论文题目: Reconstitution of the plant ubiquitination cascade in bacteria using a synthetic biology approach
作者: Yufang Han(韩玉芳), Jianhang Sun(孙建航), Jun Yang(杨俊), Zhaoyun Tan(谭兆云), Jijing Luo, Dongping Lu(吕东平)
刊物名称: Plant Journal
卷期页码: Published online, ,
发表年度: 2017
DOI: http://doi.org/10.1111/tpj.13603
摘要: Ubiquitination modulates nearly all aspects of plant life. Here, we reconstituted theArabidopsis thalianaubiquitination cascade inEscherichia coliusing a synthetic biology approach. In this system, plant proteins are expressed and then immediately participate in ubiquitination reactions withinE. colicells. Additionally, the purification of the individual ubiquitination components prior to setting up the ubiquitination reactions is skipped. To establish the reconstituted system, we co-expressedArabidopsisubiquitin (Ub) and ubiquitination substrates with E1, E2 and E3 enzymes inE. coliusing the Duet expression vectors. The functionality of the system was evaluated by examining the auto-ubiquitination of a RING (Really Interesting New Gene)-type E3 ligase AIP2 and the ubiquitination of its substrate ABI3. Our results demonstrated the fidelity and specificity of this system. In addition, we applied this system to assess a subset ofArabidopsisE2s in Ub chain formation using E2 conjugation assays. Affinity-tagged Ub allowed efficient purification of Ub conjugates in milligram quantity. Consistent with previous reports, distinct roles of various E2s in Ub chain assembly were also observed in this bacterial system. Therefore, this reconstituted system has multiple advantages, and it can be used to screen for targets of E3 ligases or to study plant ubiquitination in detail.
Reconstitution of the plant ubiquitination cascade in bacteria using a synthetic biology approach_农业
农业资源研究中心 辅仁网/2017-07-23
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