

本站小编 Free考研网/2019-05-25


程绍武,教授,工学博士,交通信息工程及控制学科硕士生导师,交通运输规划与管理学科博士生副导师,哈工大交通大数据时空分析云平台负责人, 美国University of Utah 地理系访问学者。

在《Transportation Research Part C:Emerging Technologies》、《Journal of Transport Geography》、《Journal of Air Traffic Management》、《Chinese Journal of Aeronautics》、《Transport》、《Journal of Transportation Engineering》、《软件学报》、《交通运输系统工程与信息》等期刊及国际会议上发表SCI/EI检索学术论文30余篇。 主持撰写工信部十二五规划专著1部。获国家发明专利6项、软件著作权1项。



国家自然科学基金委信息学部、地球科学部函审专家。 世界交通大会(WTC)交叉学科/数据与信息/交通数据科学理论与方法委员会委员。美国地理学会(AAG)交通地理学专业组(Transportation Geography Specialty Group -TGSG)成员。

《IEEE Transactions on ITS》、《Transportation Research Part C》、《Transportation Research Record》、 《Advances in Mechanical Engineering》、《中国公路学报》、《系统工程理论与实践》、《电子学报》等期刊审稿人


新闻标题澳大利亚昆士兰大学地球与环境科学学院Yan Liu教授应邀访问哈工大


2018年12月19日至12月30日,应交通学院程绍武教授的邀请,澳大利亚昆士兰大学(University of Queensland, Australia)地球与环境科学学院副院长、昆士兰大学时空分析研究室(Spatial-Temporal Analytics Research Laboratory – STAR Lab)主任、昆士兰大学社会科学研究所(ISSR)研究员,地理信息科学教授Liu Yan博士到交通科学与工程学院进行访问和讲学。

Liu Yan教授是国际地理科学核心期刊《Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science》及《Journal of Spatial Science》的编委,上海市地理教育教学研究基地兼职教授。曾担任国际华人地理信息科学学会(GPGIS)主任委员、澳大利亚昆士兰华人科学家与工程师协会(QCASE)副主席、司库及执行委员等职。

From December 19th to December 30th, at the invitation of Prof. Cheng Shaowu of the School of Transportation Science and Engineering, vice dean of the School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Queensland, Australia, Dr. Liu Yan visited and lectured at the School of Transportation Science and Engineering. Dr. Liu Yan is director of the Spatial-Temporal Analysis Research Laboratory (STAR Lab) of the University of Queensland, who is the researcher at Institute of Social Sciences at University of Queensland, who is Professor of Geographic Information Science. And Professor Liu Yan is a member of the editorial board of the International Geographical Science Core Journal "Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science" and "Journal of Spatial Science", who is an adjunct professor at the Shanghai Geography Education Teaching and Research Base. And Professor Liu Yan has served as the chairman of the Chinese People Geographic Information Science Association (CPGIS), vice chairman, treasurer and executive committee of the Queensland Chinese Association of Scientists and Engineers (QCASE).

Liu Yan教授面向全院师生分别做了题为“Modelling coastal city development in the era of global climate change全球气候变化背景下的海岸带城市发展模拟研究”、“Smart card data and location based services: spatial accessibility, service equality and commuter travel behaviors 智能卡数据和基于位置的服务:空间可达性,服务公平性与人口流动出行”和“Neighbor relations in the changing urban space: a big data and spatial data mining approach城市变迁中的邻里关系:基于政务大数据与空间数据挖掘的探索”的系列专题讲座,内容涉及基于元胞自动机的城市空间发展模型,基于公交智能卡数据的空间可达性和公交出行行为分析,以及基于政务大数据和空间挖掘技术的城市邻里关系分析,为全院师生介绍了大数据和地理信息科学在出行行为分析和城市空间规划领域的前沿研究。

Prof. Liu Yan gave a series of lectures entitled "Modelling coastal city development in the era of global climate change","Smart card data and location-based services: spatial accessibility, service equality and commuter travel behaviors" and "Neighbor relations in the changing urban space: a big data and spatial data mining approach". The lectures cover urban spatial development models based on cellular automata, based on spatial accessibility of bus smart card data and analysis of bus travel behavior, and based on the analysis of urban neighborhood relationship between government big data and space mining technology introduces the frontier research of big data and geographic information science in the field of travel behavior analysis and urban space planning for the teachers and students of the whole school.

访问期间,Liu Yan 教授与交通学院院长、国家杰出青年基金获得者、教育部****特聘教授谭忆秋教授就我校交通信息与控制工程系、交通运输工程系与昆士兰大学相关专业进行本科生2+2联合培养、研究生和博士生联合培养、合作开展前沿科学研究等问题进行了深入交流。谭忆秋院长对Liu Yan教授的到来表示欢迎并希望双方在交通科学与地理信息科学相关领域进行深入合作。交通信息与控制工程系主任慈玉生、副主任李奎、副主任张瞫、教师崔建勋、李先通分别介绍了交通信息与控制工程系的整体情况、本科及研究生培养方案以及各自的研究方向和特色研究成果。

During the visit, Prof. Liu and Dean Tan had an In-depth communication on the joint training of undergraduates 2+2, joint training of postgraduates and doctoral students, and cooperation in cutting-edge scientific research on the Department of Transportation Information Control Engineering, the Department of Transportation Engineering with the University of Queensland. Tan Yiqiu, who is Dean of the School of Transportation, winner of the The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, and Yangtze river scholars Distinguished Professor of the Ministry of Education. Dean Tan recalled the welcome of Professor Liu Yan and hoped that the both sides would cooperate in the field of transportation science and geographic information science. Ci Yusheng, department head of Traffic Information and Control Engineering , vice-director Li Kui and Zhang Shen, teacher Cui Jianxun and Li Xiantong, introduced the overall situation of the Department of Traffic Information and Control Engineering, undergraduate and postgraduate training programs, and their research directions and characteristics.

Liu Yan教授还与交通学院张亚平教授和程绍武教授研究团队的部分教师就双方各自的特色研究和进一步开展合作研究的方向、内容和具体实施路线图进行了深入交流。此次访问促进了我校交通运输工程学科与昆士兰大学地理信息科学及交通运输学科间的相互了解,为双方相关研究团队进一步开展实质性合作奠定了基础。

Prof. Liu Yan also had in-depth exchanges with some of the teachers of the research team of Prof. Zhang Yaping and Prof. Cheng Shaowu on their respective characteristics and further development about the direction, content and implementation roadmap of collaborative research.

The visit promoted mutual understanding between the School of Transportation Engineering and the University of Queensland's Geographic Information Science and Transportation disciplines, laying the foundation for further substantive cooperation between the relevant research teams.




