
学术报告:Traffic Signal Control Strategies and Benefits at Connected Vehicle Arterials_石家庄铁道大学

石家庄铁道大学 辅仁网/2017-07-18

题 目:Traffic Signal Control Strategies and Benefits at Connected Vehicle Arterials

报告人:章立 博士


时 间:2017年6月28日(周三) 上午9:00

地 点:交通应急保障中心608

主 办:科技处 交通学院



主讲人简介:Dr. Zhang received his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering in 2000 from Virginia Tech, Blacksburg. He is an associate professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Mississippi State University. Dr. Zhang’s current research focuses on traffic control, connected vehicle, traffic simulation, intelligent transportation systems and advanced computing. He has served as the PI/Co-PI of many externally funded projects and the total funding is more than $20 million.

相关话题/博导 博士 交通 报告人 师生