基本信息Shengqiang Liu's homepagePUBLICATIONSGROUP MEMBERS
生物数学; 动力系统 研究方向:数学传染病学;种群动力系统;病毒动力系统;应用微分方程
1999年-2002年, 中国科学院数学研究所,博士;指导教师:陈兰荪研究员
1996年-1999年,广西师范大学,硕士;指导教师:罗桂烈教授, 江佑霖教授
1992年-1996年, 湘潭师范学院(今湖南科技大学);学士;指导教师:周利仙老师
2007.3—2018.4 哈尔滨工业大学基础与交叉科学研究院,教授、博士生导师(2007.4)
2005.6—2007.1 厦门大学数学科学学院, 副教授
2003.7—2004.12 芬兰Turku大学数学系, 博士后
2002.5— 2005.5 中国科学院系统科学研究所,博士后
《Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering》(SCIE检索期刊) 编委,2018.08--
特辑客座编委, 《Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering》特辑“Modeling and Complex Dynamics of Populations”,网址:http://www.aimspress.com/newsinfo/1112.html,投稿截止时间:2019年2月28日
特辑客座编委, 《Applied Sciences》(SCIE检索期刊) Dynamical Models of Biology and Medicine, 投稿截止日期:2016年6月30日
欧洲数学会《Zentralblatt Math》评论员,2005年11月---;
美国数学会《Mathematical Reviews》评论员, 2002.12---。
审稿刊物:SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics; Mathematical Biosciences; Journal of Theoretical Biology; Bulletin of Mathematical Biology; Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B; Journal of Biological Dynamics; Journal of Biological Systems; Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications; Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering; Nonlinear Analysis RWA; Nonlinear Dynamics; Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics; International Journal of Biomathematics, BioSystems, Advances in Complex Systems, Applied Mathematics Letters, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Applied Mathematical Modeling, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, ..... AND some mathematical journals in China
1、异质群组中疾病传播的若干动力学问题研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目(项目批准号:**),2019.01-2022.12, 主持
个人主页中的“Publications” (部分论文有全文下载链接)
ResearchGate:https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shengqiang_Liu/publications/ Google Scholar: scholar.google.ca/citations?user=l3RdvagAAAAJ
参见:“ACADEMIC COMMUNICATIONS” at Shengqiang Liu@#%s homepage
生物数学: 生命科学专业硕士生学位课、数学专业硕士生选修课,32学时、2学分
生物动力系统: 应用数学专业研究生选修课,32学时、2学分
微积分B (I): 本科生基础课,开课时间:2019年春季学期,第1-17、19周
本人指导的历届硕士、博士研究生及其去向情况,请参见:"研究生 GROUP MEMBERS"
硕士生招生信息: 每年招收名额1人左右;招生方向:生物数学。
链接名称Web of Knowledge
链接名称Bull. Math. Biol.
链接名称J. Math. Biol.
链接名称SIAM J. Appl. Math.
链接名称J. Theoret. Biol.
链接名称Math. Biosci.
链接名称Theoret. Popul. Biol.
链接名称SIAM J.Math.Anal.
链接名称Emerging Infectious Diseases
链接名称Journal of Infectious Diseases
链接名称Environmental Health Perspectives
链接名称Journal of Differential Equations
链接名称The Twelfth International Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Dynamical Systems
链接地址 http://appdynsys2018.cqnu.edu.cn/index.html
简单介绍Chongqing, China, June 8-10, 2018, 重庆师范大学
Homepage of Shengqiang Liu
Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology RESEARCH INTERESTS:Mathematical Epidemiology; Mathematical Population Dynamics; Dynamical System.
Department of Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology, 92 West Dazhi Street,Harbin,150001, China
Email: sqliu@hit.edu.cn
See: "PUBLICATIONS"Links in ResearchGate and Google Scholar: ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Shengqiang_Liu/publications/
Google Scholar: scholar.google.ca/citations?user=l3RdvagAAAAJ
EDUCATION: PhD, 2002,Institute of Mathematics, Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS), China.
