

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25





据《黑龙江广播电视报》(吕东卉 2007-04-23 第17期)报道:


上周,发生在美国弗吉尼亚理工大学的校园枪击案震惊了全世界,23岁的韩国学生赵承惠(Cho Seung-Hui)在打死32名师生后饮弹自杀,另有20名师生在这起枪击事件中受伤。


如此近距离地经历了这起枪击惨案,接到家乡媒体电话的宋教授颇为感慨,对家乡媒体的采访也非常配合。她非常愿意告诉家乡人,这几天美国都经历了什么,美国人对此案的看法和态度。在采访结束后不久,她又应本报之约,传来了她刚刚拍摄于事发教学楼Norris Hall门前的照片。


宋教授是2007年3月1日来到美国弗吉尼亚理工大学、开始为期一年访问学者生活的,美国时间4月16日上午9时45分,枪击事件在弗吉尼亚理工大学诺里斯教学楼(Norris Hall)204室发生时,她正在相邻的另一栋教学楼的实验室中忙碌着。
宋教授说:两栋楼非常近,走路几十步就到了。发生枪击案的Norris Hall中有很多老师办公室,我3月刚到美国时,经常去那栋楼,也经常去Norris Hall相连的图书馆查资料、上网。




宋教授说:这两天学校学生举行了很多纪念仪式。比如在一棵大树下,竖立着两个巨大的红色字母“VT”(是弗吉尼亚理工大学的英文缩写),学生们在上面签上自己的名字,寄托哀思。也有人放了32块石头代表32名学生,祈祷默哀。有的学生在这起事故中失去了同学、老师,非常哀痛。在校园里,我看到有男孩在哭,更多的人在那里默哀。也有人在校园里遛狗、打沙滩排球,看上去和事件发生前没有什么区别,但这个学期都将被封闭的Norris Hall教学楼却在提醒着我们,有33条生命永远离去了。


宋教授说:惨案发生后,学生们都在Email list(电子邮件列表,类似于我们的BBS)上留言,互相安抚,为伤亡者祈祷、悼念的同时也在反思这一悲剧。工程学院的中国博士留学生程海燕,第二次枪击发生时,她正以助教身份在事发大楼205室给学生们上课,她勇敢地带着学生把教室的门用桌子顶住,凶手试图冲进205教室没有得逞,一通乱射后离开了,教室中的11人毫发无损,成功躲避一劫。程海燕的故事已电子邮件的形式在中国留学生中传开,中国留学生都为她感到骄傲。大家在网上讨论,希望把中国留学生的英勇散发出去。与程海燕的勇敢相反,大多数遇害的美国人都没有反抗,据说有学生是站成一排被打死的。我和美国同学探讨说:如果能有三两个人冲上去制服凶手,也许不会有那么多人死亡。但美国同学告诉我:这是美国的文化特点。美国孩子从小就被教育,生命最可贵。“如果有人用枪指着你,你要把手放在头后,别反抗。”大家讨论的另一个问题是,既然老师曾发现凶手用文字描述暴力,发现他有心理问题,学校为什么不采取措施。美国老师告诉我:美国文化特点是保护人权,任课老师发现一个学生心理有问题,只能建议他去看医生,不会告诉别人,也不会通知父母。因为他没有给别人造成伤害,就不能强迫他接受治疗,还要保护他的隐私。枪支问题是美国人讨论的另一个焦点,在美国几乎每天都有人死于枪击事件,很多美国人早就要求废除私人持有枪支的制度,为此还成立了协会,但因为枪支市场的巨大利益,这个讨论了很多年的问题一直没有解决,不知道这一事件是否能促进政府加强枪支管理。我的一位美国同学感慨:美国文化尊重人隐私、允许持有枪支,这种文化背景,对具备正常思维能力的人是好事,但也许一万个是好人,只要有一个有问题,就是灾难。

2002年 获哈尔滨工业大学教学优秀二等奖

2002年 获哈尔滨工业大学教师英语演讲比赛一等奖

2005年 获哈尔滨工业大学首届青年教师基本功竞赛二等奖

2016年 获哈尔滨工业大学先进工作者

1996.3~1997.12 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院 助教

1997.12~2000.7 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院 讲师

2000.7~2006.12 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院 副教授

2006.12~至今 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院 教授

2007.4~至今 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院 博士生导师

2002.9~2002.12 澳大利亚国立大学 访问学者

2004.1~2004.4 英国杜伦大学 访问学者

2007.3~2008.3 美国弗吉尼亚理工与州立大学 访问学者

2003.9~2015.3 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院推进理论与技术研究所副所长

2015.1~2016.7 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院飞行器推进与流体动力系主任

2015.11~2016.3 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院院长助理

2016.3~至今 哈尔滨工业大学能源科学与工程学院副院长

1988.9~1992.7 哈尔滨工业大学 热力叶轮机械专业 本科1992.9~1997.12 哈尔滨工业大学 热力叶轮机械专业 硕博连读



航空学报、工程热物理学报、Chinese Journal of Aeronautics、Journal of Aerospace Engineering、Propulsionand Power Research评审

叶轮机械气动热力学 主要研究方向: 弯扭掠叶片理论与设计;高负荷压气机流动控制技术;涡轮内部流动分析与控制

李得英: 2012级博士研究生/2010级硕士研究生, 课题: 基于S2流面和三维RANS方法的低压透平湿蒸汽流动特性研究/低压涡轮正问题中损失模型应用研究及气动优化设计

