

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-17


姓名 张丽男副教授


职务:在河北科技大学任副教授;在Journalof Biophysics and Structural Biology (JBSB) 杂志任编辑;并在《医药前沿》杂志担任特约编委。




Tel: 0311- **;**533






•2010~至今 :河北科技大学化学与制药工程学院




神经系统谷氨酸兴奋毒性研究;Na+, K+-ATPase信号通路研究





4)国家自然基金课题(**):CAPON 在脑缺血中的作用及其分子机制研究,2013—2015,排名第二位。





(1) Zhang LN,Sun YJ, Wang LX, Gao ZB*. Glutamatetransporters/Na+, K+-ATPase, a potential regulatory targetof glutamate uptake. Molecular Neurobiology. 2015, Jan 14,Epub ahead of print. SCI Impact Factor: 5.286

(2) Zhang LN,Sun YJ,Pan S,Li JX,Qu YE,Li Y,Wang YL,Gao ZB*. Na+-K+-ATPase, apotent neuroprotective modulator against Alzheimer disease. Fundamental & ClinicalPharmacology, 2013, 27: 96-103. SCI ImpactFactor: 2.08

(3) Zhang LN,Li JX,Hao L,Sun YJ,Xie YH,Wu SM,Liu L,Chen XL,Gao ZB*. Crosstalk between dopamine receptorsand the Na+/K+‑ATPase. Molecular medicinereports, 2013, 5: 1291. SCI ImpactFactor: 1.484

(4)Zhang LN,Hao L,WangHY,Su HN, Gao ZB*.The neuroprotective effect of resveratrol againstglutamate-Induced Excitotoxicity. Advances in Clinical and ExperimentalMedicine. 2015, 24 (1): 161-165. SCIImpact Factor: 0.333

(5) Linan Zhang, et al.Serotonin-mediated modulation of Na+/K+ pump current in rat hippocampal CA1neurons. BMC Neuroscience. 2012, 13: 10.

(6) Linan Zhang, et al.Na+, K+-ATPase inhibition up-regulates NMDA-evoked currents in rat hippocampalCA1 pyramidal neurons. Fundamental & Clinical Pharmacology. 2012, 26(4): 503-512.

(7) Linan Zhang, et al. TheParadox of dopamine and angiotensin II-mediated Na+, K+-ATPase regulation inrenal proximal tubules. Clinical and Experimental Hypertension. 2010,32(7): 464-468.

(8) Zibin Gao, Linan Zhang,Yongjun Sun. Nanotechnologyapplied to overcome tumor drug resistance. J ControlRelease. 2012, 162 (1): 45–55.

(9) Gao ZB*,Zhang LN,HuJ, Sun YJ.Mesenchymal stem cells: a potential targeted- delivery vehicle for anti-cancerdrug loaded nanoparticles. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine,2013, 9(2): 174-184. SCI Impact Factor:6.202

(10) Huicai Guo, Fang Guo, Linan Zhang,et al. Enhancement of Na/K pumpactivity by chronic intermittent hypobaric hypoxia protected againstreperfusion injury. American Journal of Physiology - Heart andCirculatory Physiology. 2011, 300(6):H 2280-H2287.

(11) Zhe Zhang, Huicai Guo, LinanZhang, et al. Isoform-specificregulation of the Na+/K+ pump by adenosine in guinea pig ventricular myocytes. ActaPharmacol Sin. 2009, 30 (4): 404–412.

(12) Huicai Guo, Zhe Zhang, LinanZhang, et al. Chronicintermittent hypobaric hypoxia protects the heart against ischemic/ reperfusioninjury through upregulation of antioxidant enzymes in adult guinea pigs. ActaPharmacologica Sinica. 2009, 30 (7): 947-955.

(13) Chen Xiong,Junxia Li, Huicai Guo, LinanZhang, et al. The H1-H2 domain of the α1 isoform of Na+-K+-ATPase isinvolved in ouabain toxicity in rat ventricular myocytes. Toxicology andApplied Pharmacology, 2012, 262: 32-42.

