
Livestock Housing and Manure Storage Need to Be Improved in China_农业资源研究中心

农业资源研究中心 免费考研网/2018-04-25

论文题目: Livestock Housing and Manure Storage Need to Be Improved in China

作者: Zhaohai Bai(柏兆海), Xiaoxin Li(李晓欣), Jie Lu(卢洁), Xuan Wang(王选), Gerard L. Velthof, , Jiafa Luo, Stewart Ledgard, Zhiguo Wu, Shuqin Jin, Oene Oenema, Lin Ma(马林) and Chunsheng Hu(胡春胜)
刊物名称: Environ. Sci. Technol
卷期页码: 2017, 51 (15), pp 8212–8214
发表年度: 2017
DOI: http://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.7b02672
摘要: China has significantly increased its production and per capita consumption of animal-derived food. However, many livestock farms in China are industrialized and landless, and have poor animal manure management. As a result, losses of nutrients to the environment are large. These losses can cause severe pollution of (i) air, via ammonia (NH3) emissions that contribute to smog and (ii) water, via direct discharge of manure to watercourses and leaching of nitrate (NO3–), causing eutrophication and increasing nitrate accumulation in drinking water. This article firstly analyzed the current polices related to manure management, and the nitrogen losses from livestock housing and storage. And then, the author gives the implications for research and application

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