Sep.1999-July 2001 MA, Applied Linguistics,Foreign Language Department, Harbin Institute of Technology
Sep.1989-July 1993 BA, English Languageand Literature, English Department, Heilongjiang University
Awarded the Second Prize of Higher EducationalProject by Ministry of Education of Heilongjiang Province, 2007
Awarded the First Prize of Excellent Project by HIT,2007
Awarded “The First Prize for ExcellentTeaching Performance” by HIT, 2002.
July2003-Present Associate Professor, School of Foreign Language Studies, HarbinInstitute of Technology
July2013-Present Leader of the Research Project: Constructing an Academic EnglishCourse Module for Non-English Majored Graduate Students
July2011-July 2012 Principal Researcher of the Project: Study and Practice onFaculty Development and Cultivation of MS Students’ English Competence
Sep.2007-May2010 Principal Researcher of the Project: Exploring the Module of EnglishVideo-Audio-Oral Course for MS Students
Sep.2004-July2007 Leader of the Research Project: Constructing the Module of CAIPEC (Awardedthe First Prize of Excellent Project in HIT; Awarded the Second Prize of HigherEducational Project in Heilongjiang Province)
Sep.2005-May 2007 Leader of the HIT 115Course Book Project: English Course Books for MS Students
March 2001-Present Invigilator of IELTS
1999-Present Interlocutor and Assessorof BEC
Aug.2003-Jan.2004 Visiting Scholar,English Faculty, Newcastle University, UK
July 1998-June 2003 Lecturer,Department of Foreign Languages, HIT
Sep.2002-July2004 Leader of the Research Project: Development of the Software: ChallengeEnglish Grammar (Awarded the First Prize of CAI Software in HIT; Awarded theThird Prize of Multi-media Software in Heilongjiang Province)
Sep.2001-July2003 Leader of the Heilongjiang New Century Project: Innovation and Practice ofImproving Listening and Speaking Ability for Non-English Majored Undergraduates(Awarded the first Prize of Excellent Project by Higher Education Associationin Heilongjiang Province)
Sep.1999-July2002 Principal Researcher of the Project: Integrative Module of College EnglishCourse (Awarded the Second Prize of Excellent Project in HIT)
July 1993-June 1998Teaching Assistant, Department of Foreign Languages, HIT
A Case Study of Cooperative Learning inOral English Teaching, WCSNE-2016 at the Temple University, Philadelphia, USA,to be held on 16-19 Aug 2016 Coherence and Cohesion in EnhancingEnglish Writing Quality of Chinese College Students, 4th International Conferenceon Language, Education and Diversity (LED-2015) at Auckland University, NewZealand, 23-26 Nov 2015 Construct of English Teaching forPostgraduates in Engineering Universityies,HeilongjiangEducation, Jan 2015 Nominalization in College English Writing,The 7th edition of the International Conference ICT for Language Learning,Florence, Italy, 13-14 November, 2014 Negotiation for Meaning in SecondLanguage Classrooms. 6th Annual International Conference on Languages& Linguistics, Athens, Greece, 8-11 July 2013 Task-based Learning and PedagogicalBelief. 7th International Conference of Applied Linguistics. Aug. 2006 Inconsistencies of Basing on theInterlanguage Concept in SLA Research. 7th International Conferenceof Applied Linguistics. Aug. 2006 Study of English Course for Non-EnglishMajored Graduates in the perspective of team work. Heilongjiang Higher Education Research. Aug. 2004 Study of the Comprehensive Module ofCommunicative, Interactive and Integrative English Course. Heilongjiang Higher Education Research. April 2004 Study and Application of Information GapActivities. 1st International Symposium on Language, Culture andForeign Language Teaching. Jan. 2004 Analysis of Fossilization in Chinese EFLlearners. 