

河北师范大学 免费考研网/2016-02-15



















1. 青藏高原土著和移居鸟类的产热特征及其调节机制比较研究,编号YQ**,河北省教育厅优秀青年科学基金,2015-2017,负责人

2. 鸟类对青藏高原极端环境的适应性进化研究,编号**,国家自然科学基金(重点项目),2014-2018,合作负责人

3. 树麻雀(Passer montanus)繁殖期皮质酮、睾酮和催乳素变化特征研究,编号C**,河北省自然科学基金,2012-2104,负责人

4. 树麻雀(Passer montanus)繁殖期皮质酮、睾酮和催乳素变化特征研究,编号2011M500537,中国博士后科学基金,2011-2013,负责人

5. 青藏高原和低海拔区树麻雀肾上腺皮质酮应激反应调节机制比较研究,编号**,国家自然科学基金,2011-2013,负责人

6. 河北省珍稀濒危动物生境质量评价研究,编号**,河北省教育厅自然科学基金,2011-2012,负责人

7. 生物多样性示范监测(河北省5点),环境保护部南京环境科学研究所项目,2011-2020,负责人


1. Dongming Li ,Yinchao Hao , Xuelu Liu , Yao Yao, Chao Du, Xiaorui Zhang, Shuo Cui, Lina Wu, Yuefeng Wu. Changes inphytohaemagglutinin skin-swelling responses during the breeding season in amulti-brooded species, the Eurasian tree sparrow: do males with highertestosterone levels show stronger immune responses? Journal of Ornithology,DOI:10.1007/s10336-014-1104-2.

2. Chao Du, Bei Qiao, Yaqing Li, YaoYao, Lina Wu, Shuo Cui, Xuelu Liu, Yinchao Hao, Dongming Li (通讯作者),Yuefeng Wu. Molecular cloning of glucocorticoid andmineralocorticoid receptors in Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus. Ornithological Science, 2014, 13: 19-27.

3. DongmingLi, Ji Zhang, Dan Liu, Li Zhang, Yonghong Hu, XianglinDuan, Yuefeng Wu. Coping with extreme: highland Eurasian tree sparrowswith molt-breeding overlap express higher levels of corticoserone-bindingglobulin than lowland sparrows. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A:Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 2013, 319: 482-486.

4. Dongming Li, Xiaorui Zhang, Yaqing Li, Chenyang Hao, JiZhang, Yuefeng Wu. Stress responses of testosterone and corticosterone-bindingglobulin in a multi-brooded species, Eurasian Tree Sparrows (Passer montanus): Does CBG function as amediator?. Hormones and Behavior, 2012, 61: 582-589.

5. Dongming Li, Gang Wang, JohnC. Wingfield, Fumin Lei. A comparison of the adrenocortical responses to acutestress in cardueline finches from the Tibetan Plateau, Arctic Alaska andlowlandWestern North America. Journal ofOrnithology, 2012, 153: 761-770.

6. Dongming Li,Jianping Li, Juyong Li, Yingjie Gao, Yuefeng Wu. New information on the rangeof Chestnut-crowned Warbler Seicercus castaniceps in northernChina.BirdingASIA, 2012, 18: 111-112.

7. Dongming Li, Junzhe Wu, XiaoruiZhang, Xiaofei Ma, John C. Wingfield, Fumin Lei, Gang Wang, Yuefeng Wu. Comparisonof adrenocortical responses to acute stress in lowland and highland EurasianTree Sparrows (Passer montanus):Similar patterns during the breeding, but different during the prebasic molt. Journalof Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology, 2011, 315:512-519.

8. Shuping Zhang, Fumin Lei,Shenglin Liu, Dongming Li,Cong Chen, Peizhe Wang. Variation in baseline corticosterone levels of TreeSparrow (Passer montanus) populationsalong an urban gradient inBeijing,China. Journalof Ornithology, 2011, 152:801–806.

