

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25


1991.04-1997.07 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院 助教,讲师

1997.07-2003.07 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院 副教授,教研室副主任

2003.07-2014.12 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院 教授博导,系主任,研究所副所长

2015.01-至今 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院 教授博导,研究所副所长

1984-1988 哈尔滨工业大学 热能工程 学士

1988-1991 哈尔滨工业大学 热能工程 硕士

1993-1997 哈尔滨工业大学 工程热物理 博士

1999-2000 英国帝国理工大学 访问学者

1997年 获国家教委科技进步二等奖(排名第3)

1998年 获航天部科技进步三等奖(排名第2)

2005年 入选教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”

2007年 获黑龙江省科学技术一等奖(排名4)

2009年 获黑龙江省高等教育教学成果一等奖(排名3)

2009年 获国家自然科学二等奖(排名4)


热辐射传输、耦合换热 高温粒子辐射特性 目标红外热像理论建模 电子设备热分析 辐射反问题







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? 国家安全重大基础研究项目(973)子专题














































2014级 贾 腾 毕业去向:上海交通大学攻博

2014级 陈 琴 毕业去向:攻博

2015级 文 爽 毕业去向:直攻博

2015级 魏琳扬 毕业去向:直攻博

2015级 赵方舟 毕业去向:攻博 (获2015年度哈工大优秀毕业生)

2015级 何明键 毕业去向:攻博


2012级(春) 贺振宗(获2015年度国家奖学金) 毕业去向:南京航空航天大学能源与动力学院 讲师

2013级(秋) 牛春洋(获2013年度哈工大学生创业创新大赛校级重点创新项目资助) 毕业去向:航天科技集团五院501所

2014级(春) 乔要宾

2014级(秋) 任亚涛(获2015年国家留学基金委公派研究生项目资助赴美国明尼苏达大学交流访问1年)

2015级(秋) 孙双成(获2014年度国家奖学金和宝钢优秀学生奖,2015年度黑龙江省三好学生和哈工大优秀毕业生)

2015级(秋) 黄 兴


2007届 刘太平 毕业去向:辽宁红沿河核电公司

2008届 戴翔鹏 毕业去向:中广核

2009届 李 俊 毕业去向:读研 现就职于NVIDIA公司

2010届 刘华源 毕业去向:读研 现就职于中国商用飞机有限责任公司(上海)

2011届 陈永浩 毕业去向:保送至兰州大学读研

2013届 满都呼 毕业去向:保送至西交大读研

2013届 郑智文 毕业去向:哈尔滨汽轮机厂

2014届 李纯元 毕业去向:杭州锅炉厂

2014届 贾 腾 毕业去向:读研

2014届 张瀚文 毕业去向:读研

2015届 李延广 毕业去向:中广核

2015届 王晓峰 毕业去向:神皖集团

2016届 文 翔


2010级 牛臣基 毕业去向:华为技术有限公司2010级 王青青 毕业去向:中国船舶重工集团公司第七〇三研究所

2011级 牛春洋 毕业去向:攻博

2011级 马二瑞 毕业去向:上海微小卫星工程中心

2011级 林 莉 毕业去向:中国贵州航空工业集团

2012级 任亚涛 毕业去向:攻博

2012级 黄桢光 毕业去向:中兴通讯股份有限公司

2013级 孙双成 毕业去向:攻博

2013级 宫 帅 毕业去向:中国铁道科学研究院


2003级(秋) 齐 宏 毕业去向:哈尔滨工业大学能源学院 教授

2004级(秋) 安 巍 毕业去向:同济大学机械与能源工程学院 副教授

2007级(秋) 王希影 毕业去向:北京空天技术研究所

2007级(秋) 王圣刚(获2010年度宝钢奖学金) 毕业去向:中国航天科工三院三部

2009级(秋) 王大林(获2012年度国家奖学金) 毕业去向:中国航天科工一院十二所

2010级(秋) 张 彪(获2013年度国家奖学金) 毕业去向:东南大学能源与环境学院 讲师


国际期刊 01. Tan He-Ping,Ruan Li-Ming,Xia Xin-Lin,Transient coupled radiative and conductive heat transfer in an absorbing,emitting and scattering medium,Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer,1999,42(15):2967-2980,SCI、EI 收录

02. Tan He-Ping,Ruan Li-Ming,Timothy W. Tong, Temperature response in absorbing, isotropic scattering medium caused by laser pulse,Int. J. Heat and Mass Transfer,2000,43(2):311-320,SCI、EI 收录

03. Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Solutions of radiative heat transfer in three-dimensional inhomogeneous scattering media.ASME J. of Heat Transfer,2002,124(5):985-988 ,SCI、EI 收录

04. Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping,Yan Yu-Ying.A Monte Carlo (M-C) method applied to the medium with nongray absorbing-emitting-anisotropic scattering particles and gray approximation.Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications,2002,42(3):253-268,SCI、EI 收录

05. Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Solutions of radiative heat transfer in three-dimension inhomogeneous scattering media,ASME,J. of Heat Transfer,2002,124(5):985-988,SCI、EI 收录

06. Liu Lin-Hua, Ruan Li-Ming,Numerical approach for reflections and transmittance of finite plane-parallel absorbing and scattering medium subjected to normal and diffuse incidence,J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2002,75(5):637-646,SCI、EI 收录

