

农业资源研究中心 免费考研网/2018-04-25

  报 告 人王二涛 研究员

  时 间:2017年10月26日(周四)下午4:00

  地 点:科研楼5楼会议室



  王二涛,博士,中科院上海生命科学研究院研究员,中组部“青年****”,“优秀青年基金”获得者,973计划青年首席科学家。2011年上海市自然科学一等奖,2014年国家自然科学奖二等奖获得者。2003年于河南大学获学士学位; 2008年于中科院上海生命科学研究院获博士学位;2008-2012年在英国John Innes Centre从事博士后研究;2013年至今,任中科院上海植物生理生态研究所研究员,植物分子遗传国家重点实验室研究员,国际非豆科植物生物共生固氮研究联盟成员。主要从事豆科植物-根瘤共生固氮,植物-丛枝菌根真菌共生方面的研究,重点研究植物与共生微生物之间的信号交流和信号传导。近年来在植物-微生物互作研究方面取得了一系列突破,主要研究成果分别发表在Science, Nature系列, Cell系列, The Plant Cell, Cell Research等国际主流学术期刊上,对植物微生物共生领域有重要影响。


  1. Wang W, Shi J, Xie Q, Jiang Y, Yu N*, Wang Ertao* (2017). Nutrient exchange and regulation in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Molecular Plant.

  2. Jiang Y, et al., Wang Ertao* (2017). Plants transfer lipids to sustain colonization by mutualistic mycorrhizal and parasitic fungi. Science. 10.1126.

  3. Deng Y, et al., Wang Ertao, Xie H, Tharreau D, He Z* (2017). Epigenetic regulation of antagonistic receptors confers rice blast resistance with yield balance. Science. 355:962~965

  4. Wang C, Wang G, et al., Xu L*, Wang Ertao* (2017). OsCERK1-mediated chitin perception and immune signaling requires Receptor-like Cytoplasmic Kinase185 to activate a MAPK cascade in rice. Molecular Plant. doi: 10.1016.

  5. Jin Y, Liu H, et al., Wang Ertao* (2016). DELLA proteins are common components of symbiotic rhizobial and mycorrhizal signaling pathways. Nature Communications. 10.1038.

  6. Wang C, Wang Ertao* (2016) Arabidopsis Farms Colletotrichum tofieldiae for Phosphate Uptake. Molecular Plant. 10: 953-956

  7. Zhang X,Dong W,Sun J,Feng F,Deng Y,He Z,Oldroyd GEO*,Wang Ertao* (2015) The receptor kinase CERK1 has dual functions in symbiosis and immunity signalling. Plant Journal. 81(2):258-67.

  8. Wang Ertao*, et al. (2014) A H+-ATPase that Energizes Nutrient Uptake during Mycorrhizal Symbioses in Rice and Medicago. Plant Cell. 26: 1818-1830.

  9. Nan Yu, et al., Wang Ertao* (2014) A DELLA protein complex controls the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in plants. Cell Research. 24:130-133.

  10. Wang Ertao, et al. (2012) A common signalling process that promotes mycorrhizal and omycete colonisation of plants. Current Biology. 22: 2242-2246. (Highlighted in Current biology)

  11. Gobbato E, Marsh JF, Vernié T, Wang Ertao, et al. (2012) A GRAS-type transcription factor with a specific function in mycorrhizal signaling. Current Biology. 22: 2236-2241.

  12. Wang Ertao, et al. (2010) Duplication and independent selection of cell-wall invertase genes GIF1 and OsCIN1 during rice evolution and domestication. BMC Evol Bio 10: 108

  13. Wang Ertao, et al. (2008) Control of rice grain-filling and yield by a gene with a potential signature of domestication. Nature Genetics 40: 1370-1374.







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