(14) Xiaoying Cao, Jianning Geng, Suwen Su, Linan Zhang,et al. Doxorubicin-loaded Zein in situ gel for interstitial chemotherapy. Chemical& pharmaceutical bulletin., 2012, 60 (10): 1227-1233.

(15) Dai T,Yang E,Sun Y,Zhang L,Zhang L,Shen N,Li S,Liu L,Xie Y,Wu S,Gao Z*. Preparation and drug releasemechanism of CTS-TAX-NP-MSCs drug delivery system. International Journal ofPharmaceutics. 2013, 456(1): 186–194. SCI Impact Factor: 3.785

(16) Zhao M,Hu J,Zhang L,Zhang L,Sun Y,Ma N,Chen X,Gao Z*. Study of amphotericin B magnetic liposomes for braintargeting. International journal of pharmaceutics. 475 (1-2): 9-16. 2014 SCI Impact Factor: 3.785

(17) Li S,Hu J,Zhang LN,Zhang L,Sun YJ,Xie YH,Wu SM,Liu L,Gao ZB*.In-vitro and in-vivo evaluation of austocystin D liposomes. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology.2013, 65 (3): 355-362, SCI Impact Factor: 2.161

(18) NingShen, Jie Hu, Yongjun Sun, Yinghua Xie, Shaomei Wu, Linan Zhang, Zibin Gao*. Doxorubicin-loaded Zein in situ gel forinterstitial chemotherapy of colorectal cancer. Acta Pharmaceutica Sinica B.2(6): 610-614, 2012

(19) 赵梦玉,张丽男,孙勇军,谢英花,吴韶梅,陈小龙,高子彬*.两性霉素B磁性脂质体的制备及磁靶向性研究,华西药学杂志,2014,29(6): 618-621. 中文核心

(20) 李硕,张丽男,申宁,哈婧,尚振华,孙勇军,杨恩芸,刘磊,张赫明,高子彬*. 伊潘立酮片的制备. 中国新药杂志, 2013, 22 (4): 402-407.中文核心

(21)杨恩芸,王晓君,戴甜,张丽男,孙勇军,高子彬*. 壳聚糖修饰的紫杉醇纳米粒的制备,华西药学杂志,2014,03:237-240.中文核心

(22)王晓君,杨恩芸,戴甜,张丽男,孙勇军,高子彬*. 阿莫西林油混悬液的工艺改进,黑龙江畜牧兽医,2014,01:154-156.中文核心

(23) 高子彬*,陈小龙,张丽男王晓君,齐献利,谷艳玲. 离心造粒法制备醋氯芬酸微丸.河北科技大学学报,2015,36(1):30-35.

(24) 郭会彩, 张丽男, 张哲, 等. 间歇性低压低氧预处理对缺血/再灌注豚鼠心肌的保护作用及对Na+, K+-ATPase 的影响. 中国老年学杂志, 2009, 29 (4): 388-391.

(25) 刘倩, 郭会彩, 张丽男, 等. Na+, K+-ATP 酶参与大鼠皮层神经元NMDA电流的调节. 中国药理学通报,2011,27(1):117-121.

(26) 石晓路, 柳絮, 郭会彩, 张丽男, 等. 大鼠心肌细胞分离方法的改进. 药理学通报, 2010, 26 (5): 687-690.

(27)勾向博, 石晓路, 郭会彩, 柳絮, 张丽男, 苏倩, 王永利. 多柔比星对大鼠心肌Na+ -K+ 泵活性及α亚基的影响. 中国药学杂志, 2011 46 (4): 274-277.

(28)张丽男, 高子彬,姚军,吴韶梅,哈婧,戎欣玉,于奕峰. 药学专业英语教学过程中的问题及相应对策. 医药前沿, 2011, 1 (20): 207-208.

(29) 张丽男, 高子彬,孙勇军,谢英花,戎欣玉. 提高药学专业生理学教学质量的探讨. 卫生职业教育, 2012, 12: 50-51.