崔可: 2012级博士研究生, 课题: 电荷诱导对涡轮叶栅中湿蒸气凝结流动影响的研究

冯岩岩: 2013级博士研究生/2011级硕士研究生, 课题: 射流式旋涡发生器在高负荷压气机叶栅中的作用机理/高马赫数涡轮叶栅中柯恩达效应作用机理的研究

李龙婷: 2013级博士研究生/2011级硕士研究生, 课题: VGJs在高负荷弯曲压气机叶栅中的作用机理/涡轮S2流面计算损失模型修正及气动优化设计

秦勇: 2014级博士研究生/2012级硕士研究生, 课题: 合成射流在高负荷压气机叶栅中的作用机理/均压气体对考虑波浪的航行体水动力特性影响机制研究

王亚博:2016级博士研究生/2015级硕士研究生, 课题: 等离子体激励流动控制研究

孟凡妍:2016级博士研究生, 课题: 航空发动机涡轮蜂窝叶顶结构作用机理研究

金家辉: 2017级博士研究生, 课题: 非对称叶顶叶栅研究

彭丽海: 2010级硕士研究生, 课题: 高负荷离心压气机技术与数值验证

陈世雄: 2010级硕士研究生, 课题: 波浪作用下航行体带空泡出水过程数值模拟

徐迪孟: 2012级硕士研究生, 课题: 基于Suzen模型的DBD等离子体流动的直接数值模拟

周炫成: 2012级硕士研究生, 课题: 不同波浪环境下航行体出水过程模拟及载荷特性分析

陈冬生: 2013级硕士研究生, 课题: 高压比离心压气机的流动分析及优化改型

付云峰: 2013级硕士研究生, 课题: 蜂窝叶顶对高负荷涡轮叶栅顶部泄漏流动影响机制研究

李昂: 2014级硕士研究生, 课题: 基于非轴对称端壁的湿蒸汽级叶栅流动特性分析

裴海滨: 2014级硕士研究生, 课题: 亚燃冲压凹腔驻涡燃烧室性能及优化设计研究

王若玉: 2015级硕士研究生, 课题: 射流式旋涡发声器流动控制技术研究

于佳宁: 2016级硕士研究生, 课题: 等离子体流动控制技术

吴泽峰: 2017级shuoshi研究生, 课题: 叶轮机械内流动不确定性研究

1. 专业导论课--热力发动机专业方向 能源科学与工程学院 本科生一年级

2. 空气动力学 能源科学与工程学院 本科生三年级

3. 空气动力学 航天学院飞行器设计与工程专业 本科生三年级

4. 叶片机原理 飞行器动力工程专业 本科生三年级

5. 飞行器动力装置 飞行器动力工程专业 本科生四年级

6. 叶轮机弯扭叶片理论与设计方法 动力机械及工程专业 硕士研究生

7. 涡动力学与分离流 动力机械及工程专业 硕士研究生

8. 流体力学 机械类留学生硕士研究生(英语授课)



论文标题Numerical simulation of circulation control turbine cascade with Coanda jet and counter-flow blowing at high Mach numbers

作者Feng Yanyan, Song Yanping, Chen Fu

期刊名称The Aeronautical Journal


简单介绍The performance of a circulation-control inlet guide vane that makes use of the Coanda effect was studied numerically in a high Mach number turbine cascade. The effect of different shapes (elliptic and circular) of the Coanda surface at the blade trailing edge was investigated by implementing both a Coanda jet and a counter-flow blowing. Under high subsonic flow conditions, with a total blowing ratio of 3% of the mainstream, the circulation control cascade can reach the same performance as the reference stator with a 13.5% reduction in the axial chord length, with minimal increase of the energy loss coefficient. The Coanda surfaces with small curvature are more efficient in entraining the mainstream flow, and they achieve better aerodynamic performance. The wall attachment of the Coanda jet is improved by employing counter-flow blowing, resulting in a slight increase of both the exit flow angle and the expansion ratio. Under supersonic flow conditions at the cascade exit, it is more difficult for the circulation control cascade to reach the appropriate flow turning due to a premature shock wave, which is absent in the original cascade until the very end of the suction surface.

论文标题Flow Control on Bowed Compressor Cascades Using Vortex Generator Jet at Different Incidences

作者Li Longting, Song Yanping, Chen Fu, Meng Rui

期刊名称Journal of Aerospace Engineering


简单介绍Vortex generator jets (VGJs) have been used to suppress the flow separations in bowed compressor cascades at different incidences via numerical calculations. The results show that with momentum injection and streamwise vortex produced by VGJ, the total losses in the bowed blades effectively decrease whereas the static pressure ratios increase. For the positively bowed blade, at -5° incidence, with slight flow separation, the mixing loss caused by VGJ is dominant and the loss increases by 1%; with an incidence ranging from 0° to t5°, the regions of the flow separations all decrease, and the total losses decrease by 2.7 and 5.4%, respectively; with the incidence increasing to t7°, the separation type converts from closed to open, and the loss decreases by 6.8%; when the incidence is t10°, one concentrated shedding vortex disappears, and the loss decreases by 9.27%. For the negatively bowed one, as the incidence increases from -5° to t7°, the flow separations are all effectively suppressed when all the separation types are closed, and the losses decrease by 2.9, 9.1, 17.5, and 19.75%, respectively. When the incidence increases to t10°, however, because of the huge range of flow separation, there is no improvement in the flow field, but the total loss increases by 1.37%.

论文标题Large Eddy Simulation of Saw Tooth Plasma Actuator for Improving Film Cooling Efficiency

作者Li Guozhan, Yu Jianyang, Chen Fu, Liu Huaping, Song Yanping, Li Linxi

期刊名称Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy


简单介绍This paper presents results on a saw tooth plasma actuator for the inducement of flow topology and the improvement of flat plate film cooling efficiency. A phenomenological plasma model is constructed to generate the three-dimensional plasma force vectors of the saw tooth plasma actuator. The dynamics of airflow induced by the saw tooth plasma actuator on a flat plate in quiescent air are numerically investigated. The results show that the saw tooth plasma actuator pushes the fluids in all three directions and induces a three-dimensional jet flow with counter rotating streamwise oriented vortices that propagate downstream. The flow field characteristics of both cylindrical hole with and without the saw tooth plasma actuator are studied by large eddy simulation, and a comparison is made. The saw tooth plasma actuator improves the cold jet adherent performance and promotes the spanwise spreading rate of the coolant. Meanwhile, the streamwise vortices induced by the saw tooth plasma actuator suppress the development of counterrotating vortex pair, thus delaying the diffusion of coolant in the crossflow. Accordingly, the centerline cooling efficiency and the spanwise-averaged cooling efficiency are improved by 36% and 144% at x/d ? 15, compared with the baseline case without the saw tooth plasma actuator.

论文标题A Saw tooth plasma actuator for film cooling efficiency enhancement of a shaped hole

作者Li Guozhan, Yu Jianyang, Liu Huaping, Chen Fu, Song Yanping

期刊名称Plasma Science and Technology


简单介绍This paper reports the large eddy simulations of the effects of a saw-tooth plasma actuator and the laidback fan-shaped hole on the film cooling flow characteristics, and the numerical results are compared with a corresponding standard configuration (cylindrical hole without the saw tooth plasma actuator). For this numerical research, the saw-tooth plasma actuator is installed just downstream of the cooling hole and a phenomenological plasma model is employed to provide the 3D plasma force vectors. The results show that thanks to the downward force and the momentum injection effect of the saw-tooth plasma actuator, the cold jet comes closer to the wall surface and extends further downstream. The saw-tooth plasma actuator also induces a new pair of vortex which weakens the strength of the counter-rotating vortex pair (CRVP) and entrains the coolant towards the wall, and thus the diffusion of the cold jet in the crossflow is suppressed. Furthermore, the laidback fan-shaped hole reduces the vertical jet velocity causing the disappearance of downstream spiral separation node vortices, this compensates for the deficiency of the saw-tooth plasma actuator. Both effects of the laidback fan-shaped hole and the saw-tooth plasma actuator effectively control the development of the CRVP whose size and strength are smaller than those of the anti-counter rotating vortex pair in the far field, thus the centerline and the spanwise-averaged film cooling efficiency are enhanced. The average film cooling efficiency is the biggest in the Fan-Dc=1 case, which is 80% bigger than that in the Fan-Dc=0 case and 288% bigger than that in the Cyl-Dc=0 case.