07. Liu Lin-Hua, Ruan Li-Ming,On the discrete ordinates method for radiative heat transfer in anisotropically scattering media,Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer,2002,45(15):3259-3262,SCI、EI 收录

08. Hao Jin-Bo,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Effect of anisotropic scattering on radiative heat transfer in two-dimensional rectangular media.J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 2003,78(2):151-161,SCI、EI 收录

09. Liu Lin-Hua,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping,On the treatment of open boundary condition for radiative transfer equation,Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer,2003,46(1):181-183,SCI、EI 收录

10. Ruan Li-Ming,Qi Hong,Liu Lin-Hua.The radiative transfer in cylindrical medium and partition allocation method by overlap regions,J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2004,86(4):343-352,SCI、EI 收录

11. Ruan Li-Ming,Qi Hong,Liu Lin-Hua,Tan He-Ping.The radiative transfer in cylindrical medium and partition allocation method by overlap regions.J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2004,86(4):343-352,SCI、EI 收录

12. Ruan Li-Ming, Liu Lin-Hua, Tan He-Ping.The study on approximating the open boundary of two-dimension medium as one black wall.Heat and Mass Transfer,2004,40(3-4):319-324,SCI、EI 收录

13. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan Jian-Yu.Development of a finite element radiation model applied for two-dimensional participating media.Heat Transfer-Asian Research,2005,34(6):386-395,EI 收录

14. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Liu Lin-Hua.Study on the imaginary temperature of open boundary wall in cylindrical medium by partition allocation method.ASME J. of Heat Transfer,2005,127(7):791-793,SCI、EI 收录

15. An Wei,Ruan Li-Ming,Qi Hong,Liu Lin-Hua.Finite element method for radiative heat transfer in absorbing and anisotropic scattering media.J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2005,96(3-4):409-422,SCI、EI 收录

16. Ruan Li-Ming,Xie Ming,Qi Hong,An Wei,Tan He-Ping.Development of a Finite Element Model for Radiation Coupled with Conduction in Participating Media.J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2006,102(2):190-202,SCI、EI 收录

17. Ruan Li-Ming,Xie Ming,Qi Hong,An Wei,Tan He-Ping.Development of a finite element model for coupled radiative with conductive heat transfer in participating media.J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer,2006,102(2):190-202,SCI、EI 收录

18. An Wei,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping,Qi Hong.Least-squares finite element analysis for transient radiative transfer in absorbing and scattering media.ASME J. of Heat Transfer,2006,128(5):499-503,SCI、EI 收录

19. An Wei,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping,Qi Hong,Lew Ying-Ming.Finite element simulation for short pulse light radiative transfer in homogeneous and non-homogeneous media.ASME J. of Heat Transfer,2007,129(3):353-362,SCI、EI 收录

20. Ruan Li-Ming,An Wei,Tan He-Ping,Qi Hong.Least-squares finite element method for multidimensional radiative heat transfer in absorbing and scattering media.Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications,2007,51(7):657-677,SCI、EI 收录

21. An Wei,Ruan Li-Ming,Qi Hong.Inverse radiation problem in one-dimensional slab by time-resolved reflected and transmitted signals.J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2007,107(1):47-60,SCI、EI 收录

22. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Zhang Hao-Chun,Wang Yan-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Inverse radiation analysis in a one-dimensional participating slab by the Stochastic Particle Swarm Optimizer Algorithm.Int. J. of Thermal Sciences,2007,46(7):649-661,SCI、EI 收录

23. Ruan Li-Ming,Qi Hong,An Wei,Tan He-Ping.Inverse radiation problem for determination of optical constant of fly-ash particles.Int. J. of Thermophysics,2007,28(4):1322-1341,SCI、EI 收录

24. An Wei,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Radiative heat transfer simulation in absorbing and scattering media for multidimensional complex geometry by finite element method,Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series),2007,14(4):580-587, EI 收录

25. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Shi Meng,An Wei,Tan He-Ping.Application of Multi-Phase Particle Swarm Optimization technique to inverse radiation problem.J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2008,109(3):476-493,SCI、EI 收录

26. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Wang Sheng-Gang,Shi Meng,Zhao Hui.Application of Multi-Phase Particle Swarm Optimization technique to retrieve the particle size distribution.Chinese Optics Letters,2008,6(5):346-349,SCI、EI 收录

27. Ruan Li-Ming,Wang Sheng-Gang,Qi Hong,Wang Da-Lin.Analysis of the characteristics of time-resolved signals for transient radiative transfer in scattering participating media.J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer,2010,111:2405-2414,SCI、EI 收录

28. Ruan Li-Ming,Wang Xi-Ying,Qi Hong,Wang Sheng-Gang.Experimental Investigation on optical constants of aerosol particles.J. of Aerosol Science,2011,42(11):759-770,SCI、EI 收录

29. Qi Hong,Wang Da-Lin,Wang Sheng-Gang,Ruan Li-Ming.Inverse transient radiation analysis in one-dimensional non-homogeneous participating slabs using Particle Swarm Optimizer Algorithms.J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2011,112:2507-2519,SCI、EI 收录

