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曹庆杰,男,汉族,博士,二级教授,博士生导师。长期从事非线性动力学理论及其应用研究,在 2006 年发现并提出了SD振子及其吸引子。在国内外学术期刊上发表论文 80 多篇,其中被 SCI 收录 50 多篇,EI 收录 20 多篇;主持并完成了多项国家级和国际合作研究项目。

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2010.03 - 至今哈尔滨工业大学 航天学院 教授 博士生导师
2007.04-2010.02石家庄铁道大学 数理系 教授 硕士生导师
2000.05-2007.03 Department of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering Division,

The University of Liverpool, Liverpool, Research Fellow

Department of Engineering, The University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, Research Fellow


Department of Mathematical Sciences, Brunel University, Uxbridge

Visiting fellowship of Royal Society & Education Council Visiting fellowship of China

Department of Ship Science, University of Southampton, Southampton

Visiting fellowship of Royal Society & Education Council Visiting fellowship of China
1994.01-2007.03山东大学 数学院 教授 博士生导师
1988.09-1993.12天津大学 机械学院 博士 博士后
1978.02-1988.08山东曲阜师范大学 数学系 本科 硕士 助教 讲师

1988年9月 - 1991年8月,天津大学, 机械学院,力学系,工学博士学位1985年9月 - 1988年8月, 山东曲阜师范大学, 数学系,硕士 1978年3月 - 1982年2月, 山东曲阜师范大学, 数学系,本科

Editor Board Member of International Journal of Dynamics and Control.中国振动工程学会非线性振动专业委员会委员 (2009.05-)International journal of computer mathematics 编委 (2007.01 - 2009.12)第五 六届一般力学专业委员会委员 (1995 - 2003)山东省数学会副理事长 (1995 - 2003)山东省力学会常务副理事长 (1995 - 2003)



项目来源国家自然基金委员会 重点项目












项目来源国家自然科学基金 面上项目






项目来源国际自然科学基金 面上项目






项目来源国家自然科学基金 面上项目














主要研究方向: 非线性动力学与工程应用


梁廷伟: 博士, 高级工程师, 研究方向: 航天器动力学与控制

常微分方程定性与稳定性方法 作者:马知恩,周义仓;


Bifurcation and chaos in engineering作者:陈予恕

简介: 主要研究工程系统中的非线性动力学、分叉和混沌理论、控制理论及其应用,重点介绍近几年来国内外的最新进展,包括高维非线性系统的多脉冲全局分叉、时滞动力系统、非光滑动力系统等变非线性动力系统、C-L方法、规范形的计算、非线性随机优化控制、后绝对稳定性、网络结构与动力学、非线性色散波、非线性系统大范围运动动力学、碰撞振动系统、微转子系统、轴向运动弦线和梁的非线性动力学。

Nonlinear oscillations, dynamical systems, and bifurcations of vector fields (J. Guckenheimer & P. Holmes)

Introduction to applied nonlinear dynamical systems and chaos (Stephen Wiggins)

面向全国招收有志从事非线性理论及工程应用的硕士生及博士生, 欢迎力学工程,数学,物理等学科优秀学生报考。






简单介绍本书主要介绍非线性系统动力学行为与控制的研究进展,重点是近年来国内外的最新进展,包括强非线性与非光滑系统动力学、高维与无限维非线性系统动力学、载运工具系统的非线性动力学与控制、时滞非线性系统动力学与控制方法研究等。本书理论与应用兼顾,在介绍一些基本方法新进展的同时,也将各种方法用于解决机械系统中的许多实际问题,因此,本书可以引导读者尽快进入本领域的前沿,也将为该领域的研究提供有价值的参考。本书可供力学、机械、数学、物理 航空航天、土木工程等专业高年级大学生、研究生和教师使用。

