

本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-17

个人简介:一、教育背景和工作经历:1. 教育背景:1985年9月-1988年7月: 河北医科大学医学影像学专业2001年9月-2004年7月: 云南省昆明医学院硕士,专业:影像医学与核医学,研究方向:介入放射学2004年9月-2007年7月: 上海交通大学医学院博士,专业:影像医学与核医学,研究方向:神经介入放射学。2007年10月—2011年10月:美国波士顿Tufts大学医学中心博士后(神经外科脑血管与血管内介入治疗中心)2. 工作经历: 1988年7月-1991年12月: 郑州铝厂洛阳铝矿医院放射科1992年1月-1997年12月: 河南省焦作矿务局九里山煤矿医院放射科1998年1月-2001年9月: 河南省沁阳市中医院放射科(任CT室主任)2007年8月: 河南省肿瘤医院放射科副教授2011年10月-2012年6月: 美国Tufts大学医学中心,神经外科电脑血流动力学实验室研究员2012年7月-2015年: 上海交通大学附属仁济医院放射科客座教授2013年1月起: 河北医科大学附属石家庄市第一医院 科研中心 主任、教授 石家庄市第一医院博士后创新实践基地主任2015年1月起 河北省引进海外高层次人才“****”入选专家、河北省省级特聘专家, 享受河北省政府特殊津贴专家二、获奖情况:1、1987年河北医科大学优秀大学生称号。2、2001-2002年昆明医学院优秀研究生称号。3、2006年第七届全国介入放射学学术大会“中青年英文论文报告比赛”获得三等奖。4、上海交通大学医学院2005-2006年度研究生优秀奖学金二等奖。5、上海交通大学医学院2006-2007年度研究生优秀奖学金一等奖。6、2007年上海市优秀毕业生称号。7、南华大学2006年研究生论坛论文比赛一等奖。论文题目:Angiographic Follow-up of Cerebral Aneurysms Treated with Guglielmi Detachable Coils (GDCs) :An Analysis of 162 Cases with 173 Aneurysms. 8. 获得2014年度石家庄市第一医院特殊贡献奖。三、发表书籍1). 参编: 高不郎, 甲状腺功能亢进介入治疗的并发症。介入放射学----临床与并发症,人民卫生出版社,中国北京,2010年12月。2). 参编:高不郎. Thyroid arterial embolization to treat Graves’ hyperthyroidism. Autoimmune Disorders: Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment. Nova Science publisher. New York, USA. 2011, 8. 3).专著英文版书籍:Endovascular Embolization for Hyperthyroidism in Graves’ Disease(甲亢血管内介入治疗)。Nova Science Publisher. New York, USA. 2011,8. 四、专利: 1.美国专利:Retrievable covered stents for bifurcation aneurysms(用于分叉动脉瘤的可回收支架):出版专利号:US2012/** A1。 2. 中国专利:用于脑动脉分叉处动脉瘤的顶端覆膜支架(专利号:ZL 2015 2 **.5). 3. 中国专利:用于脑动脉分叉处动脉瘤的血管支架(专利号:ZL 2015 2 **.0). 4. 中国专利:一种用于动脉瘤的局部密网支架(专利号:ZL 2.6).五、国际审稿专家:是下列杂志的审稿专家:1.STROKE (SCI收录杂志)2. Neurology India(SCI收录杂志)3. BRAIN RESEARCH (SCI收录杂志)4. ACTA NEUROPSHYCHIATRICIA (SCI收录杂志)5. REPORTS IN MEDICAL IMAGING6. JOURNAL OF CLINCIAL PATHOLOGY (SCI收录杂志)7. PLANT CELL BIOTECHNOLOGY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY8. International Journal of Anesthetics and Anesthesiology9. VASCULAR HEALTH AND RISK MANAGEMENT. 10. Complementary Therapies in Medicine (SCI收录杂志)11. Advances in Mechanical Engineering (SCI收录杂志)12. RECENT PATENTS ON MEDICAL IMAGING13. Journal of medicine and Medical Sciences14. UNIVERSAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY15. INTERNATIONAL IMMUNOPHARMACOLOGY (SCI收录杂志) 16. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MEDICINE AND MEDICAL SCIENCES 17. INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH JOURNAL OF PHARMACY AND PHARMACOLOGY 18. Endocrine (SCI 收录杂志) 19. International Immunopharmacology (SCI 收录杂志) 20. Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (SCI收录杂志) 21. International Journal of Hyperthermia (SCI收录杂志) 22. World Journal of Clinical Cases 23. World Journal of Gastroenterology 24. Journal of Clinical Medicine and Research25. CURRENT TRENDS IN NEUROLOGY26. Advances in Interventional Cardiology27. Surgical Science28. British Journal of Medicine and Medical Research29. European Radiology (SCI-收录杂志)30. World Journal of Radiology31. Libertas Academica32. European Radiology (SCI-indexed)六、杂志主编与编委:1.