PhD advisor:Professor Lansun Chen
PhD thesis: Study on continuous and discrete population dynamics system with time-delays.
Master of Science, 1999, Guangxi Normal University, China.
Co-advisors: Professor Guilie Luo; Professor Youlin Jiang
Bachelor of Science, 1996, Xiangtan Normal University, China
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Professor, Harbin Institute of Technology, March 2007---Current
Associate Professor, Xiamen University, China, June 2005—January 2007
Post Doc Researcher, University of Turku, Finland, July 2003—December 2004;
Post Doc, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, May 2002—May 2005;
Associate Secretary General, Chinese Society of Mathematical Biology,May, 2017--present
Member of American Mathematical Society, August, 2004--present
Program Secretary, ICM2002 Satellite Conference in Mathematical Biology(240 participants), August 15--18, 2002, Guilin, China
Program Secretary and one of the organizers, International Workshop on Reaction-Diffusion Models and Mathematical Biology,June 24-27, 2009,Harbin,China
Editorial Board Member of Editorial Board,《 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering》(SCIE) , August, 2018--Guest Editor, 《Applied Sciences》(SCIE)Special Issue: Dynamical Models of Biology and Medicine, Deadline for manuscript submissions: 31 May 2016
Member of Editorial Board, 《Journal of Biomathematics》, 2011---
Review proposals:National Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC)
China Post Doc Foundation
Review journal papers: SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics; Mathematical Biosciences; Journal of Theoretical Biology; Bulletin of Mathematical Biology; Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B; Journal of Biological Dynamics; Journal of Biological Systems; Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications; Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering; Nonlinear Analysis RWA; Nonlinear Dynamics; Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics; International Journal of Biomathematics, BioSystems, Advances in Complex Systems, Applied Mathematics Letters, Applied Mathematics and Computation, Applied Mathematical Modeling, SCIENCE CHINA Mathematics, ..... AND some mathematical journals in Chinese. Reviewer of 《Mathematical Reviews》 and《Zentralblatt Math》.
1.Some dynamical topics on spreading of infectious disease among heterogeneous groups, NSFC**, 2019.01-2022.12
2.Mathematical modeling and analysis of the influence of floating people on controling of emerging infectious disease, NSFC**, 2015.01--2018.12.
3.Theoretical research on Consumer-Resource population dynamical systems, NSFC**, 2007.01--2009.12.
SELECTED VISITSVisiting Scholar, University of Wyoming, USA, June 10-22, 2012.
Visiting Scholar supported by CSC scholarship, York University, Canada, January-December, 2012.
Scientific Researcher, Summer 2010 Thematic Program on the Mathematics of Drug Resistance in Infectious Diseases, July-August (six weeks), 2010, Fields Institute, Toronto, ON, Canada
Visiting Scholar, University of New Brunswick, Canada, March-June, 2010.
Visiting Scholar, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, September-October, 2007.
Visiting Scholar, Urbino University, Italy, August-September 2006.
Visiting Professor, Urbino University, Italy, April-May 2005.
SELECTED PRESENTATIONSInvited talk. Title: "SIRS epidemic models under random environments", November 8, 2016,Central South University, Changsha, China
Invited talk. Title: "Stochastic epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate", November 7, 2011, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China
Invited talk. Title: “The evolutionary dynamics of stochastic epidemic moel with nonlinear incidence rate”, June 15-18, 2016, Anyang Institute of Technology, AnYang, China
Invited talk. Title: “Epidemic model with cross-infection and patchy dispersal”, April 18, 2016, Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai, China
Invited talk. Title: “A nosocomial-pathogens-infections model with impulsive antibiotics treatment on multiple bacterias”,Workshop on Mathematical Biology andBiometrics, April 16-17, 2016,Soochow University, Suzhou, China
Invited talk. Title: “New progress on competition exclusion in delayed chemostat models”,Workshop on Current Topics in Mathematical Biology, December 18-20, 2015,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai, China
Invited talk. Title: “An epidemic patchy model with entry-exit screening”, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China, December 4, 2015
Invited talk. Title: “An epidemic patchy model with entry-exit screening”, Hunan University, Changsha, China, Novernember 27, 2015
Invited talk. Title: "The evolutionary dynamics of stochastic epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate", November 20, 2015, University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, China
Invited talk (Absent because of Japan visa application failure).2015 Joint Meeting of JSMB and CJK Colloquium on Mathematical Biology, August 26-29, 2015, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
Invited talk. Title: “Modeling of hunting strategies of predation in epidemic prey", Nanjing University of Science and Technology, June 8, 2015.
