

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-08


赵德伟,女,博士,河北省玉田县人。2012年毕业于华北理工大学,获工学学士学位;2015年毕业于河北师范大学,获工学硕士学位;2018年6月毕业于中国科学院宁波材料技术与工程研究所,获工学博士学位;2018年7月来河北师范大学任教。硕博期间在2014年获硕士“研究生国家奖学金”,2017、2018年获中国科学院大学“三好学生”荣誉称号,2018年获材料所“长阳奖学金”一等奖和“中国科学院院长优秀奖”。2012年至今,主要从事Heusler构架下磁性功能材料的相变及其相关性能研究,主要包括:Heusler合金中磁结构相变对成分的依赖性和交换偏置现象的产生及变化机理研究;Heusler合金在相变过程中产生的热效应及其变化机理研究。目前已在ACSApplied Materials & Interfaces、ActaMaterialia、PhysicalReview B、Applied Physics Letters等国际核心期刊发表SCI论文20篇。
1.Dewei Zhao,Jian Liu* , Xian Chen, Wen Sun, Yang Li, Mingxiao Zhang, Yanyan Shao, HengZhang, Aru Yan, Giant Caloric Effect of Low-hysteresis Metamagnetic ShapeMemory Alloys with Exceptional Cyclic Functionality. Acta Materialia (2017) 133: 217-223. (工程技术1, IF: 6.036)
2.Dewei Zhao,Teresa Castán, Antoni Planes, Zongbin Li, Wen Sun, Jian Liu*, Enhanced caloric effect induced bymagnetoelastic coupling in NiMnGaCu Heusleralloys: Experimental study and theoretical analysis. Physical Review B (2017) 96(22):224105. (物理2, IF: 3.813)
3.Dewei Zhao,Jian Liu*, Yan Feng, Wen Sun, Aru Yan, Giant elastocaloric effect and itsirreversibility in [001]-oriented Ni45Mn36.5In13.5Co5meta-magnetic shape memory alloys. Applied Physics Letters (2017) 110(2): 021906. (物理2, IF: 3.495)
4.Dewei Zhao, Fei Xiao, Zhihua Nie, Daoyong Cong, Wen Sun, JianLiu*, Burst-like superelasticity and elastocaloric effect in [011] oriented Ni50Fe19Ga27Co4single crystals. Scripta Materialia(2018) 149: 6-10.(工程技术2, IF: 4.163)
5.Yang Li, DeweiZhao(共同一作), Jian Liu, SuxinQian, Zongbin Li, Weimin Gan, Xian Chen, Energy-efficient elastocaloric cooling byflexibly and reversibly transferring interface in magnetic shape-memory alloys.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2018) 10(30): 25438-25445.(工程技术1, IF: 8.097)
6.D. W. Zhao,G. K. Li, S. Q. Wang, L. Ma*, C. M. Zhen, D. L. Hou, W. H. Wang, E. K. Liu, J.L. Chen, G. H. Wu, A wide temperature window for the magnetostructuretransformation in Mn50Ni50-x-ySnxCoyalloys. Intermetallics (2016) 70:68-71. (工程技术2, IF: 3.420)
7.D. W. Zhao,G. K. Li, S. Q. Wang, L. Ma*, C. M. Zhen, D. L. Hou, W. H. Wang, E. K. Liu, J.L. Chen, G. H. Wu, Tuning exchange bias by Co doping in Mn50Ni41-xSn9Cox melt-spun ribbons. Journal of Applied Physics (2014)116(10): 103910. (物理3, IF: 2.176 )
8.AoShen, Wen Sun, Dewei Zhao*(通讯作者),Jian Liu, Influence of Cr on microstructure and elastocaloric effect inNi-Mn-In-Co-Cr polycrystalline alloys, PhysicsLetters A (2018) 382(39): 2876-2879. (物理3, IF: 1.863 )
9.JianLiu*, Dewei Zhao, Yang Li,Exploring Magnetic Elastocaloric Materials for Solid-State Cooling. ShapeMemory and Superelasticity(2017)3(3): 1-7.
10.刘剑*,赵德伟,磁性弹热制冷材料概述及特性分析,常熟理工学院学报 (2017) 32(2): 7-14.
11.YangLi, Dewei Zhao, Jian Liu*,Giant and reversible room temperature elastocaloric effect in asingle-crystalline Ni-Fe-Ga magnetic shape memory alloy. Scientific Reports(2016) 6: 25500.
12.AoShen, Dewei Zhao, Wen Sun,Jian Liu*, Caiju Li*, Elastocaloric effect in a Co50Ni20Ga30single crystal. Scripta Materialia (2017) 127: 1-5.
13.QiShen, Dewei Zhao, Wen Sun,Yang Li, Jian Liu*, The effect of Tb on elastocaloric and mechanical propertiesof Ni-Mn-In-Tb alloys. Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2017) 696: 538-542.
14.QiShen, Dewei Zhao, Wen Sun,Zhiyang Wei, Jian liu, Microstructure, martensitic transformation andelastocaloric effect in Pd-In-Fe polycrystalline shape memory alloys,Intermetallics (2018) 100: 27–31.
15.R.B. Zhao, D. W. Zhao, G. K.Li, L. Ma*, C. M. Zhen, D. L. Hou, W. H. Wang, E. K. Liu, J. L. Chen, G. H. Wu,Anomalous magnetic configuration of Mn2NiAl ribbon and the role ofhybridization in the martensitic transformation of Mn50Ni50-xAlx ribbons. Applied Physics Letters (2014) 105(23):232404.
16.J.L. Shen, D. W. Zhao, G. K.Li, L. Ma*, L. Y. Jia, C. M. Zhen, D. L. Hou, Kinetic arrest and de-arrest inMn50Ni36Sn9Co5 ferromagnetic shapememory alloy. Physica Status Solidi B (2016) 253(10): 1923-1928.
17.Y.Li, W. Sun, D. W. Zhao, H.Xu, J. Liu*, An 8 K elastocaloric temperature change induced by 1.3%transformation strain in Ni44Mn45-xSn11Cuxalloys. Scripta Materialia (2017) 130: 278.
18.WenSun, Jian Liu*, Dewei Zhao,Mingxiao Zhang, Directional solidification and elastocaloric effect in a Ni45Mn44Sn11magnetic shape memory alloy. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (2017)50(44): 444001.
19.YongHu, Zongbin Li, Bo Yang, Suxin Qian, Weimin Gan, Yuanyuan Gong, Yang Li, Dewei Zhao, Jian Liu, XiangZhao, Liang Zuo, Dunhui Wang*, Youwei Du, Combined caloric effects in amultiferroic Ni-Mn-Ga alloy with broad refrigeration temperature region, APLMaterials (2017) 5(4): 046103.
20.Guo-KeLi*, Yan Liu, De-Wei Zhao,Ping Song, Li Ma, Cong-Mian Zhen, Hui Liu, Deng-Lu Hou, ε-iron nitrides:Intrinsic anomalous Hall ferromagnets. APL Materials (2015) 3(2): 026105.

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