编委:RECENT PATENTS ON MEDICAL IMAGING http://www.benthamscience.com/rptmi/EBM.htm, B.L. Gao (First Affiliated Hospital Kunming Medical College, Kunming, China))2. 编委:Journal of Universal Surgery3.编委:Frontiers in Clinical Medicine (http://www.edinwilsen.org/journal/fcm/editorialBoard.aspx)4. 执行主编:Surgical Science (http://www.scirp.org/journal/ss/)5. 编委:World Journal of Radiology. 6. 编委:International Journal of Radiology7. 编委:Journal of Advance Radiology and Medical Imaging8. 编委:SM Journal of Clinical Pathology9. 编委:SM Radiology Journal10.编委:Austin Journal of Neurosurgery11.编委:SRL Neurology and Neurosurgery12. 国际顾问委员会委员兼编委:Complementary Therapies in Medicine (SCI收录杂志,1.5分)七、国际医学协会会员:1. 加拿大临床与实验研究委员会委员(Canadian Society for Clinical Investigation)2. 加拿大介入放射学会会员(Canadian Interventional Radiology Association)3. 欧洲放射学会会员(European Society of Radiology)4. 韩国放射学会会员(Korean Society of Radiology)八、参加会议:(一)、国际会议:1.Bu-Lang Gao, Wei Zhao, Ming-Hua Li. Thyroid arterial embolization for treating hyperthyroid Graves’ disease. 18th Annual Meeting of European Society of Head and Neck Radiology. Oxford, England. 22-24 September 2005.2.Bu-Lang Gao. Thyroid Arterial Embolization to Treat Hyperthyroid Graves' Disease. 11th Asian Oceanian Congress of Radiology. Hong Kong. 6th-9th August, 2006.3.5th Asian-Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology and Head & Neck Radiology. Shanghai, China; 8-11 Oct, 2004. 担任会议英语翻译。4. Gao Bu-Lang. Endovascular management of carotid-cavernous fistulas. 6th Asian&Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology and Head&Neck Radiology, 2007, 2-5 February, Singapore. 5. Bu-Lang Gao. Research activities at Shanghai Sixth People’s Hospital. Given in June 2007 as a visiting scholar at Asan Medical Center, Ulsan University in Seoul, South Korea. (二)、国内会议1、第七届全国介入放射学学术大会。 2006年7月12-16日,沈阳。会议上做专家讲座,讲座题目是:颅内动脉瘤弹簧圈栓塞治疗的血管造影随访。2、第五届中国西部介入放射学大会。2007年7月20-23日,昆明。专家讲座,讲座题目:SCI收录论文的写作与投稿。3、全国第四届头颈部影像学进展学术研讨会。2005年6月,南京。在会上发言,发言题目是:甲状腺动脉栓塞治疗Graves病甲状腺功能亢进。4、第十二届全国放射学学术大会。2005年9月,北京。在会上作两次发言,发言题目是:1)、Influential factors and formation of extrahepatic collateral artery in unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma. 2)、糖尿病足的介入治疗。5、第一届上海交通大学影像医学论坛, 2004年8月,上海。担任会议英语翻译。6、第三届上海交通大学影像医学论坛,2006年8月25-27日,上海。担任会议外国专家英语翻译。7、第十三届全国放射学大会,2006年10月,武汉。在会上发言:颅内动脉瘤弹簧圈栓塞术中动脉瘤再破裂的防治。8. 第五届亚大神经放射学好头颈部放射学会议。中国上海。2004年10月8-11号。(5th Asian-Oceanian Congress of Neuroradiology and Head & Neck Radiology. Shanghai, China; 8-11 Oct, 2004.)九、科学研究: 1、参与一项国家自然科学基金项目研究:颅内覆膜支架及其内皮化机制和促内皮化研究,项目编号:**。上海交通大学医学院。 2、完成的博士研究课题是:自膨式和球膨式颅内专用覆膜支架内皮化和过度内皮化的实验研究(2007)。 