyapunov theory. The numerical simulation results show that the control method achieves the minimization of the friction work under the condition that the clutch engagement impact is lower than the national standard. The control method proposed in the paper will be beneficial to improve the quality of the clutch engagement process and have theoretical engineering reference value for solving similar problems.
Key words: wet clutch non-stationary random signal engagement trajectory jerk friction work sliding mode control
李晓祥, 王安麟, 樊旭灿, 吴景培. 非平稳随机循环工况离合器接合优化及跟踪控制[J]. 哈尔滨工业大学学报, 2020, 52(7): 52-58. DOI: 10.11918/201906001.

LI Xiaoxiang, WANG Anlin, FAN Xucan, WU Jingpei. Optimization and tracking control of the clutch engagement process under non-stationary random cyclic conditions[J]. Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology, 2020, 52(7): 52-58. DOI: 10.11918/201906001.

基金项目 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC0810203) 作者简介 李晓祥(1984—),男,博士研究生,工程师;
王安麟(1954—),男,教授,博士生导师 通信作者 王安麟,wanganlin@tongji.edu.cn 文章历史 收稿日期: 2019-06-01
Abstract Full text Figures/Tables PDF
李晓祥, 王安麟

同济大学 机械与能源工程学院, 上海 201804
收稿日期: 2019-06-01
基金项目: 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC0810203)
作者简介: 李晓祥(1984—),男,博士研究生,工程师; 王安麟(1954—),男,教授,博士生导师
通信作者: 王安麟,wanganlin@tongji.edu.cn
摘要: 为更好地解决系统参数摄动和外负荷扰动等不确定性因素下离合器接合轨迹可变性及其跟踪偏差带来的接合过程问题,提出了离合器接合轨迹的优化及跟踪控制方法.以装载机V型工况重载后退换挡中离合器接合过程为研究对象,建立冲击度和滑磨功相结合的二次型性能指标泛函,在干扰矩阵有参数化表达的非平稳随机项下,通过构造Hamiltonian函数并依据Pontryagin极大值原理和解析Riccati微分方程,得到时变最优控制律和权重系数调整下的可变扭矩最优轨迹;为提高非线性特性执行机构参数摄动下最优轨迹的跟踪精度,将接合过程品质优化问题转化为轨迹跟踪的单一目标问题,采用指数趋近律滑模控制方法设计的控制器实现了跟踪误差在0.3%以内的精准跟踪,用Lyapunov理论对其进行了稳定性分析.数值仿真结果表明,该控制方法降低了离合器接合冲击度及滑磨功,有助于提高离合器接合过程品质,对解决同类问题具有理论性工程参考价值.
关键词: 非平稳随机信号 湿式离合器 接合轨迹 冲击度 滑磨功 滑模控制
Optimization and tracking control of the clutch engagement process under non-stationary random cyclic conditions
LI Xiaoxiang, WANG Anlin