新闻标题国际著名学者,美国俄亥俄州立大学地理系教授Harvey J Miller应邀访问哈工大


7月15日至7月21日,应交通学院程绍武副教授的邀请,美国俄亥俄州立大学(OSU, Columbus,USA)地理系教授,Bob and Mary Reusche地理信息科学首席教授,美国科学院交通研究委员会(TRB)数据及信息分委会(ABJ00)主席,交通及社会计算分委会(ABJ30(2))联席主席,Harvey J Miller博士到交通科学与工程学院进行访问和讲学。Harvey教授面向全院师生分别做了题为“Green Accessibility: Measuring the Environmental Costs of Space-time Prisms in Sustainable Transportation Planning”、“Location and Cooperation: Avoiding Collective Failures through Geographic Information Science”和“Time Geography in the Era of Sensed Mobility”的系列专题讲座,内容涉及基于时间地理框架度量交通系统可达性的环境成本,基于LBS、社会媒体和地理信息构建协同交通系统,以及大数据时代时间地理科学面临的机遇和挑战,为全院师生介绍了交通科学和地理信息科学的前沿研究领域。










详见链接 http://today.hit.edu.cn/news/2015/12-14/**RL0.htm



2012.10-2013.10University of Utah, 教育部公派访问学者(合作教授: Harvey J Miller)

2012年-2013年,University of Utah地理系, 国家留学基金委访问学者(host professor: Harvey J Miller)

2000年-2006年,哈尔滨工业大学, 计算机学院,计算机应用专业,博士研究生

1990年-1993年,哈尔滨工业大学, 数学系,计算数学专业,硕士研究生









1. 地理信息系统原理

2. 交通地理信息系统

3. ArcObjects组件式GIS开发技术
















简介: 地理信息系统是一种兼容存储、管理、分析、显示与应用地理信息的计算机系统,是交通数据管理与分析的基本工具。目前,GIS已广泛












简介: 交通地理信息系统(Geographic information systems for transportation, GIS-T)是地理信息系统与交通相结合的产物。它是在传统GIS基










3.Arc Objects组件式GIS开发技术

























































































































































作者程绍武, 张亚平, 别一鸣




出版物名称Theory on Intelligent Simulation and Optimization of Resources of Civil Airport terminals

作者Shaowu Cheng, Yaping Zhang, Yiming Bie

出版时间,完成时间Mar. 2015

出版社Publishing House of Electronics Industry

近三年期刊论文(* 通讯作者)

论文标题A Probabilistic Multi-Aircraft Conflict Detection Approach for 4D Trajectory-based Operation

作者Siqi Hao, Yaping Zhang,Shaowu Cheng*

期刊名称Transportation Research Part C(JCR, Transportation Science & Technology/Q1)


简单介绍Conflict detection (CD) is one of the key functions used to secure air transport safety and efficiency. In the context of four-dimensional trajectory-based operation (4D TBO), aircraft are provided with more flexibility in en-route trajectory planning and more responsibility on self-separation, thereby causing uncertainties of pilot intent and reducing the accuracy of aircraft position prediction and CD. This study proposes a novel probabilistic CD approach for 4D TBO, in which the uncertainties of pilot intent are considered via a space–time prism (STP) to quantify aircraft reachable extent constrained by 4D waypoints. A probabilistic model for predicting aircraft position is developed using the truncated Brownian Bridge method. A novel conflict probability estimation method for multiple aircraft is addressed based on this probability model. The performance of the proposed probabilistic CD approach is validated through an illustrative air traffic scenario.

论文标题Measuring Individual Spatial-temporal Accessibility by Public Transit: Integrating Time-table and Passenger Departure Time

作者Shaowu Cheng*, Bing Xie, Yiming Bie, Yaping Zhang

期刊名称Journal of Transport Geography (JCR, Transportation/Geography/Econamics Q1)

期卷66 (1)

简单介绍Spatial-temporal accessibility by a transport system assesses spatial-temporal constraints faced by individuals basedon their fixed activities and the transport system’s ability to facilitate trading time for space in movement. As opposedto previous studies that either measured individual spatial-temporal accessibility by a general transport network ormeasured place-based accessibility by public transit through only computing the bottom of the full network time prism,this paper measures individual spatial-temporal accessibility by public transit through integrating time-table andpassenger departure time and computing the full network time prism for a public transit network. A public transitnetwork is modeled as a time-dependent weighted directed graph in which every single directed arc is associated witha time-dependent travel time to represent the linkage between any two adjacent stops on a transit route. The timedependenttravel time assigned to arcs is determined according to timetables, which is particularly assigned to infinitewhen no transit service is available between the two stops. Based on the time-dependent weighted directed graph, amodified network potential path area (N-PPA) algorithm is employed to produce a potential path area for anindividual’s activity participation within a public transit network. As a case study, the proposed methodology is appliedto measure individual spatial-temporal connectivity by the Salt Lake City TRAX system. Results indicate that theoutcome of the proposed methodology is sensitive to passenger departure time. The results of this study providesuggestions on potential improvement of bus/rail line layout and timetables, and may aid trip planning for passengers.

论文标题A Multi-aircraft Conflict Detection and Resolution Method for 4-Dimensional Trajectory Based Operation

作者Siqi Hao, Shaowu Cheng, Yaping Zhang*

期刊名称Chinese Journal of Aeronautics(JCR, Engineering/ Aeronautics Q1)

期卷Availbale online May 16 2018https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S**01705

简单介绍Conflict detection and resolution (CD&R) is the key to ensure aviation safety based on trajectory prediction (TP). Uncertainties that affect aircraft motion cause difficulty in accurate prediction of the trajectory, especially in the context of four-dimensional trajectory-based operation (4DTBO), which brings the uncertainty of pilot intent. This study draws on the idea of time geography, and turns the research focus of CD&R from TP to the analysis of aircraft reachable space constrained by the 4D waypoint constraints. The concept of space–time reachability of aircraft and space–time potential conflict space are proposed. A novel pre-CD&R scheme for multi-aircraft is established. A key advantage of the scheme is that the uncertainty of pilot intent is accounted for via a space–time prism for aircraft. Conflict detection is performed by verifying whether the STPs of aircraft intersect, and conflict resolution is performed by planning a conflict-free space–time trajectory avoiding intersection. Numerical examples are presented to validate the efficiency of the proposed scheme

论文标题Evaluating the Impacts of Bus Fare on Social Equity Based on IC Card Data in China

作者Shaowu Cheng*, Qian Gao, Yaping Zhang

期刊名称Sustainability(JCR, Green&Sustainable Science&Technology/Evironmental Science Q3)


简单介绍Bus fare equity has attracted significant attention in China in the past few years. Compared with developed countries, China’s intelligent transportation systems are in their infancy, with immature bus fare policies being used in many public transit systems. The methods used for evaluating public transit fare equity in developed countries compare different fare policies based on rich data and cannot be directly applied in developing countries like China. In this paper, we present a method that uses IC card data, bus-mounted GPS data, and relevant statistical yearbook data to evaluate the equity of flat bus fare. The method ranks the factors that influence the impacts of bus fare on social equity for different passenger groups and indicates that trip distance and passenger boarding time are the two primary factors for bus fare equity from a resource allocation perspective. Finally, we present a case study that evaluates the flat fare policy for route 204 in Suzhou using the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method is feasible.

