
学术报告:The molecular and cellular basis of plant root growth plasticity_农业资源研究中心

农业资源研究中心 辅仁网/2017-07-23


  报告题目: The molecular and cellular basis ofplant rootgrowthplasticity  

  人: 丁兆军 博士

  报告时间:2015年9月25日 10:00 am



  丁兆军,教授,博士生导师,是山东大学生命学院2011年新引进的“齐鲁学者”特聘教授,第二批国家“青年千人”获得者,主要从事植物激素尤其是生长素的极性运输和信号传导介导的植物生长发育的研究。近年来,曾在Nature Cell Biology、

Nature Communications及PNAS等世界著名杂志发表多篇高水平学术论文。



  1. Kong X, Zhang M, Ding Z*. D53: the missing link in strigolactone signaling. Mol Plant. 2014, 7: 761-763. (IF=6.2)

  2. Tian H, De Smet I*, Ding Z*. Shaping a root system: regulating lateral versus primary root growth. Trends Plant Sci. 2014, 19: 426-431. (IF=11.8)

  3. Tian H, Wabnik K, Niu T, Li H, Yu Q, Pollmann S, Vanneste S, Govaerts W, Rolcík J, Geisler M, Friml J, Ding Z*. WOX5-IAA17 feedback circuit mediated cellular auxin response is crucial for the patterning of root stem cell niches in Arabidopsis. Mol Plant. 2014, 7: 277-289. (IF=6.2)

  4. Ding Z* and De Smet I*. Localised ABA signalling mediates root growth plasticity. Trends Plant Sci. 2013, 18: 533-535. (IF=11.8)

  5. Ding Z, Wang B, Moreno I, Dupláková N, Simon S, Carraro N, Reemmer J, Pěn?ík A, Chen X, Tejos R, Sk?pa P, Pollmann S, Mravec J, Petrá?ek J, Za?ímalová E, Honys D, Rol?ík J, Murphy A, Orellana A, Geisler M, Friml J. ER-localized auxin transporter PIN8 regulates auxin homeostasis and male gametophyte development in Arabidopsis. Nature Commun. 2012, 3: 941-947. (IF=10)

  6. Ding Z, Carlos S. Galván Ampudia, Emilie Demarsy, Lukasz Langowski, Jürgen Kleine-Vehn,Yuanwei Fan, Miyo T. Morita, Masao Tasaka, Christian Fankhauser, Remko Offringa, Jirí Friml. Light-mediated polarization of auxin transport for phototropic response in Arabidopsis. Nat Cell Biol. 2011, 13: 447-452. (IF=19.8)

  7. Ding Z, Friml J. Auxin regulates distal stem cell differentiation in Arabidopsis roots. ProcNatlAcad Sci USA, 2010, 107: 12046-12051. (IF=10)



相关话题/植物 信号 生命 山东大学 博士