Invited talk. Title: "An epidemic model with patchy dispersal and group-mixing", The 11th National Conference on Network, April 18-20, 2015, Shanghai University, China.
Invited talk. Title: "An epidemic patchy model with entry-exit screening", Workshop of Dynamics and its applications in life sciences, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China, October 10-12, 2014.
Communication(40 minutes), Title: “Competition Exclusion Principle in Delayed Chemostat Models”, The Eighth National Conference on ODE Qualitative Theory, July 2-6, 2014, University of Shandong (Weihai), China.
Invited talk. Title: “An epidemic model with patchy dispersal and group-mixing", Renmin University of China, Beijing, China, June 18, 2014.
Invited talk (40 minutes). Title: “Heterogenous epidemic model with patchy dispersal and group-mixing", The Eighth International Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Dynamical Systems, June 2-4, 2014, Guilin, China.
Invited talk. Title: “An epidemic patchy model with entry-exit screening", Heilongjiang University, Harbin, China, January 11, 2014.
Invited talk. Title: “HIV-1 virus load for a model with time delays”, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China, September 7, 2013
Invited talk. Title: “Competition Exclusion Principlein Delayed Chemostat Models”, Chinese University of Geoscience, September 6, 2013
Communication(30 minutes). Title: "Multi-group epidemic model: case study and optimal control ", The Fourth Conference on Computational and Mathematical Population Dynamics(CMPD4),May 29--June 2, 2013, Taiyuan, China
Invited talk. Title: “Two heterogeneous epidemic models", Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang, China, May 19, 2013.
Communication(30 minutes), title: "The outbreak of EV71 in Fuyang China, 2008: data fitting and analysis", Canada-China Meeting on Public Health Modeling, 28-30 May, 2012, University of Albert, Edmonton, Canada
Group seminar talk(60 minutes).Title: “HIV-1 infection model with time delays”, Mprime Centre for Disease Modelling(CDM), 21 March, 2012, York University, Toronto, Canada
Communication talk. Title: “Competition Exclusion in Chemostat Models with Delays”, 2nd Annual Atlantic Mathematical Biology Workshop, 7-8 June, 2010, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada
Plenary talk. Title: “Diffusive Epidemic Models in Heterogeneous Environment”, Joint Conference of the Society for Mathematical Biology and the Chinese Society for Mathematical Biology, June 14-17, 2009 , Hangzhou, China
Invited talk. Title: “Stage-structured consumer-resource population models", University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, March 24, 2009.
Invited talk. Title:"Stage-structured Predator-prey Modelof Beddington-DeAngelis Type". The first China-Japan Colloquium of Mathematical Biology, Chongqing, China, April 24-28, 2006.
Communication talk. Title: "A Stage-structured Predator-prey Mode", International Symposium on Dynamical Systems Theory and Its Applications to Biology and Environmental Sciences,Shizuoka University, Japan, March 14-17, 2004
Invite speaker, Title: “Permanence and extinction of Lotka-Volterra models with delays”, Kyushu University, February 14, 2003, Fukuoka, Japan
Communication(15 minutes), International Congress of Mathematician 2002; August 21, 2002, Beijing, China
Communication(20 minutes), Title: “Permanence and extinction of Lotka-Volterra models with delays”, National Graduate Summer School in Mathematical Biology, August 17, 2000, Xi`An, China
See: Group members
Introduction to Mathematical Biology: Fall 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, Fall 2013, Fall 2014;Fall 2015;Fall 2016; Spring 2013 Introduction to Biological Dynamical System: Spring 2015;Spring 2016
Shengqiang Liu's PUBLICATIONS links:
Google Scholar: scholar.google.ca/citations?user=l3RdvagAAAAJ
Shengqiang Liu, Lansun Chen, "Modeling and Analysis of Stage-structured population models", In Chinese, 186 pages, Science Press, Beijing, China, 2010. Online ORDER INFORMATION.