论文标题Measuring bus network connectivity using vehicle-mounted GPS data a passengers@#% recognition approach

作者Shaowu Cheng*, Cheng Wang, yiming Bie, Yaping Zhang

期刊名称Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (JCR,Transportation/Economics Q1)

期卷Under Reviewd

简单介绍The connectivity of bus networks is the main index for evaluating the capacity of bus service. A new method formeasuring the connectivity of the bus network is presented in this paper. The method integrates both the bus travelimpedance (BTI) and the passengers’ recognition degree to BTI (i.e. connectivity threshold) into a measurement of busnetwork connectivity by exploiting bus Global Positioning System (GPS) data, bus network geographical data, andpassenger questionnaire survey data. Bus GPS data and bus network geographical data are used to calculate BTI.The passenger questionnaire survey data are used to determine the connectivity threshold. The method determineswhether a station pair is connected or not based on comparing the BTI and connectivity threshold, and establishes thefirst-order connectivity matrix to describe the connection state of the station pairs in network under the non-transfercondition. The k-order connectivity matrix is obtained through the matrix self-multiplication of the (k-1)-orderconnectivity matrix to describe the connection state of the station pairs in network under (k-1)-time transfers. Further,from passengers’ perspective, a new connectivity index is proposed to measure the connectivity of the overall busnetwork. The proposed method is applied to measure the connectivity of a realistic bus network. The result shows thatthe proposed method can be used to evaluate the connectivity of the bus network from a passenger’s perspective andanalyze its time-varying characteristics. The proposed method is helpful for the service providers to improve theirservice according to the passengers’ expectation to the bus network connectivity. It also provides a measure that canbe easily communicated by transit planners and engineers to the public.

论文标题Measurement of realistic transit accessibility incorporated with bus travel time reliability

作者Shaowu Cheng*, Jin Zhang, yiming Bie, Yaping Zhang

期刊名称Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (JCR,Transportation/Economics Q1)

期卷Under Reviewd

简单介绍The practice of modeling land use and transportation is one of the major issues in sustainable transportation. Thisstudy analyzes transit accessibility in time and space, which is a key contributor in modeling land use and public transitsystem. The perspective of a rider is used as basis to propose a comprehensive transit accessibility measure thatsynthesizes bus travel time reliability, walking time, bus travel time, waiting time, traveler’s income, and transit fare intothe generalized travel cost. Bus travel time reliability is estimated based on bus-mounted GPS data. The proposedmeasure was used to evaluate transit accessibility to public health services in Harbin, China. Results showed that bustravel time reliability, which is typically overlooked in existing transit accessibility measures, is significant in modelingland use and public transit. In addition, the transit accessibility measurement that is incorporated with bus travel timereliability varies across seasons, departure time, weekday/weekend, and individual income. The proposed measureprovides considerably realistic transit accessibility measure for urban and transit network planners.

论文标题Causal Factor Analysis of Flight Departure Delay Considering the Delay Aggregation in the Temporal Dimension

作者Shaowu Cheng, Siqi Hao, Yaping Zhang*, Ting Peng, Zhiwei Xing

期刊名称Journal of Air Transport Management (JCR,Transportation Q2)

期卷Under Reviewd

简单介绍The analysis of delay and causal factors is a typical regression analysis problem, which has been studied by manyresearchers using various approaches including classical statistical methods, machine learning algorithms, and timeseries analysis. Classical regression model assume the samples to be dependent, which is violated to some extent inreality. Delay samples are not independent since they have certain correlation in time dimension. Correlation betweensamples can be treated as spatial dependence problem by transform the time dimension into a space organized byhour and by day. Spatial analysis is a relatively novel approach to explore delay and causal factors, which is able totake spatial dependence and the possible problem involved including error correlation, variable lag effect of causalfactors on delay into account. This study first explores the delay aggregation pattern by measuring and quantifying thespatial dependence of delay. Then spatial error model (SEM), spatial lag model (SLM) and geographically weightedregression (GWR) model are established to solve the error correlation, the variable lag effect and the spatialheterogeneity respectively. Results show that the fit of SLM is higher than that of OLS estimation and SEM, and thatGWR model considering heterogeneity achieves the best fit. Moreover, the outcomes of the significant variableachieved by SLM and SEM differ from those of the OLS estimation.


作者Bie, Yiming; Cheng, Shaowu; Liu, Zhiyuan*

期刊名称TRANSPORT (JCR, Transportation Science & Technology Q3)


简单介绍A Hook Turn (HT) traffic control scheme has been successfully implemented in urban Melbourne (Australia) ever since 1950s, for the regulation of right-turning vehicles at the intersections (in traffic system where driving is on the left). This paper addresses the optimal signal-timing of the HT scheme, which is still an open question in the literature. Under the HT scheme, right-turning vehicles should enter the intersection and stop at a waiting area. Hence, it is common to have a spillback from these vehicles if the right-turning volume is high. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the spillback phenomenon on the traffic movements and the average delays, and proposes the models for the calculation of average delay in different cases. With the aim of minimizing the average delay of all the vehicles, a nonlinear integer-programming model is proposed for the optimal signal-timing problem of HT scheme. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used to solve this model, considering the complexity of its objective function. A realistic example developed based on one intersection with HT in urban Melbourne is adopted to assess the proposed methodology. Based on real survey data in morning peak and nonpeak hours, we compare the existing signal plan and optimal plan. The numerical test shows that compared with the existing plan, the optimal plan can reduce the average delay for 12.05% in peak hour and 19.96% in nonpeak hour. Sensitive analysis is also conducted to investigate the variation of right-turning ratio on the intersection operational performance.

论文标题Stop-Line Setback at a Signalized Roundabout: A Novel Concept for Traffic Operations

作者Bie, Yiming; Cheng, Shaowu; Easa, Said M*.

期刊名称JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (JCR, Transportation Science & Technology/Engineering/CivilQ3)


简单介绍This paper proposes a novel concept, stop-line setback (SLSB), aimed at enhancing the capacity of signalized roundabouts and solving the problem of unbalanced flow patterns. This method is believed to avoid wasting acceptable time gaps and therefore increase the capacity of the approach with SLSB. However, to the best of the authors@#% knowledge, no analytical work and little empirical work has yet explored the impact of SLSB. To bridge this gap, the phasing scheme and an adaptive control algorithm are developed for the roundabout with SLSB. Case studies are conducted under different traffic demands to evaluate the method. The findings show that (1) in peak hours the SLSB method is useful to improve the operational performance of the signalized roundabout and solve the problem of unbalanced flow patterns; (2) the right-turning vehicle volume is the critical factor that influences the benefits of the SLSB method; and (3) the phasing scheme and adaptive signal control algorithm developed in this paper are suitable to signalized roundabouts with distances of SLSB. Based on the aforementioned findings, it is recommended that the SLSB method be applied to one or two approaches with heavier traffic loads but not all approaches, which is believed to increase the capacity and reduce the average vehicle delay of the roundabout.

论文标题A Probabilistic Multi-Aircraft Conflict Detection Approach for 4D Trajectory-based Operation

作者Siqi Hao, Yaping Zhang,Shaowu Cheng*(第一作者为本人作为副导师指导的博士生)

期刊名称Transportation Research Part C (SCI,工程技术,交通科技 / 中科院二区)


简单介绍Conflict detection (CD) is one of the key functions used to secure air transport safety and efficiency. In the context of four-dimensional trajectory-based operation (4D TBO), aircraft are provided with more flexibility in en-route trajectory planning and more responsibility on self-separation, thereby causing uncertainties of pilot intent and reducing the accuracy of aircraft position prediction and CD. This study proposes a novel probabilistic CD approach for 4D TBO, in which the uncertainties of pilot intent are considered via a space–time prism (STP) to quantify aircraft reachable extent constrained by 4D waypoints. A probabilistic model for predicting aircraft position is developed using the truncated Brownian Bridge method. A novel conflict probability estimation method for multiple aircraft is addressed based on this probability model. The performance of the proposed probabilistic CD approach is validated through an illustrative air traffic scenario.