Selected Publications Ning Han, Qingjie Cao*,A parametrically excited pendulum with irrational nonlinearity.International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics,88,122-134, (2017)
Ning Han, Qingjie Cao*, Global bifurcations of a rotating pendulum with irrational nonlinearity,Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 36,434-445,(2016)
Ning Han, Qingjie Cao*,Multiple Bifurcations of a Cylindrical Dynamical System,Journal of Theoretical & Applied Mechanics,46(1),33-52,(2016)
Ning Han, Qingjie Cao*,Rotating Pendulum with Smooth and Discontinuous Dynamics,International Journal of Mechanical Sciences,(2016)
Zhixin Li, Qingjie Cao, Alain Leger.Complex dynamics of an archetypal self-excited SD oscillator driven by moving belt friction, Chinese Physics B, 25(1), 10502-10510, (2016).Zhixin Li, Qingjie Cao, Alain Leger.The equilibrium stability for a smooth and discontinuous oscillator with dry friction, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 32(2), 309-319, (2016)
Zhifeng Hao,Qingjie Cao,Marian Wiercigroch.Two-sided damping constraint control strategy for high-performance vibration isolation and end-stop impact protection,Nonlinear Dynamics,86(4), 2129-2144, (2016). Zhifeng Hao,Qingjie Cao,Marian Wiercigroch.Nonlinear dynamics of the quasi-zero-stiffness SD oscillator based upon local and global bifurcations,Nonlinear Dynamics,(2016).
Zhixin Li, Qingjie Cao, Alain Leger.Multiple stick-slip chaotic motion of an archetypal self-excited SD oscillator driven by moving belt friction, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos,(2016)Tao Yang,Qingjie Cao,Nonlinear transition dynamics in a time-delayed vibration isolator under combined harmonic and stochastic excitations,Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, (2016). Qiyi Dai, Qingjie Cao, Yushu Chen,Free vibration analysis of truncated circular conical shells with variable thickness using the Haar wavelet method, Journal of Vibroengineering ,(2016 )
Zhifeng Hao, Qingjie Cao, The isolation characteristics of an archetypal dynamical model with stable-quasi-zero-stiffness. Journal sound and vibration, (2015)Yanwei Han, Qingjie Cao, Marian Wiercigroch, Chaotic thresholds for the piecewise linear discontinuous system with multiple well potentials International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, (2014)Qingjie Cao, Yanwei Han and Marian Wiercigroch, Multiple Buckling and Codimension-Three Bifurcation of a Nonlinear Oscillator,International journal of bifurcation and chaos, 24(1) **:1-17 (2014)Cao, Qingjie; Pastor, Javier; Piskarev, Sergey, Approximations of Parabolic equations at the vicinity of hyperbolic equilibrium point, Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 35 (10): 1287-1307, (2014)Zhang, Yongxiang; Luo, Guanwei; Cao, Qingjie, Wada basin dynamics of a shallow arch oscillator with more than 20 coexisting low-period periodic attractor, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics (58): 151-161, (2014)Zhifeng Hao, Qingjie Cao, A novel dynamical model for GVT nonlinear supporting system with stable-quasi-zero-stiffness. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 52(1), 199-213, (2014).Ning Han, Qingjie Cao, Tingwei Liang, A rotating disk linked by a pair of springs, Nonlinear Dynamics, (2014)Ning Han, Qingjie Cao*, Marian Wiercigroch, Estimation of the chaotic thresholds for the recently proposed rotating pendulum, International journal of bifurcation and chaos, 23(4) **:1-22 (2013).Zhixin Li, Qingjie Cao, Marian Wiercigroch, and Alain Leger. Analysis of the periodic solutions of a smooth and discontinuous oscillator, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 29(4), 575-582, (2013). Qingjie Cao*, Yeping Xiong, Marian Wiercigroch, A novel model of dipteran flight mechanism, International journal of dynamics and control, 1,1-11(2013).Yanwei Han, Qingjie Cao*, Yushu Chen, Marian Wiercigroch, A novel smooth and discontinuous oscillator with strong irrational nonlinearities," Sci. China-Phys. Mech. Astron. 