School of Mechanical Engineering, Tong Ji University, Shanghai 201804, China
Abstract: To better solve the problem of clutch engagement process caused by variability of the clutch engagement trajectory and the tracking deviation under uncertain factors such as system parameter perturbation and external load disturbance, the optimization and tracking control method of the clutch engagement trajectory are proposed. Taking the clutch engagement process in the heavy-duty reverse shifting of the loader V-type working condition as the research object, a quadratic performance index function combining the jerk and friction work is established. Under the non-stationary random term with parameterized expression in the disturbance matrix, the variable torque optimal trajectory under the time-varying optimal control law and weight coefficient adjustment is obtained by constructing the Hamiltonian function and solving the Riccati differential equation based on Pontryagin maximum principle. To improve the tracking accuracy of the optimal trajectory under perturbation of nonlinear characteristic actuator, the quality optimization problem of the engagement process is transformed into a single target problem of trajectory tracking. The controller designed by sliding mode control method with exponential approach law achieves accurate tracking with tracking error within 0.3%, and its stability analysis is carried out by Lyapunov theory. The numerical simulation results show that the control method achieves the minimization of the friction work under the condition that the clutch engagement impact is lower than the national standard. The control method proposed in the paper will be beneficial to improve the quality of the clutch engagement process and have theoretical engineering reference value for solving similar problems.
Keywords: wet clutch non-stationary random signal engagement trajectory jerk friction work sliding mode control
离合器作为车辆传动系统的重要部件,在各类型的变速器上得到了广泛的应用[1-4].对离合器接合过程进行品质控制可降低车辆冲击度,减少接合滑磨功,减轻对传动零部件冲击,使车辆使用寿命和驾乘舒适性得到提高[5-7].国内外对离合器接合过程品质有不同的评价参数,研究多集中在接合过程轨迹最优和执行机构跟踪效果两个方面[8-9]. Haj-Fraj、彭建鑫、胡宏伟等[10-12]分别利用动态规划法、遗传算法和接合曲线修正算法等多种方法实现离合器接合过程最优控制;陈清洪等[13]以滑磨功最小为目标、冲击度为约束进行接合过程的最优控制;Wang、单外平等[14-15]通过试验与数学模型相结合方法模拟离合器接合轨迹对接合过程品质的影响;离合器接合轨迹研究过程中,从动盘端多加载定值信号,较难反映实际载荷的非平稳性.因离合器执行机构及离合器自身具有较强非线性特性,多采用具有鲁棒性的控制器实现执行机构跟踪[16-18].滑模控制方法算法简单,能克服系统的不确定性, 对外界噪声干扰和未建模动态参数摄动具有鲁棒性,对非线性系统具有良好的控制效果[19-22]. Li Junqiu、赵韩、孙承顺等[23-25]采用滑模控制方法实现离合器接合过程中车速、油压及其位移的鲁棒跟踪;Li、赵治国等[26-27]采用滑模控制和不确定观测器相结合的方法实现离合器接合过程扭矩估计和油压轨迹跟踪.考虑系统内外部扰动等因素,以冲击度和滑磨功为约束条件的离合器接合轨迹及跟踪相结合控制的研究较少.
1 离合器接合过程数学模型在换挡规律确定前提下,离合器接合过程的研究主要集中在主从动摩擦片开始接触直至两者转速差为零的滑磨时间段,该过程是车辆冲击度和滑磨功产生的阶段[7].离合器接合过程系统结构原理如图 1所示.
Fig. 1

1.1 离合器主从动端模型参数化构建以装载机V型重载后退换挡中变速箱输入输出端实测载荷和转速数据为基础进行参数化模型构建,有利于后续台架或车辆试验前的仿真和加载.部分元器件安装和测试采集的数据曲线如图 2所示.
Fig. 2

对0.8~1.5 s内多组变速器输出端扭矩随机试验样本数据的平稳性进行轮次数检验,可知该时间段信号非平稳,其重构数学模型为[28]
${x_t} = {d_t} + {s_t}.$ (1)
利用变速器输出扭矩所构建的参数化数学模型均值数据与文献[6, 10]等所得数据误差在1%以内,说明该模型在一定程度上可用于系统仿真和试验加载.变速器输入端扭矩和转速数据去除确定性分量后,两者符合均值为零正态分布,亦可用式(1)进行参数化模型表达.
1.2 接合过程动力学模型为更好地研究离合器接合过程的动态特性,对模型进行简化并作如下假设:1)离合器接合滑磨过程采用冷却油冷却,忽略摩擦片热变形;2)忽略零部件间隙和轴横向振动的影响;3)忽略轴承、轴承座和齿轮啮合的弹性变形;4)忽略系统中弹性元件的惯性和惯性元件的弹性.根据上述假设,离合器接合过程滑磨阶段模型如图 3所示.
Fig. 3

$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{{J_{\rm{p}}}{{\dot \omega }_{\rm{p}}} = {T_{\rm{p}}} - {c_{\rm{p}}}{\omega _{\rm{p}}} - {T_{{\rm{cl}}}},}\\{{J_1}{{\dot \omega }_1} = {T_{{\rm{cl}}}} - {c_1}{\omega _1} - {T_1}.}\end{array}} \right.$ (2)
1.3 执行机构模型此阶段离合器活塞停止运动,钢片与摩擦片间隙消除,作如下假设:1)离合器腔压力油温度和黏度不变;2)离合器腔无泄漏;3)忽略摩擦片的弹性变形.离合器执行机构模型如图 4所示.
Fig. 4