1st International Symposium on Language, Culture andForeign Language Teaching. Jan 2004Innovating the Course Module andCultivating International Talents. HeilongjiangHigher Education Research. Sep. April 2003 Contrastive Studies of Chinese Students’English Writing Between Traditional Text and Electrical Text. Aerial Education. Aug. 2003. China’s College English Teaching ModeBased on English Levels. Journal ofMudanjiang Normal University. Dec. 2003 Integrated Approach in College EnglishTeaching in China. Science and Educationforum. Sep. 2003 Error Analysis of English Writing ofEnglish-major College Students in China. Journalof Mudanjiang University. June 2003 Contrastive Analysis of Face Work andPoliteness in the Speech Act— Addressing. ContemporaryEducation. Feb. 2003. Theoretical Mode and Practice ofTeaching English Intonation in China. ContemporaryEducation. Dec. 2003. Reinforcing English Listening Course bythe Theory of Decoding. Aerial Education.April 2003. Contrastive Study on Stereotypes ofThinking Patterns between Chinese and Americans. 8th InternationalConference on Cross-Cultural Communication in Los Angeles, USA. Aug.2003
MBA English Audio-Video-OralCourse. HIT Press. 2013Handbook of BEC ListeningTests (Vantage) Press of Economics and Science. 2012 Language and Culture. HIT Press. 2011 Academics and Communication. HIT Press. 2011 BEC Simulated Tests (Higher)(2nd Version). Press of Dalian University of Technology. 2009 FOCUS ON COMMUNICATION (2ndVersion). HIT Press. 2007 FOCUS ON PRACTICE (2ndVersion). HIT Press. 2007
July2003-Present Associate Professor, School of Foreign Language Studies, HarbinInstitute of Technology
Coursestaught: English Reading and Writing Course (Msc), English Video-Audio-OralCourse (Msc), Comprehensive English (Msc), English Reading and Writing Course(MBA), English Video-Audio-Oral Course (MPA), English Reading and WritingCourse (MPA), English Video-Audio-Oral Course (Msc), (Msc), English FilmsAppreciation (Bsc)
July1998-June2003 Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages, HIT
Coursestaught: English Intensive Reading Course (Bsc), English Extensive ReadingCourse (Bsc), English Listening and Speaking Course (Bsc), Advanced EnglishReading Course (Bsc), Advanced English Speaking Course (Bsc)
July1993-June1998 Teaching Assistant, Department of Foreign Languages, HIT
Coursestaught: English Intensive Reading Course (Bsc), English Extensive ReadingCourse (Bsc), English Listening and Speaking Course(Bsc), Advanced EnglishReading Course (Bsc), Advanced English Speaking Course (Bsc)
July2013-Present Leader of the Research Project: Constructing an Academic EnglishCourse Module for Non-English Majored Graduate Students2011-July 2012 Principal Researcher of the Project: Study and Practice onFaculty Development and Cultivation of MS Students’ English Competence Sep.2007-May2010 Principal Researcher of the Project: Exploring the Module of EnglishVideo-Audio-Oral Course for MS Students Sep.2004-July2007 Leader of the Research Project: Constructing the Module of CAIPEC (Awardedthe First Prize of Excellent Project in HIT; Awarded the Second Prize of HigherEducational Project in Heilongjiang Province) Sep.2005-May 2007 Leader of the HIT 115Course Book Project: English Course Books for MS Students Sep.2002-July2004 Leader of the Research Project: Development of the Software: ChallengeEnglish Grammar (Awarded the First Prize of CAI Software in HIT; Awarded theThird Prize of Multi-media Software in Heilongjiang Province) Sep.2001-July2003 Leader of the Heilongjiang New Century Project: Innovation and Practice ofImproving Listening and Speaking Ability for Non-English Majored Undergraduates(Awarded the first Prize of Excellent Project by Higher Education Associationin Heilongjiang Province Sep.1999-July2002 Principal Researcher of the Project: Integrative Module of College EnglishCourse (Awarded the Second Prize of Excellent Project in HIT)
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