

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25






电 话:**


地 址:哈尔滨工业大学动力楼417室

2008.9-2011.4哈尔滨工业大学/能源科学与工程学院/工程热物理专业, 师从李凤臣教授, 获工学博士学位

2006.9-2008.7哈尔滨工业大学/市政环境与工程学院/流体力学专业, 师从何钟怡教授/朱蒙生副教授, 获工学硕士学位

2002.9-2006.7哈尔滨工业大学/市政环境与工程学院/建筑环境与设备工程专业, 师从张吉礼教授, 获工学学士学位

2011.4-2013.12哈尔滨工业大学/能源科学与工程学院/流体机械与工程研究研究所, 讲师

2011.5-2015.4哈尔滨工业大学/土木工程学院/力学博士后流动站, 师从李惠教授, 博士后

2013.5- 哈尔滨工业大学,硕士生导师

2013.11-2014.11美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校(UIUC)/生物环境工程系/访问学者,师从Prof. Wang


2015.4-2019.3 哈尔滨工业大学,流体机械及工程研究所,副所长












Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow and Heat Transfer Processes 特刊编委


《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer》、《European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids》、《Nature: Scientific Reports》、《Nonlinear dynamics》、《Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science》、《Journal of Applied Mathematics》、《ASME Journal of Fluid Engineering》等


12. 国家自然科学基金面上基金(合作):基于计算流体力学和影像融合技术的踝间血压差纵向轨迹与缺血性脑卒中发病因果关系研究,2019.1.1-2022.12

10. 国家自然科学基金面上基金:粘弹性流体Rayleigh-Bénard热对流稳定性及热量输运的物理机制研究,2016.1-2019.12

11. 黑龙江省博士后科研启动基金:低温条件下混合冷剂多相流动特性数值模拟研究,2015.12-2018.6(已完成)

9. 哈尔滨工业大学青年拔尖人才支持计划项目:粘弹性流体湍流热对流中热输运特性和流动结构动力学特性研究, 2014.4-2016.12(已完成)

8. 工信部子课题(第2负责人):晃荡对LNG绕管式换热器性能影响研究,2014.1-2016.6(已完成)

7. 国家863子课题项目(第2负责人):晃动对板翅换热器流动均布和换热性能模拟与试验研究,2014.1-2016.6(已完成)

6. 高技术重大专项子课题:高空螺旋桨流场分析与电机装置热问题耦合计算,2013.4-2013.10 (已完成)

5. 国家自然科学青年基金项目:粘弹性流体网格湍流减阻机理及多尺度动力学特性研究,2013.1-2015.12(已完成)

4. 中国博士后特别资助项目:粘弹性流体湍流减阻流动相干结构多尺度动力学特性研究,2013.6-2015.5 (已完成)

3. 中国博士后面上基金项目:粘弹性流体双振荡网格湍流奇异标度律及混沌特性研究,2011.10-2013.12 (已完成)

2. 黑龙江省博士后基金项目:网格湍流特性研究,2011.12-2013.12 (已完成)

1. 哈尔滨工业大学校科研创新基金项目:粘弹性流体基纳米流体微管换热器流动与换热特性研究,2012.1-2013.12(已完成)


14. 国内企业合作项目:加热棒结构设计方法研究,2018.11-2019.6

13. 国内高校合作项目:燃料组件锁紧结垢水力学计算,2018.5-2018.8(已完成)

12. 国内企业合作项目:压裂液用高温表面活性剂可行性论证咨询,2017.7-2017.11(已完成)

11. 国内院所合作项目:空化器数值模拟研究,2016.12-2018.6(已完成)

10. 国内企业合作项目:剪切增稠流体作为暂堵剂可行性论证,2016.12-2017.6(已完成)

9. 国内企业合作项目:脱硫塔内喷淋CFD模拟研究,2016.3-2016.4(已完成)

8. 国内企业合作项目:天然气扩散管扩散与噪声特性模拟分析及优化,2015.7-2016.4(已完成)

7. 国内高校合作项目(第2负责人):离心泵流场脉动力计算方法与分析技术,2013.10-2014.5 (已完成)

6. 国内企业合作项目(第2负责人):LNG绕管式换热器管侧流动与传热特性实验研究,2014.1-2016.6(已完成)

5. 国内高校合作项目:冷凝器旁路排放箱流动特性分析,2013.1-2013.6 (已完成)

4. 国内企业合作项目(第2负责人):板翅式换热器冷箱安全性及关键技术研究,2012.11-2014.1(已完成)

3. 国内企业合作项目(第2负责人):绕管式换热器流动与传热规律研究,2012.6-2013.10(已完成)

2. 国内高校合作项目:反应器设计及流动数值模拟,2011.7-2011.8 (已完成)

1. 国内高校合作项目: 炕面温度特性数值模拟,2011.5 (已完成)