55, 1832-1843(2012).Leger, Alain; Pratt, Elaine; Cao, Qingjie, A fully nonlinear oscillator with contact and friction, Nonlinear Dynamics, 70(1): 511-522, (2012 )Qingjie Cao*, Dan Wang,Yushu Chen, Marian Wiercigroch, Irrational elliptic functions and the analytical solutions of SD oscillator, Journal of theoretical and applied mechanics, 50(3), 701-715 (2012).Ruilan Tian, Xinwei Yang, Qingjie Cao, Yanwei Han, The study on the midspan deflection of a beam bridge under moving load s based on SD oscillator, International of bifurcation and chaos, 22(5), **:1-18(2012).Qingjie Cao, Ning Han, Ruilan Tian, A rotating pendulum linked by an oblique spring, Chinese Physics Letters, 28(6) 60502:1-4(2011) .Qingjie Cao*, Yeping Xiong, Marian Wiercigroch, Resonances of the SD oscillator due to the discontinuous phase, Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation, 1(2), 183-191(2011).Qingjie Cao, Marian Wiercigroch, Ekaterina Pavlovskaia, Shaopu Yang, Bifurcations and the penetrating rate analysis of a model for percussive drilling, Acta Mechanica Sinica, 26(3): 467-475(2010).Ruilan Tian , Qingjie Cao, Shaopu Yang, The codimension-two bifurcation for the recent proposed SD oscillator,Nonlinear Dynamics, 59. 19-27 (2010)Ruilan Tian, Qingjie Cao, Zhixin Li, Hopf Bifurcations for the Recently Proposed Smooth-and-Discontinuous Oscillator, Chinese Physics Letters, 27(7) 074701:1-4 (2010)Yongxin Lin, Yushu Chen, Qingjie Cao, Nonlinear and chaotic analysis of a financial complex system, Appl. Math. Mech. -Engl. Ed. 31(10), 1305–1316 (2010)Q. Cao, M. Wiercigroch, E E Pavlovskaia, C Grebogi and JMT Thompson, The limit case response of the archetypal oscillator for smooth and discontinuous dynamics, International Journal of nonlinear Mechanics, 43 462-473 (2008)Q. Cao, M. Wiercigroch, E.E Pavlovskaia, C. Grebogi and J.M.T. Thompson, Piecewise linear approach to an archetypal oscillator for smooth and discontinuous dynamics, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 366(1865): 635-652 (2008)Q. Cao, M. Wiercigroch, E E Pavlovskaia, C Grebogi and JMT Thompson, The SD oscillator and its attractors J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 96, 012064 (6pp) doi:10.1088/1742-6596/96/1/012064 (2008)Q. Cao, M. Wiercigroch, E E Pavlovskaia, C Grebogi and JMT Thompson, SD Oscillator, SD attractor and its applications, Journal of Vibration Engineering, Vol.20, No.7:454-458 (2007)Q. Cao, M. Wiercigroch, E E Pavlovskaia, C Grebogi and JMT Thompson, An archetypal oscillator for smooth and discontinuous dynamics, Phys. Rev. E 74, 046218 (2006)Q. Cao, M. Wiercigroch, E E Pavlovskaia, C Grebogi and JMT Thompson, Advances in study on the SD oscillators, Science and Technology Review, Vol.25, No.23:33-37 (2007)Q. Cao, X. Lai, Some finite difference methods for a kind of GKdV equations, Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering, 179-196,Vol.23, (2007)X. Lai, Q.Cao, Twizell, E.H, The global domain of attraction and the initial value problems of a kind of GKdV equations, Chaos Solitons & Fractals, Vol.23, No.5 1613–1628 (2005)Cao Q, Friswell MI, Ouyang H, Mottershead JE, Linear Eigenvalue Analysis of the Disc-Brake Squeal Problem,International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Vol.61.No.9: 1546-1563 (2004)Xu, L., M. W. Lu, Cao, Q, Analysis Of Dynamic Properties Of Forced Van Der Pol Equation With Ihb Method, MECHANICS IN ENGINEERING, Vol.25 No.1 P.50-53 (2003)Cao Q, Friswell MI, Ouyang H, Mottershead JE, James Sl, Car disc brake squeal: Theoretical and experimental study, MATER SCI FORUM 440-4: 269-276 (2003)Xu, L., M. W. Lu, Cao, Q, Bifurcation and chaos of a harmonically excited oscillator with both stiffness and viscous damping piecewise linearities by incremental harmonic balance method, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 264(4): 873-882 ( 2003).Djidjeli K; Price WG;Twizell, E.H and Q.Cao, A Linearied impact pseudo-spectral method for some model equations: The regularized long wave equations, Communications in Numerical Method in Engineering, 19:847-863 ( 2003)Ouyang, H., Q.Cao, Mottershead, J. E., A methodology for the determination of dynamic instabilities in a car disc brake. Proc. Instn Mech. Engrs Vol217. J. Automobile Engineering, 867-875 ( 2003)Xu Lei, Lu Mingwan, Cao Qingjie, Nonlinear Dynamical Bifurcation Analysis of Van der Pol-Duffing Equation,Applied Mechanics, 4 130-134 (in Chinese) (2002)Xu, L., M. W. Lu, Cao, Q, "Nonlinear