30. Wang Xi-Ying,Qi Hong,Niu Chen-Ji,Ruan Li-Ming.Study on optical constants inversion and infrared transmission characteristics of aerosol particles,J. of Harbin Institute of Technology (New Series),2011,18(6):1-6,EI 收录

32. Wang Xi-Ying,Qi Hong,Wang Sheng-Gang,Ruan Li-Ming.The combined radiative integral equations and finite element method for radiation in anisotropic scattering media.Numerical Heat Transfer Part B-Fundamentals,2012,61:387-411,SCI、EI 收录

32. Qi Hong,Zhang Biao,Ren Ya-Tao,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-ping.Retrieval of spherical particle size distribution using Ant Colony Optimization algorithm.Chinese Optics Letters,2013,11(11):112901,SCI、EI 收录

33. Wang Da-Lin,Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming.Retrieve properties of participating media by different spans of radiative signals using the SPSO Algorithm.Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering,2013,21(5):888-915,SCI、EI 收录

34. Zhang Biao,Qi Hong,Ren Ya-Tao,Sun Shuang-Cheng,Ruan Li-Ming.Application of homogenous continuous Ant Colony Optimization algorithm to inverse problem of one-dimensional coupled radiation and conduction heat transfer,Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer,2013,66(4):507-516,SCI、EI 收录

35. Zhang Biao,Qi Hong,Ren Ya-Tao,Sun Shuang-Cheng,Ruan Li-Ming.Inverse transient radiation analysis in one-dimensional participating slab using improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms,J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2014,133:351-363,SCI、EI 收录

36. He Zhen-Zong,Qi Hong,Wang Yu-Qing,Ruan Li-Ming.Inverse estimation of the spheroidal particle size distribution using Ant Colony Optimization algorithms in multispectral extinction technique,Optics Communications,2014,328:8-22,SCI、EI 收录

37. He Zhen-Zong,Qi Hong,Yao Yu-Chen,Ruan Li-Ming.An effective inversion algorithm for retrieving bimodal aerosol particle size distribution from spectral extinction data,J. of Quantitative Spectrascopy and Radiative Transfer,2014,149:117-127,SCI、EI 收录

38. Qi Hong,Niu Chun-Yang,Gong Shuai,Ruan Li-Ming.Application of the hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithms for simultaneous estimation of multi-parameters in a transient conduction-radiation problem.Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer,2015,83:428-440,SCI、EI收录

39. Qi Hong,He Zhen-Zong,Gong Shuai,Ruan Li-Ming.Inversion of particle size distribution by spectral extinction technique using the attractive and repulsive particle swarm optimization algorithm.Thermal Science,2015,19(5):2151-2160,SCI、EI 收录

40. Qi Hong,Niu Chun-Yang,Jia Teng,Wang Da-Lin,Ruan Li-Ming.Multiparameter estimation in nonhomogeneous participating slab by using self-organizing migrating algorithms,J. of Quantitative Spectrascopy and Radiative Transfer,2015,157:153-169,SCI、EI 收录

41. Qi Hong,Qiao Yao-Bin,Sun Shuang-Cheng,Yao Yu-Chen,Ruan Li-Ming.Image reconstruction of two-dimensional highly scattering inhomogeneous medium using MAP-based estimation,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2015,Article ID. 412315,9 Pages,SCI、EI 收录

42. He Zhen-Zong,Qi Hong,Yao Yu-Chen, Ruan Li-Ming.Inverse estimation of the particle size distribution using the Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm.Applied Thermal Engineering,2015,88:306-314,SCI、EI 收录

43. Zhang Biao,Qi Hong,Sun Shuang-Cheng,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Solving inverse problems of radiative heat transfer and phase change in semitransparent medium by using Improved Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization,Int. J. of Heat and Mass Transfer,2015,85:300-310,SCI、EI 收录

44. Ren Ya-Tao,Qi Hong,Chen Qin,Ruan Li-Ming.Inverse transient radiative analysis in two-dimensional turbid media by Particle Swarm Optimizations,Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2015,Article ID. 680823,15 Pages,SCI、EI 收录

45. Qiao Yao-Bin,Qi Hong,Chen Qin,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Multi-start iterative reconstruction of the radiative parameters distribution in participating media based on the transient radiative transfer equation,Optics Communications,2015,351:75-84,SCI、EI 收录

46. Qi Hong,Ren Ya-Tao,Lew Zhong-Yuan,Ruan Li-Ming.Fast method of retrieving asymmetry factor and scattering albedo from maximum time-resolved reflectance of participating media,Applied Optics,2015,54(16):5234-5242,SCI、EI 收录,该文被Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics选录(Vol.10,No.6,2015,4 August)

47. He Zhen-Zong,Qi Hong,Jia Teng,Ruan Li-Ming.Influence of fractal-like aggregation on radiative properties of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii and H2 production rate in the plate photobioreactor,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2015,40:9952-9965,SCI、EI 收录

48. Niu Chun-Yang,Qi Hong,Huang Xing,Wang Wei,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Simultaneous reconstruction of the temperature distribution and radiative properties in participating media using the hybrid LSQR-PSO algorithm,Chinese Physics B,2015,24(11):114401,SCI、EI 收录

49. Ren Ya-Tao,Qi Hong,Chen Qin,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Simultaneous retrieval of the complex refractive index and particle size distribution,Optics Express,2015,23(15):19328-19337,SCI、EI 收录