9. John C. Wingfield,Patrick J. Kelley, Frederic Angelier, Olivier Chastel, Fumin Lei, Sharon E.Lynn, Brooks Miner, Jason E. Davis, DongmingLi, Gang Wang. Organism–environment interactions in a changing world: amechanistic approach. Journal of Ornithology, 2011, 152 (Suppl 1): S279–S288.

10. Dongming Li, Juyong Li, Yuefeng Wu. A leucisticLittle Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis inHebeiProvinceand a review of albinisticand leucistic species inChina. BirdingASIA, 2011, 16: 75-77.

11. DongmingLi, Jianping Li, Yuefeng Wu, Guoqiang Cao, Zheng Luo. Unprotectedcondition of a new breeding Mandarin Duck (Aixgalericulata) population in Pingshan,Hebei Province. Journal of Forestry Research. 2009, 20(4): 381-382.

12. Yuming Fu, Suping Li, Dongming Li, Minglu Wu, Yuefeng Wu. Isolation and characterizationof microsatellite markers from Brown Eared-pheasant (Crossoptilonmantchuricum). Conservation Genetics, 2009, 10: 1993–1995.

13. DongmingLi, Shiping Gao, Yuefeng Wu, Lihan Sun, Shubin Guo, Jili Li. Habitatselection of breeding Brown Eared-pheasants (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) in Xiaowutaishan National NatureReserve, Hebei Province, China. Frontiers of Biology inChina, 2009, 4:102-110.

14. DongmingLi, Gang Wang, John C. Wingfield, Zhi Zhang, Changqing Ding, Fumin Lei.Seasonal changes in adrenocortical responses to acute stress in Eurasian treesparrow (Passer montanus) on theTibetan Plateau: Comparison with house sparrow (P. domesticus) in North America and with the migratory P. domesticus inQinghaiProvince.General and Comparative Endocrinology, 2008, 158: 47-53.

15. DongmingLi, Shiping Gao, Yuefeng Wu, Lihan Sun, Shubin Guo, Jili Li. Model toassess the habitat quality for endangered bird species: Brown Eared-pheasant Crossoptilon mantchuricum (SWINHOE) inXiaowutaishan Reserve,China. Polish Journal of Ecology, 2008, 56: 723-729.


1. 副主编. 河北滦河上游国家级自然保护区脊椎动物志. 北京:科学出版社,2013.

2. 副主编. 动物学. 北京:科学出版社,2013.

3. 编委. 动物学实验教程. 北京:科学出版社,2013.

4. 编委. 河北省动物志?两栖爬行哺乳卷. 石家庄:河北科学技术出版社,2009

5. 编委. 河北驼梁自然保护区科学考察与生物多样性研究. 北京:科学出版社,2008

6. 编委. 生物资源学(第二版). 北京:科学出版社,2008.

7. 副主编. 动物学考研精解. 北京:科学出版社,2008.


1. 中国生态学会动物生态专业委员会、中国动物学会兽类学分会、中国野生动物保护协会科技委员会. 第九届全国优秀青年动物生态学工作者,2013.

2. 郑作新鸟类科学基金会. 第十届郑作新鸟类科学青年研究奖,2012.

3. 河北师范大学第九期顶岗实习支教优秀驻县管理教师,2010.

Curriculum Vitae of Dongming Li

Dongming Li


Associate Professor

Date of Birth:07-08-1980

Present Occupation: Faculty ofCollege of Life Sciences,HebeiNormalUniversity

Address:20 East Roadof 2nd South Ring, Yuhua District,Shijiazhuang,050024, P. R. China.

