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Gene Function and Cancer Research Group 肿瘤基因功能研究团队ResearchPublicationsTeachingMembersLab facilitiesOpen positionsContact
Gene Function and Cancer Group
Ying Hu,

PhD, Professor, School of Life Science and Technology, Harbin Insitute of Technology
Phone: 86-**
Email: huying@hit.edu.cn
Research Area:Biological functions of proto-oncogene and tumor suppressor
Lab Home: http://life.hit.edu.cn/News/Show_e.asp?id=4304


Professor Ying Hu’s laboratory mainly focused on cancer biology specifically in the field of proto-oncogene and tumor suppressor’s functions. p53 is the most frequently-mutated gene in human tumors. Over 50% of all tumors and almost every type of tumor contain p53 mutations, whereas wild type p53 tumors are often accompanied with the defects in p53 signaling components. No doubt, revealing p53’s functions and its regulatory mechanisms is critical for understanding the molecular mechanisms of oncogenesis. Dr. HU’s research interest is to investigate p53 signaling and particularly to dissect the interactions of p53 family members with other upstream regulatory proteins, such as ASPPs. Her group is focused on the translational and posttranslational regulatory mechanisms of ASPPs. Another paradigm of their work is to reveal p53-independent biological functions of ASPPs. The research in the lab is carried out at molecular and cellular levels using both cancer cells models and clinical human cancer tissue samples. The methods and technologies used in her current lab include in vitro cell culture, MTT, Western Blotting, FACS, RT-PCR, molecular cloning, soft agar assay and many other molecular and cellular tools. The goal of laboratory is to develop clinically relevant biomarkers and therapeutic targets for human malignancy diseases.

Education experiences

1994.09-1999.07M.B. in Chemical Analysis, School of Public Health, Shandong Medical University.1999.09-2002.07M.S. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Shanghai Institute for Cancer Research, Medical Center of Fudan University.2002.09-2004.09Mphil in Clinical Oncology, Chinese University of HongKong.2004.10-2009.09 PhD in Cancer Biology,University College London.

Working experiences

Professor, Harbin Institute Of Technology


Postdoctoral Molecular Biologist, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, University of Oxford


Researcher scientist, University of Oxford

Research Areas



The impact of oxidative stresses on the development of cancers and chemotherpeutic responses

The functions and regualtory mechanisms of oncogen and tumour suppressors

The functions of lncRNA in cancer

Research Projects
Novel funcions of ASPPs

The roles of ASPPs in carcinogenesis and drug resistance

The regulatory mechanisms of ASPPs in cancer cells

4. The roles of lncRNA in cancer

Research Funding
1哈尔滨工业大学人才引进科研启动经费,肿瘤发病机制以及生物治疗方法的研究,2014.01-2016.12, 负责人;

Harbin Institute of Technology talent introduction program funds;


Joint Fund with Shenzhen Botai Biomedical Technology Co., Ltd ;


The National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC);


Doctoral Fund of Ministry of Education of China;

5黑龙江省自然科学基金 ,2014.01-2015.12,负责人;

The National Natural Science Foundation of Heilongjiang Province;

6. 哈尔滨市科技创新人才研究专项基金, 2014.07-2016.06,负责人;

Harbin special fund for scientific and technological innovation;

7哈工大理工医交叉学科基础研究培育计划, 2014.01-2015.12,负责人.

Harbin Institute of Technology interdisplinary funds.

8深圳科技与创新委员会基础研究项目, 2015.01-2017.12,负责人.

Basic Research Program of Science and Innovation Commission Foundation of Shenzhen.