${F_{\rm{s}}} = {F_{\rm{p}}} + {F_{\rm{d}}} - {F_{{\rm{cl}}}} - {F_{\rm{g}}} - {F_{{\rm{seal}}}}.$ (3)
${Q_{\rm{c}}} = ({A_{\rm{p}}}{x_{{\rm{max}}}} + {V_0}){\dot p_{\rm{c}}}/E.$ (4)
1.4 压力控制模型压力控制通过PWM控制的高速电磁开关阀来实现,在忽略油道液阻力、管路和阀自身泄漏基础上,进入离合器腔控制流量方程为
$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{{Q_{\rm{c}}} = {{\bar Q}_{{\rm{in}}}} - {{\bar Q}_{{\rm{out}}}},}\\{{{\bar Q}_{{\rm{in}}}} = \tau {C_{\rm{v}}}{A_{\rm{v}}}\sqrt {\frac{{2({p_{\rm{s}}} - {p_{\rm{c}}})}}{\rho }} ,}\\{{{\bar Q}_{{\rm{out}}}} = (1 - \tau ){C_{\rm{v}}}{A_{\rm{v}}}\sqrt {\frac{{2({p_{\rm{c}}} - {p_0})}}{\rho }} .}\end{array}} \right.$ (5)
由以上数学模型知,离合器接合过程的系统之间有较强的非线性时变特性,可采用鲁棒性较强的非线性控制理论来实现其控制.选取的典型工况下离合器接合过程控制设计方法见图 5.
Fig. 5

2 离合器接合轨迹优化 2.1 状态空间方程模型将滑磨功和冲击度作为离合器接合过程品质的评价指标[7],其数学模型为
$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{W = \int_{{t_0}}^{{t_{\rm{f}}}} {{T_{{\rm{cl}}}}} ({\omega _{\rm{p}}} - {\omega _1}){\rm{d}}t,}\\{j = \frac{{{r_{\rm{w}}}}}{{{i_0}{J_1}}}\frac{{{\rm{d}}{T_{{\rm{cl}}}}}}{{{\rm{d}}t}}.}\end{array}} \right.$ (6)
考虑滑磨功和冲击度式(6)并结合式(2),取状态向量x=(ωp, ωp-ωl, Tcl)T,控制变量为u,建立的状态方程为
$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\dot x}} = {({\dot x_1},{\dot x_2},u)^{\rm{T}}} = \mathit{\boldsymbol{Ax}}(t) + \mathit{\boldsymbol{B}}u(t) + \mathit{\boldsymbol{D}}(t).$ (7)
$\mathit{\boldsymbol{A}} = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{ - \frac{{{c_{\rm{p}}}}}{{{J_{\rm{p}}}}}}&0&{ - \frac{1}{{{J_{\rm{p}}}}}}\\{ - \frac{{{c_{\rm{p}}}}}{{{J_{\rm{p}}}}} + \frac{{{c_1}}}{{{J_1}}}}&{ - \frac{{{c_1}}}{{{J_1}}}}&{ - \frac{1}{{{J_{\rm{p}}}}} - \frac{1}{{{J_1}}}}\\0&0&0\end{array}} \right],$
$\mathit{\boldsymbol{B}} = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}0\\0\\1\end{array}} \right],\quad \mathit{\boldsymbol{D}}(t) = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{\frac{{{T_{\rm{p}}}}}{{{J_{\rm{p}}}}}}\\{\frac{{{T_{\rm{p}}}}}{{{J_{\rm{p}}}}} + \frac{{{T_1}}}{{{J_1}}}}\\0\end{array}} \right].$
2.2 接合轨迹最优根据离合器接合过程的特点,本文最优控制问题可归结为终端时刻tf有限,终端状态x2(tf)有约束的最优控制问题[29].
$J = 0.5\int_{{t_0}}^{{t_{\rm{f}}}} {({x_2}u + \beta {u^2})} {\rm{d}}t = 0.5(W + \gamma \beta \int_{{t_0}}^{{t_{\rm{f}}}} {{j^2}} {\rm{d}}t).$ (8)
$\mathit{\boldsymbol{Q}} = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}0&0&0\\0&0&{0.5}\\0&{0.5}&0\end{array}} \right],$