?50. Qi Hong,Zhang Biao,Gong Shuai,Ruan Li-Ming.Simultaneous retrieval of multi-parameters in a frequency domain radiative transfer problem using an improved PDF-based ACO algorithm,Numerical Heat Transfer Part A-Applications,2016,DOI:10.1080/**.2015.**,SCI、EI 收录

51. Zhang Biao,Qi Hong,Sun Shuang-Cheng,Ruan Li-Ming.A novel hybrid ant colony optimization and particle swarm optimization algorithm for inverse problems of coupled radiative and conductive heat transfer.Thermal Science,2016,DOI:10.2298/TSCI**Z,SCI、EI 收录

52. He Zhen-Zong,Qi Hong,Chen Qin,Ruan Li-Ming.Retrieval of aerosol size distribution using Improved Quantum-behaved Particle Swarm Optimization from spectral extinction measurement,Particuology,2016,DOI: 10.1016/j.partic.2014.12.016,SCI、EI 收录

53. Ren Ya-Tao,Qi Hong,Lew Zhong-Yuan,Wang Wei,Ruan Li-Ming.Estimation of radiative parameters in participating media using shuffled frog leaping algorithm,Thermal Science,2016,DOI: 10.2298/TSCI**R,SCI、EI 收录

54. Qiao Yao-Bin,Qi Hong,Chen Qin,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.An efficient and robust method for the reconstruction of optical parameters based on time-domain radiative transfer equation,Optics and Lasers in Engineering,2016,78:155-461,SCI、EI 收录

55. He Zhen-Zong,Qi Hong,Lew Zhong-Yuan,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping,Luo Kun.Application of the LSQR algorithm in non-parametric estimation of aerosol size distribution,Optics Communications,2016,366:154-162,SCI、EI 收录

56. Niu Chun-Yang,Qi Hong,Ren Ya-Tao,Wang Wei,Ruan Li-Ming.Apparent directional spectral emissivity determination of semitransparent materials,Chinese Physics B,2016,25(4):047801-13,SCI、EI 收录

57. Ren Ya-Tao,Qi Hong,Huang Xing,Wang Wei,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Application of improved Krill Herd algorithms to inverse radiation problems,Int. J. of Thermal Sciences,2016,103:24-34,SCI、EI 收录

58. Qi Hong,He Zhen-Zong,Zhao Fang-Zhou,Ruan Li-Ming.Determination of the spectral complex refractive indices of microalgae cells by light reflectance-transmittance measurement,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2016,41(9):4941-4956,SCI、EI 收录

59. Sun Shuang-Cheng,Qi Hong,Zhao Fang-Zhou,Ruan Li-Ming,Li Bing-Xi.Inverse geometry design of two-dimensional complex radiative enclosures using Krill Herd optimization algorithm,Applied Thermal Engineering,2016,98:1104-1115,SCI、EI 收录

60. Ren Ya-Tao,Qi Hong,Zhao Fang-Zhou,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Simultaneous retrieval of temperature-dependent absorption coefficient and conductivity of participating media,Scientific Reports,DOI: 10.1038/srep21998,SCI、EI 收录

61. He Zhen-Zong,Qi Hong,He Ming-Jian,Ruan Li-Ming.Experimental research on the photobiological hydrogen production kinetics of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii GY-D55,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2016,Accepted

62. Chun-Yang Niu,Hong Qi,Xing Huang,Ruan Li-Ming,He-PingTan.Efficient and robust method for the simultaneous reconstruction of the 3-D temperature distribution and radiative properties in absorbing, emitting, and scattering media,J. of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,2016,No. JQSRT-2016-26,Minor Revision

63. Ren Ya-Tao,Qi Hong,He Ming-Jian,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Simultaneous determination of optical constants and particle size distribution via forward-angle-scattering method,International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,2016,No. HMT-2016-20

国际会议论文 01. Ruan Li-Ming,An Wei,M. Xie,Tan He-Ping.Simulation of Short-Pulse Light Radiative Transfer in Participating Media by Least Squares Finite Element Method,Proc. EUROTHERM Seminar 78,Computational Radiative Transfer in Participating Media,2006,France,2:115-123

02. Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming,Wang Sheng-Gang,Zhao Hui.A modified Finite Volume Method for simulating the radiative intensity in any specified direction.7th Int. Symposium on Heat Transfer,Beijing,China,October 26-29,2008

03. Qi Hong,He Zhen-Zong,Jia Teng,Zhang Biao,Ruan Li-Ming.Retrieval of geometric structure of internal defect in two-dimensional semi-transparent media under laser irradiation using the RDS-PSO.The 15th Int. Heat Transfer Conference,August 10-15th,2014,Kyoto,Japan

04. Qi Hong,Niu Chun-Yang,Yao Yu-Chen,Ruan Li-Ming.Inverse transient radiation analysis in multi-layer non-homogeneous participating slabs using improved self-organizing migrating algorithm.The 2nd Int. Workshop on Nano-Micro Thermal Radiation: Energy, Manufacturing, Materials and Sensing,June 6-9th,2014,Shanghai,China