论文标题Experimental and Numerical Study of Honeycomb Tip on Suppressing Tip Leakage Flow in Turbine Cascade

作者Fu Yunfeng, Chen Fu, Liu Huaping, Song Yanping

期刊名称ASME Turbo Expo 2017, Charlotte, NC USA

期卷ASME Paper GT2017-64942

简单介绍In this paper, the effect of a novel honeycomb tip on suppressing tip leakage flow in a highly-loaded turbine cascade has been experimentally and numerically studied. The research focuses on the mechanisms of honeycomb tip on suppressing tip leakage flow and affecting the secondary flow in the cascade, as well as the influences of different clearance heights on leakage flow characteristics. In addition, two kinds of local honeycomb tip structures are pro-posed to explore the positive effect on suppressing leakage flow in simpler tip honeycomb structures. Based on the experimental and numerical results, the physical processes of tip leakage flow and its interaction with main flow are analyzed, the following conclusions can be obtained. Honeycomb tip rolls up a number of small vortices and radial jets in regular hexagonal honeycomb cavities, increasing the flow resistance in the clearance and reducing the velocity of leakage flow. As a result, the structure of honeycomb tip not only suppresses the leakage flow effectively, but also has positive effect on reducing the associated losses in cascade by reducing the strength of leakage vortex. Compare to the flat tip cascade at 1%H gap height, the relative leakage flow in honeycomb tip cascade reduces from 3.05% to 2.73%, and the loss at exit section is also decreased by 10.63%. With the increase of the gap height, the tip leakage flow and loss have variations of direct proportion with it, but their growth rates in the honeycomb tip cascade are smaller. Consider the abradable property of the honeycomb seal, a smaller gap height is allowed in the cascade with honeycomb tip, and that means honeycomb tip has better effect on suppressing leakage flow. Two various local honeycomb tip structures has also been discussed. It shows that local raised honeycomb tip has better suppressing leakage flow effect than honeycomb tip, while local concave honeycomb tip has no more effect than honeycomb tip. Compare to flat tip cascade, the leakage flow in honeycomb tip cascade, local concave tip cascade and local raised honeycomb tip cascade decrease by nearly 17.33%, 15.51% and 30.86% respectively, the losses at exit section is reduced by 13.38%, 12% and 28.17% respectively.

论文标题Large Eddy Simulation of the Effects of Plasma Actuation Strength on Film Cooling Efficiency

作者Li Guozhan, Chen Fu, Li Linxi, Song Yanping

期刊名称Plasma Science and Technology


简单介绍In this article, numerical investigation of the effects of different plasma actuation strengths on the film cooling flow characteristics has been conducted using large eddy simulation (LES). For this numerical research, the plasma actuator is placed downstream of the trailing edge of the film cooling hole and a phenomenological model is employed to provide the electric field generated by it, resulting in the body forces. Our results show that as the plasma actuation strength grows larger, under the downward effect of the plasma actuation, the jet trajectory near the cooling hole stays closer to the wall and the recirculation region observably reduces in size. Meanwhile, the momentum injection effect of the plasma actuation also actively alters the distributions of the velocity components downstream of the cooling hole. Consequently, the influence of the plasma actuation strength on the Reynolds stress downstream of the cooling hole is remarkable. Furthermore, the plasma actuation weakens the strength of the kidney shaped vortex and prevents the jet from lifting of the wall. Therefore, with the increase of the strength of the plasma actuation, the coolant core stays closer to the wall and tends to split into two distinct regions. So the centerline film cooling efficiency is enhanced, and it is increased by 55% at most when the plasma actuation strength is 10.

论文标题Numerical Investigation and Quantitative Loss Analysis of Typical Wet Steam Spontaneous Condensation Based on Two Fluid Model

作者Cui Ke, Song Yanping, Chen Huanlong, Chen Fu, Ooyama Hiroharu

期刊名称Heat and Mass Transfer


简单介绍A two-fluid model with the influence of inter-phase velocity-slip taken into account is proposed and a modified realizable k–ε turbulence model is put forward as well to make the equation set of two-fluid model closed. Based on this two-fluid model, numerical simulations are implemented on typical wet steam flow in different cases. Good consistency between numerical result and the experimental result implies that this two-fluid model is provided with high accuracy and wide applicability. The flow field analysis also shows that there exist several particular sites along the flow direction. These particular sites could illustrate the development mechanism of nucleation and droplet growing. In addition, further discussion about the flow in cascade then indicates that the presence of condensation has strong impact on the flow while the impact of inter-phase velocity-slip is relatively weaker. The composition of total pressure loss is present here, the majority of total pressure loss brought by condensation is about 8.78% of inlet total pressure while the inter-phase velocity-slip just results in a small part of about 0.42% of inlet total pressure, the rest of the total pressure loss is caused by pneumatic factors and this part is about 3.95% of inlet total pressure.

论文标题Flow Control Investigation of Steady and Pulsed Jets in Bowed Compressor Cascades

作者Li Longting, Song Yanping, Chen fu, Liu Huaping

期刊名称ASME Turbo Expo 2016, Seoul South Korea

期卷ASME Paper GT2016-56855

简单介绍Based on the previous research about the combined flow control method which was carried out by applying the endwall steady VGJ to the bowed compressor cascades to reduce the secondary flow loss, for the consideration that the pulsed jets may save the mass flow required for control, therefore the unsteady VGJs over the different actuation frequencies and blowing ratios were investigated in detail. Under the conditions of same jet geometry parameters, the improvements to the fluid fields in the bowed compressor cascades caused by the pulsed jets are less than that induced by the steady cases. With the pulsed VGJ, for the positively bowed blade, the enhancement of the time-averaged aerodynamic performance can be achieved when the blowing ratio is greater than 0.6, but all of the unsteady conditions in this research can improve the flow field in the negatively bowed blade. The time-averaged total losses decrease by 1.6% and 7.0% at most for the positively and negatively bowed blades, respectively. The mechanisms by which the endwall pulsed vortex generator jets delay flow separation and reduce loss were explored. The results show that, being different from the single vortex produced in steady VGJ, the pulsed case generates a pair of streamwise vortices with the opposite sense of rotation. One vortex suppresses the development of the secondary flow, but the other one increases the size of the passage vortex. Furthermore, for the endwall pulsed VGJ, the changes of the blowing ratio plays a more important role in improving the flow fields in the bowed cascades than that of the actuation frequency.