$\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{H(\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}},u,\lambda ) = 0.5({\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}^{\rm{T}}}\mathit{\boldsymbol{Qx}} + \beta {u^2}) + \mathit{\boldsymbol{\lambda }}{{(t)}^{\rm{T}}}(\mathit{\boldsymbol{Ax}}(t) + }\\{\mathit{\boldsymbol{B}}u(t) + \mathit{\boldsymbol{D}}(t)).}\end{array}$
$\begin{array}{l}\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}({t_0}) = {[{\omega _{{\rm{p0}}}},{\omega _{{\rm{p0}}}} - {\omega _{10}},{T_{{\rm{clo}}}}]^{\rm{T}}},\\N[\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}({t_{\rm{f}}}),{t_{\rm{f}}}] = {x_2}({t_{\rm{f}}}) = 0.\end{array}$
$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{\partial H/\partial u = \beta u + {\mathit{\boldsymbol{B}}^{\rm{T}}}\mathit{\boldsymbol{\lambda }}(t) = 0,}\\{{u^*}(t) = - {\mathit{\boldsymbol{B}}^{\rm{T}}}\mathit{\boldsymbol{\lambda }}(t)/\beta .}\end{array}} \right.$ (9)
${\partial ^2}H/\partial {u^2} = \beta > 0,$
$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{\mathit{\boldsymbol{\dot x}} = \partial H/\partial \mathit{\boldsymbol{\lambda }} = \mathit{\boldsymbol{Ax}}(t) + \mathit{\boldsymbol{B}}u(t) + \mathit{\boldsymbol{D}}(t),}\\{\mathit{\boldsymbol{\dot \lambda }} = - \partial H/\partial \mathit{\boldsymbol{x}} = - \mathit{\boldsymbol{Qx}} - {\mathit{\boldsymbol{A}}^{\rm{T}}}\mathit{\boldsymbol{\lambda }}(t).}\end{array}} \right.$
$\mathit{\boldsymbol{\lambda }}({t_{\rm{f}}}) = {[0,\nu ,0]^{\rm{T}}}.$ (10)
干扰矩阵D(t)的存在,使最优控制u*(t)无法通过求解Riccati方程中P(t)来获得λ(t)[29]. λ(t)通过如下方程组构建
$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{\mathit{\boldsymbol{\lambda }}(t) = \mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}(t)\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}(t) + \mathit{\boldsymbol{G}}(t)\nu + \mathit{\boldsymbol{H}}(t),}\\{\psi = {x_2}({t_{\rm{f}}}) = F(t)\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}(t) + m(t)\nu + n(t).}\end{array}} \right.$ (11)
式中:P(tf)为3阶零矩阵,G(tf)=[0, 1, 0]T用于求解v,H(tf)=[0, 0, 0]T用于补偿向量D(t),F(tf)=[0, 1, 0],m(tf)=0,n(tf)=0.
${u^*}(t) = - \frac{{{\mathit{\boldsymbol{B}}^{\rm{T}}}}}{\beta }[\mathit{\boldsymbol{P}}(t)\mathit{\boldsymbol{x}}(t) + \mathit{\boldsymbol{G}}(t)\nu + \mathit{\boldsymbol{H}}(t)].$
2.3 仿真及分析在2.2节分析基础上,确定tf为1.1 s和权重系数β为1~100范围后,根据表 1中参数对离合器接合过程进行仿真及分析. 在式(7)对u与Tcl的定义和Tcl≤ Tclmax约束下,得离合器接合过程可变扭矩最优轨迹Tcl*(t).
表 1