论文标题Measure dynamic individual spatial-temporal accessibility by public transit: Integrating time-table and passenger departure time

作者Shaowu Cheng*, Bing Xie, yiming Bie, Yaping Zhang, Shen Zhang

期刊名称Journal of Transport Geography(SSCI,经理学,地理学,交通 / 中科院二区)


简单介绍The spatial–temporal accessibility of a transport system assesses the spatial–temporal constraints faced by individuals based on their fixed activities and the ability of the transport system to facilitate trading time for space in movement. Previous studies either measured the individual spatial–temporal accessibility of a general transport network or measured the cumulative-opportunity accessibility by public transit through an exclusive computation of the bottom of the full network time prism. By contrast, the current study measures the individual spatial–temporal accessibility by public transit by integrating timetable and passenger departure time and computing the full network time prism. A public transit network is modelled as a time-dependent weighted directed graph, wherein every single directed arc is associated with a time-dependent travel time to represent the linkage between two adjacent stops on a transit route. The time-dependent travel time assigned to arcs is determined according to timetables, which is particularly assigned to infinity when transit service is unavailable between two stops. A modified network potential path area (N-PPA) algorithm based on the time-dependent weighted directed graph is employed to produce a potential path area for the activity participation of an individual by public transit. The proposed methodology is applied as a case study to measure individual spatial–temporal accessibility using the Salt Lake City TRAX system. Results indicate that the outcome of the proposed methodology is sensitive to departure time of passengers. The results of this study provide suggestions on potential improvement of bus/rail line layout and timetables and may aid in trip planning of passengers.

论文标题A Multi-aircraft Conflict Detection and Resolution Method for 4-Dimensional Trajectory Based Operation

作者Siqi Hao, Shaowu Cheng, Yaping Zhang* (第一作者为本人作为副导师指导的博士生)

期刊名称Chinese Journal of Aeronautics(SCI,工程,宇航 / 中科院二区)


简单介绍Conflict detection and resolution (CD&R) is the key to ensure aviation safety based on trajectory prediction (TP). Uncertainties that affect aircraft motion cause difficulty in accurate prediction of the trajectory, especially in the context of four-dimensional trajectory-based operation (4DTBO), which brings the uncertainty of pilot intent. This study draws on the idea of time geography, and turns the research focus of CD&R from TP to the analysis of aircraft reachable space constrained by the 4D waypoint constraints. The concept of space–time reachability of aircraft and space–time potential conflict space are proposed. A novel pre-CD&R scheme for multi-aircraft is established. A key advantage of the scheme is that the uncertainty of pilot intent is accounted for via a space–time prism for aircraft. Conflict detection is performed by verifying whether the STPs of aircraft intersect, and conflict resolution is performed by planning a conflict-free space–time trajectory avoiding intersection. Numerical examples are presented to validate the efficiency of the proposed scheme

论文标题Evaluating the Impacts of Bus Fare on Social Equity Based on IC Card Data in China

作者Shaowu Cheng*, Qian Gao, Yaping Zhang

期刊名称Sustainability (SCI,环境科学与生态学,绿色可持续发展技术 / 中科院四区)


简单介绍Bus fare equity has attracted significant attention in China in the past few years. Compared with developed countries, China’s intelligent transportation systems are in their infancy, with immature bus fare policies being used in many public transit systems. The methods used for evaluating public transit fare equity in developed countries compare different fare policies based on rich data and cannot be directly applied in developing countries like China. In this paper, we present a method that uses IC card data, bus-mounted GPS data, and relevant statistical yearbook data to evaluate the equity of flat bus fare. The method ranks the factors that influence the impacts of bus fare on social equity for different passenger groups and indicates that trip distance and passenger boarding time are the two primary factors for bus fare equity from a resource allocation perspective. Finally, we present a case study that evaluates the flat fare policy for route 204 in Suzhou using the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method is feasible.

论文标题Measuring bus network connectivity using vehicle-mounted GPS data a passengers@#% recognition approach

作者Shaowu Cheng*, Cheng Wang, yiming Bie, Yaping Zhang, Shen Zhang

期刊名称Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (SCI, 工程技术,交通科技 / 中科院二区)

期卷Under Review

简单介绍The connectivity of bus networks is the main index for evaluating the capacity of bus service. A new method for measuring the connectivity of the bus network is presented in this paper. The method integrates both the bus travel impedance (BTI) and the passengers’ recognition degree to BTI (i.e. connectivity threshold) into a measurement of bus network connectivity by exploiting bus Global Positioning System (GPS) data, bus network geographical data, and passenger questionnaire survey data. Bus GPS data and bus network geographical data are used to calculate BTI. The passenger questionnaire survey data are used to determine the connectivity threshold. The method determines whether a station pair is connected or not based on comparing the BTI and connectivity threshold, and establishes the first-order connectivity matrix to describe the connection state of the station pairs in network under the non-transfer condition. The k-order connectivity matrix is obtained through the matrix self-multiplication of the (k-1)-order connectivity matrix to describe the connection state of the station pairs in network under (k-1)-time transfers. Further, from passengers’ perspective, a new connectivity index is proposed to measure the connectivity of the overall bus network. The proposed method is applied to measure the connectivity of a realistic bus network. The result shows that the proposed method can be used to evaluate the connectivity of the bus network from a passenger’s perspective and analyze its time-varying characteristics. The proposed method is helpful for the service providers to improve their service according to the passengers’ expectation to the bus network connectivity. It also provides a measure that can be easily communicated by transit planners and engineers to the public.

论文标题Measurement of realistic transit accessibility incorporated with bus travel time reliability

作者Shaowu Cheng*, Jin Zhang, yiming Bie, Yaping Zhang


期卷Under Reviewd

简单介绍The practice of modeling land use and transportation is one of the major issues in sustainable transportation. This study analyzes transit accessibility in time and space, which is a key contributor in modeling land use and public transit system. The perspective of a rider is used as basis to propose a comprehensive transit accessibility measure that synthesizes bus travel time reliability, walking time, bus travel time, waiting time, traveler’s income, and transit fare into the generalized travel cost. Bus travel time reliability is estimated based on bus-mounted GPS data. The proposed measure was used to evaluate transit accessibility to public health services in Harbin, China. Results showed that bus travel time reliability, which is typically overlooked in existing transit accessibility measures, is significant in modeling land use and public transit. In addition, the transit accessibility measurement that is incorporated with bus travel time reliability varies across seasons, departure time, weekday/weekend, and individual income. The proposed measure provides considerably realistic transit accessibility measure for urban and transit network planners.