论文标题Active Flow Separation Control on a Highly Loaded Compressor Stator Cascade with Synthetic Jets

作者Qin Yong, Wang Ruoyu, Song Yanping, Chen Fu, Liu Huaping

期刊名称ASME Turbo Expo 2016, Seoul South Korea

期卷ASME Paper GT2016-56830

简单介绍Numerical investigations on the control effects of synthetic jets are conducted upon a highly loaded compressor stator cascade. The influence of forcing parameters including actuation frequency, jet amplitude and slot location are analyzed in detail with the single-slit synthetic jet. Besides, a new slot arrangement is put forward for the purpose of effectively controlling flow separation. Simulation results validate the remarkable effectiveness of the single-slit synthetic jet on controlling flow separation. Owing to the coupling effect between the jet and the main flow, the actuation appears to be most efficient under the characteristic frequency of the main flow passing through the airfoil. Additionally, with the increase of jet momentum coefficient, the control effect is enhanced at first and then decreased, depending on the two aspects: the improvements of aerodynamic performance by momentum injection and the additional flow losses caused by the jet. Compared to other actuator configurations, the segment synthetic jet with three sections can more effectively deflect the endwall cross flow and thus impede the development of corner vortex, which helps to restrain the accumulation of low momentum fluid towards the corner, emphasizing the importance of slot arrangement. Accordingly, under the optimum condition, the total pressure loss coefficient gains a 15.8% reductions and the static pressure rise coefficient is increased by 5.01%.

论文标题Numerical Study of the Effect of Honeycomb Tip on Tip Leakage Flow in Turbine Cascade

作者Fu Yunfeng, Chen Fu, Chen Cong, Song Yanping

期刊名称ASME Turbo Expo 2016, Seoul South Korea

期卷ASME Paper GT2016-56907

简单介绍A novel leakage flow control strategy with honeycomb seal applied on the tip of the rotor blades in a highly-loaded turbine cascade is proposed. The numerical method is used to study the tip leakage flow in a highly-loaded turbine cascades with flat tip and with honeycomb seal structure, the mechanism of honeycomb tip on inhibiting leakage flow is analyzed, the influence of various relative gap heights is also been investigated. The discussions of the action of the honeycomb-tip structure in reducing leakage flow and improving the turbine efficiency provide the according for control methods of tip leakage flow.

论文标题Large Eddy Simulation of Film Cooling Flow Characteristics Based on Plasma Actuation

作者Li Guozhan, Yu Jianyang, Chen Fu, Li Linxi, Song Yanping

期刊名称52nd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

期卷AIAA 2016-5051

简单介绍Large eddy simulation (LES) was carried out to investigate the effect of plasma aerodynamic actuation on improving flat plate film cooling efficiency. In this work, a phenomenological model was adopted to provide the electric field generated by the plasma, resulting in the body force. Results show that with the downward plasma force, the penetration of the jet into the crossflow is suppressed and the jet trajectory is much closer to the wall in the vicinity of the cooling hole, so that the strength and the size of the counter-rotating vortex pair are decreased. The anti-kidney shaped vortex induced by the plasma actuation also weakens the strength of counter-rotating vortex pair. Furthermore, the plasma actuation adds energy into the boundary layer where the fluid is induced to accelerate, causing the disappearance of crossflow separation vortex pair downstream of the cooling hole, and then the turbulent kinetic energy in the recirculation zone is significantly reduced, so the film cooling efficiency is enhanced. When the plasma actuation strength is 5, the centerline and the spanwise-averaged film cooling efficiency are improved by 75% and 100% at most, compared with the baseline case.

论文标题Numerical investigation on influence of suction in S-shaped inlet to the rear fan-stage performance

作者Yu Jianyang, Liu Huaping, Liu Lei, Li Guozhan, Chen Fu, Song Yanping

期刊名称52nd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA

期卷AIAA 2016-5055

简单介绍Numerical simulations of the whole structure of the air intake and the fan stage were conducted to explore the evolution process of a half flush-mounted air intake exit distortion in the rear components. In this investigation, a scheme of suction control imposed near the throat of the inlet was carried out to realize the large boundary layer ingestion. The results indicate a slight improvement in the aerodynamic performance of the fan stage after the suction, when it was operated in the prototype condition compared with the uniform air condition. The distorted region at the air intake exit decreases significantly as well. In addition, the low energy fluid gathering at the bottom cross section is decreasing while moving to the tip station of the rotor hub. Resulting in a covering about 3 blade passages at the rotor blade front edge was found in the end. Both the total pressure and velocity of the air in these distorted blade passages are lower but more after the suction than those in other passages. However, serious flow separations occur at the stator blade suction side in the influence of the large boundary ingestion in the prototype condition. And they mainly happen at the 50% span and weaken with the suction.

论文标题Effect of Endwall Vortex Generator Jets on Flow Separation Control in a Linear Compressor Cascade

作者Feng Yanyan, Song Yanping, Chen Fu, Liu Huaping

期刊名称Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering


简单介绍As a 50° camber angle compressor cascade being the object, the numerical investigations of the endwall vortex generator jets effect on flow separation control were conducted. The results show that the flow separation is significantly weakened and the maximum total pressure loss reduction is 9.5% at Mach number 0.23. When the cascade inlet Mach number is 0.71, more benefit is obtained and the total pressure loss is reduced by up to 14.8%. A primary streamwise vortex is produced by the interaction of endwall jet with the coming flow. This vortex could restrain the transverse movement of the endwall secondary flow and entrain high energy fluid of the mainstream to the corner region. Both of the aspects are of benefits for the flow momentum increasing in the corner region. Thus the flow separation is suppressed efficiently. The location and intensity of the streamwise vortex are important to the performance of vortex generator jet. For the object investigated in this paper, the proper jet location is around 10% axial chord length before the cascade and meanwhile close to the suction surface. To avoid strong mixing losses, the intensity of the streamwise vortex is suggested be moderate.

论文标题Numerical Method for Non-Equilibrium Phase Transition in Low Pressure Stage of Steam Turbine

作者Cui Ke, Song Yanping, Chen Huanlong, Chen Fu

期刊名称Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering


简单介绍Based on the classical droplet nucleation theory along with the droplet growing model, a dual-fluid model considering the effect of velocity-slip between the liquid phase and the gaseous phase is proposed in this paper. Both 2-D and 3-D numerical simulations were then implemented, respectively, on the flow in low pressure cascade and the result showed that this dual-fluid model was provided with relatively high resolution and good reliability on capturing the typical flow characteristics, such as the “Wilson Point” and the “Condensing Shock”. In addition, both of the 2-D investigation and 3-D investigation implied that the non-equilibrium condensation had great impact on the parameter distribution as well as the loss of the flow field. Meanwhile, because the radius of droplets generated during the condensation might be quite small, the velocity-slip between the liquid phase and the gaseous phase almost has no influence on the flow field compared with condensation.