共发表学术论文100余篇,其中SCI论文62篇(第一作者/通讯作者47篇);EI论文20篇;在本学科领域国际Top期刊Journal of Fluid Mechanics、Physical Review E、Physics of Fluids、Applied Thermal Engineering、International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer上发表论文;授权国家发明专利3项,实用新型专利1项,撰写专著1本(排名第1),参编本科教材1本(排名第4),协助指导博士研究生4名(已获博士学位),协助指导硕士研究生15名(已获硕士学位),指导硕士研究生3名(已获硕士学位),本科生18名(已获学士学位);目前正作为导师指导博士生6名,作为副导师协助指导博士研究生2名,指导硕士研究生6名。





曹慧哲 博士,副教授


李 彪 博士,师资博士后,明尼苏达大学博士后(优秀博士后选派计划)


郑智颖 博士,师资博士后,京都大学博士后(优秀博士后选派计划)



韦同舟: 2014级博士生, 研究方向: 粘弹性流体Rayleigh-Benard热对流特性实验研究。

程建平: 2015级博士生,

研究方向: 基于DNS方法的粘弹性流体Rayleigh-Benard热对流中热输运机制研究。

Durga:2015级博士生, 研究方向: 脉动热管实验与数值模拟研究。

Maxime:2015级博士生, 研究方向: 混流式水轮机数值模拟研究。

李 倩: 2016级博士生, 研究方向: 非均匀多孔介质内超临界二氧化碳流动研究。

李思宁: 2016级博士生, 研究方向: 非牛顿流体微尺度流动研究。

李禹克: 2016级博士生, 研究方向: 微流控颗粒操控研究。

Alexis: 2016级博士生, 研究方向: 混流式水轮机PIV实验研究。

瞿家港: 2018级博士生, 研究方向:基于深度学习技术的湍流模型开发。


王思敏: 2017级硕士生, 研究方向: 基于MD的天然气水合物形成过程模拟。

黄长烨: 2017级硕士生, 研究方向: 换热器流动与传热数值模拟及关联式开发。

唐晓静: 2017级硕士生, 研究方向: 二氧化碳封存中泄露与钙化数值模拟研究。

唐肇求: 2017级硕士生, 研究方向: 产氚包层第一壁强化换热技术研究。

徐严严: 2017级硕士生, 研究方向: 基于空化技术的石墨烯制备研究。

汤寿超: 2017级硕士生, 研究方向: PCHE换热器流动与传热模拟研究。

陈以铖: 2018级硕士生, 研究方向: 微尺度下细胞形变特性研究。

刘 瑶: 2018级硕士生, 研究方向: 产氚包层第一壁强化换热技术研究。

刘 畅: 2018级硕士生, 研究方向: 产氚包层第一壁强化换热技术研究。

王宇航: 2018级硕士生, 研究方向: 两相流研究。

赵天利: 2018级硕士生, 研究方向: PCHE换热器流动与传热模拟研究。

何志博: 2019级硕士生, 研究方向: 粘弹性流体空化气泡动力学研究。

张馨予: 2019级硕士生, 研究方向: 基于微流控技术的颗粒两相流研究。


5. 王 悦:2018届博士(粘弹性流体双振荡网格湍流特性研究,协助指导),目前在哈尔滨市科技局工作。

4. 麻宏强:2016届博士(板翅式换热器热应力数值模拟研究,协助指导),目前在兰州理工大学工作。

3. 王 璐:2016届博士(粘弹性流体大涡数值模拟研究,协助指导),目前在哈尔滨工程大学工作。

2. 吴志勇:2015届博士(LNG绕管式换热器壳侧流动与换热数值模拟研究,协助指导),目前在辽宁石油化工大学工作。

1. 邱国栋:2015届博士(LNG绕管式换热器管侧流动与换热数值模拟研究,协助指导),目前在东北电力大学工作,副教授。


21. 黎永耀: 2018届硕士(基于OpenFOAM开展多孔介质内弹性湍流及强化混合研究,获国家奖学金、优秀硕士毕业生和金牌硕士论文),目前在哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究院攻读博士学位。