05. Wang Dalin,Qi Hong,Zhang Biao,Sun Xing,Ruan Li-Ming.Sensitivity analysis and retrieval of inclusion properties in participating media based on the short pulse laser incidence. Proceedings of RAD-13,7th Int. Symposium on Radiative Transfer ,2-8 June 2013,Kusadasi,Turkey

06. Zhang Biao,Qi Hong,Ren Ya-Tao,Sun Shuang-Cheng,Ruan Li-Ming.Application of Improved Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm to inverse problem of coupled radiation and conduction heat transfer.Proceedings of IWHT2013,the 2nd Int. Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control,October 18-21,2013,Xi’an,China

07. He Zhen-Zong,Qi Hong,Ren Ya-Tao,Ruan Li-Ming.Effect of fractal-like aggregation on radiative properties and specific production rate of Chlorella.The 15th Int. Heat Transfer Conference,August 10-15th,2014,Kyoto,Japan

08. Wang Sheng-Gang,Ruan Li-Ming,Qi Hong,Wang Xi-Ying,Li Bing-Xi.Investigation of transient signals in nonuniform media based on diffusion approximation.Proceedings of MNHMT2009 ASME 2009 2nd Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer Int. Conference,Shanghai,China,December 18-21,2009,2:349-354, EI、ISTP 收录

09. Wang Xi-Ying,Niu Chen-Ji,Qi Hong,Ruan Li-Ming.Effect of cloud water on the atmospheric extinction.The 2nd Int. Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science and Computer Engineering (CESCE),Shenzhen,China,January 27-28,2011,Procedia Environmental Sciences,2011,11:1493-1498,EI 收录

10. Ren Ya-Tao,Qi Hong,Lew Zhong-Yuan,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Parametric investigation of the transient radiative transfer in participating media and rapid estimation of the radiative parameters.Proceedings of CHT-15,ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer,May 25-29,2015,Rutgers University,Piscataway,USA,No. CHT-15-177

11. Qiao Yao-Bin,Qi Hong,Jia Teng,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping. Multi-start conjugate gradient method for retrieving the optical parameters in 2D participating media with frequency-domain equation of radiative transfer.The Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow ASCHT 2015,June 21-24,2015,Busan,Korea,No. 891202

12. Niu Chun-Yang,Qi Hong,Lew Zhong-Yuan,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Simultaneous reconstruction of the three-dimensional temperature distribution and radiative properties in absorbing, emitting, and scattering media using the hybrid LSQR-SPSO algorithm.Proceedings of IWHT2015,3nd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control,October 16-19,2015,Taipei,Taiwan

13. Niu Chun-Yang,Qi Hong,Huang Xing,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan Heping.Simultaneous reconstruction of 3D flame temperature distribution and radiative properties,International Heat Transfer Symposium and Heat Powered Cycles 2016,Nottingham,UK,26-29 June 2016,No. IHTS-HPC1211

国内期刊及会议论文 01. 余其铮,阮立明,谈和平,The emissivity of large ash particles,ATPC 92第三届亚洲热物性大会,中国北京,Oct. 1992年

02. 阮立明,唐明,谈和平,余其铮,The study on radiative properties of coal combustion products,第三届远东地区科技进步研讨会,论文集p.251-255,俄罗斯哈巴罗夫克Sep. 17-21,1993年

03. 阮立明,余其铮,谈和平,A transmission method for the determination of the radiation properties of small ash particles,哈尔滨工业大学学报(英文版),1994,E-1(2):10-14,EI 收录

04. 阮立明,余其铮,刘林华,煤及灰辐射特性参数的研究,热能动力工程,1995,10(5):296-301

05. 阮立明,谈和平,余其铮,唐明,The study on radiation properties of ash particles and bulk matters,第四届远东地区科技进步研讨会,论文集p.247-250,中国哈尔滨,Feb. 10-15,1995年