论文标题Numerical Investigation on Impact of Blowing Control in a Flush-mounted S-shaped Inlet to Rear Fan-stage Performance

作者Liu Lei, Chen Fu, Song Yanping, Chen Huanlong, Yu Jianyang

期刊名称Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering


简单介绍In this paper, numerical simulation of the whole structure of a half flush-mounted S-shaped airintake and the rear fan stage was conducted for investigating the impact of airintake exit distortion on the fan stage performance. Considering substantial boundary layer ingesting, a scheme of blowing control imposed near the first bend of the inlet where the flow separation occurs was also carried out. The results show that the air intake internal separation is eliminated and the distorted air region at its exit decreases significantly after blowing, simultaneously, the aerodynamic performance of the rear fan-stage improves dramatically. The choked mass flow increases about 1.45%, and the maximum isentropic efficiency as well as the corresponding total pressure ratio at this point increases about 1.83% and 1% respectively. In addition, the distorted fluid always covers several blade passages no matter with blowing control or not when it goes through the fan-stage. Both relative total pressure and velocity of air in these distorted blade passages are lower than that in other uniform passages and have slightly increased with blowing. Under effect of the inlet flow angle increase caused by the non-uniform air admission and the adverse pressure gradient in the rear part of the flow passage, serious flow separation occurs at the stator blade suction side but mainly exists at 50% span and below and weakens after blowing control.

论文标题Numerical Study of Fluid Dynamics and Heat Transfer Induced by Plasma Discharges

作者Yu Jianyang, Chen Fu, Liu Huaping, Song Yanping

期刊名称Plasma Science and Technology


简单介绍A numerical investigation is conducted to explore the evolution of a plasma discharge and its interaction with the fluid flow based on a self-consistent fluid model which couples the discharge dynamics with the fluid dynamics. The effects of the applied voltage on the distribution of velocity and temperature in initially static air are parametrically studied. Furthermore, the spatial structure of plasma discharge and the resulting force contours in streamwise and normal directions are discussed in detail. The result shows that the plasma actuator produces a net force that should always be directed away from the exposed electrode, which results in an ionic wind pushing particles into a jet downstream of the actuator. When the energy added by the plasma is taken into account, the ambient air temperature is increases slightly around the electrode, but the velocity is almost not affected. Therefore it is unlikely that the induced flow is buoyancy driven. For the operating voltages considered in this paper, the maximum induced velocity is found to follow a power law, i.e., it is proportional to the applied voltage to the 3.5 power. This promises an efficient application in the flow control with plasma actuators.

论文标题Investigation of the Flow Structure on a Flat Plate Induced by Unsteady Plasma Actuation with DNS Methods

作者Yu Jianyang, Chen Fu, Liu Huaping, Song Yanping

期刊名称Plasma Science and Technology


简单介绍An investigation into the flow characteristic on a flat plate induced by an unsteady plasma was conducted with the methods of direct numerical simulations (DNS). A simplified model of dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) plasma was applied and its parameters were calibrated with the experimental results. In the simulations, effects of the actuation frequency on the flow were examined. The instantaneous flow parameters were also drawn to serve as a detailed study on the behavior when the plasma actuator was applied to the flow. The result shows that induced by the unsteady actuation, a series of vortex pairs which show dipole formation and periodicity distribution are formed in the boundary layer. The production of these vortex pairs indicates a strong energy exchange between the main flow and the boundary layer. They move downstream under the action of the free stream and decay under the influence of the fluid viscosity. The distance of the neighboring vortices would be ignored when the actuation frequency is too small to make a difference.

论文标题Effects of Vortex Generator Jet on Flow Separation in Bowed Compressor Cascades

作者Li Longting, Song Yanping, Chen Fu, Liu Huaping

期刊名称ASME Turbo Expo 2015, Motreal Canada

期卷ASME Paper GT2015-42308

简单介绍A combined flow control is performed by analyzing the influence of vortex generator jet (VGJ) which is installed on the endwall of blade due to the operating simplicity on flow separation in bowed compressor cascades with high loading. Loss measurements are taken over a wide range of parameters including jet mass flow, jet direction and jet location to determine their effectiveness in controlling flow separation. The results indicate that there are optimal jet parameters which attain the largest total pressure loss reduction up to 2.7% and 9.1% for positively and negatively bowed blade respectively. The topological principles of cascade surfaces are applied to analyze the three-dimensional separation flow of the bowed blades to gain a further insight into the mechanism of loss reduction through VGJ. The consequences show that the VGJ can produce a streamwise vortex forcing the passage vortex to move in the direction away from suction side thus not inducing the low-energy fluid on suction side to separate any more. Moreover, a separation line is left on blade endwall when the streamwise vortex departs from it, which forms a barrier on the endwall hampering the migration of boundary layer from pressure side to suction side caused by cross pressure gradient so that the size of passage vortex decreases simultaneously. For positively bowed blade,the separation type on suction side is open separation with relatively low loss as a result of the migration of boundary layer from endwall to midspan of cascade, so the flow separation in corner region is not so severe that the improvement effect by VGJ is slight. The separation on suction side vanished basically with influence of VGJ. The separation type on suction side of negatively bowed blade belongs to closed separation characterized by a separation line beginning with saddle point and ending up with separation spiral point for the reason that opposite migration direction of boundary layer compared with positively bowed blade, which will cause larger loss. After affected by VGJ, the corner vortex disappears and the strength as well as the size of concentrated shedding vortex reduces by the fluid from jet tube applying momentum to the low-energy fluid in the corner region.

论文标题Active Flow Separation Control Using Endwall Vortex Generator Jets in Highly Loaded Compressor Cascades

作者Feng Yanyan, Song Yanping, Chen Fu, Liu Huaping

期刊名称ASME Turbo Expo 2015, Motreal Canada

期卷ASME Paper GT2015-42268

简单介绍An active flow control technique of endwall vortex generator jets (VGJs) was used in two kinds of highly loaded compressor cascades. Numerical investigations were carried out on a NACA 65 profile with a large camber angle at low subsonic and high subsonic speeds, and a CDA profile at high subsonic speed respectively. The results indicate that the endwall VGJs can restrain flow separation effectively by reenergizing the boundary layer fluids and resisting the transverse movement of endwall low energy fluid. At Mach number 0.23, the results of the jet blowing ratio study illustrate that the increasing jet velocity shows noteworthy potential to improve the cascade aerodynamic performance. The double jets structures gains weaker beneficial effects than single jet. It is attributed to the complex flow structure, leading to heavy disturbance and large-scale mixing loss. Under variable angles of attack, the loss coefficients are maximally reduced by 4.1%, 9.5% and 17.3% under -5°, 0° and +5° angles of attack respectively. Under high subsonic conditions, the endwall VGJs still has significantly positive effects on NACA 65 profile. Considering the small separation region of CDA, the loss coefficients are slightly increased although the flow separation is weaken further by VGJ.

论文标题Numerical Study on Typical Wet Steam Flow Based on a New Two-fluid Model

作者Cui Ke, Chen Huanlong, Song Yanping, Chen Fu

期刊名称ASME Turbo Expo 2015, Motreal Canada

期卷ASME Paper GT2015-42361

简单介绍A new two-fluid model with the influence of inter-phase velocity-slip taken into account was proposed and a modified realizable k-??turbulence model was put forward as well to make the equation set of two-fluid model closed. Based on this two-fluid model, numerical simulations were conducted on typical wet steam flow in different cases. The good consistency of numerical result and the experimental result infers that this two-fluid model is provided with high accuracy and wide applicability. The flow field analysis also shows that there exist several particular positions along the flow direction. These particular positions illustrate the development mechanism of nucleation and droplet growing. In addition, further discussion on the flow in cascade then indicates that the occurrence of condensation has strong impact on the flow while the impact of inter-phase velocity-slip is relatively weaker. The composition of total pressure loss is present here, the majority of total pressure loss brought by condensation is about 8.78% of inlet total pressure while the inter-phase velocity-slip just results in a small part of about 0.42% of inlet total pressure, the rest of the total pressure loss is caused by pneumatic factors and this part is about 3.95% of inlet total pressure. In addition, discussion about the turbulence then shows that the turbulence intensity in two-phase flow is higher than that in single-phase flow.

