
河北师范大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-李 亮

河北师范大学 免费考研网/2016-02-15























1、中国海洋鱼类寄生旋尾目线虫分类学和DNA条形码的建立,编号**, 国家自然科学基金,2013-2016年。




5、黄渤海经济鱼类寄生蛔目线虫DNA分类学研究,编号2012M520593,中国博 士后科学基金,2012-2014年。



1. Li, L., Hasegawa, H.,RocaV., Xu, Z., Guo,Y.-N., Sato A., & Zhang, L.-P. Morphology,ultrastructure and molecular characterisation of Spiroxys japonica Morishita, 1926 (Spirurida: Gnathostomatidae)from Pelophylax nigromaculatus (Hallowell)(Amphibia: Ranidae). ParasitologyResearch, 2014, 113(3): 893–901.

2. Guo, Y.-N., Xu, Z., Zhang, L.-P., Hu,Y-.H. & Li, L. (Corresponding author). Occurrence of Hysterothylacium and Anisakis nematodes (Ascaridida:Ascaridoidea) in the tanaka's snailfish Liparis tanakae (Gilbert & Burke) (Scorpaeniformes: Liparidae). Parasitology Research, 2014, 113(4):1289–1300.

3. Li, L., Du, L.-Q., Xu, Z., Guo,Y.-N., Wang, S.-X., & Zhang, L.-P. Morphological variability and molecularcharacterisation of Dichelyne(Cucullanellus) pleuronectidis (Yamaguti, 1935) (Ascaridida: Cucullanidae)from the flatfish Pleuronichthys cornutus (Pleuronectiformes: Pleuronectidae)in theEast China Sea. Systematic Parasitology, 2014, 87(1): 87–98.

4. Du, L.-Q., Xu, Z., Li, S.-C. & Li, L. (Corresponding author). Subulura halli (Ascaridida: Subuluridae)from the endangered great bustard Otistarda Linnaeus (Aves: Gruiformes) inChina. Folia Parasitologica, 2014, 61(1) 69–75.

5. Xu, Z., Li, L. (Correspondingauthor) & Zhang, L.-P. Hysterothylacium gibsoni sp. nov. and H. tetrapteri (Bruce et Cannon,1989) (Nematoda: Ascaridida) from the Chinese marine fishes. ActaParasitologica, 2014, 59(2): 000–000.

6. Li,L., Liu, Y.-Y.,Liu, B.-C. & Zhang, L.-P. Morphological and molecular characterization of Heliconema hainanensis sp. nov. (Spirurina:Physalopteridae) from congers in theSouth China Sea,with a key to the species of Heliconema. Memorias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, 2013, 108(1): 41–47.

7. Li,L., Xu, Z., Zhang, L.-P. Furtherstudies on Contracaecum spasskii Mozgovoi, 1950 and C. rudolphii Hartwich, 1964 (sensu lato) (Ascaridida: Anisakidae) from piscivorous birds inChina.Systematic Parasitology, 2013,84(3): 225–236.

8. Liu, Y.-Y., Xu, Z., Zhang, L.-P.,& Li, L. (Corresponding author). Redescription andgenetic characterization of Hysterothylaciumthalassini Bruce, 1990 (Nematoda: Anisakidae) from marine fishes in theSouth China Sea. Journal of Parasitology, 2013, 99(4):655–661.

9. Li, L., Zhang, L.-P. & Liu, Y.-Y. Hysterothylacium simile n.sp. (Nematoda: Raphidascarididae)and H. aduncum (Rudolphi, 1802) from marine fishes in the Bohai andYellowSea,China,with comments on the record of H. paralichthydis (Yamaguti, 1941) in the Chinese waters. Systematic Parasitology, 2013, 84(1): 57–69.

10. Li, L., Liu, Y.-Y. & Zhang, L.-P. Morphological and genetic characterization of Hysterothylacium zhoushanensis sp. nov. (Ascaridida: Anisakidae) from the flatfish Pseudorhombus oligodon (Bleeker) (Pleuronectiformes: Paralichthyidae)in theEast China Sea. Parasitology Research, 2012, 111(6): 2393–2401.

11. Li, L., Liu, Y.-Y., Liu, B.-C.& Zhang, L.-P. Morphological and molecular evidence for a new species ofthe genus Raphidascaris (Nematoda:Anisakidae) from marine fishes from theSouth China Sea. Parasitology Research, 2012, 110(4):1473–1479.

12. Li,L., Liu, Y.-Y. & Zhang, L.-P. Morphological and molecular identification of Hysterothylacium longilabrum sp. nov. and larvae ofdifferent stages (Nematoda: Anisakidae) from marine fishes in theSouth China Sea. Parasitology Research, 2012, 111(2):767–777.

13. Li,L., Gibson, D.I., Liu, Y.-Y., Zhang,L.-P. Morphologicaland molecular study of the poorly known species Pseudanisakis rajae (Yamaguti, 1941) (Nematoda: Acanthocheilidae)from elasmobranchs in the Yellow Sea and Taiwan Strait off the coast ofChina. Systematic Parasitology, 2012, 81(2): 115–123.

14. Li,L., Xu, Z., Zhang, L.-P. Goezia nankingensis Hsü,1933 (Nematoda: Raphidascarididae) from the critically endangered Chinese paddlefish Psephurusgladius (Martens) (Acipenseriformes: Polyodontidae). Systematic Parasitology, 2012, 82(1): 39–48.

15. Li,L., Xu, Z., Zhang, L.-P.. Anew species of the genus Mawsonascaris Sprent, 1990 (Nematoda:Ascaridida) from Glaucostegus granulatus (Cuvier)(Rajiformes: Rhinobatidae) in theTaiwanStrait, with remarks on thesystematic status of Raphidascaroides myliobatum Yin & Zhang, 1983. Journal of Natural History, 2012, 46(21-22): 1307–1319.

16. Li,L. Schillhammer,H. & Zhou, H.-Z. Taxonomy of the genus Gabrius Stephens (Coleoptera:Staphylinidae: Philonthina) fromChina. Journal of Natural History, 2012, 46(15–16): 955–967.

17. Xu, Z., Zhang, L.-P., Liu, B.-C. & Li,L. (Corresponding author). Morphological and molecular characterization of Raphidascaris(Ichthyascaris) lophii (Wu, 1949) (Nematoda, Anisakidae) from marinefishes fromChina,with a key to the species of the subgenus Ichthyascaris. Acta Parasitologica, 2012, 57(3): 316–322.

18. Ali,A.H., Zhang, L.-P., Al-Salim, N.K. & Li, L. (Corresponding author). Mawsonascaris parva sp. nov. (Nematoda: Ascaridida) from theArabian whipray Himantura randalli Last,Manjaji-Matsumoto et Moore (Rajiformes: Dasyatidae) off the coast of Iraq. Acta Parasitologica, 2012, 57(4): 367–371.

19. Li,L. & Zhou, H.-Z. Revisionand phylogenetic assessment of the rove beetle genus Pseudohesperus Hayashi, with broad reference o the subtribePhilonthina (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Staphylinini). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 163(3): 679–722.


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    河北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-02-15
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    河北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-02-15
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    河北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-02-15
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    河北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-02-15
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    石振华博(硕)士,教授,生物化学与分子生物学硕士研究生导师。生物化学教研室主任。联系电话:**电子邮件:shizhhtom@126.com所属专业:生物化学与分子生物学 学习经历: 2005-2008年,中国科学院生物物理研究所/河北师范大学,读博士学位 2001-20 ...
    河北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-02-15