06. 阮立明,余其铮,谈和平.求非均匀系微粒光学常数的透射法.红外与毫米波学报,1996,15(1):43-49,EI 收录

07. 谈和平,阮立明,夏新林,余其铮,反演辐射传递方程的Tikhonov方法,工程热物理学报,1996,17 (增刊):163-166,EI 收录

08. 阮立明,余其铮,刘林华,块状及粒子煤灰复折射率的研究,工程热物理学报,1997,18(5):620-623,EI 收录

09. 阮立明,崔国民,王平阳,熊利民,谈和平,利用蒙特卡罗法求解坦克表面的太阳入射辐射,目标与环境特性研究,1997,No.4(总第4期):43-49

10. 阮立明,崔国民,谈和平,余其铮,求解坦克表面热辐射传递系数的蒙特卡罗—区域法,目标与环境特性研究,1998,No.2(总第6期):40-48

11. 阮立明,谈和平,王平阳,刘林华,夏新林.空间辐射散热器含液滴介质的辐射特性和辐射传热.宇航学报,1999,20(4):32-38,EI 收录

12. 谈和平,阮立明,刘林华,余其铮,瞬态激光脉冲在吸收、发射性介质内引起的温度响应,工程热物理学报,1999,20 (3):326-331,EI 收录

13. 郝金波,阮立明,谈和平,一维各向异性散射介质内相函数间的关系,东北大学学报(自然科学版),2001,22 (S2):196-198,EI 收录

14. 阮立明,郝金波,谈和平,散射相函数对一维介质内辐射传递的影响规律,计算物理.2002,19 (6):517-520,EI 收录

15. 郝金波,阮立明,谈和平,贺志宏,有限体积法求散射性介质辐射传递及耦合换热,哈尔滨工业大学学报,2002,34 (2):161-165,EI 收录

16. 阮立明,谭建宇,董士奎,谈和平,辐射传递蒙特卡洛法精度分析及数值试验,工程热物理学报,2003,24 (5):813-816,EI 收录

17. 郝金波,阮立明,谈和平,贴体坐标系下复杂几何形体内研究辐射传递,哈尔滨工业大学学报,2003,35 (8):930-934+938,EI 收录

18. 郝金波,阮立明,谈和平,用有限体积法研究二维矩形散射介质辐射传递,化工学报,2003,54 (7):896-901,EI 收录

19. 齐宏,阮立明,谭建宇.矩形介质内辐射换热的有限元法.计算物理,2004,21(6):547-550,EI 收录

20. 刘晓红,阮立明,谈和平,卫星的红外热像理论建模,目标与环境特性研究,2004,No.1,(总第29期):47-53

21. 齐宏,阮立明,董士奎,谈和平.离散格式对辐射换热有限体积法精度的影响.哈尔滨工业大学学报,2005,37(12):1621-1624,EI 收录

22. 齐宏,阮立明,谈和平.辐射换热的分区计算研究.工程热物理学报,2005,26(4):650-652,EI 收录

23. 阮立明,齐宏,吕英明,谈和平.粒子雾隐身特性的机理研究.目标与环境特性研究,2006,3:53-60

24. 菅立川,齐宏,阮立明,安巍,谈和平.微粒群算法反演粒径分布的研究.节能技术,2007,1:7-10

25. 齐宏,阮立明,菅立川,王俊.导弹尾喷焰红外辐射特性的有限单元法研究.装备指挥技术学院学报,2007,18(3):72-76

26. 阮立明,安巍,谈和平.超短脉冲激光在二维非均匀介质内的瞬态辐射传输,工程热物理学报,2007,28(6):998-1000,EI 收录

27. 阮立明,齐宏,王圣刚.采用DDA方法分析非球形粒子辐射特性.哈尔滨工业大学学报,2008,40(3):413-418,EI 收录

28. 安巍,阮立明,谈和平.求解一维瞬态辐射传输的最小二乘有限元法,工程热物理学报,2007,l28:110-112,EI 收录

29. 阮立明,齐宏,王圣刚,杨昌鹏.导弹尾喷焰目标红外特性的数值仿真.红外与激光工程,2008,37(6):959-962,EI 收录

30. 齐宏,阮立明,王希影,谈和平.反演高温均一粒子系光学常数的理论建模.工程热物理学报,2009,30(1):105-107,EI 收录

31. 齐宏,阮立明,王希影,史萌,吕英明.双球聚集粒子辐射特性分析.工程热物理学报,2009,30(2):273-275,EI 收录

32. 齐宏,王希影,刘兵,阮立明.反演非球形粒子光学常数的理论建模.工程热物理学报,2009,30(5):837-840,EI 收录

33. 阮立明,齐宏,王希影,李保成.采用GMM方法分析聚集粒子的辐射特性.哈尔滨工业大学学报,2009,41(3):71-76,EI 收录

34. 阮立明,齐宏,王圣刚,赵辉,李保成.圆柱坐标系下任意方向辐射强度的源项六流法模拟.计算物理,2009,26(3):437-443,EI 收录

35. 王希影,阮立明,齐宏,王圣刚.非球形粒子的散射特性分析.工程热物理学报,2009,30(8):1368-1370,EI 收录

36. 王圣刚,阮立明,齐宏,张彪.短脉冲激光与介质相互作用的扩散模型.工程热物理学报,2009,30(9):1531-1533,EI 收录

37. 齐宏,王大林,黄细珍,阮立明,赵辉.求解任意方向辐射强度的广义多流法.工程热物理学报,2009,30(7):1204-1206,EI 收录

38. 张彪,齐宏,阮立明.模拟飞机尾喷焰辐射传输的非结构有限体积法.航空工程进展,2010,3(1):250-255

39. 齐宏,王大林,王圣刚,阮立明,戴景民.基于瞬态辐射信号的各向同性散射均匀介质光学特性PSO反演.工程热物理学报,2011,32(10):1732-1734,EI 收录