Phone number: 86-**(Office)

Email: lidngmng@gmail.com

Educational Background

1. Sep2005 to Jul 2008, study Ornithology inInstituteofZoology,ChineseAcademyof Sciences, acquired Ph.D. in Zoology

2. Sep2002 to Jun 2005, study Zoology in College of Life Sciences,HebeiNormalUniversity, acquired M.S.of Science

3. Sep1998 to Jul 2002, study Biology inCollege of Life Sciences,HebeiNormalUniversity, acquired B.S. in Science

Work Experiences

1. Dec 2010-Present, AssociateProfessor,College of Life Sciences,HebeiNormal University

2. Feb 2011-Dec 2013,Post-Doctoral Fellow,College of LifeSciences,HebeiNormal University

3. Jul 2008-Dec 2010,Assistant Professor,College of LifeSciences,HebeiNormal University

4. Feb 2007-Jul 2007,Pre-Doctoral Visiting Scholar, Department of Biology,University of Washington


1. Undergraduate courses:Zoology, General Biology, Conservation Biology, Research Progress of Zoology

2. Graduate courses:Environmental Endocrinology, Integrative Biology

Research Interests

1. Mechanisms of animalbehavioral, physiological and molecular adaptation to the extreme environment.

2. The evolution of functionalecology in stress response, hypoxia adaptation, and cold adaptation in birds.

Published Articles

1. Dongming Li , Yinchao Hao ,Xuelu Liu , Yao Yao, Chao Du,Xiaorui Zhang, Shuo Cui, Lina Wu, Yuefeng Wu. Changes in phytohaemagglutininskin-swelling responses during the breeding season in a multi-brooded species,the Eurasian tree sparrow: do males with higher testosterone levels showstronger immune responses? Journal of Ornithology,DOI:10.1007/s10336-014-1104-2.

2. ChaoDu, Bei Qiao, Yaqing Li, Yao Yao, Lina Wu, Shuo Cui, Xuelu Liu, Yinchao Hao, Dongming Li (Corresponding author),Yuefeng Wu. Molecular cloning of glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid receptorsin Eurasian Tree Sparrow Passer montanus. Ornithological Science, 2014, 13:1-9.

3. YonghongHu, Hua Zeng, Jincheng Zhang, Duo Wang, DongmingLi, Tiantian Zhang, Shujie Yang, Jingze Liu. Gene cloning, expressionand immunogenicity of the protective antigen subolesin in Dermacentor silvarum.Korean Journal of Parasitology, 2014, 52: 93-97.

4. Dongming Li, Ji Zhang, Dan Liu, LiZhang, Yonghong Hu, Xianglin Duan, Yuefeng Wu. Coping with extreme: highlandEurasian tree sparrows with molt-breeding overlap express higher levels ofcorticosterone-binding globulin than lowland sparrows. Journal of ExperimentalZoology, 2013,319A: 482-486.

5.Juyong Li, Dongming Li,Yanfeng Sun, Minglu Wu, Yuefeng Wu, Dan Liu. Diversification of avian communityin different habitats in Tanghai wetland. Sichuan Journalof Zoology, 2013, 32: 449-457. (In Chinese)

6. Dongming Li, Xiaorui Zhang,Yaqing Li, Chenyang Hao, Ji Zhang, Yuefeng Wu. Stress responses of testosteroneand corticosterone-binding globulin in a multi-brooded species, Eurasian TreeSparrows (Passer montanus): Does CBGfunction as a mediator?. Hormones and Behavior, 2012, 61: 582-589.

7. Dongming Li, Gang Wang, John C.Wingfield, Fumin Lei. A comparison of the adrenocortical responses to acutestress in cardueline finches from the Tibetan Plateau, Arctic Alaska andlowlandWestern North America. Journal of Ornithology,2012, 153: 761-770.

8. Dongming Li, Jianping Li, JuyongLi, Yingjie Gao, Yuefeng Wu. New information on the range of Chestnut-crownedWarbler Seicercus castaniceps innorthernChina.BirdingASIA, 2012, 18: 111-112.

