摘要:为研究黄瓜与西芹间作对黄瓜生长、黄瓜枯萎病菌化感作用及田间黄瓜枯萎病发生的影响,本试验采用室内不同土壤浸提液培养黄瓜枯萎病菌和田间测定黄瓜生长与枯萎病病情指数的方法,探讨与西芹间作土壤浸提液对黄瓜枯萎病菌的化感作用和田间防病效果。结果表明:与西芹间作促进了黄瓜营养生长,降低了第1雌花节位,增加了1~30节内雌花数;与西芹间作土壤浸提液培养的黄瓜枯萎病菌菌落直径最小,分别与西芹单作和黄瓜单作达显著性差异(P < 0.05);黄瓜与西芹间作土壤的乙醇、丙酮和蒸馏水浸提液均对黄瓜枯萎病菌具有一定化感作用,且表现为抑制作用,化感效果可达38.11%~75.90%;且乙醇浸提液培养的枯萎病菌菌落直径最小,与丙酮和蒸馏水浸提液达极显著差异(P < 0.01)。采用上述3种土壤田间种植黄瓜,在黄瓜第1片真叶期接种黄瓜枯萎病菌,降低了黄瓜枯萎病的病情指数,对比黄瓜单作和西芹单作的抑病效果可达57.03%~72.15%。因此,黄瓜与西芹间作对黄瓜枯萎病菌具有一定化感抑制效果,能够有效降低田间黄瓜枯萎病的发生,为黄瓜土传病害的化感防控提供科学依据。
Abstract:Cucumber wilt is a soil disease that is very prevalent in the production and cultivation of cucumber. The disease is highly difficult to prevent and cure. A number of studies have shown that crops intercropping was one of the most effective methods of reducing the occurrence of plant soil disease. Also celery (Apium graveolens L.) has been proved to be a plant with high allelopathy. To explore application of allelopathic effect of celery for cucumber fusarium wilt control, we conducted an experiment of celery and cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) intercropping. In the experiment, three planting patterns were set, which were cucumber-celery intercropping, celery monoculture and cucumber monoculture. The vegetative and reproductive growths of cucumber were investigated. The allelopathic effect of soil extracts of different planting patterns on cucumber fusarium wilt were analyzed through measurement of colony diameter of Fusaium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum cultivated on PDA medium. Meantime, the effect of allelopathy on cucumber wilt and the disease prevention of cucumber-celery intercropping in field was studied through field inoculation of F. oxysporum. The results showed that intercropping enhanced vegetative growth of cucumber, lowered node of the first female flower bud and increased the number of female flowers blooming within the node range from one to thirty, which laid a good foundation for high yield of cucumber. The colony diameter of F. oxysporum in PAD medium with soil extracts under cucumber-celery intercropping was smallest, which was significantly different from that under monoculture of celery or cucumber (P < 0.05). There was a certain degree of inhibiting effect of ethanol, acetone, and aqueous extracts of soils under cucumber-celery intercropping on cucumber wilt. Moreover, allelopathy-inhibiting effect was 38.11%-75.90% of soil extracts under cucumber-celery intercropping. For three extract agents, colony diameter of ethanol extract was smallest, which reached a very significant level when compared respectively with acetone and distilled water (P < 0.01). Soils of different planting patterns were used to plant cucumber, cucumber fusarium wilt was inoculated during the first true leaf stage. The results showed that in soil of cucumber-celery intercropping, disease index of cucumber wilt reduced with control efficiency reaching 57.03%-72.15%. Therefore, allelopathy-inhibiting effect of cucumber-celery intercropping on cucumber wilt was obvious, which provided theoretical basis for the prevention and control of cucumber soil-borne diseases through intercropping with celery.
Key words:Cucumber-celery intercrop/
Cucumber fusarium wilt/
Soil extract/
Disease control efficiency