vibrations of dynamical systems with a general form of piecewise-linear viscous damping by incremental harmonic balance method, Physics Letters A 301(1-2): 65-73 (2002), .Cao Q; Xu L; Djidjeli K; Price WG; Twizell EH, Analysis of period-doubling and chaos of a non-symmetric oscillator with piecewise-linearity, CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS , Vol. 12, No.10, pp 1917-1927 (2001)Qingjie Cao, Soliton, Bifurcation and Chaos for a class of Generalized Evolution Equations, Science Report of China, Vol.6 No.2: 181-183 (2000)Qingjie Cao, W. G. Price, K. Djidjeli, E.H. Twizell, Applications of the Six-points Scheme for GNLS equations,Applied Mathematics, JCU, 14B, Vol.14, No.1: 21-29 (1999)Q. Cao, W. G. Price, K. Djidjeli, E.H. Twizell, Periodic and chaotic behavior in a reduced form of the perturbed generalized KdV and KP equations, Physica D, 125 201-221 (1999)Q. Cao, W.G. Price, K. Djidjeli and E.H. Twizell, Computational methods for some non-linear wave equations, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 35:323-338, (1999)Qingjie Cao, Tiande Zhang, Jiuping Li, Study of the Static and Global Bifurcations for Duffing Equation, Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, Vol.20, No.12. Pp: 1305- 1312 (1999)E.H. Twizell, A.B. Gumel, and Q. Cao, A Second-Order Scheme for the Brusselator Reaction-Diffusion System,Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, Vol.26, No.4 pp297-316 (1999)Qingjie Cao Zhang Tiande, W. G. Price, K. Djidjeli, E.H. Twizell, Applications of the Weighted Scheme for GNLS equations, Korea Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Vol.12 , No.2:525-541 (1998)Qingjie Cao, W. G. Price, K. Djidjeli, E. H. Twizell, The properties of the soliton solutions of a class of generalized Schr?dinger equations, ACTA PHYSICA CHINA .No.11, 2166-2173 (1997)Qingjie Cao, W. G. Price, K. Djidjeli, E.H. Twizell, Soliton solutions of a class of generalized non-linear Schr?dinger equations, Applied Mathematics, JCU, 12B,389-398 (1997)Selected Conference Papers Qingjie Cao, Yanwei Han and Marian Wiercigroch, Multiple Bucklings and Co-dimension three with two parameters based upon the SD Oscillator, ENOC2014, 8th European Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, ,July 6 - 11, 2014, Vienna AustriaCao Qingjie, SD oscillator and the SD Isolators, ICDVC-2014, The Fourth International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control, 22-25 August 2014, Shanghai, China.Cao Qingjie, SD oscillator and the Isolations, NCS 2014, The Fourth International Conference on Nonlinear Complexity, 4-8 August 2014, Xi’an, China.Qingjie Cao, Ning Han and Marian Wiercigroch, Nonlinear Dynamics of a Rotating SD Oscillator, SEMC 2013, The Fifth International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, 2-4 September 2013, Cape Town, South Africa.Qingjie Cao, Yeping Xiong and Marian Wiercigroch, Nonlinear Dynamics of the Recently Proposed Novel Model for Dipteran Flight Mechanism with Irrationality, International Conference On Nonlinear Dynamics in Engineering: Modelling, Analysis and Applications, The University of Aberdeen, 21-23 August 2013 Aberdeen , Scotland, UK.Qingjie Cao, Yushu Chen, (Invited) Some Nonlinear Dynamics Problems in Aero-engine and Gas Turbines, National Conference on Nonlinear Vibration and Control, 11 May 2013, Naning Guangxi China.Cao Qingjie, Geometrical Nonlinear Dynamics: Theory, Methodologies and the Applications, Main Land China, Hong Kong and Macau Symposium on Dynamical Systems and Vibration (SDSV 2012) 13 -19 December 2012 Hong Kong and Macuo.Cao Qingjie*, Han Yanwei, Chen Yushu, Wiercigroch Marian, Sergey Piskarev, Two parameter codimension-three bifurcations of a novel nonlinear oscillator with strong irrational nonlinearities, ICTAM 2012, Beijing, China, 2012.08.19-24Q. Cao, Nonlinear Dynamics Analysis of the SD oscillatorwith virating base, IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics for Advanced Technologies and Engineering Design, Aberdeen, 27-30, July 2010, Aberdeen AB24 3UE,UKQ. Cao, Recent Advances of the SD oscillator, ICDVC-2010, The ThirdInternational Conference onDynamics, Vibration and Control12-14 May 2010Hangzhou, China.Q. Cao, Nonlinear