论文标题Causal Factor Analysis of Flight Departure Delay Considering the Delay Aggregation in the Temporal Dimension

作者Shaowu Cheng, Siqi Hao, Yaping Zhang*, Ting Peng, Zhiwei Xing

期刊名称Chinese Journal of Aeronautics (SCI,工程,宇航 / 中科院二区)

期卷Under Review

简单介绍The analysis of delay and causal factors is a typical regression analysis problem, which has been studied by many researchers using various approaches including classical statistical methods, machine learning algorithms, and time series analysis. Classical regression model assume the samples to be dependent, which is violated to some extent in reality. Delay samples are not independent since they have certain correlation in time dimension. Correlation between samples can be treated as spatial dependence problem by transform the time dimension into a space organized by hour and by day. Spatial analysis is a relatively novel approach to explore delay and causal factors, which is able to take spatial dependence and the possible problem involved including error correlation, variable lag effect of causal factors on delay into account. This study first explores the delay aggregation pattern by measuring and quantifying the spatial dependence of delay. Then spatial error model (SEM), spatial lag model (SLM) and geographically weighted regression (GWR) model are established to solve the error correlation, the variable lag effect and the spatial heterogeneity respectively. Results show that the fit of SLM is higher than that of OLS estimation and SEM, and that GWR model considering heterogeneity achieves the best fit. Moreover, the outcomes of the significant variable achieved by SLM and SEM differ from those of the OLS estimation.


作者Bie, Yiming; Cheng, Shaowu; Liu, Zhiyuan*

期刊名称TRANSPORT (中科院四区)


简单介绍A Hook Turn (HT) traffic control scheme has been successfully implemented in urban Melbourne (Australia) ever since 1950s, for the regulation of right-turning vehicles at the intersections (in traffic system where driving is on the left). This paper addresses the optimal signal-timing of the HT scheme, which is still an open question in the literature. Under the HT scheme, right-turning vehicles should enter the intersection and stop at a waiting area. Hence, it is common to have a spillback from these vehicles if the right-turning volume is high. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the spillback phenomenon on the traffic movements and the average delays, and proposes the models for the calculation of average delay in different cases. With the aim of minimizing the average delay of all the vehicles, a nonlinear integer-programming model is proposed for the optimal signal-timing problem of HT scheme. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used to solve this model, considering the complexity of its objective function. A realistic example developed based on one intersection with HT in urban Melbourne is adopted to assess the proposed methodology. Based on real survey data in morning peak and nonpeak hours, we compare the existing signal plan and optimal plan. The numerical test shows that compared with the existing plan, the optimal plan can reduce the average delay for 12.05% in peak hour and 19.96% in nonpeak hour. Sensitive analysis is also conducted to investigate the variation of right-turning ratio on the intersection operational performance.

论文标题Stop-Line Setback at a Signalized Roundabout: A Novel Concept for Traffic Operations

作者Bie, Yiming; Cheng, Shaowu; Easa, Said M*.



简单介绍This paper proposes a novel concept, stop-line setback (SLSB), aimed at enhancing the capacity of signalized roundabouts and solving the problem of unbalanced flow patterns. This method is believed to avoid wasting acceptable time gaps and therefore increase the capacity of the approach with SLSB. However, to the best of the authors@#% knowledge, no analytical work and little empirical work has yet explored the impact of SLSB. To bridge this gap, the phasing scheme and an adaptive control algorithm are developed for the roundabout with SLSB. Case studies are conducted under different traffic demands to evaluate the method. The findings show that (1) in peak hours the SLSB method is useful to improve the operational performance of the signalized roundabout and solve the problem of unbalanced flow patterns; (2) the right-turning vehicle volume is the critical factor that influences the benefits of the SLSB method; and (3) the phasing scheme and adaptive signal control algorithm developed in this paper are suitable to signalized roundabouts with distances of SLSB. Based on the aforementioned findings, it is recommended that the SLSB method be applied to one or two approaches with heavier traffic loads but not all approaches, which is believed to increase the capacity and reduce the average vehicle delay of the roundabout.

叶晓飞 宁波大学 海运学院 硕士学位论文题目《高速路网应急交通组织仿真系统研究》

李忠海 沈阳军区后勤部硕士学位论文题目《战时高速公路军事运输问题研究》

王茁 大连科技学院交通运输教研室硕士学位论文题目《基于有限状态自动机的公交车到站时间预测模型》

姜慧夫 交通部公路科学研究院博士后 硕士学位论文题目《面向时空可达性建模的公交网络数据模型》

杨海强 青岛海信网络科技股份有限公司 硕士学位论文题目《移动平台下公交GIS应用框架研究》

田原 哈工大博士在读硕士学位论文题目《基于数据挖掘的航站楼客流量预测研究》

周天然 上海市政设计研究总院硕士学位论文题目《城市轨道交通沿线常规公交线路调整研究》

高倩太原铁路局 硕士学位论文题目《常规公交票价公平性评价方法研究》

谢兵中国航天科技集团第九研究院十三所 硕士学位论文题目《集成GPS数据的公交时空可达性度量及应用》


张琎北京易华录信息技术股份有限公司 硕士学位论文题目《考虑行程时间可靠性的公交吸引可达性度量研究》

贺具成 华为技术有限公司北京研发中心硕士学位论文题目《考虑模式选择及置信度的公交时空可达性度量》





作者程绍武, 张亚平, 别一鸣




出版物名称Theory on Intelligent Simulation and Optimization of Resources of Civil Airport terminals

作者Shaowu Cheng, Yaping Zhang, Yiming Bie

出版时间,完成时间Mar. 2015

出版社Publishing House of Electronics Industry

Recent Journal Papers (* Coresponding author )

论文标题A Probabilistic Multi-Aircraft Conflict Detection Approach for 4D Trajectory-based Operation

作者Siqi Hao, Yaping Zhang,Shaowu Cheng*

期刊名称Transportation Research Part C(JCR, Transportation Science & Technology/Q1)


简单介绍Conflict detection (CD) is one of the key functions used to secure air transport safety and efficiency. In the context of four-dimensional trajectory-based operation (4D TBO), aircraft are provided with more flexibility in en-route trajectory planning and more responsibility on self-separation, thereby causing uncertainties of pilot intent and reducing the accuracy of aircraft position prediction and CD. This study proposes a novel probabilistic CD approach for 4D TBO, in which the uncertainties of pilot intent are considered via a space–time prism (STP) to quantify aircraft reachable extent constrained by 4D waypoints. A probabilistic model for predicting aircraft position is developed using the truncated Brownian Bridge method. A novel conflict probability estimation method for multiple aircraft is addressed based on this probability model. The performance of the proposed probabilistic CD approach is validated through an illustrative air traffic scenario.

论文标题Measuring Individual Spatial-temporal Accessibility by Public Transit: Integrating Time-table and Passenger Departure Time

作者Shaowu Cheng*, Bing Xie, Yiming Bie, Yaping Zhang

期刊名称Journal of Transport Geography (JCR, Transportation/Geography/Econamics Q1)

期卷66 (1)

简单介绍Spatial-temporal accessibility by a transport system assesses spatial-temporal constraints faced by individuals basedon their fixed activities and the transport system’s ability to facilitate trading time for space in movement. As opposedto previous studies that either measured individual spatial-temporal accessibility by a general transport network ormeasured place-based accessibility by public transit through only computing the bottom of the full network time prism,this paper measures individual spatial-temporal accessibility by public transit through integrating time-table andpassenger departure time and computing the full network time prism for a public transit network. A public transitnetwork is modeled as a time-dependent weighted directed graph in which every single directed arc is associated witha time-dependent travel time to represent the linkage between any two adjacent stops on a transit route. The timedependenttravel time assigned to arcs is determined according to timetables, which is particularly assigned to infinitewhen no transit service is available between the two stops. Based on the time-dependent weighted directed graph, amodified network potential path area (N-PPA) algorithm is employed to produce a potential path area for anindividual’s activity participation within a public transit network. As a case study, the proposed methodology is appliedto measure individual spatial-temporal connectivity by the Salt Lake City TRAX system. Results indicate that theoutcome of the proposed methodology is sensitive to passenger departure time. The results of this study providesuggestions on potential improvement of bus/rail line layout and timetables, and may aid trip planning for passengers.