Shengqiang Liu, Uniform persistence theory and its application in biological dynamics, in ``Frontier of Mathematical Biology", Zhengyi Lu, Wendi Wang (eds.), Science Press, Beijing, China, 2008.
Shengqiang Liu, Lansun Chen,Introduction to Stage-structured population models, in ``Advance of Mathematical Biology", Zhengyi Lu, Yicang Zhou (eds.), Science Press, Beijing, China, 2006.
RESEARCH PAPERS (“*”: corresponding author) before 2013:
2001-2009 1、Shengqiang Liu*, Lansun Chen, Profitless delays for extinction in nonautonomous Lotka-Volterra system, Communication in Nonlinear Science & Simulation, 6(2001):165-170.
2、Shengqiang Liu, Lansun Chen*, Permanence, extinction and balancing survival in nonautonomous Lotka-Volterra system with delays, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 129(2002): 481–499.
3、Shengqiang Liu*, Lansun Chen, Guilie Luo, Extinction and permanence in competitive stage structured system with time delays, Nonlinear Analysis TMA, 51(2002), 1347–1361.
4、Shengqiang Liu*, Lansun Chen,Necessary-sufficient conditions for permanence and extinction in Lotka-Volterra system with discrete delays, Applicable Analysis, 2002(81), 575–587.
5、Shengqiang Liu*, Lansun Chen, Guilie Luo, Youlin Jiang, Asymptotic behaviors of competitive Lotka-Volterra system with stage structure, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. 271(2002): 124–138.
6、Shengqiang Liu*, Lansun Chen, Zhuojun Liu, Extinction and permanence in nonautonomous competitive system with stage structure, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2002(274): 667–684.
7、Shengqiang Liu, Lansun Chen, Ravi Agarwal, Recent Progress on State-structured Population Dynamics, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2002(36): 1319–1360(42 pages).
8、Shengqiang Liu*, Lansun Chen, Necessary-sufficient conditions for permanence and extinction in Lotka-Volterra system with distribute delays, Applied Mathematics & Letters, 16 (2003): 911–917.
9、Shengqiang Liu*, Lansun Chen, Ravi Agarwal, Harmless and profitless delays in the discrete Lotka-Volterra systems, Applicable Analysis, 2004(83): 411–431.
10、Shengqiang Liu*, Mahieddine Kouche, Nasser-eddine Tatar, Permanence and Global Asymptotic Stability in a Stage Structured System with Distributed Delays, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 301(2005): 187–207.
11、Shengqiang Liu*, Edoardo Beretta, Competitive Systems With Stage Structure of Distributed -delay Type, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 323 (2006), 331–343,
12、*Eva Kisdi, Shengqiang Liu, Evolution of handling time can destroy the coexistence of cycling predators,Journal of Evolutional Biology, 19(2006): 49–58.
13、Shengqiang Liu*, Edoardo Beretta, Stage-structured Predator-prey Model with the Beddington-DeAngelis functional response, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 66(2006): 1101–1129.
14、Ping Yan, Shengqiang Liu*, SEIR epidemic model with delay, ANZIAM Journal, 48(2006) : 119–134,
15、Shengqiang Liu*, Zhuojun Liu, Permanence of General Stage -structured Consumer-resource Models, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 201 (2007) 381–388,
16、Shengqiang Liu*, Zhuojun Liu, Jianliang Tang, A Delayed Marine Bacteriophage Infection Model, Applied Mathematics & Letters, 20 (2007) 702–706,
17、Shengqiang Liu*, Jianhua Zhang, Coexistence and stability of predator–prey model with Beddington–DeAngelis functional response and stage structure, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 342 (2008) 446–460,
18、Mahieddine Kouche*, Nasser-eddine Tatar, Shengqiang Liu, Permanence and Existence of a Positive Periodic Solution to a Periodic Stage-Structured System with Infinite Delay, Applied mathematics and computation, 202(2008), 620–638.