Dynamics Analysis of the Rig-Coupled SD oscillator, The 4th Internationa Conference on Recent Advances inApplied Dynamical Systems,16-20 June 2010, Jinhua, China.Q. Cao, SD oscillator: The theory and the experiments,The First Harbin International Conference in Nonlinear Dynamics, 11 May 2010, Harbin, China.Q. Cao, Invited Speaker, SD oscillator: the attractors and the complex dynamics,APM 2009,St. Petersburg 30 June-5 July 2009Q. Cao, The SD Oscillator and Its Attractors ,RANM2009,Kuala Lumpur 23-27 August 2009Q. Cao, M. Wiercigroch, E E Pavlovskaia, C Grebogi and JMT Thompson, SD oscillator from smooth to discontinuous dynamics, CACAM-2007, 21st Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics, Ryerson University Toronto, Canada, June 3-7, 2007.Q. Cao, M. Wiercigroch, E E Pavlovskaia, C Grebogi and JMT Thompson, SD oscillator: the attractors and the complex dynamics,The 2nd Internationa Conference on Recent Advances in Applied Dynamical Systems, Jinhua, 2-4, June, 2007Q Cao, M I Friswell, H Ouyang, J E Mottershead and S James, Car Disc Brake Squeal: A New Theoretical Approach, 5th International Conference on Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis, 9 to 11 September 2003, University of Glassgow.Q Cao, H Ouyang, J E Mottershead, D J Brookfield and S. James, Stick-slip vibration in a disc brake system, Braking 2002, From the Driver to the Road, The Royal of Armouries, Leeds, UK, 10-12, July 2002.H Ouyang, Q Cao, J E Mottershead, T Treyde, M P Cartmell, Modeling and simulation of the vibration and squeal of a car disc brake, Braking 2002, From the Driver to the Road, The Royal of Armouries, Leeds, UK, 10-12, July 2002.Cao_Q, Price_WG, Djidjeli_K, Twizell_EH, Chaotic behavior of a vibration system with the quartic no linearity, INTEGRATING DYNAMICS, CONDITION MONITORING AND CONTROL FOR THE 21ST CENTURY - DYMAC 99, 1999, Ch.87, pp.309-312, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND, 1-3 Sep 1999Cao_QJ, Wang_HL, Global bifurcation of the horizontal rotators, ICVE@#%98: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VIBRATION ENGINEERING, VOL I, 1998, Ch.97, pp.261-265 DALIAN, PEOPLES R CHINA, 6-9 Aug 1998Cao_QJ, Chen_YS, Zhang_TD, Price_WG, Djidjeli_K, Twizell_EH, Global bifurcations of the forced MKdV-Burgers equation, 3RD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NONLINEAR MECHANICS, 1998, Ch.176, pp.593-596 SHANGHAI, P R CHINA, 17-20 Aug 1998CAO QJ, CHEN YS, Stochastic vibration and bifurcation with bilinear hysteresis under the excitation of the white noise, 2nd International Conference on Nonlinear Mechanics (ICNM II), AUG23-26,1993,PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NONLINEAR MECHANICS , 471-474, 1993Invited Speakers/Seminars Q. Cao, SD oscillatorintroduction and the Advances and the Chanllenges in Science and Technology, Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’ Acoustique,French National Centre for Scientific Research, Marseille,1 March 2011, Q. Cao, SD oscillator: The Advances and the Chanllenges in Science and Technology, 27 September 2010, Beihang University, Beijing, 100081, China Q. Cao, SD oscillator: The Advances and the Chanllenges in Science and Technology, 24 September 2010, University of Southampton, Southampton SO17 1BJ, UK Q. Cao, New Development of the SD Oscillator and Its Attractors, Aberdeen University,Feburary 16, 2009, Aberdeen, UK Q. Cao, The New approach to the SD Oscillator, Aberdeen University, 18-Jan-2007, Aberdeen, UK Q. Cao, The Brief introduction to the SD Oscillator, Shandong University of Science Technology, 14-April-2007, Qingdao, China Q Cao, The advances of the study for SD oscillator and SD attractors, Department of Math, Shanghai Normal University, 2-10-2007. Q. Cao, Non-linear Vibration & Applications, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences, Aberdeen, AB24 3UE, 03 September 2003. Q. Cao, Soliton, Chaos and Bifurcations: the analysis and the numerical approach for Generalized KdV equations, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Brunel University, Uxbridge, Middlesex UB8 3PH, 18 August 1999. Cao Q, Modelling of the Car Disc Brake Squeal: A New Theoretical Approach, Jinan, Shandong University, 13 May 2004.