3. 完成的硕士论文:Graves病甲亢动脉栓塞治疗疗效影响因素分析(2004年)。昆明医学院第一附属医院医学影像中心。 4. 在TUFTS大学医学中心进行的NIH支助的科学研究: 1). 脑动脉瘤血管内支架介入治疗 2). 血管内支架内增生狭窄及随访研究 3). 脑动脉瘤的血流动力学研究 4). 脑动脉瘤的发病机制的血流动力学研究 5). 腹主动脉瘤形成机制的血流动力学研究 6). 脑血管狭窄的血流动力学研究 5. 国家自然科学基金60万(项目编号**):基于三维脑动脉影像的计算流体力学对脑动脉瘤发生的血流动力学机制研究。 6.河北省****项目(编号E):脑动脉瘤发病机制的血流动力学和实验研究300万。 7. 2014年河北省医学科学研究重点课题:基于三维影像数据的对主动脉瘤发生的计算机血流动力学机制研究(编号ZD**)。 8. 2014年河北省科技支撑项目:健脾益气中药治疗小儿重症肌无力的疗效及可能的机制(编号**D)。 十、特长:本人英语口语和写作均很好,能够进行流利的口译,并已经翻译各种资料250多万字。翻译经历:曾经翻译各种资料包括医学临床与试验研究、化工、教育、计算机理论、人文、历史等领域的研究资料,共计250多万字。能够熟练理解原文,将文字准确、地道地转换成目标语。并曾经参加多次国际会议并担任会议口译员。十一、发表学术论文:(一)、国际SCI 收录的论文:1. 以第一作者发表的论文:1). Bu-Lang Gao, Ming-Hua Li, Yong-Li Wang, Chun Fang. Delayed coil migration from a small wide-necked aneurysm after stent-assisted embolization: case report and literature review. Neuroradiology, 2006,48:333-337.2). Bu-Lang Gao, Wei Zhao, Guo-Ping Xu. The Development of a De Novo Indirect Carotid-Cavernous Fistula After Successful Occlusion of Bilateral Direct Carotid- Cavernous Fistulas. J Trauma. 2009 Feb;66(2):E28-31.3). Bulang Gao, Baharoglu MI, Adel M. Malek. Angular remodeling in single stent-assisted coiling displaces and attenuates the flow impingement zone at the neck of intracranial bifurcation aneurysms. Neurosurgery. 2013 May;72(5):739-48.4). Bulang Gao, Adel M. Malek. Possible mechanisms for delayed migration of the closed cell-designed enterprise stent when used in the adjunctive treatment of a basilar artery aneurysm. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2010 Nov;31(10):E85-6 5). Bulang Gao, MD, Ph.D, Irem Baharoglu, MD, Cohen AD Adel M Malek, MD, Ph.D. Y-Stent Coiling Of Basilar Bifurcation Aneurysms Induces a Dynamic Angular Vascular Remodeling with Alteration of the Apical Wall Shear Stress Pattern. Neurosurgery. 2013.4,72(4):617-29。 6). Bulang Gao, Baharoglu MI, Cohen AD, Adel M Malek. Stent-assisted coiling of intracranial bifurcation aneurysms leads to immediate and delayed intracranial vascular angle remodeling. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 2012 Apr;33(4):649-54. 7). Bulang Gao. Evolution of endovascular treatment of intracranial dural arterivenous fistulas. Neurology India, 2010,58:1-2. 8). Bulang Gao. Vascular stents in the management of intracranial aneurysms. Recent Patents on Medical Imaging. 2011,1:68-82.9). Bulang Gao, Guoping Xu. Arterial Dilatation-Related Diseases: The Prerequisite Condition of Arterial Elastic Tissue Damage and Endovascular Treatment. Recent Patents on Medical Imaging. 2011, 2:65-74.10). Wang B, Bu-Lang Gao, Xu GP, Xiang C. Images of deep neck space infection and the clinical significance. Acta Radiol. 2014, 55(8), 945-951.11). Wang B, Gao BL, Xu GP, Xiang C, Liu XS. Endovascular embolization is applicable for large and giant intracranial aneurysms: experience in one center with long-term angiographic follow-up. Acta Radiol. 