Undergraduate: 生物统计学(Biostatistics)

Master student: 生命科学研究进展前沿(Progress and Fronts of Research of Life Sciences)

Undergraduate: 生物学基础与应用
Forgnier student: cancer

Mail Address:

Room 420, Building 2E

Life Science And Technology College

Harbin Institute of Technology

2 Yikuang Street, Nangang District

150080 Harbin, P. R. China


Interdisplinary research platform in SLST1. BACKMAN高速冷冻离心机 (BACKMAN centrifuge)

2. New Brunswick恒温摇床 (New Brunswick shaker)

3. ABI 3130和3500DNA序列分析系统 (ABI 3130/3500DNA sequencer)

4. ABI 7500 PCR仪 (ABI 7500 PCR machine)

5. Zeiss LSM 510共聚焦显微镜 (Zeiss LSM 510 confocal micoscopy)

6. 全自动活细胞成像仪

7. Becton Dickinson流式细流式细胞仪(BD FACS Calibur flowcytometry)

8. MALDI-TOF质谱(Bruker)

9. 蛋白纯化系统(AKTA purifier 10),

10. 核酸定量分析系统(ABI Viia 7, ABI Prism 7500),

11. 凝胶自动成像系统(Kodak)

Labortory platform in the group 1.ST 16R 离心机(ST 16R Centrifuge)

2.Microfuge 22R 离心机(Microfuge 22RCentrifuge)


4.通风厨(Fume Cupboard)

5.超净工作台(Clean Bench)

6.TS-1102C .恒温摇床(TS-1102CShaker Incubator)

7.凝胶成像系统(Gel Image System)

8.ABI 7500 PCR仪 (ABI 7500 PCR machine)

9.恒温水浴锅(Thermostat water bath)


11.Mierofuge 16 离心机(Mierofuge 16 centifuge)

12.高压蒸汽灭菌锅 (High-Pressure Steam Sterilization Pot )

Current students

Current lab members

PhD students:

王星文 (Xingwen Wang)

赵坤明 (Kunming Zhao)

郑善亮 (Shanliang Zheng)

林庆宇 (Qingyu Lin)

赵东 (Dong Zhao)

Master Students

张文馨 (Wenxin Zhang)

冯焕章 (Huanzhang Feng)

侯国媛 (Guoyuan Hou)

Undergraduate students

王宇栋 (Yudong Wang)

薛磊 (Lei Xue)

Previous lab members

PhD students:

葛文杰 (Ge Wenjie) --2018.7

Master Students

蒋师键 (Shijian Jiang)--2015.7

罗楠 (Nan Luo) --2016.7

柳林 (Lin Liu) --2017.7

何朦朦 (Mengmeng He)--2017.7

李华一 (Huayi Li) --2018.7

薛绪亭 (Xuting Xue) --2018.7

Undergraduate student:

朱逸夫 (Yifu Zhu)--2017.7

Open positions
1. 硕士招生:
每年计划招收硕士2名 ,研究方向:


1-2 Master positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Ying HU to study molecular and cellular mechanisms of carcinogenesis. The candidates with background in biology or medicine are highly encouraged to apply. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Ying HU at huying@hit.edu.cn

2. 博士招生:



1-2 PhD positions are available in the laboratory of Dr. Ying HU to study molecular and cellular mechanisms of carcinogenesis. The candidates with background in biology or medicine are highly encouraged to apply. If you are interested, please contact Dr. Ying HU at huying@hit.edu.cn

3. 博士后 (postdoctoral research fellow):
计划招收博士后1-2名, 要求:







1-2 Postdoc positions are available to study molecular and cellular mechanisms of carcinogenesis in the lab. Candidates should be experienced in molecular biology and be able to design and perform experiments independently and effectively, with appropriate support. Desired experimental skills include sub-cloning into plasmids, cell culture and transfection of mammalian cells, analysis of mRNA and protein expression, immunohistochemistry and fluorescence microscopy. Prior experience with translational or posttranslational modulation of gene expression would be advantageous. Salary will be according to skills and experience in the areas relevant to the project. Applications including CV, publication list, description and results of previous research activities and the names and contact details of at least two references should be sent to huying@hit.edu.cn