20. 唐明明: 2018届硕士(超临界航空煤油流动与传热数值模拟),目前在部队工作。

19. 李 达: 2018届硕士(基于脉动热管的电机散热数值模拟),目前在中航发湖南动力机械研究所工作。

18. 马行行: 2017届硕士(粘弹性流体Rayleigh-Benard热对流低阶动力学模型研究,获银牌硕士论文),目前在上海交大攻读博士学位。

17. 郑 鑫: 2017届硕士(超临界下航空煤油流动与传热数值模拟研究),目前在法国里昂应用科学院攻读博士学位。

16. 叶 琴: 2016届硕士(粘弹性流体Rayleigh-Benard热对流特性直接数值模拟研究),目前在上海东方电气集团工作。

15. 李泊然: 2016年硕士(液化天然气储罐内分层翻滚不稳定数值模拟),目前在成都西南设计院工作。

14. 周增浩: 2015届硕士(混流泵泵流固耦合特性研究),目前在哈尔滨建成集团工作。

13. 郑文科: 2015届硕士(晃荡条件下LNG绕管式换热器均布器特性研究),目前继续攻读博士。

12. 李亚军: 2015届硕士(Rayleigh-Benard热对流中的聚合物效应研究),目前在天津设计院工作。

11. 韦同舟:2014届硕士(粘弹性流体衰减网格湍流PIV实验研究),目前在本小组攻读博士学位。

10. 万智华:2014届硕士(管路均流实验及数值模拟研究),目前继续攻读博士。

9. 崔 磊:2014届硕士(安全阀泄放过程数值模拟研究),目前在哈尔滨燃气公司工作。

8. 王 悦:2013届硕士(聚合物水溶液双振荡网格湍流特性实验研究),目前在本小组攻读博士学位。

7. 阳大清:2013届硕士(LNG绕管式换热器壳侧流动与换热数值模拟),目前在国家专利局广州办事处工作。

6. 王 璐:2012届硕士(粘弹性流体各向同性湍流大涡数值模拟研究),目前在本小组攻读博士学位。

5. 孔伟伟:2012届硕士(添加剂和纳米粒子对溴化锂及氨水表面张力特性的影响),目前在威海市设计院从事设计工作。

4. 王玉谦:2012届硕士(高聚物基纳米流体微管流动与换热数值模拟),目前在石家庄设计院从事设计工作。

3. 高杰强:2011届硕士(船舶微气泡减阻数值模拟),目前在核四院从事设计工作。

2. 刘 君:2011届硕士(微细管流动与换热数值模拟),目前在大连从事房地产工作。

1. 孙玉珍:2011届硕士(槽道湍流混沌动力学特性分析),目前在上海从事设计工作。


22. 崔云峰:2018届本科生(基于压力脉冲的强化混合技术研究),保送上海交通大学继续攻读硕士学位。

22. 陈以铖:2018届本科生(OSA风险数值模拟研究),在本小组攻读硕士学位。

21. 刘佳怡:2018届本科生(二氧化碳封存对流实验研究),中船动力研究院有限公司。

20. 宋宇峰:2018届本科生(带压液化PLNG流程设计与优化),工作。

19. 李势成:2018届本科生(红细胞形变微流控测量),考研。

18. 唐肇求:2017届本科(超临界下航空煤油流动与传热特性数值模拟),在本小组攻读硕士学位。

17. 舒 坚:2017届本科(纳米流体射流强化换热数值模拟),在浙江大学攻读硕士学位。

16. 甘 露:2017届本科(剪切增稠流体流变特性测量),在哈工大深圳研究生院攻读硕士学位。

15. 南羽佳:2017届本科(分形网格强化换热数值模拟),考研。

14. 郑志峰:2016届本科(纳米流体Rayleigh-Benard热对流数值模拟),在上海交大硕博连读。

13. 王秋进:2016届本科(脉冲式空化器数值模拟),在哈工大攻读硕士学位。

12. 任俊朋:2016届本科(超音速天然气-水分离数值模拟),在澳大利亚墨尔本大学攻读硕士学位。

11. 黎永耀:2016届本科(离心泵内部流动数值模拟),在本研究小组攻读硕士学位。

10. 刘桂乾:2015届本科(折流板分离器数值模拟),在甘肃工作。

9. 马行行:2015届本科(方腔内牛顿流体Rayleigh-Benard热对流稳定性分析),在本研究小组攻读硕士学位。

8. 李 倩: 2013届本科(窄缝节流机理及减压减温旁路排放箱内流动特性模拟),在本研究小组攻读硕士学位。

7. 程建平: 2013届本科(小孔节流机理及减压减温旁路排放箱内流动特性模拟),在本研究小组攻读硕士学位。

6. 李雨润: 2013届本科(旋转槽道湍流直接数值模拟),保送西安交通大学继续攻读硕士学位。

5. 张冀喆: 2012届本科(高聚物与纳米流体对自然对流换热特性的影响),在哈尔滨工业大学深圳研究生院攻读硕士学位。

4. 王 猛: 2012届本科(基于离散正交小波分析槽道湍流相干结构特性),在美国加州大学戴维斯分校硕博连读。

3. 韦同舟:2012届本科(网格湍流实验研究),在本研究小组攻读硕士学位。

2. 李书磊:2012届本科(绕管式换热器管侧数值模拟),在本研究小组攻读硕士学位。

1. 白 哲:2011届本科(后台阶大涡数值模拟),在美国雪城大学硕博连读。


1. 国家发明专利: 蔡伟华, 李凤臣, 张红娜, 李小斌, 徐鸿鹏. 一种强迫各向同性湍流实验装置, 专利号: **6.4

2. 国家发明专利: 蔡伟华, 李凤臣, 张红娜, 李小斌, 徐鸿鹏. 一种实现衰减各向同性湍流的实验装置, 专利号: **3.3

3. 国家实用新型专利: 蔡伟华, 郑鑫, 郑文科, 朱蒙生. 新型天然气气水旋流分离器. 专利号: ZL 2016 2 **.4


1. 科研专著: 蔡伟华, 李小斌, 张红娜, 李凤臣著. 粘弹性流体动力学. 2016.10.

2. 本科教材: 陈卓如, 王洪杰, 刘全忠, 蔡伟华编. 工程流体力学(第3版). 高教出版社, 2013.5.