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  • 北京大学共青团系统集体学习习近平总书记在纪念五四运动100周年大会上重...
    5月15日下午,北京大学共青团系统学习习近平总书记在纪念五四运动100周年大会上重要讲话精神交流座谈会暨第13次工作例会在李兆基人文学苑2号楼B114会议室举行。校团委书记班子、机关各部门及学生会研究生会负责人、各院系团委书记参加座谈。座谈会现场与会人员集体学习了习近平总书记在纪念五四运动100周年 ...
    本站小编 北京大学新闻网 2019-05-24
  • 后勤系统举办科学运动培训会
    5月9日下午,后勤系统治理能力现代化系列学习培训之科学运动培训会在北京大学全球大学生创新创业中心大讲堂举行。本次活动由后勤党委联合北京大学金融校友联合会共同主办,后勤各单位负责人、后勤党委所属各党总支(支部)负责人、后勤工会和团委负责人以及后勤系统部分员参加会议,还邀请了北京大学前沿交叉额研究院部分 ...
    本站小编 北京大学新闻网 2019-05-24
  • 环境科学与工程学院本科生联合党支部与燕园街道社区开展共建活动
    4月25日上午,燕园街道承泽园社区活动室内热闹非凡,北京大学环境科学与工程学院的几位同学早早布置好场地,准备进行“生态文明讲堂”系列讲座。本次讲座主题为“春季过敏-症状与防护”。活动室内座无虚席,到场的有年近古稀的退休教授、老一辈党员前辈等。社区居委会协助组织本次活动。今年是五四运动100周年,环境 ...
    本站小编 北京大学新闻网 2019-05-24
  • 动力中心开展2019春季消防应急演练活动
    为增强员工消防安全意识,提高师生初期火险防范能力,2019年4月12日下午14时,由动力中心主办,阜康丽洁物业管理公司和中源茂丰物业公司协办并参与的以“春季防火”为主题的消防演练活动在北京大学第二教学楼正式拉开序幕。保卫部副部长杨跃平、安全办公室主任廖万平、动力中心主任李钟、副主任杜德华及物业科相关 ...
    本站小编 北京大学新闻网 2019-05-24
  • 【后勤故事】后勤系统“不忘初心、牢记使命”红色教育主题党日活动侧记
    “铁肩担道义,妙手著文章”,在先驱大钊先生的感召下,千万党员前赴后继,延续革命传统,坚守理想信念,不忘初心,牢记使命,为了中华民族的振兴,勇往直前,矢志不渝。“站在唐山大地震罹难者纪念墙前,24万在地震中罹难的同胞姓名,深深地震撼了我们;地震发生时的惨烈和抗震救灾的悲壮历程,激起我们强烈的家国情怀; ...
    本站小编 北京大学新闻网 2019-05-24
  • 2019年北京大学环境科学与工程学院优秀大学生夏令营通知
    北京大学环境科学与工程学院定于2019年7月7日7月10日开办环境科学与工程学科优秀大学生夏令营,在全国范围内招收对环境科学与工程感兴趣的优秀本科生到北京大学进行集中交流,增强科研兴趣,拓展学术视野,明确研究方向。主要活动有知名专家学术讲座、与教授零距离交流、参观实验室等活动。 一、夏令营招生对象和人数 ...
    本站小编 免费考研网 2019-05-23