19、Rui Peng*, Shengqiang Liu, Global stability of the steady states of an SIS epidemic reaction–diffusion model, Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications, 71 (2009) 239-247.
2010 20、Xiaohong Lai, Shengqiang Liu*, Rongzhen Lin, Rich Dynamical Behaviors for Predator-prey Model with Weak Allee Effect, Applicable Analysis,89( 2010) 1271–1292.
21、Shengqiang Liu*, Edoardo Beretta, Dimitri Breda, Predator-prey model of Beddington-DeAngelis type with maturation and gestation delays, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 11(2010), 4072–4091
22、Shengqiang Liu*, Lin Wang, Global Stability of an HIV-1 Model with Distributed Intracellular Delays and a Combination Therapy, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 7(2010). 675–685.
23、Shengqiang Liu, Asymptotical Behaviors of Nonautonomous Discrete Kolmogorov System with Time Lags, Advances in Difference Equations, (2010) ID: 517378, 1–19
2011 24、Shengqiang Liu*, Shaokai Wang, Lin Wang, Global dynamics of delay epidemic models with nonlinear incidence rate and relapse, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications,12(2011) 119–127。
25、Jinliang Wang, Huang G, Takeuchi Y, Shengqiang Liu,SVEIR epidemiological model with varying infectivity and distributed delays,Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 8(2011): 875–888.
26、Jinliang Wang, Shengqiang Liu, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Threshold dynamics in a periodic SVEIR epidemic model, International Journal of Biomathematics, 4(2011):1–17.
2012 27、Jinliang Wang*, Shengqiang Liu, Baowen Zheng, Yasuhiro Takeuchi, Qualitative and bifurcation analysis using an SIR model with a saturated treatment function, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 55(2012): 710–722
28、Jianzhong Su*, Yunfeng Qi, Shengqiang Liu, Xueting Wu, Jie Lv, Hongbo Liu, Ruijie Zhang, Yan Zhang*, Revealing epigenetic patterns in gene regulation through integrative analysis of epigenetic interaction network, Molecular Biology Reports, (2012) 39:1701–1712.
29、Shengqiang Liu*, Xizhuang Xie, Jianliang Tang, Competing Population Model with Nonlinear Intraspecific Regulation and Maturation Delays,International Journal of Biomathematics,.5(2012): **, DOI: 10.1142/S**00078
30、Kasia A. Pawelek, Shengqiang Liu, Faranak Pahlevani, Libin Rong*, A model of HIV-1 infection with two time delays: mathematical analysis and comparison with patient data, Mathematical Biosciences, 235(2012): 98–109
31、Jianzhong Su*, Xiujuan Shao, Hongbo Liu, Shengqiang Liu, Qiong Wu, Yan Zhang*, Genome-wide dynamic changes of DNA methylation of repetitive elements in human embryonic stem cells and fetal fibroblasts, Genomics, 99 (2012): 10–17.
32、Xia Wang*, Shengqiang Liu, Global properties of a delayed SIR epidemic model with multiple parallel infectious stages, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 9(2012): 685–695.
2013 33、Xia Wang*, Shengqiang Liu, A class of delayed viral models with saturation infection rate and immune response, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 36(2013):125–142.
34、Rongzhen Lin, Shengqiang Liu*, Xiaohong Lai,Bifurcations of a Predator-prey System with Weak Allee effects,Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 50 (2013): 695–713.
35、Xia Wang,Yuefen Chen, Shengqiang Liu, Xinyu Song, A class of delayed virus dynamics modelswith multiple target cells, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 32 (2013): 211–229.