88. C.-Y. Chen, X. Feng, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), X.-Q. Shi(通讯作者). Evaluation of flow characteristics of upper airway by CFD simulation: a case study. Journal of Biomechanics. 2019, under review. (SCI, IF: 2.431)

87. L. Wang, Z.-Y. Zheng(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai, W.-Y. Li. Extension of omega and omega-liutex methods to the identification of vortex structures in viscoelastic turbulent flow. Journal of Hydrodynamics. 2019, accepted. (SCI, IF: 1.563)

86. M.-J. He, H. Qi(通讯作者), Y.-T. Ren, W.-H. Cai, L.-M. Ruan. Near-field radiative heat transfer in multilayered graphene system considering equilibrium temperature distribution. Optics Express. 2019, under review. (SCI, IF: 3.356)

85. W.-T. Su(通讯作者), M. Binama, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), A. Muhirwa, B. Li, X.-B. Li, F.-C. Li. Runner blade number influencing RPT runner flow characteristics under off-design conditions. Renewable Energy. 2019, under review. (SCI, IF: 4.900)

84. Q. Li, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), X.-J. Tang, Y.-C. Chen, B.-X. Li, C.-Y. Chen(通讯作者). The impact of anisotropic porous media on density-driven convection in CO2 storage. Fuel. 2019, under review. (SCI, IF: 4.908)

83. S.-N. Li, H.-N. Zhang(通讯作者), X.-B. Li, J.-P. Chen, W.-H. Cai, Z.-Y. Li, F.-C. Li. A state-of-the-art overview on the developing trend of heat transfer enhancement by single-phase flow at micro scale. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019, under review. (SCI, IF: 3.891)

82. J.-P. Cheng, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), H.-N. Zhang, L. Shen(通讯作者), S. Qian. Effect of polymers on flow and heat transport of thermal convection within onset and oscillatory flow regime. Physics of Fluids. 2019, under review. (SCI, IF: 2.279)

81. Q. Li, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), B.-X. Li, C.-Y. Chen(通讯作者). Dissolution-driven convection in porous media withpartially miscible approach. Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 2019, under review. (SCI, IF: 2.893)

80. J.-G. Qu, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), Y. Zhou. A general idea for input features of neural network in turbulent prediction. Journal of Fluid Engineering-Transactions of ASME. 2019, under review. (SCI, IF: 1.937)

79. J.-P. Cheng, J.-G. Qu, H.-N. Zhang, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), L. Shen, F.-C. Li. Steady laminar plume generated from a heated line in polymer solutions. Physical Review Fluids. 2019, under review. (SCI, IF: 2.021)

78. M. Zhang, W. Zhang, W.-H. Cai, Y.-N. Shen, H.-Y. Wu, H.-N. Zhang, J.-P. Chen, F.-C. Li(通讯作者). Modulation of viscoelastic fluid response to applied external pressure. Scientific Reports. 2019, under review. (SCI, IF: 4.122)
77. S.-L. Li, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者), H.-C. Zhang, F.-Z. Li. The characteristics of condensation pressure drop and heat transfer for hydrocarbon mixtures upward flow in a spiral pipe under static and heaving conditions. International Journal of Refrigeration. 2019, accepted. (SCI, IF: 3.233)

76. W.-K. Zheng, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai(通讯作者). Distribution performance of gas-liquid mixture in the shell side of spiral-wound heat exchangers. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2019, accepted. (SCI, IF: 1.712)

75. A. Muhirwa, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), W.-T. Su(通讯作者), F.-C. Li, X.-B. Li, M. Binama. A Review on attempted contrivances to tame the draft tube surge phenomenon of hydropower plants. Applied Energy. 2019, under review. (SCI, IF: 7.900)

74. B. Li, C.-Y. Jiang, L. Wang, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), J. Liu(通讯作者). A parametric study of the effect of building layout on wind flow over an urban area. Building and Environment. 2019, accepted. (SCI, IF: 4.539)
73. W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), H.-H. Ma, Y. Wang, J.-P. Cheng, X. Zheng, H.-N. Zhang. A POD-Galerkin reduced-order model for two-dimensional Rayleigh-Bénard convection with viscoelastic fluid. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019, accepted. (SCI, IF: 4.463)

72. M. Binama, W.-T. Su(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), F.-C. Li, X.-Z. Wei, A. Muhirwa, R.-Z. Gong. Investigation on reversible pump turbine flow structures and associated pressure field characteristics under different guide vane openings. Science China-Technological Sciences. 2019, accepted. (SCI, IF: 1.938)

71. Z.-Y. Zheng, L. Wang, F.-C. Li(通讯作者), L.-M. Yao, Q. Li, W.-H. Cai, H. Li. Numerical study on morphological characteristics of rotational natural supercavitation by rotational supercavitating evaporator with optimized blade shape. Journal of Hydrodynamics. 2019, accepted. (SCI, IF: 1.563)