Recent Publications
1. Huayi Li#, Xingwen Wang#, Cheng Zhang, Yiwei Cheng, Miao Yu, Kunming Zhao, Wenjie Ge, Anyong Cai, Yao Zhang, Fengtong Han, Ying Hu*. HDAC1-induced epigenetic silencing of ASPP2 promotes cell motility, tumour growth and drug resistance in renal cell carcinoma. Cancer Lett. 2018 Jun 8;432:121-131. (* corresponding author)(IF:6.375)
2. Wenjie Ge#, Kunming Zhao#, Xingwen Wang, Huayi Li, Miao Yu, Mengmeng He, Xuting Xue, YIfu Zhu, Cheng Zhang, Yiwei Cheng, Shijian Jiang, Ying Hu*. iASPP Is an Antioxidative Factor and Drives Cancer Growth and Drug Resistance by Competing with Nrf2 for Keap1 Binding. Cancer Cell. 2017 Oct 5. pii: S1535-6108(17)30412-9. doi: 10.1016/j.ccell.2017.09.008. [Epub ahead of print]. (* corresponding author)(IF:27.406)

3. Zinaida Dedeic#, Gopinath Sutendra#, Ying Hu#, Kathryn Ho Ki Chung, Elizabeth A. Slee, Michael J. White, Felix Zhou, Robert D. Goldin, David J. P. Ferguson, Debra McAndrew, Jurgen E. Schneider and Xin Lu*. Cell autonomous role of iASPP deficiency in causing cardiocutaneous disorders. Cell death and differentiation, 2017, accepted. (# co-first author)(IF:8.3389)

4. Wang Xingwen, Cheng Yiwei, Zhu Yifu, Li Huayi, Ge Wenjie, Wu Xiaoliang, Zhao Kunming, Yuan J, Li Z, Jiang S, Han Zhengbin, Jiang Qinghua, Wu Qiong, Liu Tao, Zhang Cheng*, Yu Miao*, Hu Ying*. Epigenetic Silencing of ASPP1 confers 5-FU resistance in Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma by preventing p53 activation. Int J Cancer. 2017 Jun 28. doi: 10.1002/ijc.30852. [Epub ahead of print] (IF:6.513)

5. Kunming Zhao, Miao Yu, Yifu Zhu, Dong Liu, Qiong Wu, and Ying Hu*. EGR-1/ASPP1 inter-regulatory loop promotes apoptosis by inhibiting cyto-protective autophagy. Cell Death Dis. 2017 Jun 8;8(6):e2869. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2017.268.(* corresponding author)(IF:5.965)

6. Xingwen Wang, Miao Yu,Kunming Zhao, Mengmeng He,Wenjie Ge,Yuhui Sun,Yihua Wang, Haizhu Sun, Ying Hu*. Upregulation of MiR-205 under hypoxia promotes epithelial-mesenchymal transition by targeting ASPP2. Cell Death Dis. 2016 Dec 8;7(12):e2517. doi: 10.1038/cddis.2016.412. (*corresponding author)(IF:5.378)

7. Ying Hu*, Wenjie Ge, Xingwen Wang, Gopinath Sutendra, Kunming Zhao, Zinaida Dedei?, Elizabeth A. Slee, Caroline Baer and Xin Lu*. Caspase cleavage of iASPP potentiates its ability to inhibit p53 and NF-κB. Oncotarget.2015 Dec 15;6(40):42478-90. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.6478. (*corresponding author)(IF:6.359)

8. L. N. Shao,S.T. Zhang,W.J. Yu,S.H. Zhou,Y.Duan,L.Z. Pan,N.Wang,Ying Hu*,HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-DRB1 allele and haplotype frequencies of 14,529 Chinese Han bone marrow donors living in Dalian, China.,International Journal of Immunogenetics DOI:10.1111/iji.12248,2016,Epub ahead(of print).(*corresponding author)