36、Xia Wang, Shengqiang Liu, Xinyu Song*, Dynamics of a non-autonomous HIV-1 infection model with delays, International Journal of Biomathematics, 6(2013) No.5, DOI: 10.1142/S**00307
37、Bing Li, Shengqiang Liu*, A delayed HIV-1 model with multiple target cells and general nonlinear incidence rate, Journal of Biological Systems, 21(2013) No.4,
RESEARCH PAPERS (“*”: corresponding author) since 2014:
38、Yang Gao, Shengqiang Liu*, Global stability for a predator-prey model with dispersal among patches, Abstract and Applied Analysis, vol. 2014, Article ID 176493, 2014. Link: http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/176493
39、Xia Wang, Shengqiang Liu*, Libin Rong, Permanence and extinction of a non-autonomous HIV-1 model with time delays, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System-B, 19(2014) No.6: 1783–1800.
40、Xinxin Wang, Shengqiang Liu*, An epidemic model with different distributed latencies and nonlinear incidence rate, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 241(2014): 259–266.
41、Shengqiang Liu*, Xinxin Wang, Lin Wang, Haitao Song, Competitive exclusion in delayed chemostat models with differential removal rates, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 74(2014) No.3: 634–648.
42、Haitao Song*, Shengqiang Liu, Weihua Jiang, Jinliang Wang, Global stability and periodic oscillations for an SIV infection model with immune response and intracellular delays, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38(2014): 6108--6121.
2015 43、Haitao Song, Weihua Jiang*, Shengqiang Liu, Virus Dynamics model with intracellular delays and immune response, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 12(2015): 185--208.
44、Xia Wang, Shengqiang Liu*, Xinyu Song, A within-host virus model with multiple infected stages under time-varying environments, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 266(2015):119--134.
45、Xuejuan Lu, Lulu Hui, Shengqiang Liu*,Jia Li, A Mathematical model of HTLV-1 infection with two time delays, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 12(2015): 431-449.
46、Jinliang Wang, Shengqiang Liu*, The stability analysis of a general viral infection model with distributed delays and multi-staged infected progression, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 20 (2015): 263-272.
47、Wonlyul Ko, Inkyung Ahn*, Shengqiang Liu, Asymptotical behaviors of a general diffusive consumer-resource model with maturation delay, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System-B, 20(2015): 1715-1733.
48、Xinxin Wang, Shengqiang Liu*, Lin Wang, Weiwei Zhang, An epidemic patchy model with entry-exit screening, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 77(2015): 1237-1255.
49、Haitao Song, Shengqiang Liu*, Global stability for disease model with general relapse phenomenon, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica,Chinese Series, 40(2017): 37-48.
50、Dan Li, Jing@#%an Cui, Meng Liu, Shengqiang Liu*, The evolutionary dynamics of stochastic epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 77(2015): 1705-1743.
2016 51、Bing Li, Yuming Chen, Xuejuan Lu, Shengqiang Liu*, A delayed HIV-1 model with virus waning term, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 13(2016): 135--157.
52、Haitao Song, Weihua Jiang, Shengqiang Liu*, Global dynamics of two heterogenous SIR models with nonlinear incidence and delays, International Journal of Biomathematics, 9(2016): **.
53、Tianhu Yu, Dengqing Cao*, Shengqiang Liu, Huatao Chen, Stability analysis of neural networks with periodic coefficients and piecewise constant arguments, Journal of The Franklin Institute, 353(2016): 409–425.
54、Tianhu Yu, Dengqing Cao*, Yang Yang, Shengqiang Liu, Wenhu Huang, Robust synchronization of impulsively coupled complex dynamical network with delayed nonidentical nodes, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 87(2016): 92–101.
55、Kasia A. Pawelek*, Shengqiang Liu, Madhuri U. Lolla, Modeling the spread of Hookworm Disease and assessing chemotherapy programs: mathematical analysis and comparison with surveillance data, Journal of Biological Systems, 24(2016): 1–25.