2015, Vol. 56(1) 105–113. 12). Gao B, Safain MG, Malek AM. Enterprise stenting for intracranial aneurysm treatment induces dynamic and reversible age-dependent stenosis in cerebral arteries. J Neurointerv Surg. 2014 Mar 20. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: **. 13).Wang ZL, Gao Bu-Lang, Li TX, Cai DY, Zhu LF, Bai WX, Xue JY, Li ZS. Symptomatic intracranial vertebral artery atherosclerotic stenosis (≥70%) with concurrent contralateral vertebral atherosclerotic diseases in 88 patients treated with the intracranial stenting. Eur J Radiol. 2015 Sep;84(9):1801-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ejrad.2015.05.033. Epub 2015 Jun 5. PMID: **.14). Zi-Liang Wang*, Bu-Lang Gao*, Tian-Xiao Li, Dong-Yang Cai, Liang-Fu Zhu, Jiang-Yu Xue, Wei-Xing Bai, Zhao-Shuo Li. Severe symptomatic intracranial internal carotid artery atherosclerotic stenosis treated with the Wingspan: a single center study with 58 patients. Diagnostic and interventional radiology. 2016; 22:178–183. 15). Tian-Xiao Li, Bu-Lang Gao, Dong-Yang Cai, Zi-Liang Wang, Liang-Fu Zhu, Jiang-Yu Xue, Wei-Xing Bai, Ying-Kun He, Li Li. Wingspan stenting for severe symptomatic intracranial atherosclerotic stenosis in 433 patients treated at a single medical center. Plos one. 2015; 10(9): e**. 16). Wang ZL, Gao Bu-Lang, Li TX, Cai DY, Zhu LF, Xue JY, Bai WX1, Li ZS. Outcomes of middle cerebral artery angioplasty and stenting with Wingspan at a high-volume center. Neuroradiology. 2015 Oct 29. [Epub ahead of print]. 17). Bai WX, Gao BL, Li TX,Wang ZL,Cai DY,Zhu LF, Xue JY, Li ZS. Wingspan stenting can effectively prevent long-term strokes for patients with severe symptomatic atherosclerotic basilar stenosis. Interv Neuroradiol. 2016 Jan 27. pii: **23797. [Epub ahead of print]. 2. 以通讯作者发表的论文:1). Ming-Hua Li, Bu-Lang Gao, Chun Fang, Bin-Xian Gu, Ying-Sheng Cheng, Wu Wang, Giuseppe Scotti. Angiographic Follow-up of Cerebral Aneurysms Treated with Guglielmi Detachable Coils (GDCs) :An Analysis of 162 Cases with 173 Aneurysms. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol, 2006, 27:1107-1112.2). Ming-Hua Li, Bu-Lang Gao, Yong-Li Wang, Chun Fang, Yong-Dong Li. Management of Pseudoaneurysms in the Intracranial Segment of Internal Carotid Artery with Covered Stents Specially Designed for use in Intracranial Vasculature: Technical Notes. Neuroradiology. 2006, 48(11): 841-846. 3). Ming-Hua Li, Bu-Lang Gao, Chun Fang, Ying-Sheng Cheng, Yong-Dong Li, Jue Wang.Prevention and Management of Intra-procedural Rupture of Intracranial Aneurysm During Embolization with Detachable Coils. Neuroradiology.2006, 48(12):907-915. 4). Wei Zhao, Bu Lang Gao, Hui Ying Yang, Hong Li, Dian Ping Song, Shu Tian Xiang, Jin Shen. Thyroid Arterial Embolization to Treat Hyperthyroid Graves’ Disease. Acta Radiologica, 2007:48: 186-192. 