
Quantifying the impact of irrigation on groundwater reserve and cropproduction – A case study in the

农业资源研究中心 辅仁网/2017-07-23

论文题目: Quantifying the impact of irrigation on groundwater reserve and cropproduction – A case study in the North China Plain

作者: Hongyong Sun(孙宏勇), Xiying Zhang(张喜英), Enli Wang, Suying Chen(陈素英), Liwei Shao(邵立威)
刊物名称: European Journal of Agronomy
卷期页码: 70, (2015), 48–56
发表年度: 2015
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2015.07.001
摘要: The North China Plain (NCP) is one of the main grain production regions in China. However, the annual double cropping system of winter wheat and maize consumed a large amount of groundwater, has led to decline in groundwater table. For conservation of groundwater resource, deficit irrigation is promoted to reduce irrigation water use in recent years. This study combined process-based modeling and experimental data together to evaluate the effects of different irrigation strategies on crop production and groundwater table change for the past three decades in NCP. Data from a six year field trial (2006–2012)under four irrigation schedules and 28 year (1984–2012) field experiment under full irrigation was used to test the agricultural production systems simulator (APSIM) to simulate the responses of winter wheat and maize to different irrigation management. The results showed that APSIM model could well simulate the grain yield and water consumption of the double cropping system under the changing climate and management practices. Simulation results with four irrigation scenarios (critical stage irrigation (CI), minimum irrigation (MI), rain fed (RF) and full irrigation (FI)) from 1984 to 2012 showed that irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) was highest under CI, although changing from FI would lead to reduction in average annual grain yield by 19.5%, 33.7%, and 58.8% under CI, MI and RF, respectively. Even the minimum irrigation strategy (MI—one irrigation for each crop) will result in continuous decline in the groundwater table, implying an inevitable future shift to alternative cropping systems like dry land wheat-maize system, sin-gle wheat or maize. Such change will likely result in lower crop productivity and increased inter-annual variability in crop yields, which will demand improved risk management strategies to minimize loss in bad year while maximize return in good years.
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