9.Shiping Gao, Dongming Li(Corresponding author), Yingjie Gao, Ruijun Wang, Juyong Li, Yuefeng Wu.Species abundance and distribution patterns of vertebrates inHebeiprovince. Journal of theHebeiAcademyof Sciences, 2012, 29(3): 62-64. (In Chinese)

10.Yanfeng Sun, Jianping Li, Juyong Li, DongmingLi, Yuefeng Wu. Water birds community structure and diversity inShijiazhuangsection ofHutuoRiverwetland.SichuanJournal of Zoology, 2012, 31(2): 297-301. (In Chinese)

11. Dongming Li, Shengxuan Li,Yuefeng Wu. Allostasis: Advanced theory for Homestasis. Bulletin of Biology,2011, 46(6): 8-11. (In Chinese)

12. Dongming Li, Junzhe Wu, XiaoruiZhang, Xiaofei Ma, John C. Wingfield, Fumin Lei, Gang Wang, Yuefeng Wu.Comparison of Adrenocortical Responses to Acute Stress in Lowland and HighlandEurasian Tree Sparrows (Passer montanus):Similar Patterns During the Breeding, But Different During the Prebasic Molt. Journalof Experimental Zoology, 2011,315A:512-519.

13. Dongming Li, Juyong Li, YuefengWu. A leucistic Little Grebe Tachybaptusruficollis inHebeiProvinceand a review of albinistic and leucistic speciesinChina.BirdingASIA, 2011, 16: 75-77.

14. JohnC. Wingfield, Patrick J. Kelley, Frederic Angelier, Olivier Chastel, Fumin Lei,Sharon E. Lynn, Brooks Miner, Jason E. Davis, Dongming Li, Gang Wang. Organism–environment interactions ina changing world: a mechanistic approach. Journal of Ornithology, 2011, 152(Suppl 1): S279-S288.

15. ShupingZhang, Fumin Lei, Shenglin Liu, DongmingLi, Cong Chen, Peizhe Wang. Variation in baseline corticosterone levelsof Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus)populations along an urban gradient inBeijing,China. Journalof Ornithology, 2011, 152:801-806.

16. YufengZhang, Quanhong Xu, Shiping Gao, DongmingLi Yuefeng Wu. Survey of bird diversity in Luanhekou wetland,Hebeiprovince.SichuanJournal ofZoology, 2010, 29(2): 244-248. (In Chinese)

17. Dongming Li, Shiping Gao,Yuefeng Wu, Lihan Sun, Shubin Guo, Jili Li. Habitat selection of breeding BrownEared-pheasants (Crossoptilonmantchuricum) in Xiaowutaishan National Nature Reserve, Hebei Province,China. Frontiers of Biology inChina,2009, 4: 102-110.

18. Yuming Fu, Suping Li, Dongming Li, Minglu Wu, YuefengWu. Isolation and characterization of microsatellitemarkers from Brown Eared-pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum). ConservationGenetics, 2009, 10: 1993-1995.

19. Dongming Li, JianPing Li, Yuefeng Wu, Guoqiang Cao, ZhengLuo. Unprotected condition of a new breeding Mandarin Duck (Aix galericulata) population inPingshan,HebeiProvince. Journal of Forestry Research. 2009(4): 381-382.

20. Dongming Li, Shiping Gao, Yuefeng Wu, Lihan Sun,Shubin Guo, Jili Li. Model to assess the habitat quality for endangered birdspecies: Brown Eared-pheasant Crossoptilonmantchuricum (SWINHOE) inXiaowutaishanReserve,China.Polish Journal of Ecology, 2008, 56:723-729.

21. Dongming Li, Gang Wang, John C.Wingfield, Zhi Zhang, Changqing Ding, Fumin Lei. Seasonal changes in adrenocortical responses to acute stress in Eurasiantree sparrow (Passer montanus) on the TibetanPlateau: Comparison with house sparrow (P. domesticus) in North America and with the migratory P. domesticus inQinghaiProvince. General and Comparative Endocrinology. 2008,158: 47-53.