56、Yang Lu, Dan Li, Shengqiang Liu*, Modeling of hunting strategies of the predators in susceptible and infected prey, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 284(2016): 268–285.
57、Bing Li, Shengqiang Liu*, Jing’an Cui and Jia Li*, A Simple Predator-Prey Population Model with Rich Dynamics, Applied Sciences, 2016, 6(5), 151. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app**
2017 58、Haitao Song*, Shengqiang Liu, Weihua Jiang, Global dynamics of a multistage SIR model with distributed delays and nonlinear incidence rate, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 40(2017): 2153–2164.
59、Xia Wang, Shengqiang Liu*, Hongjian Guo, Anosocomial-pathogens-infections model with impulsive antibiotics treatment on multiple bacteria, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 296 (2017): 64–87.
60、Yang Lu, Kasia A. Pawelek, Shengqiang Liu*, A stage-structured predator-prey model with predation over juvenile prey, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 297 (2017) 115–130.
61、Xuejuan Lu, Shaokai Wang, Shengqiang Liu*, Jia Li, An SEI infection model incorporating media impact, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering,14(2017): 1317--1335.
62、Jinliang Wang, Min Guo, Shengqiang Liu*,SVIR epidemic model with age structure in susceptibility, vaccination effects and relapse, IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics, 82(2017): 945–970
63、Dan Li, Shengqiang Liu*, Jing'an Cui, Threshold dynamics and ergodicity of an SIRS epidemic model with Markovian switching, Journal of Differential Equations, 263(2017): 8873--8915.
2018 64、Xia Wang*, Yuming Chen, Shengqiang Liu*, Dynamics of an age-structured host-vector model for malaria transmission,
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41(2018): 1966–1987, https://doi.org/10.1002/mma.4723
65、Yang Lu, Xia Wang, Shengqiang Liu*, A non-autonomous eco-epidemic model with infected prey, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System-B, 23(2018): 3817-3836 http://www.aimsciences.org/article/doi/10.3934/dcdsb.**
66、Xia Wang*, Yuming Chen, Shengqiang Liu, Global dynamics of a vector-borne disease model with infection ages and general incidence rates, Computational and Applied Mathematics, 37(2018): 4055–4080, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40314-017-0560-8
67、Tianhu Yu, Dengqing Cao, Shengqiang Liu*, Epidemic model with group mixing: stability and optimal control based on limited vaccination resources, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 61(2018): 54–70.
68、Yang Lu, Shengqiang Liu*, Threshold dynamics of a predator-prey model with age-structured prey, Advances in Difference Equations, (2018) 2018: 164. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13662-018-1614-y.
69、Dan Li, Shengqiang Liu*, Jing'an Cui, Threshold dynamics and ergodicity of an SIRS epidemic model with semi-Markov switching, Journal of Differential Equations, 266(2019): 3973-4017
70、Tianhu Yu,Shengqiang Liu, Huamin Wang*, Dengqing Cao, Robust delay-dependent stability of uncertain inertial neural networks with impulsive eu000Bects and distributed delay, International Journal of Biomathematics, 12(2019),No. 01, **. Link : https://doi.org/10.1142/S**00104
71、Ran Zhang,Shengqiang Liu*, Traveling waves for SVIR epidemic model with nonlocal dispersal, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 16(2019): 1654-1682. doi: 10.3934/mbe.**
72、Ran Zhang, Dan Li and Shengqiang Liu*, Global analysis of an age-structured SEIR model with immigration of population and nonlinear incidence rate, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation,In press.