70. M. Zhang(通讯作者), W. Zhang, Z.-W. Wu, Y.-N. Shen, Y.-C. Chen, F. C. Li, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者). Comparison of micro-mixing in time pulsed Newtonian fluid and viscoelastic fluid. Micromachines. 2019, 10(262): 1-13. (SCI, IF: 2.222)

69. M.-J. He, H. Qi(通讯作者), Y.-T. Ren, Y. Li,W.-H. Cai, L.-M. Ruan. Graphene-mediated near field thermostat based on three-body photo tunneling. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019, 137: 12-19. (SCI, IF: 3.891)

68. J.-P. Chen, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), H.-N. Zhang(通讯作者), F.-C. Li, L. Shen, S.-H. Qian. Numerical study on the dynamic process of single plume in thermal convection with polymers. Physics of Fluids. 2019, 31(023105): 1-11. (SCI, IF: 2.279)

67. W.-K. Zheng, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Distribution characteristics of gas-liquid mixture in spiral-wound heat exchangers under sloshing conditions. Cryogenics. 2019, 99: 68-77. (SCI, IF: 1.196)

66. Q. Li, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), F.-C. Li, B.-X. Li, C.-Y. Chen(通讯作者). Miscible density-driven flows in heterogeneous porous media: influence of correlation length and distribution permeability. Physical Review Fluids. 2019, 4(014502): 1-18. (SCI, IF: 2.021)

65. C.-Y. Huang, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), Y. Wang, Y. Liu, Q. Li, B. Li(通讯作者). Review on the characteristics of flow and heat transfer in Printed Circuit Heat Exchangers. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2019, 153: 190-205. (SCI, IF: 3.771)

64. W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), T.-Z. Wei, X.-J. Tang, Y. Liu, B. Li(通讯作者), F.-C. Li. The polymer effect on turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection based on PIV experiments. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2019, 103: 214-221. (SCI, IF: 3.204)

63. Z.-Y. Zheng, Q. Li, L. Wang(通讯作者), L.-M. Yao, W.-H. Cai, V. A. Kulagin, H. Li, F.-C. Li(通讯作者). Numerical study on the effect of steam extraction on hydrodynamic characterisctics of rotational supercavitating evaporator for desalination. Desalination. 2019, 455:1-18. (SCI, IF: 6.603)

62. J.-L. Zhao, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Study on frequency patterns of 2D square Rayleigh-Benard convection filled with air. European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids. 2019, 74: 280-290. (SCI, IF: 1.984)

61. M. Binama, W.-T. Su(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai, X.-B. Li, B. Li(通讯作者), A. Muhirwa, E. Bisengimana. Blade trailing edge position influencing pump as turbine (PAT) pressure field under part-load conditions. Renewable Energy. 2019, 136: 33-47. (SCI, IF: 4.900)

60. W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), H.-H. Ma, Y. Wang, J.-P. Cheng, X. Zheng, H.-N. Zhang. Development of POD low-dimensional model and its closure scheme for 2D Rayleigh-Bénard Convection. Applied Mathematical Modeling. 2019, 66: 562-575. (SCI, IF: 2.671)

59. W.-K. Zheng, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai(通讯作者). Distribution characteristics of gas-liquid mixture in plate-fin heat exchangers under sloshing conditions. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2019, 101: 115-127. (SCI, IF: 3.204)

58. J.-L. Zhao, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Study on Corner Vortex Enlarging Process of 2D Square Rayleigh-Bénard Cells Filled with Air in Transient States. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019, 129: 599-609. (SCI, IF: 3.891)

57. S.-L. Li, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), H.-C. Zhang, F.-Z. Li. Numerical study on condensation heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of methane upward flow in a spiral pipe under sloshing condition. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2019, 129: 310-325. (SCI, IF: 3.891)


56. Y.-Y. Xu, H.-Z. Cao(通讯作者), Y.-Q. Xue, B. Li(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai. Liquid-phase exfoliation of graphene: an overview on exfoliation media, techniques and challenges. Nanomaterials. 2018, 8: 942-973. (SCI, IF: 3.504)

55. M. Zhang, Y.-F. Cui, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), Y.-Y. Li, Z.-W. Wu, F.-C. Li, W. Zhang. High mixing efficiency by modulating inlet frequency of viscoelasticfluid in simplified pore structure. Processes. 2018, 6(11): 1-16. (SCI, IF: 2.973)

54. W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), Y.-Y. Li, H.-N. Zhang(通讯作者), Y.-K. Li, J.-P. Cheng, X.-B. Li, F.-C. Li. An efficient micro-mixer by elastic instabilities of viscoelastic fluids: mixing performance and mechanistic analysis. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow. 2018, 74: 130-143. (SCI, IF: 2.103)

53. Z.-Y. Zheng, F.-C. Li(通讯作者), L. Wang(通讯作者), X.-B. Li, H.-N. Zhang, W.-H. Cai, X. Zheng. Experimental study on rheological and thermophysical properties of seawater with surfactant additive - Part I: Rheological properties. Rheologica Acta. 2018, 57(10): 619-633. (SCI, IF: 1.833)