40. 王希影,齐宏,王青青,阮立明,基于MDA法计算水雾粒子红外隐身粒径.工程热物理学报,2011,32(8):1389-1392,EI 收录

41. 张彪,齐宏,阮立明.二维多孔热密封材料的有效导热系数模拟.工程热物理学报,2012,33(7):1229-1232,EI 收录

42. 齐宏,王大林,张彪,阮立明.瞬态辐射传输峰值信号分析与重建.工程热物理学报,2013,34(3):493-496,EI 收录

43. 王大林,齐宏,阮立明.利用瞬态辐射信号峰值重构半透明介质内部特性.工程热物理学报,2013,34(1):145-148,EI 收录

44. 林莉,齐宏,王希影,阮立明.哈尔滨地区气溶胶粒子光学常数的实验研究.节能技术,2013,31(8):340-344

45. 牛春洋,齐宏,王大林,阮立明.基于Abel变换反演圆柱介质内红外辐射强度.工程热物理学报,2013,34(11):2147-2150,EI 收录

46. 贺振宗,齐宏,孙星,阮立明,微藻光生物反应器内辐射传输特性研究.工程热物理学报,2014,35(5):948-951,EI 收录

47. 齐宏,孙双成,张彪,及运达,阮立明,基于频域辐射传输模型的光学成像研究.工程热物理学报,2014,35(4):752-756,EI 收录

48. 齐宏,牛春洋,阮立明,姜宝成,王洪杰.不透明材料波段法向发射率在线测量方法研究,实验技术与管理,2014,31(12):31-34

49. 牛春洋,齐宏,姚禹辰,阮立明.基于生物地理学优化算法求解瞬态辐射反问题.高校工程热物理年会,青岛,2014

50. 贺振宗,齐宏,贾腾,阮立明.改进的人工鱼群算法在气溶胶粒径分布反演中的应用.中南大学学报(自然科学版),2015,In press,EI 源

51. 牛春洋,齐宏,贾腾,阮立明,谈和平.半透明介质场参数的非接触测量算法研究.工程热物理学报,2015,36(12):2678-2682,EI 源

52. 齐宏,任亚涛,陈琴,阮立明.改进微粒群算法求解频域辐射反问题.哈尔滨工程大学学报,2015,In press,EI收录

53. 乔要宾,齐宏,贾腾,宫帅,阮立明.基于荧光技术的时域近红外光学成像.工程热物理学报,2016,In press,EI收录

中文专著 01. 谈和平,夏新林,刘林华,阮立明.《红外辐射特性与传输的数值计算——计算热辐射学》.“国防科工委十五规划专著”,哈尔滨工业大学出版社,北京航空航天大学出版社,北京理工大学出版社,西北工业大学出版社,哈尔滨工程大学出版社,2006年10月.

02. 齐宏,阮立明,谈和平.《辐射传输逆问题的智能优化理论与应用》,工业和信息化部“十二五”规划专著,哈尔滨工业大学出版社,2016年4月,入选“十二五国家重点图书出版规划项目”,“2015年度黑龙江省精品图书出版工程”.

英文专著 01.Qi Hong,Ren Ya-Tao,Ruan Li-Ming,Tan He-Ping.Application of Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms to Inverse Radiation Problems,In:Advances in Engineering Research Vol. 9,Nova Science Publishers,Editors: Victoria M. Petrova,Invited Chapter,2015,Chapter 5,97-130.

02. Hong Qi,Ya-Tao Ren,Jun-You Zhang,Li-Ming Ruan,He-Ping Tan.Retrieval of optical constant and particle size distribution of particulate media using the PSO-based Neural Network algorithm,Artificial Intelligence in Power Electronics,ISBN 978-953-51-4649-0,InTech Publishers,Invited Chapter, 2016.

03. Hong Qi,Shuang-Cheng Sun,Zhen-Zong He,Shi-Ting Ruan,Li-Ming Ruan,He-Ping Tan.Inverse geometry design of radiative enclosures using Particle Swarm Optimization algorithms,Optimization Algorithms,ISBN 978-953-51-4687-2,InTech Publishers,Invited Chapter,2016.

01. 谈和平,董士奎,王俊,马宇,阮立明,齐宏,徐根兴.一种*****红外预警探测方法,ZL 200910******.2, 国防发明专利02. 王大林,齐宏,阮立明,牛春洋,谈和平.一种基于能量法的半透明材料高温辐射率测量装置及扣除背景辐射的修正方法,专利号:ZL**5.8,2011