5). Wei Zhao, Bu-Lang Gao*, Cang-Zheng Jin, Gen-Fa Yi, Hui-Ying Yang, Hong Li, Dian-Ping Song, Ji-Hong Hu, Yong-Neng Jiang. Long-term immunological study in Graves’ disease treated with thyroid arterial embolization. Journal of Clinical Immunology, 2008, 28(5):456-463. 6). Wei Zhao, Bu-Lang Gao*, Gen-Fa Yi, Chang-Zheng Jin, Hui-Ying Yang, Li-Juan Shen, Min Tian, Yong-Zhong Yu, Hong Li, Dian-Ping Song. Apoptotic Study in Graves Disease Treated with Thyroid Arterial Embolization. Endocr J. 2009 Apr;56(2):201-11.7). Wei Zhao, Bu-Lang Gao*, Gen-Fa Yi, Hui-Ying Yang, Hong Li. Thyroid arterial embolization for the treatment of hyperthyroidism in a patient with thyrotoxic crisis. Clin Invest Med. 2009 Feb 1;32(1):E78-83. 8). Wei Zhao, Bu-Lang Gao*, Min Tian, Gen-Fa Yi, Hui-Ying Yang, Li-Juan Shen, Hong Li, Jin Shen. Graves' disease treated with thyroid arterial embolization. Clin Invest Med. 2009 Apr 1;32(2):E158-65. 9). Wei Zhao, Bu-Lang Gao*, Zhi-Yong Liu, Gen-Fa Yi, Li-Juan Shen, Hui-Ying Yang, Hong Li, Dian-Ping Song, Yong-Neng Jiang, Ji-Hong Hu, Gang Luo. Angiogenic study in Graves' disease treated with thyroid arterial embolization. Clin Invest Med. 2009 Oct 1;32(5):E335-44.10). Xu GP, Shen HF, Yang LR, Ma Q, Gao BL. Splenic cystic lymphangioma in a young woman: case report and literature review. Acta Gastroenterol Belg. 2011 Jun;74(2):334-6.11). Qi GY, Liu P, Bu-Lang Gao. Shenqi fuzheng injection alleviates the transient worsening caused by steroids pulse therapy in treating myasthenia gravis. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013:816829. Epub 2013 Nov 20. 12). Guo-Chao Liu, Bu-Lang Gao, Hong-Qi Yang, Guo-Yan Qi, Peng Liu. The Clinical Absolute and Relative Scoring System -----a Quantitative Scale Measuring Myasthenia Gravis Severity and Outcome in the Traditional Chinese Medicine. Complementary therapies in medicine. 2014 Oct;22(5):877-86. 13). Cong-Hui Li, Jian-Ya Ye, Xian-Hui Su, Lei Yang, Dong-Liang Zhang, Bo Zhang, Er-Wei Zhang, Yong-Feng Han, Song-Tao Yang, Bu-Lang Gao. Microcatheter looping facilitates access to both the acutely-angled parent artery and cerebral aneurysms for effective embolization. Interventional Neuroradiology, 2014 Dec;20(6):669-76. 14). Wang H, Zheng ZM, Gao BL. Guanxinkang Decoction Exerts Its Antiatherosclerotic Effect Partly through Inhibiting the Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2014;2014:465640. doi: 10.1155/2014/465640. Epub 2014 May 18. 15). Cheng Xiang, Bu-Lang Gao, et al. Effects of catheter-based renal sympathetic denervation at different segments of the renal artery on resistant hypertension. Experimental and Clincial Cardiology. Accepted. 