52. G.-D. Qiu(通讯作者),X.-H. Wei, Z.-F. Xu, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者). A novel of integrated heating system of solar energy and air source heat pumps and its optimal working condition range in cold regions. Energy Conversion and Management. 2018, 174: 922-931. (SCI, IF: 6.377)

51. J.-W. Yu, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), F.-Z. Li. Heat transfer characteristics of hydrocarbon mixtures refrigerant during condensation in a helical tube. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2018, 133: 196-205. (SCI, IF: 3.361)

50. G.-D. Qiu, X.-H. Wei, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Development and valadation of numerical model of condensation heat transfer and frictional pressure drop in a circular tube. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 143: 225-235. (SCI, IF: 3.771)

49. G.-D. Qiu, J. Sun, Y.-Y. Ma, J.-G. Qu, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者). Theoretical study on the heat transfer characteristics of a plain fin in the finned-tube evaporator assisted by solar energy. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018, 127, Part B: 847-855. (SCI, IF: 3.891)

48. Z.-Y. Zheng, F.-C. Li(通讯作者), L. Wang(通讯作者), X.-B. Li, H.-N. Zhang, W.-H. Cai, X. Zheng. Experimental study on rheological and thermophysical properties of seawater with surfactant additive-Part II: Surface tension and thermal conductivity. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018, 127: 1367-1379. (SCI, IF: 3.891)

47. D. Bastakoti, H.-N. Zhang(通讯作者), D. Li, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), F.-C. Li. An overview on the developing trend of pulsating heat pipe and its performance. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 141: 305-332. (SCI, IF: 3.771)

46. G.-D. Qiu, Z.-F. Xu, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Numerical study on the condensation flow and heat transfer characteristics of hydrocarbon mixtures inside the tubes of liquefied natural gas coil-wound heat exchangers. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 140: 775-786. (SCI, IF: 3.771)

45. S.-L. Li, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), H.-C. Zhang, F.-Z. Li. The influence of structural parameters on heat transfer and pressure drop for hydrocarbon mixture refrigerant during condensation in enhanced spiral pipes. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 140: 759-774. (SCI, IF: 3.771)

44. S.-L. Li, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), J. Chen, H.-C. Zhang, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Evaluation analysis of correlations for predicting void fraction of condensation hydrocarbon refrigerant upward flow in a spiral pipe. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 140: 716-732. (SCI, IF: 3.771)

43. Y. Ren, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), Z.-Y. Wu, S.-L. Li. Numerical study on shell-side saturated boiling heat transfer in spiral wound heat exchanger. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 140: 657-670. (SCI, IF: 3.771)

42. J.-W. Yu, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), F.-Z. Li. Forced convective condensation flow and heat transfer characteristics of hydrocarbon mixtures refrigerant in helically coiled tubes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018, 124: 646-654. (SCI, IF: 3.891)

41. J.-L. Zhao, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Estimation of computational grid for thermal convection simulation with lattice Boltzmann method. Numerical Heat Transfer, part B: Fundamentals. 2018, 73(3): 155-168. (SCI, IF=1.758)

40. J.-W. Yu, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), F.-Z. Li. Numerical investigation on flow condensation of zeotropic hydrocarbon mixtures in a helically coiled tube. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 134: 322-332. (SCI, IF: 3.771)

39. Y. Ren, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Numerical study on shell-side flow and heat transfer of spiral-wound heat exchanger under sloshing working conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 134: 287-297. (SCI, IF: 3.771)

38. W.-K. Zheng, Y.-S. Wang, Q.-J. Cui, Z.-Y. Yang, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), J. Chen, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Sloshing effect on gas-liquid distribution performance at entrance of a plate-fin heat exchanger. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2018, 93: 419-430 (SCI, IF: 3.204)

37. Y. Ren, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), J. Chen, L.-Y. Lu, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Numerical study on the shell-side flow and heat transfer characteristics of superheated vapor flow in spiral wound heat exchanger under rolling conditions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018, 121: 691-702. (SCI, IF: 3.891)

36. W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), Z.-F. Zheng, C.-Y. Huang, Y. Wang, X.-Zheng, H.-N. Zhang(通讯作者). Lattice Boltzmann simulation of Rayleigh-Bénard convection in enclosures filled with Al2O3-water nanofluid. Thermal Science. 2018, 22(suppl. 2): S535-S545. (SCI, IF: 1.431)

35. J. Chen, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), S.-L. Li, Y. Ren, H.-Q. Ma, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Numerical investigation on saturated boiling flow and heat transfer of mixture refrigerant in a vertical rectangular minichannel. Thermal Science. 2018, 2018, 22(suppl. 2): S617-S627. (SCI, IF: 1.431)

34. Y. Ren, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), J. Chen, L.-Y. Lu, J.-S. Wang, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). The heat rransfer characteristic of shell-side film flow in spiral wound heat Exchanger under rolling working conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 132: 233-244. (SCI, IF: 3.771)

33. S.-L. Li, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), H.-C. Zhang, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Numerical study on condensation heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of ethane/propane mixture upward flow in a spiral pipe. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018, 121: 170-186. (SCI, IF: 3.891)

