
Soil organic carbon, nutrients and relevant enzyme activities in particle-size fractions under conse

农业资源研究中心 辅仁网/2018-04-25

论文题目: Soil organic carbon, nutrients and relevant enzyme activities in particle-size fractions under conservational versus traditional agricultural management

作者: 秦树平, 胡春胜(通讯作者), Xinhua He, 董文旭, 崔俊芳, 王莹
刊物名称: applied soil ecology
卷期页码: Article in Press, ,
发表年度: 2010
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apsoil.2010.03.007
Micro-scale investigation is helpful for better understanding of the relationships between organic matter, microorganisms and nutrients in soil, and for better interpretation of modifications induced by soil management. The soil particle-size fractions (2000–200, 200–63, 63–2, and 2–0.1μm), contents of soil organic carbon (SOC), total N (STN), available P (SAP), dissolved organic C (DOC), light fraction organic C (LOC), microbial biomass N (MBN), basal respiration (SBR), and relevant enzyme activities of C, N and P transformations, such as β-glucosidase (β-G), N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase (N-G), protease, urease and alkaline phosphomonoesterase (APH) were analyzed to study the effects of 8-year-period conservational (no-till with residue retention) (CAM) versus traditional agricultural management (moldboard plowing without residue retention) (TAM) to a Haplic Cambisol soil in the North China Plain (NCP). Our results showed that CAM significantly enlarged the stocks of SOC, DOC, LOC, STN and SAP in the 0–10cm layer, increased the contents of SOC, STN and SAP in the sand fractions, and promoted all of the enzyme activities in the bulk soil and all of the four particle-size fractions. Our results suggested that CAM increased the nutrient contents in the sand fractions by both enlarging the content of particulate organic matter and enhancing the activities of enzymes involved in nutrient cycling in these fractions. On the contrary, the contents of SOC and nutrients in the silt and clay fractions were relatively resistant to the conversion from CAM to TAM, indicating the limitation of CAM for stable SOC sequestration.

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