论文标题A Multi-aircraft Conflict Detection and Resolution Method for 4-Dimensional Trajectory Based Operation

作者Siqi Hao, Shaowu Cheng, Yaping Zhang*

期刊名称Chinese Journal of Aeronautics(JCR, Engineering/ Aeronautics Q1)

期卷Availbale online May 16 2018https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S**01705

简单介绍Conflict detection and resolution (CD&R) is the key to ensure aviation safety based on trajectory prediction (TP). Uncertainties that affect aircraft motion cause difficulty in accurate prediction of the trajectory, especially in the context of four-dimensional trajectory-based operation (4DTBO), which brings the uncertainty of pilot intent. This study draws on the idea of time geography, and turns the research focus of CD&R from TP to the analysis of aircraft reachable space constrained by the 4D waypoint constraints. The concept of space–time reachability of aircraft and space–time potential conflict space are proposed. A novel pre-CD&R scheme for multi-aircraft is established. A key advantage of the scheme is that the uncertainty of pilot intent is accounted for via a space–time prism for aircraft. Conflict detection is performed by verifying whether the STPs of aircraft intersect, and conflict resolution is performed by planning a conflict-free space–time trajectory avoiding intersection. Numerical examples are presented to validate the efficiency of the proposed scheme

论文标题Evaluating the Impacts of Bus Fare on Social Equity Based on IC Card Data in China

作者Shaowu Cheng*, Qian Gao, Yaping Zhang

期刊名称Sustainability(JCR, Green&Sustainable Science&Technology/Evironmental Science Q3)


简单介绍Bus fare equity has attracted significant attention in China in the past few years. Compared with developed countries, China’s intelligent transportation systems are in their infancy, with immature bus fare policies being used in many public transit systems. The methods used for evaluating public transit fare equity in developed countries compare different fare policies based on rich data and cannot be directly applied in developing countries like China. In this paper, we present a method that uses IC card data, bus-mounted GPS data, and relevant statistical yearbook data to evaluate the equity of flat bus fare. The method ranks the factors that influence the impacts of bus fare on social equity for different passenger groups and indicates that trip distance and passenger boarding time are the two primary factors for bus fare equity from a resource allocation perspective. Finally, we present a case study that evaluates the flat fare policy for route 204 in Suzhou using the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method is feasible.

论文标题Measuring bus network connectivity using vehicle-mounted GPS data a passengers@#% recognition approach

作者Shaowu Cheng*, Cheng Wang, yiming Bie, Yaping Zhang

期刊名称Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (JCR,Transportation/Economics Q1)

期卷Under Reviewd

简单介绍The connectivity of bus networks is the main index for evaluating the capacity of bus service. A new method formeasuring the connectivity of the bus network is presented in this paper. The method integrates both the bus travelimpedance (BTI) and the passengers’ recognition degree to BTI (i.e. connectivity threshold) into a measurement of busnetwork connectivity by exploiting bus Global Positioning System (GPS) data, bus network geographical data, andpassenger questionnaire survey data. Bus GPS data and bus network geographical data are used to calculate BTI.The passenger questionnaire survey data are used to determine the connectivity threshold. The method determineswhether a station pair is connected or not based on comparing the BTI and connectivity threshold, and establishes thefirst-order connectivity matrix to describe the connection state of the station pairs in network under the non-transfercondition. The k-order connectivity matrix is obtained through the matrix self-multiplication of the (k-1)-orderconnectivity matrix to describe the connection state of the station pairs in network under (k-1)-time transfers. Further,from passengers’ perspective, a new connectivity index is proposed to measure the connectivity of the overall busnetwork. The proposed method is applied to measure the connectivity of a realistic bus network. The result shows thatthe proposed method can be used to evaluate the connectivity of the bus network from a passenger’s perspective andanalyze its time-varying characteristics. The proposed method is helpful for the service providers to improve theirservice according to the passengers’ expectation to the bus network connectivity. It also provides a measure that canbe easily communicated by transit planners and engineers to the public.

论文标题Measurement of realistic transit accessibility incorporated with bus travel time reliability

作者Shaowu Cheng*, Jin Zhang, yiming Bie, Yaping Zhang

期刊名称Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (JCR,Transportation/Economics Q1)

期卷Under Reviewd

简单介绍The practice of modeling land use and transportation is one of the major issues in sustainable transportation. Thisstudy analyzes transit accessibility in time and space, which is a key contributor in modeling land use and public transitsystem. The perspective of a rider is used as basis to propose a comprehensive transit accessibility measure thatsynthesizes bus travel time reliability, walking time, bus travel time, waiting time, traveler’s income, and transit fare intothe generalized travel cost. Bus travel time reliability is estimated based on bus-mounted GPS data. The proposedmeasure was used to evaluate transit accessibility to public health services in Harbin, China. Results showed that bustravel time reliability, which is typically overlooked in existing transit accessibility measures, is significant in modelingland use and public transit. In addition, the transit accessibility measurement that is incorporated with bus travel timereliability varies across seasons, departure time, weekday/weekend, and individual income. The proposed measureprovides considerably realistic transit accessibility measure for urban and transit network planners.

论文标题Causal Factor Analysis of Flight Departure Delay Considering the Delay Aggregation in the Temporal Dimension

作者Shaowu Cheng, Siqi Hao, Yaping Zhang*, Ting Peng, Zhiwei Xing

期刊名称Journal of Air Transport Management (JCR,Transportation Q2)

期卷Under Reviewd

简单介绍The analysis of delay and causal factors is a typical regression analysis problem, which has been studied by manyresearchers using various approaches including classical statistical methods, machine learning algorithms, and timeseries analysis. Classical regression model assume the samples to be dependent, which is violated to some extent inreality. Delay samples are not independent since they have certain correlation in time dimension. Correlation betweensamples can be treated as spatial dependence problem by transform the time dimension into a space organized byhour and by day. Spatial analysis is a relatively novel approach to explore delay and causal factors, which is able totake spatial dependence and the possible problem involved including error correlation, variable lag effect of causalfactors on delay into account. This study first explores the delay aggregation pattern by measuring and quantifying thespatial dependence of delay. Then spatial error model (SEM), spatial lag model (SLM) and geographically weightedregression (GWR) model are established to solve the error correlation, the variable lag effect and the spatialheterogeneity respectively. Results show that the fit of SLM is higher than that of OLS estimation and SEM, and thatGWR model considering heterogeneity achieves the best fit. Moreover, the outcomes of the significant variableachieved by SLM and SEM differ from those of the OLS estimation.