32. J.-W. Yu, J. Chen, F.-Z. Li, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), L.-Y. Lu, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Experimental investigation of forced convective condensation heat transfer of hydrocarbon refrigerant in a helical tube. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2018, 129(25): 1634-1644. (SCI, IF: 3.771)

31. S.-L. Li, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), J. Chen, H.-C. Zhang, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Numerical study on the flow and heat transfer characteristics of forced convective condensation with propane in a spiral pipe. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018, 117: 1169-1187. (SCI, IF: 3.891)

30. D. Bastakoti, H.-N. Zhang(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), F.-C. Li. An experimental investigation of thermal performance of pulsating heat pipe with alcohols and surfactant solutions. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 2018, 117: 1032-1040. (SCI, IF: 3.891)

29. T.-Z. Wei, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), C.-Y. Huang, H.-N. Zhang(通讯作者), W.-T. Su, F.-C. Li. The effect of surfactant solutions on flow structures in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection.Thermal Science. 2018, 22(suppl. 2): S507-S515. (SCI, IF: 1.431)


28. J.-S. Li, Q. Li, W.-H. Cai, F.-C. Li. C.-Y. Chen(通讯作者). Mixing efficiency via alternating injection in a Heterogeneous porous medium. Journal of Mechanics. Journal of Mechanics. 2017, 34(2): 167-176. (SCI, IF=1.046)

27. L. Wang, Z.-Y. Zheng, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), F.-C. Li(通讯作者). Wavelet analysis of coherent structures and intermittency in forced homogeneous isotropic turbulence with polymer additives. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2017, 9(11): 1-12. (SCI, IF: 0.848)

26. J.-P. Chen, H.-N. Zhang, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), S.-N. Li, F.-C. Li(通讯作者). Effect of polymer additives on heat transport and large-scale circulation in turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection. Physical Review E. 2017, 96(013111): 1-11. (SCI, IF: 2.284)

25. H.-N. Zhang, D.-Y. Li, X.-B. Li(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), F.-C. Li. Numerical simulation of heat transfer process of viscoelastic fluid flow at high Weissenberg number by Log-conformation reformulation. Journal of Fluids Engineering--Transaction of the ASME. 2017, 139(091402): 1-12. (SCI, IF: 1.915)

24. Y. Wang, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), X. Zheng, H.-N. Zhang, L. Wang, F.-C. Li(通讯作者). Experimental study on two-oscillating grid turbulence with viscoelastic fluids based on PIV. Canadia Journal of Physics, 2017, 95: 1271-1277. (SCI, IF: 0.983)

23. L. Wang, Z.-Y. Zheng, J.-Q. Bao, T.-Z. Wei, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), F.-C. Li(通讯作者). Wavelet analysis on the drag-reducing characteristics of turbulent channel flow with surfactant additive based on experimental data. Canadia Journal of Physics, 2017, 95: 1115-1121. (SCI, IF: 0.983)


22. H.-N. Zhang, F.-C. Li, X.-B. Li(通讯作者), D.-Y. Li, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), B. Yu. Characteristics and generation of elastic turbulence in a three-dimensional parallel plate channel using direct numerical simulation. Chinese Physics B, 2016, 25(094701): 1-13. (SCI, IF: 1.223)

21. Y. Wang, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), T.-Z. Wu, H.-N. Zhang, L. Wang, F.-C. Li. Proper orthogonal decomposition analysis for two-oscillating grid turbulence withviscoelastic fluids. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. 2016, 8(11): 1-13. (SCI, IF: 0.640)

20. Z.-Y. Wu, H. Wang, W.-H. Cai, Y.-Q. Jiang. Numerical investigation of boiling heat transfer on the shell-side of spiral wound heat exchanger. Heat and Mass Transfer. 2016, 52: 1973-1982. (SCI, IF: 1.044)

19. H-Q. Ma, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), J. Chen, Y. Yao, Y.-Q. Jiang. Investigation on stress characteristics of plate-fin structures in the heat-up process of LNG heat exchanger. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2016, 30: 256-267. (SCI, IF: 2.718)

18. H-Q. Ma, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), J. Chen, Y. Yao, Y.-Q. Jiang. Numerical investigation on saturated boiling and heat transfer correlations in a vertical rectangular minichannel. International Journal of Thermal Sciences. 2016, 102: 285-299. (SCI, IF: 4.041)


17. J.-C. Yang, F.-C. Li(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai, H.-N. Zhang, B. Yu. Direct numerical simulation of viscoelastic-fluid-based nanofluid turbulent channel flow with heat transfer. Chinese Physics B, 2015, 24: 1-17. (SCI, IF: 1.600)

16. H-Q. Ma, J. Chen, W.-H. Cai, J. Chen, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). The influence of operation parameters on stress of plate-fin structures in LNG heat exchanger. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2015, 26: 216-228. (SCI, IF: 2.157)

15. F.-C. Li(通讯作者), L. Wang, W.-H. Cai. A mixed subgrid-scale model based on coherent-structure and temporal deconvolution for turbulent drag-reducing flow. Chinese Physics B, 2015, 24(7): 1-17. (SCI, IF: 1.600)