论文标题Numerical Investigation of Two-phase Wet Steam Flow with Spontaneous Condensation Based on Euler S2 Calculation Method

作者Li Deying, Chen Huanlong, Song Yanping, Ooyama Hiroharu, Cui Ke

期刊名称ASME Turbo Expo 2015, Motreal Canada

期卷ASME Paper GT2015-42254

简单介绍The Euler equation suitable for the S2 stream surface calculation is derived in the arbitrary orthogonal coordinate system firstly. The numerical method for the two-phase wet steam flow with the spontaneous condensation is then developed on basis of the Euler S2 calculation code, the Eulerian/Eulerian multiphase model and the classic nucleation theory. To adapt the complex geometry of the turbine blades, the Euler equations for the S2 stream surface calculation method are derived in the body-fitted coordinate system. The mathematical model for the third order TVD scheme with the non-conservative variables is also developed for the gas phase governing equation. The 2nd order NND and the VanLeer scheme are applied to the variable reconstruction and the numerical flux calculation respectively in the liquid equations solving process. The pressure and the droplet radii distribution fit well with the experimental data for both the high pressure nozzle and the low pressure nozzle. The S2 calculation method is also employed to predict the performance of a 3-stage low pressure steam turbine with spontaneous steam condensation, and the reasonable results are obtained. The numerical method developed in the present work is able to predict the real wet steam flow with the spontaneous condensation and its impact on the flow field and the aerodynamic parameters distribution reasonably, supplying a fast and accurate technic and method to the steam turbine design.

论文标题Numerical Investigation of the Non-axisymmetric End Wall Profiling Application to the White Cascade

作者Li Deying, Chen Huanlong, Song Yanping, Cui Ke

期刊名称ASME Turbo Expo 2015, Motreal Canada

期卷ASME Paper GT2015-42261

简单介绍A profiling method, in terms of the trigonometric function and considering about the different axial location of the nonaxisymmetric end wall warping, is developed firstly. The axial and the circumferential location of the end wall warping are defined by the cosine function and the sine function respectively. To investigate the effects of the non-axisymmetric end wall on the flow property and the steam condensation, the profiling method is applied to the aft-loaded White cascade with the revised nucleation model of the two-phase wet steam flow. The results show that it has very little influence on the performance while the non-axisymmetric end wall warping is closing to the leading edge. If the non-axisymmetric end wall warping locates nearby the trailing edge, the aerodynamic loss increases significantly with a sharp flow separation on the corner of the suction side. While the crest is in the middle of the axial chord, the aerodynamic loss nearby the end wall decreases about 2.0%, implying a well improvement in the aerodynamic performance. Besides, the steam condensation nearby the end wall is restrained significantly while the non-axisymmetric end wall warping is in the middle axial chord or closing the trailing edge. The proper designed non-axisymmetric end wall, which is able to increase the pressure of the zone with the wet steam nucleation, is beneficial to improve the aerodynamic performance and control the steam condensation in the passage of the low pressure steam turbine.

论文标题Large Eddy Simulation of Boundary Layer Separation and Reattachment in a LPT Blade at Different Incidence Angles

作者Wang Yunfei, Liu Huaping, Song Yanping, Chen Fu

期刊名称ASME Turbo Expo 2015, Motreal Canada

期卷ASME Paper GT2015-42264

简单介绍In order to predict the phenomenon of laminar flow separation, transition and reattachment in a high-lift low pressure turbine (LPT), a self-developed large eddy simulation program to solve three dimensional compressible N-S equations was used to simulate the flow structures in T106A LPT blade passage. The outlet Mach number is 0.4 and the Reynolds number is 1.1?105 based on the exit isentropic velocity and the axial chord. The distributions of the time-averaged static pressure coefficient, kinetic loss coefficient and wall shear stress on the blade surface at +7.8??incidence angle agree well with the results of experiment and direct numerical simulation (DNS). The locations of laminar separation and reattachment point occur around 83.6% and 97% axial chord respectively. The evolutionary process of spanwise vorticity and large-scale coherent structure near the trailing edge on the suction side in one period indicates that the two-dimensional shear layer is gradually unstable as a result of spanwise fluctuation and Kelvin-Helmholtz (K-H) instability. The boundary layer separates from the suction surface and the hairpin vortex appears in succession, which leads to transition to turbulence. Analysis of the incidence angle effect on the boundary layer separation point as well as separation bubble scale was also performed. A small scale separation bubble exists around the leading edge at positive incidences. As the incidence angle changes from positive to negative, the separation bubble near the leading edge disappears and the boundary layer thickness reduces gradually. The separation point at the rear part of suction side moves downstream, yet the reattachment point barely changes. The Reynolds stress and turbulent kinetic energy profiles change dramatically at zero and positive incidence. This illustrates that the incidence angle has great influence on the development of the boundary layer and the flow field structures.

论文标题Numerical Investigation of Equilibrium Wet Steam Flow Property Based on S2 Calculation Code

作者Li Deying, Song Yanping, Fu Yunfeng, Chen Huanlong, Ooyama Hiroharu

期刊名称ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Düsseldorf Germany

期卷ASME Paper GT2014-25750

简单介绍Though it is non-equilibrium wet steam flow in steam turbine, the droplets with micron dimension are usually not considered in the primary design of the steam turbine in the industrial application because the global properties of steam are concerned mostly. Two calculation models of equilibrium wet steam property are proposed and applied to the performance prediction of a one stage low pressure(LP) steam turbine with superheated vapor and a 1.5-stage LP steam turbine with superheated and saturation steam by the using of the central S2 stream surface calculation code developed in this paper.

论文标题Numerical Investigation on Impact of A Flush-mounted Airintake Exit Distortion to the Rear Fan Performance

作者Liu Lei, Chen Huanlong, Chen Fu, Song Yanping

期刊名称ASME Turbo Expo 2014, Düsseldorf Germany

期卷ASME Paper GT2014-26442

简单介绍For the sake of investigating impact of inlet distortion on the fan stage performance, numerical simulation of the whole structure of a flush-mounted S-shaped inlet and the rear fan stage was conducted in this paper. The single fan stage with uniform air admission was researched at the same time for comparison. Considering substantial boundary layer ingesting, a scheme of suction control imposed at the first bend of the inlet was also carried out. The results show that the total pressure ratio as well as the efficiency of the fan stage decreases dramatically and the choked mass flow has a reduction about 1.20% as compare with the uniform air condition. With suction control, aerodynamic performance of the fan stage improves slightly, the choked mass flow and total pressure ratio at the maximum isentropic efficiency point increase about 0.28% and 0.25% respectively, and the stable operation range is extended.With effect of rotating rotor, the significant low energy region at bottom of the airintake exit decrease continually as it travels downstream to the rotor and covers nearly three flow passages at the front-edge rotor blade, moreover, the high-energy fluid mixes with the low-energy fluid.