9. Sun H, Ge W,Gao X, Wang S, Jiang S, Ying Hu*, Yu M* , Hu S*. Apoptosis- Promoting Effects of Hematoporphyrin Monomethyl Ether-Sonodynamic Therapy (HMME-SDT) on Endometrial Cancer. PLoS One. 2015 Sep 14;10(9):e**. (*corresponding author)(IF:3.243)

10. Mario Notari#,Ying Hu#,Sofia Koch,Min Lu,Indrika Ratnayaka,ShanZhong,Caroline Baer,Anna Pagotto,Robert Goldin,Victoria Salter,Eleonora Candi,Gerry Melino,and Xin Lu*. iASPP prevents premature cellular senescence and is required for normal epithelial stratification. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2011. 108(40): 16645–16650. (# co-first author)(IF:9.99)

11. Mario Notari,Ying Hu,Gopinath Sutendra, Zinaida Dedeic, Min Lu, Laurent Dupays, Arash Yavari, Carolyn Carr, Shan Zhong, Aaisha Opel, Andrew Tinker, Kieran Clarke, Hugh Watkins, David Ferguson, David Kelsell, Sofia de Noronha, Mary Sheppard, Mike Hollinshead, Timothy J Mohun and Xin Lu*. iASPP: A Novel Desmosome Regulator and its Deficiency Causes Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Cardiomyopathy. Proc Natl Acad Sci. 2015. Feb 17. pii: **.(IF:9.99)

12. Min Lu, Hilde Breyssens,Victoria Salter,Shan Zhong,Ying Hu,Caroline Baer,Indrika Ratnayaka,Alex Sullivan,Nicholas R Brown,Stefan Knapp,Benedikt Kessler,Mark R Middleton,Christian Siebold,Yvonne Jones,Elena V Sviderskaya,Jonathan Cebon,Tom John,Otavia Caballero,Colin R Goding and Xin Lu*. Restoring p53 function in human melanoma cells by inhibiting mdm2 and cyclinB1/cdk1 phosphorylated nuclear iASPP. Cancer cell. 2013. 23(5):618-33.(IF:26.566)

13. Ying Hu, Pang E, Lai PB, Squire JA, MacGregor PF, Beheshti B, Albert M, Leung TW, Wong N*. Genetic alterations in doxorubicin-resistant hepatocellular carcinoma cells: a combined study of spectral karyotyping, positional expression profiling and candidate genes. Int J Oncol. 2004. 25(5):1357-1364.(IF:2.399)

14. Zhenglin Li, Jing Liu, Ying Hu, Kenneth A. Howard, Zhuo Li, Xuelei Fan, Manli Chang, Ye Sun, Flemming Besenbacher, Chunying Chen, Miao Yu, Multimodal imaging-guided antitumor photothermal therapy and drug delivery using bismuth selenide spherical-sponge, ACS Nano, 2016, 10, 9646-9658. (IF: 12.881)

15. Zhenglin Li, Ying Hu, Manli Chang, Kenneth A. Howard, Xuelei Fan, Ye Sun, Flemming Besenbacher, Miao Yu, Highly porous PEGylated Bi2S3 nano-urchins as a versatile platform for in vivo triple-modal imaging, photothermal therapy and drug delivery, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 16005-16016. (IF:7.760)

16. Zhenglin Li, Ying Hu, Howard KA, Jiang T, Fan X, Miao Z, Sun Y*, Besenbacher F*,Yu M* Multifunctional Bismuth Selenide Nanocomposites for Antitumor Thermo-Chemotherapy and Imaging. ACS Nano. 2015 Dec 1 (IF:12.881)

17. Zhenglin Li, Ying Hu,Tingting Jiang, Kenneth A, Howard,Yonggang Li, Xuelei Fan, Ye Sun*, Flemming Besenbacher*, Miao Yu*. Human-Serum-Albumin-Coated Prussian Blue Nanoparticles as pH-/Thermotriggered Drug-Delivery Vehicles for Cancer Thermochemotherapy. Particle & Particle Systems Characterization. 2015 December 7(IF:3.081)

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