22. Lihan Sun, Shiping Gao,Jing Du, Dongming Li, RuchunZhang, Ruijun Wang, Xiaoyan Ding, Wei Zhang, Xiaolan Yang, Zhiqiang Li, YanjieQin. Investigation and Assessment Report on Terrestrial vertebrate resources inHebei Coastal Region. In: Department land & Resource of Hebei Province(Eds.). Investigation and Assessment on Marine Resources inHebeiProvince.Beijing: Marine press,2007. pp. 1209-1255. (In Chinese)

23. Dongming Li, Aizhen Wang, Fumin Lei. A new record of birdsinQinghaiprovince: Light-vented Bulbul (Pycnontotussinensis). Chinese Journal of Zoology, 2006, 41(4): 70. (In Chinese)

24. Lei FM, Zhao DL, Li DM, Zhao HF, Yin ZH, Wei GA.Thirty years of change in the regional distribution of endemic birds inChina. Journalof Ornithology. 2006, 147(suppl): 94(Abstract) (in 24th International OrnithologicalCongress,Hamburg,Germany,13-19 August 2006).

25. Lihan Sun, Lijuan Du, Dongming Li, Shiping Gao, JingDu. The influences of changes of environmental factors in Luanhekou wetland onbreeding conditions of the Saunders’s gull. Journal of theHebeiAcademyof Sciences, 2005, 22(2): 65-68 (In Chinese)

26. Lihan Sun, Jing Du,Shiping Gao, Dongming Li,Ruchun Zhang. Study on the restoration of the Larus Saundersi’s originalbreeding site in Luanhekou wetland, Geography and Geo-Information Science,2005, 21(3): 84-87(In Chinese)

27. Dongming Li, Lihan Sun, Shiping Gao, Yuefeng Wu. Galliformesdistribution inHebeiProvincebased on RS andGIS techniques. Zoological Research, 2004, 25(4): 304-310. (In Chinese)

28. Dongming Li, Yuefeng Wu, Lihan Sun, Yanwei Zhang, QinghuaGao, Lina Wu, Jianxin Dong. Analysis on Avian-Mammalian species diversity indifferent areas inHebeiprovince. Geography and Geo-Information Science, 2003, 19(6): 80-82. (InChinese)

29. Yanwei Zhang, Yuefeng Wu,Minglu Wu, Dongming Li,Qinghua Gao, Fei Jia, Shuhua Lü, Zhenjie Liu. Observation on breeding habits ofHimantopus himantopus in Nandagang of Hebei province. Chinese Journal ofZoology, 2003, 38(5): 103-105 (In Chinese)

Published Monographs and Textbooks

1. Zoology. 2013.Beijing: Science Press, Associate Editor-in-chief (In Chinese)

2. Zoology ExperimentalCourse. 2013.Beijing: Science Press, Member of Editors (In Chinese)

3. The Fauna ofHebei Province,China: Amphibia, Reptilia andMammalia. 2009.Shijiazhuang:HebeiScience and Technology Publishing House, Member of Editors (In Chinese)

4. Biological Resources (2nd Edition). 2008.Beijing: Science Press, Member of Editors

5. Grind Fine of Zoology for PostgraduateExamination. 2008.Beijing: Science Press, Associate Editor-in-chief (In Chinese)

6. Scientific Survey and Study on Biodiversity inHebeiTuoliang Natural Reserve. 2008.Beijing: Science Press, Member of Editors (In Chinese)

7. The Biodiversity Atlas inTuoliang Natural Reserve ofHebei,China. 2008.Beijing: Science Press, Member of Editors (In Chinese)

8. Biodiversity and itsProtection in Liaoheyuan Natural Reserve ofHebei,China.2007.Beijing: Science Press, Member of Editors (In Chinese)

9. Scientific Survey and Study on Biodiversity inHebeiLiaoheyuan Natural Reserve. 2007.Beijing: Science Press, Member of Editors (In Chinese)