值 0.40 0.03 885 2.50e6 3.50e-3 1.70e9 22.852.50 0.03 0 1.18e-5 6.22e-2 0 1 010 1.51e-2 4.80e-3 6e-4 0 16 0.65 0
表 1 离合器接合过程相关参数 Tab. 1 Parameters of clutch engagement process
在冲击度小于我国标准17.64 m/s3下使J极小以确定β,图 6为不同权重系数β下滑磨功和冲击度曲线. 图 7为离合器主从动盘接合过程转速和可变扭矩最优轨迹曲线,得tf为1.09 s,β为1,冲击度最大值为15.05 m/s3,比标准低14.68%.
Fig. 6

Fig. 7

在离合器摩擦片从动盘阻力矩幅值±5%Tl的变化集合下进一步分析最优轨迹的特性,由图 8和表 2可知,最优轨迹在数学模型增加误差幅度状态下的关键参数变化程度对其性能影响较小.
Fig. 8

表 2

条件 tf ωp=ωl ωp max Tcl max jmax
+5%Tl偏差 -0.18 -3.65 -0.08 +0.55 +0.51
-5%Tl偏差 +0.28 +3.97 +0.17 -0.50 -0.40
表 2 ±5% Tl下关键参数变化百分比 Tab. 2 Percentage changes of key parameters under ±5%Tl ?
3 基于接合轨迹的滑模控制针对非线性特性执行机构参数摄动下最优轨迹的跟踪精度影响接合过程品质的问题,将难检测的可变扭矩转化为可通过压力传感器检测的离合器压力跟踪问题.与采用车速反馈跟踪相比,该方法能实现离合器换挡过程中充油阶段的检测,有利于整个换挡过程品质的控制设计[30-32].通过式(3)中离合器受力平衡,可实现可变扭矩最优轨迹向压力最优轨迹的转化.
$p_{\rm{c}}^*(t) = \frac{{{F_{\rm{s}}}}}{{{A_{\rm{p}}}}} + \frac{{T_{{\rm{cl}}}^*(t)}}{{\mu (t){A_{\rm{p}}}ZR}} - \frac{{\rho {A_{\rm{p}}}{\alpha ^2}\omega _{\rm{p}}^{*2}(t)}}{{4\pi }}.$ (12)
3.1 滑模控制相关理论选取的切换面为
$s = ce + \dot e.$ (13)
$ce + \dot e = 0.$
$\dot s = - \varepsilon {\rm{sign}} (s) - ks,\quad \varepsilon > 0,k > 0.$ (14)
3.2 滑模控制器设计定义状态变量y2=pc(t),控制输入为τ,联立式(4)和(5),建立的跟踪系统状态方程为
$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{{{\dot y}_1} = {y_2},}\\{{{\dot y}_2} = {K_1}({p_{\rm{c}}})\tau - {K_2}({p_{\rm{c}}}).}\end{array}} \right.$
$\begin{array}{*{20}{c}}{{K_1}({p_{\rm{c}}}) = \frac{{E{C_{\rm{v}}}{A_{\rm{v}}}}}{{{A_{\rm{p}}}{x_{{\rm{max}}}} + {V_0}}}\sqrt {\frac{2}{\rho }} (\sqrt {{p_{\rm{s}}} - {p_{\rm{c}}}} + \sqrt {{p_{\rm{c}}} - {p_0}} ),}\\{{K_2}({p_{\rm{c}}}) = \frac{{E{C_{\rm{v}}}{A_{\rm{v}}}}}{{{A_{\rm{p}}}{x_{{\rm{max}}}} + {V_0}}}\sqrt {\frac{{2({p_{\rm{c}}} - {p_0})}}{\rho }} .}\end{array}$
$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}}{\dot e = {{\dot r}_1} - {{\dot y}_1} = {r_2} - {y_2},}\\{\ddot e = {{\dot r}_2} - {{\dot y}_2} = {{\dot r}_2} - {K_1}({p_{\rm{c}}})\tau + {K_2}({p_{\rm{c}}}).}\end{array}} \right.$ (15)
$\tau = \frac{1}{{{K_1}({p_{\rm{c}}})}}[\varepsilon {\rm{sign}} (s) + ks + c\dot e + {\dot r_2} + {K_2}({p_{\rm{c}}})].$
基于Lyapunov稳定性理论,选取函数V=0.5 s2,进行稳定性分析.在切换面s≠0时,所设计的控制τ能使控制系统状态在有限时间内收敛至切换面s=0,之后进入滑动模态后
$\dot V = s\dot s = s[ - \varepsilon {\rm{sign}} (s) - ks] = - \varepsilon |s| - k{s^2} < 0,$
3.3 仿真验证及分析根据前述离合器接合过程动力学模型及滑模控制器,利用Matlab/Simulink建立离合器压力最优轨迹跟踪仿真模型.取c=30, ε=2,k=2 000, 边界层厚度为0.001,设置不同初始点,仿真结果见图 9.其中(a)初始值为离合器位移xmax时压力跟踪曲线,(b)初始值为0,初始值的不同使得图(b)收敛时间延迟0.004 s,两者最大跟踪偏差分别在0.001%和0.280%以内,设计的控制器使离合器接合压力在t0~tf内有效地实现了对参考输入r2的精准跟踪.
Fig. 9

图 10为传统PID控制方法与滑模控制方法在图 9(b)基础上的跟踪效果对比图.由图 10可知:所采用的滑膜控制方法在开始0.01 s内跟踪偏差比传统PID控制方法小40%~130%,该方法在0.01 s后跟踪偏差小于0.1%,总体跟踪效果相对更好.
Fig. 10

为进一步分析具有非线性特性离合器执行机构的参数摄动对所设计控制器性能的影响,对式(12)中摩擦因数μ(t)±10%摄动变化,由图 11可知,所设计的控制器能实现精准跟踪,最大跟踪偏差和收敛延迟时间分别在0.3%和0.05 s以内.
Fig. 11

4 结论1) 基于最优化理论的非平稳随机循环工况下,离合器接合轨迹在一定程度上能有效地降低冲击度和滑磨功,利于提高车辆换挡接合品质和驾乘舒适性.
2) 采用指数趋近律滑模控制方法实现离合器腔压力偏差0.3%内精准鲁棒跟踪,并克服了系统不确定性及外界摄动影响.
3) 非平稳随机循环工况下离合器接合轨迹优化及跟踪控制的方法为解决某土方机械变速器离合器接合压力跟踪偏差过大导致的摩擦片烧结故障问题提供了理论性的工程借鉴.
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