16). Cong-Hui Li, Xian-Hui Su, Bo Zhang, Yong-Feng Han, Er-Wei Zhang, Lei Yang, Dong-Liang Zhang, Song-Tao Yang, Zhen-Quan Yan, Bu-Lang Gao. The stent-assisted coil-jailing technique facilitates efficient embolization of tiny cerebral aneurysms. Korean Journal of Radiology. 2014;15(6):850-857. 17). Li CY, Gao Bu-Lang, Liu XW, Fan QY, Zhang XJ, Liu GC, Yang HQ, Feng PY, Wang Y, Song P. Quantitative Evaluation of the Substantially Variable Morphology and Function of the Left Atrial Appendage and Its Relation with Adjacent Structures. PLoS One. 2015 Jul 31;10(7):e**. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.**. eCollection 2015. PMID: **. 18). Xin-Xiang Zhao, Bu-Lang Gao, Da-Kuan Yang, Shu-Guang Yuan, Xuan-Tao Yang, and Cheng Xiang. Evaluation of Myocardial Viability with Delay-Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Ischemic Pig Models Compared with Histochemical and Pathological Analyses. Journal of Medical Imaging Health Information. 2015 (5): 1528-1532. 19). Wu XJ, Guo Q, Cao BS, Tan LX, Zhang HY, Cai YR, Gao Bu-Lang. Uterine Leiomyomas: Safety and Efficacy of US-guided Suprapubic Transvaginal Radiofrequency Ablation at 1-year Follow-up. Radiology. 2015 Dec 22:142537. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: **. 3. 合著者: 1). Xu GuoPing, Xu ZuDe, BuLang Gao, Chen Qi, Li QQ, Xu JD, Li HX, Cao XX, Jing J. Cervical actinomycosis with spinal cord compression. Case report and literature review. Chemotherapy. 2008;54(1):63-6. 2). Li MH, Li YD, Gao Bu-Lang, Fang C, Luo QY, Cheng YS, Xie ZY, Wang YL, Zhao JG, Li Y, Wang W, Zhang BL, Li M. A new covered stent designed for intracranial vasculature: application in the management of pseudoaneurysms of the cranial internal carotid artery. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2007 Sep;28(8):1579. 3). Li MH, Li YD, Fang C, Gu BX, Cheng YS, Wang YL, Gao Bu-Lang, Zhao JG, Wang J, Li M. Endovascular treatment of giant or very large intracranial aneurysms with different modalities: an analysis of 20 cases. Neuroradiology. 2007 Oct;49(10):819-828. Epub 2007 Jul 5.4). Li MH, Li WB, Fang C, Gao Bu-Lang. Transarterial embolization with Berenstein Liquid Coils and N-butyl cyanoacrylate in a vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation: a case report. Korean J Radiol. 2007 Mar-Apr;8(2):164-8. 5). Li MH, Li YD, Gao Bu-Lang, Fang C, Luo QY, Cheng YS, Xie ZY, Wang YL, Zhao JG, Li Y, Wang W, Zhang BL, Li M. A new covered stent designed for intracranial vasculature: application in the management of pseudoaneurysms of the cranial internal carotid artery. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2007 Sep;28(8):1579-85. 6) Li YD, Li MH, Gao BL, Fang C, Cheng YS, Wang W, Li WB, Zhao JG, Zhang BL, Li M. Endovascular treatment of recurrent intracranial aneurysms with re-coiling or covered stents. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2010, 81(1):74-79. 