本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-11
研 究 成 果
1. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, Wenrong Sun and Ya Sun, Rogue-wave solutions for the Kundu-Eckhaus equations with variable coefficients in an optical fiber, Nonlinear Dynamics, 81(3), 2015, 1349-1354.
2. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, Jun Chai, Xiaoyu Wu and Yan Jiang, Dark soliton collisions for a fourth-order variable-coefficient nonlinear Schrodinger equation in an inhomogeneous Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin chain or alpha helical protein, Nonlinear Dynamics, 86(1), 2016, 131-135.
3. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, Wenrong Sun and Ya Sun, Bright solitons for the (2+1)-dimensional coupled nonlinear Schr¨odinger equations in a graded-index waveguide, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 29(1), 2015, 300-306.
4. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, Yan Jiang,Wenrong Sun and Ya Sun, Rogue-wave solutions for an inhomogeneous nonlinear system in a geophysical fluid or inhomogeneous optical medium, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation,
36, 2015, 266-272.
5. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, Lei Liu, Yueyang Guan and Yan Jiang, Bright solitons for a generalized nonautonomous nonlinear equation in a nonlinear inhomogeneous fiber, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 47, 2017, 16-22.
6. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, YufengWang, Ya Sun and Yan Jiang, Rogue wave solutions for a generalized nonautonomous nonlinear equation in a nonlinear inhomogeneous fiber, Annals of Physics, 362, 2015, 884-892.
7. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, Ya Sun, Lei Liu and Yan Jiang, Bright solitons for the coupled cubic-quintic nonlinear Schr¨odinger equations, Optical and Quantum Electronics, 48(11), 2016, 491.
8. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, Wenrong Sun, Ya Sun and Deyin Liu, Soliton collisions for a generalized variable-coefficient coupled Hirota-Maxwell-Bloch system for an erbium-doped optical fiber, Journal of Modern Optics, 62(17), 2015, 1374-1380.
9. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, Hanpeng Chai and Yan Jiang, Dark soliton collisions for an N-coupled nonlinear Schr¨odinger system in the inhomogeneous optical fiber, Waves in Random and Complex Media, 27(2), 2017, 265-271.
10. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, Xiaoyu Wu and Yan Jiang, Dark soliton collisions of a discrete Ablowitz-Ladik equation for an electrical/
optical system, Optical Engineering, 55(10), 2016, 106122.
11. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, Yan Jiang, Hui Zhong, Ya Sun and Yunpo Wang, Painleve Analysis, Soliton Collision and Backlund Transformation for the (3+1)-Dimensional Variable-Coefficient Kadomtsev-Petviashvili Equation in Fluids or Plasmas, Communications in Theoretical Physics, 62, 2014, 26-32.
12. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, Wenrong Sun and Yunpo Wang, Prolongation Structure of a Generalised Inhomogeneous Gardner Equation in Plasmas and Fluids, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 71(4), 2016, 337-343.
13. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, Yufeng Wang, Wenrong Sun and Ya Sun, Multi-soliton collisions and Backlund transformations for the (2+1)-dimensional modified Nizhnik-Novikov-Vesselov equations, Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A, 70(8), 2015, 629-635.
14. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, Wenrong Sun, Ming Wang and Yunpo Wang, Solitarywave and multi-front-wave collisions for the Bogoyavlenskii
-Kadomtsev-Petviashili equation in physics, biology and electrical networks, Modern Physics Letters B, 29(31), 2015, **.
15. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, Lei Liu, Xiaoyu Wu and Yan Jiang, Solitons and rogue waves for a nonlinear system in the geophysical fluid, Modern Physics Letters B, 30, 2016, **.
16. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, Jun Chai, Xiaoyu Wu and Yan Jiang, Soliton collisions of a discrete Ablowitz-Ladik equation with variable coefficients for an electrical/optical system. Optical and Quantum Electronics, 49(4), 2017, 155.
17. Xiyang Xie, Bo Tian, Xiaoyu Wu, Hanpeng Chai and Yan Jiang, Soliton collisions for a higher-order nonlinear Schr?dinger–
Maxwell–Bloch system in an erbium-doped fiber. Chinese Journal of Physics, 55(4), 2017, 1369-1376.
18. Xiyang Xie and Zehui Yan, Soliton collisions for the Kundu–
Eckhaus equation with variable coefficients in an optical fiber. Applied Mathematics Letters, 80, 2018, 48-53.
19. Xiyang Xie and Gaoqing Meng. Collisions between the dark solitons for a nonlinear system in the geophysical fluid. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 107, 2018,143-145.
20. Xiyang Xie and Gaoqing Meng, Dark-soliton collisions for a coupled AB system in the geophysical fluids or nonlinear optics. Modern Physics Letters B, 32, 2018, **.
21. Xiyang Xie and Gaoqing Meng, Dark solitons for the (2+ 1)-dimensional Davey–Stewartson-like equations in the electrostatic wave packets. Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018: 1-5.
22. Xiyang Xie and Gaoqing Meng, Double Wronskian solutions for a generalized nonautonomous nonlinear equation in a nonlinear inhomogeneous fiber. In Press.
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