14. G.-D. Qiu, W.-H. Cai, Z.-Y. Wu, Y. Yao, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Numerical simulation of forced convective condensation of propane in a spiral tube. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the Asme. 2015, 137(4): 041502, 1-9. (SCI, IF: 2.052)

13. W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), W.-W. Kong, Y. Wang, M.-S. Zhu, X.-L. Wang. Surface tension of lithium bromide aqueous solution/ammonia with additives and nano-particles. Journal of Central South University, 2015, 5(22): 1979-1985. (SCI, IF: 0.330)


12. H-Q. Ma, W.-H. Cai, W.-K. Zheng, J. Chen, Y. Yao, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Stress characteristics of plate-fin structures in LNG heat exchanger during cool-down. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering. 2014, 21: 1113-1126. (SCI, IF: 2.157)

11. J.-C. Yang, F.-C. Li(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai, H.-N. Zhang, B. Yu. On the mechanism of convective heat transfer enhancement in a turbulent flow of nanofluid investigated by DNS and analyses of POD and FSP. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, 78: 277-288. (SCI, IF: 2.522)

10. Z.-Y. Wu, W.-H. Cai, G.-D. Qiu, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者). Prediction of mass transfer time relaxation parameter for boiling simulation on the shell-side of LNG spiral wound heat exchanger. Advance Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 2014: 1-12. (SCI, IF: 0.570)

9. G.-D. Qiu, W.-H. Cai, S.-L. Li, Z.-Y. Wu, Y.-Q. Jiang(通讯作者), Y. Yao. Numerical simulation on forced convective condensation of steam upward flow in a vertical pipe. Advance Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 2014: 1-6. (SCI, IF: 0.570)

8. L. Wang, W.-H. Cai, F.-C. Li(通讯作者). Large-eddy simulations of forced homogeneous isotropic turbulence with polymer additives. Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23(3):1-13. (SCI, IF: 1.148)


7. W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), F.-C. Li, H.-N. Zhang, Y. Wang, L. Wang. The polymer effect on nonlinear processes in decaying homogeneous isotropic. Advance Mechanical Engineering, 2013, 2013: 1-8. (SCI, IF: 1.062)


6. F.-C. Li, W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), H.-N. Zhang. Influence of polymer additives on turbulent energy cascading in forced homogeneous isotropic turbulence studied by DNS. Chinese Physics B, 2012, 21(11): 1-12. (SCI, IF: 1.148)
5. W.-H. Cai(通讯作者), F.-C. Li, H.-N. Zhang, Y. Wang, L. Wang. Analysis of coherent structures in drag-reducing polymer solution flow based on proper orthogonal decomposition. SCIENCE CHINA (E), 2012, 55: 854-860. (SCI, IF: 1.195)
4. X.-B. Li, F.-C. Li(通讯作者), W.-H. Cai, H.-N. Zhang, J.-C. Yang. Very-low-Re chaotic motions of viscoelastic fluid and its unique applications in microfluidic devices: A Review. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2012, 39: 1-16. (SCI, IF: 1.230)


3. W.-H. Cai, F.-C. Li(通讯作者), H.-N. Zhang. Direct numerical simulation study of the interaction between polymer effect and velocity gradient tensor in decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence. Chinese Physics B, 2011,12(20): 1-14. (SCI, IF: 1.376)


2. W.-H. Cai, F.-C. Li(通讯作者), H.-N. Zhang. DNS study of decaying homogeneous isotropic turbulence with polymer additives. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2010, 665: 334-356. (SCI, IF: 2.183)


1. W.-H. Cai, F.-C. Li(通讯作者), H.-N. Zhang, X.-B. Li, B. Yu, J.-J. Wei, Y. Kawaguchi and K. Hishida. Study on the characteristics of turbulent drag-reducing channel flow by PIV combining with POD analysis. Physics of Fluids, 2009, 21(115103): 1-12. (SCI, IF: 1.683)

2018.8.16-8.19 课题组成功承办了The 7th International Workshop on Fluid Flow, Heat Transfer and Turbulent Drag Reduction!

2018.7.13-7.17 参加乌拉尔联邦大学举办的中俄联盟工科能源会!

2017.10.10-10.13 参加中国工程热物理年会多相流分会!

2017.7.19-7.21 参加第6届流体流动、传热与湍流减阻国际研讨会!

2016.12.8-12.11 参加第5届流体流动、传热与湍流减阻国际研讨会!

2016.8.7-8.9 参加第4届流体流动、传热与湍流减阻国际研讨会!

2016.7.10-7.14 参加ASME会议!

2015.12.6-12.8 参加第3届流体流动、传热与湍流减阻国际研讨会!

2015.8.24-8.27 参加第3届流体流动、传热与湍流减阻国际研讨会!

2018年7月 博士生王悦顺利毕业!

2018年7月 硕士生黎永耀、李达,唐明明、姚坤、瞿家港顺利毕业!

2017年7月 硕士生马行行顺利毕业!

2015年7月 硕士生周增昊顺利毕业!





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