论文标题2D Simulation of Circulation Control Turbine Cascade

作者Song Yanping, Li Yachao, Chen Huanlong, Chen Fu

期刊名称Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G, Journal of Aerospace Engineering


简单介绍The application of Coanda effect to turbine was first studied in this paper through two-dimensional numerical simulation of circulation control turbine cascades. The influence of the aerodynamic and geometric parameters, such as the supply pressure of jet, the slot height, the shape and curvature of the Coanda surface, on the performance of the circulation control turbine cascade was investigated in detail. The results show that the circulation control turbine cascade can achieve and exceed the performance level of the original turbine cascade (the baseline) at the cost of an acceptable jet supply pressure. The aerodynamic performance of circulation control turbine cascades is largely determined by two critical factors: the velocity of jet and the curvature of the Coanda surface. Low magnitude of jet velocity and large curvature of Coanda surface near the jet exit would lead to a serious jet detachment that is generally responsible for less flow turning and high energy loss. The jet attachment to the Coanda surface with a large curvature can be obtained only when the jet speed is high enough. And at this time circulation control turbine cascade can bring a large flow turning but also a high energy loss based on a modified definition of the energy loss coefficient.

论文标题Effects of Boundary Layer Suction on Aerodynamic Performance in a High-load Compressor Cascade

作者Guo Shuang, Chen Shaowen, Song Yanping, Song Yufei, Chen Fu

期刊名称Chinese Journal of Aeronautics


简单介绍This article is aimed to experimentally validate the beneficial effects of boundary layer suction on improving the aerodynamic performance of a compressor cascade with a large camber angle. The flow field of the cascade is measured and the ink-trace flow visualization is also presented. The experimental results show that the boundary layer suction reduces losses near the area of midspan in the cascade most effectively for all suction cases under test. Losses of the endwall could remarkably decrease only when the suction is at the position where the boundary layer has separated but still not departed far away from the blade surface. It is evidenced that the higher suction flow rate and the suction position closer to the trailing edge result in greater reduction in losses and the maximum reduction in the total pressure loss accounts to 16.5% for all cases. The suction position plays a greater role in affecting the total pressure loss than the suction flow rate does.

论文标题Enhancing Aerodynamic Performances of Highly Loaded Compressor Cascades via Air Injection

作者Feng Dongmin, Chen Fu, Song Yanping, Chen Huanlong, Wang Zhongqi

期刊名称Chinese Journal of Aeronautics


简单介绍This article experimentally studies the effects of air injection near the blade trailing edge on flow separation and losses in a highly loaded linear compressor cascade. Aerodynamic parameters of eight cascades with different air injection slot configurations are measured by using a five-hole probe at the cascade outlets. Ink-trace flow visualization is performed to obtain the flow details around the air injection slots. The static pressure distribution is clarified with pressure taps on the endwalls. The results indicate that air injection has little effect on the static pressure distribution on the endwalls, but improves the flow behavior at the corners between the suction surfaces and the endwalls with the decrease in losses at midspan. Slot positions have great effect on the compressor cascade performances. The optimal slot location is 25% of the blade span. The energy loss coefficient is reduced by 5.5% at most.

论文标题Effects of Air Injection on Performance of Highly-loaded Compressor Cascades

作者Song Yanping, Chen Huanlong, Chen Fu, Wang Zhongqi

期刊名称ASME Turbo Expo 2007, Motreal Canada

期卷ASME Paper GT2007-27062

简单介绍The effects of air injection on the performance of highly-loaded straight blade compressor cascade and compound lean blade cascade were investigated numerically. Air injection was implemented via the hole/slot penetrating through the pressure and suction surfaces under the effect of the pressure difference between the two sides. Various injection configurations including one-hole, multi-hole and slot configurations were studied in the straight blade cascade first to find the optimum injection configuration in this case. Then the mechanism of the injection slot on the performance improvement of the straight blade cascade was discussed in detail. The results show that the optimum radial location of the injection slot is closely related to the flow pattern, especially the location of the saddle point as well as the spiral point in the corner region. These locations therefore should be determined in order to eliminate the spiral point in the corner region and at the same time control the saddle point effectively. When the radial width of the slot is 4.0mm, the through-flow capacity is increased by 1.59% with a 22.15% reduction in total loss. This is the slot configuration that has the most favorable effects on the cascade total loss reduction and flow behavior improvement in the endwall/suction surface corner among the three configurations studied in this paper. The effects of air injection on the performance improvement in the compound lean blade cascade are less significant than those in the straight blade cascade though the compound lean blade cascade with the injection slot has the most improvement in the aerodynamic performance when the slot is placed at an appropriate location in this study.

论文标题A Numerical Investigation of Boundary Layer Suction in Compound Lean Compressor Cascades

作者Song Yanping, Chen Fu, Yang Jun, Wang Zhongqi

期刊名称ASME Journal of Turbomachinery

期卷128 (2):357-366

简单介绍This paper is focused on the numerical investigation of boundary layer suction (BLS) via a slot on the suction surfaces of two compound lean compressor cascades with large camber angles as well as a conventional straight compressor cascade for comparison. The objective of the investigation is to study the influence of boundary layer suction on the performance of compound lean compressor cascades, thus to discuss the possibility of the application of boundary layer suction to improve their performance. An extensive numerical study has been carried out under different spanwise lengths and different axial positions of the slots, and different suction flow rates. The results show that the total loss of all three cascades is reduced significantly by boundary layer suction, and the largest reduction occurs at the highest suction flow rate. The axial locations of the slot have little effect on the total loss of the three cascades, which means the slots are opened within the optimal axial range in this case. The slot opened along the full span is the best one to obtain the largest reduction in total loss for all three cascades due to the alleviation of flow separation in the corner between the endwall and the suction surface. Moreover, the flow turning is increased, and pressure rise at the rear of the passage is recovered along the whole blade height via boundary layer suction along the full span, enhancing the working range of the highly loaded compressor cascades.

