报告题目:Use of Wicking Fabric to Dehydrate Road Embankment under Unsaturated Conditions
报告人:张雄博士(University of Cincinnati)
土木学院 研究生院 科技处
Dr. Xiong Zhang, P.E., is an associate professor in the Department of Civil Engineering, and Architectural Engineering, and Construction Management, College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Cincinnati. He received his Ph.D. degree in Civil Engineering from Texas A&M University, M.S. and B.S. degrees in Geotechnical Engineering from China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research (IWHR), Beijing, China, and Tongji University, Shanghai, China, respectively. He has been teaching and conducting research in the field of geotechnical engineering since 1992. His studies focus on development of advanced laboratory techniques to rapidly characterize geomaterials, constitutive modeling coupled hydro-mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils, numerical modeling of climate-soil-structure interaction, slope stability analysis, soil stabilization and ground improvement, and frozen ground engineering. He was one of the two speakers of ASCE GeoInstitute Unsaturated Soils Committee Webinar on “Introduction to Constitutive Modeling of Unsaturated Soils.”
Dr. Zhang is currently serving as an Associate Editor for Geomechanics and Engineering, An international Journal and committee member of several nationwide technical committees such as TRB AFP60 Committee on Engineering Behavior of Unsaturated Soils, TRB AFS20 Committee on Soil and Rock Instrumentation, and ASCE Geo-Institute Pavement Committee and Shallow Foundation Committee. He was secretary general for the 2014 GeoShanghai International Conference and the 2015 International Symposium on Systematic Approaches to Environmental Sustainability in Transportation. He organized several sessions in some international conferences and was an editor of ASCE Geo-Institute Geotechnical Special Publications No.189, 202, and 236.
学术报告:Use of Wicking Fabric to Dehydrate Road Embankment under Unsaturated Conditions_石家庄铁道大学
石家庄铁道大学 辅仁网/2017-07-18
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