作者Bie, Yiming; Cheng, Shaowu; Liu, Zhiyuan*

期刊名称TRANSPORT (JCR, Transportation Science & Technology Q3)


简单介绍A Hook Turn (HT) traffic control scheme has been successfully implemented in urban Melbourne (Australia) ever since 1950s, for the regulation of right-turning vehicles at the intersections (in traffic system where driving is on the left). This paper addresses the optimal signal-timing of the HT scheme, which is still an open question in the literature. Under the HT scheme, right-turning vehicles should enter the intersection and stop at a waiting area. Hence, it is common to have a spillback from these vehicles if the right-turning volume is high. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the spillback phenomenon on the traffic movements and the average delays, and proposes the models for the calculation of average delay in different cases. With the aim of minimizing the average delay of all the vehicles, a nonlinear integer-programming model is proposed for the optimal signal-timing problem of HT scheme. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used to solve this model, considering the complexity of its objective function. A realistic example developed based on one intersection with HT in urban Melbourne is adopted to assess the proposed methodology. Based on real survey data in morning peak and nonpeak hours, we compare the existing signal plan and optimal plan. The numerical test shows that compared with the existing plan, the optimal plan can reduce the average delay for 12.05% in peak hour and 19.96% in nonpeak hour. Sensitive analysis is also conducted to investigate the variation of right-turning ratio on the intersection operational performance.

论文标题Stop-Line Setback at a Signalized Roundabout: A Novel Concept for Traffic Operations

作者Bie, Yiming; Cheng, Shaowu; Easa, Said M*.

期刊名称JOURNAL OF TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING (JCR, Transportation Science & Technology/Engineering/CivilQ3)


简单介绍This paper proposes a novel concept, stop-line setback (SLSB), aimed at enhancing the capacity of signalized roundabouts and solving the problem of unbalanced flow patterns. This method is believed to avoid wasting acceptable time gaps and therefore increase the capacity of the approach with SLSB. However, to the best of the authors@#% knowledge, no analytical work and little empirical work has yet explored the impact of SLSB. To bridge this gap, the phasing scheme and an adaptive control algorithm are developed for the roundabout with SLSB. Case studies are conducted under different traffic demands to evaluate the method. The findings show that (1) in peak hours the SLSB method is useful to improve the operational performance of the signalized roundabout and solve the problem of unbalanced flow patterns; (2) the right-turning vehicle volume is the critical factor that influences the benefits of the SLSB method; and (3) the phasing scheme and adaptive signal control algorithm developed in this paper are suitable to signalized roundabouts with distances of SLSB. Based on the aforementioned findings, it is recommended that the SLSB method be applied to one or two approaches with heavier traffic loads but not all approaches, which is believed to increase the capacity and reduce the average vehicle delay of the roundabout.

论文标题A Probabilistic Multi-Aircraft Conflict Detection Approach for 4D Trajectory-based Operation

作者Siqi Hao, Yaping Zhang,Shaowu Cheng*(第一作者为本人作为副导师指导的博士生)

期刊名称Transportation Research Part C (SCI,工程技术,交通科技 / 中科院二区)


简单介绍Conflict detection (CD) is one of the key functions used to secure air transport safety and efficiency. In the context of four-dimensional trajectory-based operation (4D TBO), aircraft are provided with more flexibility in en-route trajectory planning and more responsibility on self-separation, thereby causing uncertainties of pilot intent and reducing the accuracy of aircraft position prediction and CD. This study proposes a novel probabilistic CD approach for 4D TBO, in which the uncertainties of pilot intent are considered via a space–time prism (STP) to quantify aircraft reachable extent constrained by 4D waypoints. A probabilistic model for predicting aircraft position is developed using the truncated Brownian Bridge method. A novel conflict probability estimation method for multiple aircraft is addressed based on this probability model. The performance of the proposed probabilistic CD approach is validated through an illustrative air traffic scenario.

论文标题Measure dynamic individual spatial-temporal accessibility by public transit: Integrating time-table and passenger departure time

作者Shaowu Cheng*, Bing Xie, yiming Bie, Yaping Zhang, Shen Zhang

期刊名称Journal of Transport Geography(SSCI,经理学,地理学,交通 / 中科院二区)


简单介绍The spatial–temporal accessibility of a transport system assesses the spatial–temporal constraints faced by individuals based on their fixed activities and the ability of the transport system to facilitate trading time for space in movement. Previous studies either measured the individual spatial–temporal accessibility of a general transport network or measured the cumulative-opportunity accessibility by public transit through an exclusive computation of the bottom of the full network time prism. By contrast, the current study measures the individual spatial–temporal accessibility by public transit by integrating timetable and passenger departure time and computing the full network time prism. A public transit network is modelled as a time-dependent weighted directed graph, wherein every single directed arc is associated with a time-dependent travel time to represent the linkage between two adjacent stops on a transit route. The time-dependent travel time assigned to arcs is determined according to timetables, which is particularly assigned to infinity when transit service is unavailable between two stops. A modified network potential path area (N-PPA) algorithm based on the time-dependent weighted directed graph is employed to produce a potential path area for the activity participation of an individual by public transit. The proposed methodology is applied as a case study to measure individual spatial–temporal accessibility using the Salt Lake City TRAX system. Results indicate that the outcome of the proposed methodology is sensitive to departure time of passengers. The results of this study provide suggestions on potential improvement of bus/rail line layout and timetables and may aid in trip planning of passengers.

论文标题A Multi-aircraft Conflict Detection and Resolution Method for 4-Dimensional Trajectory Based Operation

作者Siqi Hao, Shaowu Cheng, Yaping Zhang* (第一作者为本人作为副导师指导的博士生)

期刊名称Chinese Journal of Aeronautics(SCI,工程,宇航 / 中科院二区)


简单介绍Conflict detection and resolution (CD&R) is the key to ensure aviation safety based on trajectory prediction (TP). Uncertainties that affect aircraft motion cause difficulty in accurate prediction of the trajectory, especially in the context of four-dimensional trajectory-based operation (4DTBO), which brings the uncertainty of pilot intent. This study draws on the idea of time geography, and turns the research focus of CD&R from TP to the analysis of aircraft reachable space constrained by the 4D waypoint constraints. The concept of space–time reachability of aircraft and space–time potential conflict space are proposed. A novel pre-CD&R scheme for multi-aircraft is established. A key advantage of the scheme is that the uncertainty of pilot intent is accounted for via a space–time prism for aircraft. Conflict detection is performed by verifying whether the STPs of aircraft intersect, and conflict resolution is performed by planning a conflict-free space–time trajectory avoiding intersection. Numerical examples are presented to validate the efficiency of the proposed scheme

论文标题Evaluating the Impacts of Bus Fare on Social Equity Based on IC Card Data in China

作者Shaowu Cheng*, Qian Gao, Yaping Zhang

期刊名称Sustainability (SCI,环境科学与生态学,绿色可持续发展技术 / 中科院四区)


简单介绍Bus fare equity has attracted significant attention in China in the past few years. Compared with developed countries, China’s intelligent transportation systems are in their infancy, with immature bus fare policies being used in many public transit systems. The methods used for evaluating public transit fare equity in developed countries compare different fare policies based on rich data and cannot be directly applied in developing countries like China. In this paper, we present a method that uses IC card data, bus-mounted GPS data, and relevant statistical yearbook data to evaluate the equity of flat bus fare. The method ranks the factors that influence the impacts of bus fare on social equity for different passenger groups and indicates that trip distance and passenger boarding time are the two primary factors for bus fare equity from a resource allocation perspective. Finally, we present a case study that evaluates the flat fare policy for route 204 in Suzhou using the proposed method. The results show that the proposed method is feasible.