GRADUATES: name, period and position
Master Students:
Former Master Students:
Supervised in Xiamen University:
Rongzhen Lin 2005-2008 Middle school teacher, Xiamen
Xiaohong Lai2005-2008 was Senior manager at Donghai Futures Fuzhou branch
Jianhua Zhang 2005-2008
Xizhuang Xie 2005-2008 Lecturer at Huaqiao University
Supervised in Harbin Institute of Technology(HIT)
Baowen Zheng 2007-2009was at HUAWEI
Shaokai Wang2008-2010wasat HUAWEI
Weiwei Zhang 2008-2010HUAWEI
Haitao Song2009-2011PhD student in HIT
Xinxin Wang2009-2011PhD student in HIT
Tianhu Yu2010-2012PhD student in HIT
Lulu Hui 2010-2012RT-Mart, Shanghai
Jinhuan Lu 2013-2015Datang Telecom
Huajiao Zhao 2014-2016was at Neusoft
Jian Wang2015-2017 HUAWEI
Heting Zhang 2016-2018 PhD student in HIT
Current Master Students:
Dan Huang2017-
Qianqian Zhang 2018-
PhD students(HIT):
Former PhD Students:
Jinliang Wang 2008-2011Professor at Heilongjiang University
Jianzhong Su (co-supervised) 2009-2013 Professor, Wenzhou Institute of Biomaterials & Engineering, CAS
Xia Wang2011-2013Associate professor at Xinyang Normal University
Haitao Song (co-supervised)2011-2014Assistant professor at Shanxi University
Xinxin Wang 2011-2015 Assistant professor at Shenyang Normal University
Bing Li2011-2016Assistant professor at Harbin Normal University
Shufen Zhao 2012-2016Taishan Medical University
Yang Lu 2012-2016Assistant Professor at NortheastPetroleum University
Xuejuan Lu2014-2018Assistant Professor at Qiqihaer University
Dan Li 2015- 2017Assistant Professor at Huaiyin Normal University
Current PhD Students:
Wenhe Li 2014-
Ran Zhang2016-
Heting Zhang 2018-
Zin Thu Win 2018-
Donald DeAngelis (U Miami)
Zhen Jin(SXU) Zhidong Teng(XJU) Sanling Yuan(USST) Hongyong Zhao(NUAA) Haifeng Huo(LUT) Yongzhen Pei(TJPU)
Hao Wang(U Alberta)
Libin Rong(UFL) Xia Wang(XYNU)
Xiaoyue Li (NENU)
Xiang Lv (SHNU)
Yuming Chen (Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Xiaosong Yang (HUST)
Jianhua Huang(NUDT)
Jia Li (U. Alabama, Huntsville)
2015:Xianning Liu (SWU)Kaifa Wang (Third Military Medical U.) Yuming Chen (Wilfrid Laurier U.) Mingkang Ni (ECNU)
Shigui Ruan (U. Miami)
Yang Kuang (ASU)
Pei Yu (Western U)
2014:Jinzhi Lei (Tsinghua)
Yuming Chen (Wilfrid Laurier U.)
Jia Li (U. Alabama, Huntsville)
Zhen Jin (SXU)Zhidong Teng (XJU)
2013: Lin Wang (UNB)
2011: Lansun Chen (AMSS)
Rongsong Liu (U. Wyoming)
2009: Xiao-Qiang Zhao (MUN)
Junping Shi (William&Mary)
2008: Shiwang Ma (Nankai)
Meng Fan (NENU)
2007: Inkyung Ahn (Korea U.)
JinzhiLei (Tsinghua)
Mats Gyllenberg (U.Helsinki)
Yasuhiro Takeuchi
Ying-Hen Hsieh
LONG TERM VISITORS: 2011-2012: Dazhao Zheng;Pengju Lv
2013-2014: Wenhe Li;Xuejuan Lu;Guoliang Xie;Hui Xing; Yang Gao
2014-2015: Changli Liu; Deyuan Xin; Yiming Li; Li Yu
本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25
相关话题/数学 生物 动力 系统 介绍
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基本信息English Version教育经历2014.9-2017.7 理学博士, 基础数学, 北京师范大学 导师:丁勇2015.9-2016.9 联合培养博士, University of Wisconsin-Madison,Mentor:Andreas Seeger2011.9-2014.7 ...哈尔滨工业大学考研导师 本站小编 Free考研网 2019-05-25哈尔滨工业大学数学研究院研究生考研导师简介-王智拓
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