(30)孙勇军,张丽男,高子彬*. 药学高等教育与医药产业的共同发展. 产业与科技论坛, 2014, 13 (23): 16-17.


Linan Zhang M.D.


ConcurrentAcademic Posts:HebeiUniversity of Science and Technology, associate professor;

Journal of Biophysics and StructuralBiology (JBSB), Editor;

Yi YaoQian Yan, Special Editiorial Committee Member

Medical Doctor

PharmacyDepartment, College of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Hebei Universityof Science and Technology


Tel: 0311- **,**533

Education background

•1999~2004:HebeiMedical University,Clinical Medical School,Major: clinical medicine, Bachelor Degree

•2004~2007:Hebei Medical University, Basic Courses Teaching Department, Major: physiology, Master Degree 

•2007~2010:HebeiMedical University,Basic Medicine College,Major: pharmacology,

Doctor Degree


•2010~2015:PharmacyDepartment, College of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Hebei Universityof Science and Technology


《Physiology andPharmacology》、《pharmaceutical English》

Research interest

Glutamateexitotoxicity research;Na+, K+-ATPase signal transductionpathway

Research Projects

1、Study of a promising tumor-targetingvehicle-mesenchymal stem cells highly expressing P-glycoprotein, The Natural Science Foundation Committee , 2015-2017, No:**,Topic manager

2. 《Themodulation of Na+,K+-ATPaseinvolving in learning and memoryof senile dementia mice and its underlying mechanism》,2012project approval,The NaturalScience Foundation Committee of Hebei Provience,No:H**80,Topic manager.

3. Na+,K+-ATPase involving in resveratrol-inducedprotect against glutamate exitotoxicity. 2014-2016, No:QN**, Topic manager.

4、《Theeffect of CAPON oncerebral ischemia and its mechanism》,2013 projectapproval,NationalNatural Science Foundation of China,No:**,The secondperson in charge.

5、《The problems and strategies of special English teachingcourse》,2011 project approval,College of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Hebei University of Scienceand Technology,Topic manager.

Academic Achievement


1、 Zhang LN,Sun YJ, Wang LX, Gao ZB*. Glutamatetransporters/Na+, K+-ATPase, a potential regulatory target of glutamate uptake.MolecularNeurobiology. 2015, Jan 14, Epub ahead of print. SCI Impact Factor: 5.286

2、Zhang LN,Sun YJ,Pan S,Li JX,Qu YE,Li Y,Wang YL,Gao ZB*. Na+-K+-ATPase, apotent neuroprotective modulator against Alzheimer disease. Fundamental &Clinical Pharmacology, 2013, 27: 96-103. SCI ImpactFactor: 2.08

3、 Zhang LN,Li JX,Hao L,Sun YJ,Xie YH,Wu SM,Liu L,Chen XL,Gao ZB*. Crosstalk between dopamine receptorsand the Na+/K+‑ATPase. Molecular medicinereports, 2013, 5: 1291. SCI ImpactFactor: 1.484

4、 Zhang LN,Hao L,WangHY,Su HN, Gao ZB*.The neuroprotective effect of resveratrol againstglutamate-Induced Excitotoxicity. Advances in Clinical and ExperimentalMedicine. 2015, 24 (1): 161-165. SCIImpact Factor: 0.333

5、Linan Zhang, et al. Serotonin-mediated modulation of Na+/K+ pumpcurrent in rat hippocampal CA1 neurons. BMC Neuroscience. 2012, 13: 10.

6、Linan Zhang, et al. Na+, K+-ATPase inhibition up-regulatesNMDA-evoked currents in rat hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. Fundamental& Clinical Pharmacology. 2012, 26 (4): 503-512.

7、Linan Zhang, et al. The Paradox of dopamine and angiotensinII-mediated Na+, K+-ATPase regulation in renal proximal tubules. Clinicaland Experimental Hypertension. 2010, 32(7): 464-468.

8、 Zibin Gao, Linan Zhang,Yongjun Sun. Nanotechnologyapplied to overcome tumor drug resistance. J ControlRelease. 2012, 162 (1): 45–55.

