

燕山大学 免费考研网/2016-02-15


姓 名郝圣旺职 务系主任
出生年月1975年10月民 族汉
学 位博士学 历研究生
导师身份博士生导师教 师 I D 111041
毕业院校 中国科学院力学研究所
通信地址 河北省秦皇岛市海港区河北大街西段438号
电子信箱 hsw@ysu.edu.cn

1. 非均匀结构的灾变破坏
2. 工程结构的健康诊断与加固
3. 工程防灾与紧急救援
1. 2008年,国家自然科学基金项目 “非均匀介质局部化区的演化模式及局部化诱
2. 河北省高校百名优秀创新人才支持计划(2010)。
3. 2008年,公安部应用创新研究计划项目“紧急救援过程中工程结构局部扰动诱
1.Sheng-Wang Hao, Bao-Ju Zhang, Ji-Feng Tian, Derek Elsworth. Predicting time-
to-failure in rock extrapolated from secondary creep, J. Geophys. Res. Solid
Earth, 2014, 119, 1942–1953, doi:10.1002/2013JB010778.
2. Sheng-Wang Hao, Feng Rong, Ming-Fu Lu, Hai-Ying Wang, Meng-Fen Xia, Fu-Jiu
Ke, Yi-Long Bai. Power-law singularity as a possible catastrophe warning
observed in rock experiments. International Journal of Rock Mechanics & Mining
Sciences. 60: 253–262 (2013)
3.Sheng-Wang Hao, Bao-Ju Zhang, and Ji-Feng Tian. Relaxation creep rupture of
heterogeneous material under constant strain. PhysicalReview E. 85, 012501
4.Sheng-Wang Hao, Yan Liu and Xiao-Dan Liu. Improved interfacialstress
analysis of a plated beam. Structural Engineering and Mechanics. 44(6): 815-837
5.Sheng-Wang Hao, Bao-Ju Zhang, and Ji-Feng Tian. Creep rupture in a bundle of
slowly relaxing fibres. Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical
Engineers, Part L: Journal of Materials Design and Applications.226:144-148
6.Sheng-Wang Hao, Meng-Fen, Xia, Fu-Jiu, Ke, Yi-Long, Bai. Evolution of
Localized Damage Zone in Heterogeneous Media. International Journal of Damage
Mechanics. 19(7): 787-804 (2010).
7.Sheng-Wang Hao, Yan-Yan Li, Ju Sun, Qian Liu, Bing Wang, Hai-Zhou Yang. A
coupling solution for interfacial stresses in a plated beam.The Journal of
Strain Analysis for Engineering Design . 45(7):513-521 (2010).
8.Sheng-Wang Hao, Ming-Fu Lu, Fu-Jiu Ke, Meng-Fen Xia, Yi-Long Bai.Power law
singularity of catastrophic rupture in heterogeneous media. Procedia
Engineering. 1(1): 135-138 (2009).
9.Yi-Long Bai, Sheng Wang Hao, Meng-fen Xia, Fu-Jiu Ke. Damage evolution
induced catastrophe and its signification in forecasting terrestrial
disasters. International Journal of Terraspace Science and Engineering. 1
(1):41-48 (2009).
11.Sheng-Wang Hao, Hai-Ying Wang, Meng-Fen, Xia; Fu-Jiu, Ke, Yi-Long,
Bai. Relationship between strain localization and catastrophic rupture.
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics. 48:41-49 (2007).
1. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B,
Journal of
Engineering Manufacture
2.Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part
C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science
3. Journal of Composite Materials