7). Baharoglu MI, Schirmer CM, Hoit DA, Gao BL, Malek AM. Aneurysm inflow-angle as a discriminant for rupture in sidewall cerebral aneurysms: morphometric and computational fluid dynamic analysis. Stroke. 2010 Jul;41(7):1423-30. 8). Merih I. Baharoglu, M.D., Alexandra Lauric, Ph.D., Bu-Lang Gao, M.D., and Adel M. Malek, M.D., Ph.D. Identification Of A Dichotomy In Morphological Predictors Of Rupture Status Between Sidewall And Bifurcation-Type Intracranial Aneurysms. J Neurosurg. 2012 Apr;116(4):871-81. 9). Lauric A, Baharoglu MI, Gao BL, Malek AM. Incremental contribution of size ratio as a discriminant for rupture status in cerebral aneurysms- comparison with size, height, and vessel diameter. Neurosurgery, 2012, 70L944-952. 10).Rahal JP, Gao B, Safain MG, Malek AM. Stent recanalization of carotid tonsillar loop dissection using the Enterprise vascular reconstruction device. J Clin Neurosci. 2014 Jul;21(7):1141-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jocn.2013.11.007. Epub 2013 Dec 8. 11). Fatih Tutuncu, Sarah Schimansky, Merih I Baharoglu, Bulang Gao, Daniel Calnan, James Hippelheuser, Mina G Safain, Alexandra Lauric, Malek Adel. 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Li Ming-Hua, Gao Bu-Lang (通讯作者), Fang Chun, Gu Bin-Xian, Cheng Ying-Sheng, Wang Wu, Giuseppe Scotti. Angiographic follow-up of cerebral aneurysms treated with Guglielmi detachable coils (GDCs): An analysis of 162 cases with 173 aneurysms. 介入放射学杂志, 2005, 14(5): 472-479。8). 高不郎,赵卫。Graves’病介入栓塞治疗进展。云南医药,2004, 25(3):247-249。9). 高不郎,赵卫, 庞瑞麟。腹主动脉瘤血管腔内修补术的临床应用价值。国外医学临床放射学分册,2004,24(4):10). Bu Lang Gao, Ming Hua Li, Yong Dong Li, Chun Fang, Yong Li Wang. Endovascular Management of Carotid-Cavernous Fistulas. 介入放射学杂志,2007, 16(1):4-9。11). 李永东 , 李敏 , 李明华 , 方淳 , 顾斌贤 , 程英升 , 王永利 , 赵俊功 , 高不郎 , 王珏. 三种不同介入方法治疗颅内巨大或大型动脉瘤。介入放射学杂志,2006, 15(12):707-712. 12). Zhao Wei, Gao Bu-Lang, Yu Yong-Zhong, Wu Zhong-Xue. One case of complex dural arteriovenous fistula with concurrent giant venous aneurysm treated with embolization中国脑血管疾病. 2004, 1(12):565-566.13). Li Wen-Bin, Li Ming-Hua, Zhu Ming, Fang Chun, Le Wei-Jie, Gao Bu-Lang. One case of aneurysmal malformation of Galen vein treated with embolization. 中国脑血管疾病. 2006, 3(2): 85-86. 14). 高不郎; 英美城乡 [J];英语知识; 1991年04期; 10. 15). 李文彬, 李明华, 朱铭, 方淳, 乐维婕, 高不郎. 经动脉栓塞治疗Galen静脉动脉瘤样畸形一例. 中国脑血管病杂志,2006, 3(2):85-86.16). 赵卫, 余永忠, 易根发, 宋滇平, 胡继红, 杨慧英, 高不郎, 姜永能, 向述天, 李红. Graves病介入治疗并发异位脑栓塞的原因及防治. : 《中国介入影像与治疗学》-2008年5卷1期 -45-48页.17). 李明华, 王永利, 罗七一, 方淳, 谢志永, 程英升, 高不郎, 李雨, 张蓓蕾, 谢剑. 颅内覆膜支架治疗颅段颈内动脉病变的初步临床研究. 《中华放射学杂志》-2007年41卷1期 -72-76页. 18). 李天晓 , 翟水亭 , 高不郎 , 薛绛宇. 颅内动脉瘤弹簧圈栓塞治疗术中动脉瘤再破裂的防治. <<中国介入影像与治疗学 >>2007年03期. 19). 徐国萍,高不郎,姜巍,许祖德. TGF-β1与EGF对肺泡Ⅱ型上皮细胞表型及功能的影响. 大理学院学报, 2011,10(6):17-20.十二:招生专业方向神经介入治疗:脑动脉瘤、脑动静脉畸形、动静脉瘘的血管内介入治疗肿瘤介入治疗:各种肿瘤的血管内介入治疗
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