9、 Gao ZB*,Zhang LN,HuJ, Sun YJ.Mesenchymal stem cells: a potential targeted- delivery vehicle for anti-cancerdrug loaded nanoparticles. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine,2013, 9(2): 174-184. SCI Impact Factor:6.202

10、Huicai Guo, Fang Guo, Linan Zhang, et al. Enhancement of Na/K pump activity by chronic intermittenthypobaric hypoxia protected against reperfusion injury. American Journal ofPhysiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology. 2011, 300 (6):H 2280-H2287.

11、Zhe Zhang, Huicai Guo, Linan Zhang, et al. Isoform-specific regulation of the Na+/K+ pump byadenosine in guinea pig ventricular myocytes. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2009,30 (4): 404–412.

12、Huicai Guo, Zhe Zhang, Linan Zhang, et al. Chronic intermittent hypobaric hypoxia protects the heartagainst ischemic/ reperfusion injury through upregulation of antioxidantenzymes in adult guinea pigs. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 2009, 30 (7):947-955.

13、Chen Xiong, Junxia Li, Huicai Guo, LinanZhang, et al. The H1-H2 domain of the α1 isoform of Na+-K+-ATPase isinvolved in ouabain toxicity in rat ventricular myocytes. Toxicology andApplied Pharmacology, 2012, 262: 32-42.

14、XiaoyingCao, Jianning Geng, Suwen Su, Linan Zhang, et al. Doxorubicin-loadedZein in situ gel for interstitial chemotherapy. Chemical& pharmaceutical bulletin., 2012, 60 (10): 1227-1233.

15、Dai T,Yang E,Sun Y,Zhang L,Zhang L,Shen N,Li S,Liu L,Xie Y,Wu S,Gao Z*. Preparation and drug releasemechanism of CTS-TAX-NP-MSCs drug delivery system. International Journal ofPharmaceutics. 2013, 456(1): 186–194. SCI Impact Factor: 3.785

16、Zhao M,Hu J,Zhang L,Zhang L,Sun Y,Ma N,Chen X,Gao Z*. Study of amphotericin B magnetic liposomes for braintargeting. International journal of pharmaceutics. 475 (1-2): 9-16. 2014 SCI Impact Factor: 3.785

17、Li S,Hu J,Zhang LN,Zhang L,Sun YJ,Xie YH,Wu SM,Liu L,Gao ZB*.In-vitro and in-vivo evaluation of austocystin D liposomes. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology.2013, 65 (3): 355-362, SCI Impact Factor: 2.161

Chinese articles

18、Shuo Li, Linan Zhang, et al. Preparation of iloperidone tablets. Chinese Journal ofNew Drugs, 2013, 22 (4): 402-407.

19、Huicai Guo, LinanZhang, et al. Protective effect of CIHH against ischemia/ reperfusion injury in guineapig heart. Chinese Journal ofGerontology, 2009, 29(4): 388-391

20、Qian Liu,Huicai Guo, Linan Zhang, et al. Comprehensive study ofN-methyl-D-aspartate current involving Na+,K+-ATPase in rat cortical neuron. ChinesePharmacological Bulletin; 2011,27(1): 117-121.

21、Xiaolu Shi,Xu Liu, Huicai Guo, Linan Zhang, et al. An improved method of isolationof rat cardiac myocytes. ChinesePharmacological Bulletin; 2010, 26 (5): 687-690.

22、Xiangbo Gou,Xiaolu Shi, Huicai Guo, Xu Liu, Linan Zhang, et al. Activity ofNa+/K+-Pump Current and α Subunits Expression in Left Ventricles in HeartFailure Rats. Chin Pharm J, 2011 46 (4): 274-277.

23、Linan Zhang, et al. The problems and strategies of special English teachingcourse. Yi YaoQian Yan, 2011, 1 (20): 207-208.

24、Linan Zhang, et al. Discussionabouthowtoimproveteachingqualityofphysiology.HealthVocational Education,2012, 12: 50-51.

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