论文标题Effects of Boundary Layer Suction on the Performance of Compressor Cascades

作者Chen Fu, Song Yanping, Chen Huanlong, Wang Zhongqi

期刊名称ASME Turbo Expo 2006, Barcelona Spain

期卷ASME Paper GT2006-90082

简单介绍The effects of boundary layer suction on the aerodynamic performance of compressor cascade are mainly determined by: (1) the location of the suction slot; (2) the suction flow rate; (3) the suction slot geometry; and (4) the aerodynamic parameters of the cascade (e.g. solidity and incidence). In this paper, an extensive numerical study has been carried out to investigate the effects of these influencing factors in a highly-loaded compressor cascade by comparing the aerodynamic performance of the cascade in order to give guidance for the application of boundary layer suction to improve the performance of modern highly-loaded compressors. The results show that boundary layer suction alleviates the accumulation of low-energy fluid at suction surface corners and enhances the ability of flow turning, and this improvement in flow behavior depends on the location of the suction slot and the suction flow rate. When the location of the suction slot and the suction flow rate are fixed, as the cascade solidity decreases from 1.819 to 1.364 and 1.091, the cascade total pressure loss is reduced at most by 25.1%, 27.7% and 32.9% respectively, and the cascade exit flow deviation is decreased by 3.1°, 4.2° and 5.0° accordingly. Moreover, boundary layer suction also has the largest effect in the cascade with smaller solidity at large positive incidences, which means that boundary layer suction is an effective way to widen the stable operating range of the highly-loaded compressor cascade. The suction slot geometry is described by the suction slot width and the suction slot angle with respect to the direction normal to the blade suction surface. The results show that the flow behavior is improved and the endwall loss is reduced further as the increase of the suction slot width. The suction slot angle has an obvious influence on the pressure inside the slot, therefore, should be considered in the design of the suction slot since the maximum pressure inside the slot is usually required.

论文标题Experimental Study of Sweep and Dihedral Effects on Compressor Cascade Performance

作者Song Yanping, Zhao Guijie, Chen Fu, Wang Zhongqi

期刊名称6th European Turbomachinery Conference, Lille, France


简单介绍In this paper a straight blade(STR), a forward-swept blade(SWF), and a blade combining forward sweep and positive dihedral(SCB) have been investigated in a linear compressor cascade at design and off-design incidence. The result shows that compared to STR, lower blade loading, lower diffusion factor and shorter axial static pressure diffusion are obtained near the endwall of SWF and SCB, which means lower loss near the endwalls of SWF and SCB despite the fact that SWF and SCB have higher loss at midspan. The accumulation of low-energy fluid, and thus flow separation occurring in the endwall/suction surface corner are avoided by pitchwise and spanwise surface static pressure gradient in SWF and SCB. The three-dimensional effect of SCB on the endwall boundary layer is stronger than that of STR and SWF. Further work should be done to seek the optimal matching between sweep and dihedral to take full advantage of the positive effect of sweep and dihedral on the endwall flow.

论文标题An Experimental Study of Film Cooling in a Negatively Bowed Cascade with a Large Turning Angle

作者Chen Fu, Yang Ke, Song Yanping, Wang Zhongqi

期刊名称Heat Transfer—Asian Research


简单介绍Transverse measurements are carried out at the outlet of the straight and negatively bowed turbine cascades with a 106? turning angle respectively with and without cooling air injection. The air injection is from single or multiple rows of ten holes (26 schemes in all). Experimental results show that the negatively bowed cascade produces more energy loss than the straight one without cooling air injection. Cooling air injection from the holes on both the pressure and the suction surface near the trailing edge can reduce energy losses in both the straight and the negatively bowed cascades. The increase in loss is less in the negatively bowed cascade than that in the straight one with cooling air injection from holes of multiple rows at the leading edge, whereas cooling air injection from holes of multiple rows at the trailing edge reduces the energy loss in the negatively bowed cascade.

论文标题Optimization Design of Compressor Cascade with Swept and Curved Blades

作者Zhao Guijie, Chen Fu, Song Yanping, Wang Zhongqi

期刊名称43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, Reno, Nevada, USA

期卷AIAA 2005-336

简单介绍A unique blade integrating forward-sweep with positive-curve shortly named SCB was designed to test if the positive effects of sweep and dihedral can be combined in one configuration. Two cascades including the straight and the swept-curved cascades have been experimentally studied. Aerodynamic parameters of the two cascades were measured by a five-hole probe at several different positions and ink trace flow visualization was conducted on blade surfaces. Based on the experimental results, a hybrid optimization approach was introduced to search the optimal compressor blade stacking line. The sweep angle (height) and curve angle (height) were treated as design variables of the SCB stacking line. Uniform Design of Experiment (UDOE) was firstly employed to explore the samples which uniformly distributed in the design space. The commercial CFD solver-FLUET was used to simulate the turbulence flow and obtain the overall aerodynamic parameter of the samples. The quadratic Response Surface Model (RSM) for approximation was constructed to express the relationship between the design variables and the overall aerodynamic parameters. Then the Genetic Algorithms (GAs) was applied for global exploration to achieve the optimal matching of sweep and curve. Compared with the experiment blade, the optimization results demonstrated the feasibility, validity, robustness and timesaving of this approach and aerodynamic performance can be improved by selecting sweep and curve elaborately.

论文标题Experimental Study on the Aerodynamic Performance of Swept-Curved Blade

作者Zhao Guijie, Chen Fu, Song Yanping, Wang Zhongqi

期刊名称Chinese Journal of Aeronautics


简单介绍Compared with a straight blade, a unique compressor blade integrated forward-swept and positive-curved stacking line is studied experimentally. Aerodynamic parameters of the two cascades are measured by a five-hole probe at different positions and ink trace flow visualization is conducted on blade surfaces. The result shows that the swept-curved cascade has lower endwall loss and higher midspan loss as compared with the straight cascade. However, lower loss is accompanied with lower diffusion factor. Opposite C shape static pressure distribution is established on the suction surface of the swept-curved blade, which is helpful for avoiding the accumulation of low energy fluid in the endwall corner region. Anyhow the studies support the conclusion that the swept-curved blade conduces to not only the reduction of overall loss but also the improvement of stable operation in the endwall corner region.

论文标题Effect of Blade Curving on the Flow Field Structure in an Annular Turbine Cascade

作者Song Yanping, Wang Zhongqi, Lu Wencai, Xu Wenyuan

期刊名称ASME Turbo Expo 1999, Indianapolis USA

期卷ASME Paper 99-GT-069

简单介绍In the present paper, two annular turbine cascades have been tested in order to investigate the effect of blade curving on the structure of the Three-Dimensional flow field. The blades in all two cascades have the same section and they are stacked on the trailing edge which is straight in the first and a circular arc in the second. Detailed cascade tests consisted of passage flow parameter traverses, blade and endwall surface pressure distribution, and flow visualization. The results show that the flow field is three dimensional in an annular cascade with different pressure distributions near two endwalls, whose direct effect is amplified through the creation of passage vortices of different scale and strength at hub and tip. Blade curving changes the pressure field completely, in axialwise, pitchwise and spanwise directions. The combined effect of 3-D characteristics and blade curving causes significant differences of flow field structure in curved blade.



作者陈浮, 宋彦萍, 陈焕龙, 刘华坪





作者陈浮, 权晓波, 宋彦萍




相关话题/介绍 论文 哈尔滨工业大学 工程学院 能源