03. 牛春洋,齐宏,王大林,阮立明,姜宝成.基于红外测温仪的材料发射率测量方法.专利号:ZL **5.5

04. 齐宏,任亚涛,张彪,孙双成,阮立明.基于多频调制激光辐照的半透明介质辐射特性测量方法,专利号:ZL **9.0

05. 齐宏,牛春洋,任亚涛,阮立明.基于脉冲激光辐照的半透明介质辐射特性测量方法,专利号:ZL **5.9

06. 齐宏,牛春洋,阮立明,张伟.基于积分球反射及透射的半透明材料光谱法向发射率测量方法,专利号:ZL **5.3

07. 齐宏,任亚涛,陈琴,张彪,阮立明.基于短脉冲激光反射信号峰值反演的生物组织光学特性参数快速测量方法,专利号:ZL **2.7

08. 张彪,齐宏,任亚涛,孙双成,阮立明.一种基于脉冲激光的半透明介质衰减系数和散射反照率的快速测量方法,专利号:ZL **5.5

09. 齐宏,贺振宗,任亚涛,孙双成,阮立明,谈和平.一种利用连续激光辐照技术测量球形颗粒光谱复折射率的方法,专利号:ZL **0.9

10. 齐宏,牛春洋,任亚涛,孙双成,阮立明.采用多频调制激光加热与光热信息重建技术的半透明材料辐射特性测量方法,受理号:ZL **2.4

11. 齐宏,牛春洋,任亚涛,孙双成,阮立明.利用脉冲激光加热产生的瞬态光热信号测量半透明材料热物性参数的方法,受理号:**4.3,已公示

12. 齐宏,牛春洋,孙双成,阮立明,姜宝成,郑献之.高温半透明材料光谱方向表观发射率逆推测量技术,专利号:ZL **6.7

13. 齐宏,任亚涛,张彪,孙双成,阮立明.基于单频激光辐照的双层参与性介质光谱辐射特性参数测量方法,专利号:ZL **6.7

14. 齐宏,任亚涛,张彪,孙双成,阮立明.一种基于短脉冲激光辐照及多信息逆问题求解技术的参与性介质辐射特性测量方法,专利号:ZL **5.9

15. 齐宏,贺振宗,任亚涛,孙双成,阮立明,谈和平.一种利用单频调制激光辐照技术测量球形颗粒光谱复折射率的方法,专利号:ZL **3.6

16. 贺振宗,齐宏,任亚涛,孙双成,阮立明.一种基于短脉冲激光透反射信号的球形颗粒光谱复折射率测量方法,专利号:ZL **2.1

17. 牛春洋,齐宏,孙星,阮立明,姜宝成,陈琴.用于测量半透明试样发射率的抗背景噪声的试样加热系统,专利号:ZL **7.5

18. 牛春洋,王大林,齐宏,阮立明.基于傅立叶变换红外光谱分析仪的半透明材料吸收系数测量方法,专利号:ZL **5.2

19. 张彪,齐宏,贾腾,阮立明,谈和平.基于时间相关单光子计数技术的半透明材料辐射物性测量方法,受理号:**3.1,已公示

20. 任亚涛,齐宏,黄兴,阮立明,谈和平.一种基于连续激光技术的球形颗粒光谱复折射率与颗粒系粒径分布同时反演方法,受理号:**3.4,2015年2月4日

21. 齐宏,牛春洋,张丽琴,姚睿,阮立明,谈和平.高温半透明材料折射率及吸收系数反演测量装置及方法.受理号:**6.0,申请日2015年09月23日

22. 任亚涛,齐宏,史要涛,于创利,于翠萍,阮立明,谈和平.基于前向散射多角度测量的球形颗粒光学常数与颗粒系粒径分布的同时重构方法,受理号:**0.5,申请日2015年09月22日

23. 任亚涛,齐宏,牛春洋,阮立明,谈和平,陈澄,肖昊苏.同时获取半透明材料温变导热系数及吸收系数的测量方法.申请号:**7.9

24. 黄兴,齐宏,阮世庭,阮立明,谈和平,许传龙,蔡小舒.基于微透镜阵列与调制激光的火焰温度泛尺度光场探测技术.申请号:**6.1

25. 齐宏,黄兴,吕中原,阮世庭,阮立明,谈和平,许传龙,蔡小舒.基于微透镜阵列与连续激光的火焰温度泛尺度光场探测技术.申请号:**6.6

26. 黄兴,齐宏,吕中原,阮世庭,乔要宾,阮立明,谈和平,许传龙,蔡小舒.基于微透镜阵列与脉冲激光的火焰温度泛尺度光场探测技术.申请号:**3.5

01. 阮立明,谈和平,王俊,齐宏,董士奎.喷焰红外辐射传输计算软件.登记号:2007SR18429,2007年11月22日

02. 阮立明,齐宏,安巍,谈和平.等效透射比反演高温均一粒子系复折射率计算软件.登记号:2007SR14435,2007年09月18日

03. 阮立明,齐宏,王希影,谈和平.复杂几何形体太阳入射投影面积及辐射传递系数计算软件.登记号:2010SR005875,2010年2月1日

04. 齐宏,阮立明,王圣刚,谈和平.参与性介质内辐射传输的有限元法计算软件.登记号:2010SR005880,2010年2月1日

05. 张彪,齐宏,阮立明.基于网格划分连续域蚁群算法的一维瞬态辐射反问题计算软件.登记号:2014SR023597,2013年5月5日

06. 张彪,齐宏,阮立明.基于概率密度分布蚁群算法的一维导热辐射耦合换热反问题计算软件.登记号:2014SR023584,2013年6月19日

07. 张彪,齐宏,阮立明.基于智能微粒群算法反演一维相变辐射耦合换热反问题计算软件.登记号:2013SR120764,2013年07月11日08. 齐宏,牛春洋,阮立明.基于骨干微粒群智能优化算法的一维参与性介质导热辐射耦合反问题计算软件.登记号:2014SR026337,2013年7月28日

09. 齐宏,牛春洋,阮立明.基于单纯形-骨干微粒群混合优化算法的半透明介质热物性参数反演计算软件.登记号:2014SR026334,2013年8月10日

10. 齐宏,牛春洋,阮立明.基于单纯形-微粒群混合优化算法的一维导热辐射耦合换热反问题计算软件.登记号:2014SR026331,2013年8月22日

11. 张彪,阮立明,齐宏.基于量子微粒群算法的一维频域辐射反问题计算软件V1.0,登记号:2014SR062057,2013年12月09日

12. 齐宏,张彪,阮立明.基于源项多流法的求解三维半透明介质内任意方向辐射强度计算软件V1.0,登记号:2014SR062060,2013年12月24日

13. 张彪,齐宏,阮立明.基于源项多流法的两层半透明介质镜反射界面的有限体积法计算软件V1.0,登记号:2014SR062061,2014年01月19日

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