10. Biodiversity and its Protection inMaojingba Natural Reserve ofHebei,China. 2006.Beijing:ChinaForestry Press, Member of Editors (In Chinese)

11.Scientific Survey and Study on Biodiversity inHebeiMaojingba Natural Reserve. 2006.Beijing: Science Press, Memberof Editors (In Chinese)

12. Biodiversity Research onTemperate Zoneand Warm-temperate Zone:Scientific Investigation in Mulanweichang Natural Reserve. 2004.Beijing: Science Press, Member of Editors (InChinese)

Research Grants

1. Studieson the evolutionary mechanisms of avian adaptation to the extreme environment of theQinghai-Tibet Plateau. National Natural Science Foundation of China (**), 2014-2018,Co-principle investigator

2. Comparison of Adrenocorticalresponse to acute stress between the Tibetan Plateau and lowland Eurasian TreeSparrows. The National NaturalScience Foundation of China (**), 2011-2013, Principle investigator

3. Interactions ofcorticosterone,testosterone, and prolactin levels in breeding Eurasian TreeSparrows (Passer montanus). ThePostdoctoral Science Foundation of China (2011M500537),2012-2013, Principle investigator

4. Interactions ofcorticosterone, testosterone, and prolactin levels in breeding Eurasian TreeSparrows (Passer montanus). TheNatural Science Foundation of Hebei Province (C**), 2012-2014,Principle investigator

5. Research on the comparisonof thermogenesis and it’s mechanism between the native and non-native birdspecies on the Tibetan Plateau. Outstanding Young Scientist of Department ofEducation ofHebeiProvincein NaturalScience (YQ**), 2015-2017, Principle investigator.

6. Monitoring of birddiversity inHebeiprovince. Nanjing Institute of Environmental Sciences, Ministry ofEnvironmental Protection. 2011-2014, Principle investigator

Research Honors

1. 9th OutstandingYoung Scientist Award of Animal Ecology inChina, 2013. ProfessionalCommittee of Animal Eology, Ecological Society ofChina;Mammalogical Society ofChina;ChinaWildlife Conservation Association.

2. 10th Cheng Tso-HsinYoung Ornithologist Scientific Research Award, Cheng Tso-Hsin Foundation inOrnithology, 2012

3. “Silver Kingfisher Award”of “Academic Report of Youth Ornithologist inChina,2007,ChinaOrnithological Society.

Membership in Professional Societies

1.Chinaornithological society

2. EcologicalSociety ofChina

3.ChinaZoological Society

4. ChineseAssociation for Physiological Sciences


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    河北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-02-15
  • 河北师范大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-赵宝存
    赵宝存,女,生于1971年4月。理学博士,教授,遗传学专业硕士生导师,河北师范大学中青年骨干教师。1995年毕业于河北师范大学生物教育专业获学士学位;2005年毕业于河北师范大学植物学专业,获得博士学位。同年被评为遗传学专业硕士生导师;2006.5被河北师范大学授予中青年骨干教师称号。联 ...
    河北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-02-15
  • 河北师范大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-柏 峰
    柏 峰,遗传学科副教授,学士,“文革”后恢复高考首届七七级毕业生,硕导,曾获河北省首届“厚朴”科技贡献个人三等奖,河北省遗传学会副秘书长。 E-mail: baifeng918@126.com QQ:** 微信:柏峰 教学工作:多年来一直担任本科生“植物 ...
    河北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-02-15
  • 河北师范大学生命科学学院研究生导师简介-石振华
    石振华博(硕)士,教授,生物化学与分子生物学硕士研究生导师。生物化学教研室主任。联系电话:**电子邮件:shizhhtom@126.com所属专业:生物化学与分子生物学 学习经历: 2005-2008年,中国科学院生物物理研究所/河北师范大学,读博士学位 2001-20 ...
    河北师范大学 免费考研网 2016-02-15