论文标题Measuring bus network connectivity using vehicle-mounted GPS data a passengers@#% recognition approach

作者Shaowu Cheng*, Cheng Wang, yiming Bie, Yaping Zhang, Shen Zhang

期刊名称Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (SCI, 工程技术,交通科技 / 中科院二区)

期卷Under Review

简单介绍The connectivity of bus networks is the main index for evaluating the capacity of bus service. A new method for measuring the connectivity of the bus network is presented in this paper. The method integrates both the bus travel impedance (BTI) and the passengers’ recognition degree to BTI (i.e. connectivity threshold) into a measurement of bus network connectivity by exploiting bus Global Positioning System (GPS) data, bus network geographical data, and passenger questionnaire survey data. Bus GPS data and bus network geographical data are used to calculate BTI. The passenger questionnaire survey data are used to determine the connectivity threshold. The method determines whether a station pair is connected or not based on comparing the BTI and connectivity threshold, and establishes the first-order connectivity matrix to describe the connection state of the station pairs in network under the non-transfer condition. The k-order connectivity matrix is obtained through the matrix self-multiplication of the (k-1)-order connectivity matrix to describe the connection state of the station pairs in network under (k-1)-time transfers. Further, from passengers’ perspective, a new connectivity index is proposed to measure the connectivity of the overall bus network. The proposed method is applied to measure the connectivity of a realistic bus network. The result shows that the proposed method can be used to evaluate the connectivity of the bus network from a passenger’s perspective and analyze its time-varying characteristics. The proposed method is helpful for the service providers to improve their service according to the passengers’ expectation to the bus network connectivity. It also provides a measure that can be easily communicated by transit planners and engineers to the public.

论文标题Measurement of realistic transit accessibility incorporated with bus travel time reliability

作者Shaowu Cheng*, Jin Zhang, yiming Bie, Yaping Zhang


期卷Under Reviewd

简单介绍The practice of modeling land use and transportation is one of the major issues in sustainable transportation. This study analyzes transit accessibility in time and space, which is a key contributor in modeling land use and public transit system. The perspective of a rider is used as basis to propose a comprehensive transit accessibility measure that synthesizes bus travel time reliability, walking time, bus travel time, waiting time, traveler’s income, and transit fare into the generalized travel cost. Bus travel time reliability is estimated based on bus-mounted GPS data. The proposed measure was used to evaluate transit accessibility to public health services in Harbin, China. Results showed that bus travel time reliability, which is typically overlooked in existing transit accessibility measures, is significant in modeling land use and public transit. In addition, the transit accessibility measurement that is incorporated with bus travel time reliability varies across seasons, departure time, weekday/weekend, and individual income. The proposed measure provides considerably realistic transit accessibility measure for urban and transit network planners.

论文标题Causal Factor Analysis of Flight Departure Delay Considering the Delay Aggregation in the Temporal Dimension

作者Shaowu Cheng, Siqi Hao, Yaping Zhang*, Ting Peng, Zhiwei Xing

期刊名称Chinese Journal of Aeronautics (SCI,工程,宇航 / 中科院二区)

期卷Under Review

简单介绍The analysis of delay and causal factors is a typical regression analysis problem, which has been studied by many researchers using various approaches including classical statistical methods, machine learning algorithms, and time series analysis. Classical regression model assume the samples to be dependent, which is violated to some extent in reality. Delay samples are not independent since they have certain correlation in time dimension. Correlation between samples can be treated as spatial dependence problem by transform the time dimension into a space organized by hour and by day. Spatial analysis is a relatively novel approach to explore delay and causal factors, which is able to take spatial dependence and the possible problem involved including error correlation, variable lag effect of causal factors on delay into account. This study first explores the delay aggregation pattern by measuring and quantifying the spatial dependence of delay. Then spatial error model (SEM), spatial lag model (SLM) and geographically weighted regression (GWR) model are established to solve the error correlation, the variable lag effect and the spatial heterogeneity respectively. Results show that the fit of SLM is higher than that of OLS estimation and SEM, and that GWR model considering heterogeneity achieves the best fit. Moreover, the outcomes of the significant variable achieved by SLM and SEM differ from those of the OLS estimation.


作者Bie, Yiming; Cheng, Shaowu; Liu, Zhiyuan*

期刊名称TRANSPORT (中科院四区)


简单介绍A Hook Turn (HT) traffic control scheme has been successfully implemented in urban Melbourne (Australia) ever since 1950s, for the regulation of right-turning vehicles at the intersections (in traffic system where driving is on the left). This paper addresses the optimal signal-timing of the HT scheme, which is still an open question in the literature. Under the HT scheme, right-turning vehicles should enter the intersection and stop at a waiting area. Hence, it is common to have a spillback from these vehicles if the right-turning volume is high. This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the spillback phenomenon on the traffic movements and the average delays, and proposes the models for the calculation of average delay in different cases. With the aim of minimizing the average delay of all the vehicles, a nonlinear integer-programming model is proposed for the optimal signal-timing problem of HT scheme. A Genetic Algorithm (GA) is used to solve this model, considering the complexity of its objective function. A realistic example developed based on one intersection with HT in urban Melbourne is adopted to assess the proposed methodology. Based on real survey data in morning peak and nonpeak hours, we compare the existing signal plan and optimal plan. The numerical test shows that compared with the existing plan, the optimal plan can reduce the average delay for 12.05% in peak hour and 19.96% in nonpeak hour. Sensitive analysis is also conducted to investigate the variation of right-turning ratio on the intersection operational performance.

论文标题Stop-Line Setback at a Signalized Roundabout: A Novel Concept for Traffic Operations

作者Bie, Yiming; Cheng, Shaowu; Easa, Said M*.



简单介绍This paper proposes a novel concept, stop-line setback (SLSB), aimed at enhancing the capacity of signalized roundabouts and solving the problem of unbalanced flow patterns. This method is believed to avoid wasting acceptable time gaps and therefore increase the capacity of the approach with SLSB. However, to the best of the authors@#% knowledge, no analytical work and little empirical work has yet explored the impact of SLSB. To bridge this gap, the phasing scheme and an adaptive control algorithm are developed for the roundabout with SLSB. Case studies are conducted under different traffic demands to evaluate the method. The findings show that (1) in peak hours the SLSB method is useful to improve the operational performance of the signalized roundabout and solve the problem of unbalanced flow patterns; (2) the right-turning vehicle volume is the critical factor that influences the benefits of the SLSB method; and (3) the phasing scheme and adaptive signal control algorithm developed in this paper are suitable to signalized roundabouts with distances of SLSB. Based on the aforementioned findings, it is recommended that the SLSB method be applied to one or two approaches with heavier traffic loads but not all approaches, which is believed to increase the capacity and reduce the average vehicle delay of the roundabout.

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