本站小编 Free考研考试/2020-10-17
张先亮,山东菏泽人,中共党员,河北农业大学林学院教授,博士,博士生导师,河北农业大学太行****第三层次,哈佛大学访问****。主要从事气候变化对中国森林生态系统中树木生长及森林分布动态的影响等研究,主持国家自然科学基金1项,以骨干成员参与国家自然基金面上项目2项(排名第二),以主要成员参与国家自然基金项目5项。目前在Global Change Biology, Journal of Climate, ClimateDynamics, JGR-Biogeosciences, Climatic Change, Global and Planetary Change等国际著名生态学、气候学及林学期刊上发表论文35篇,总被引次数在350次以上,其中以第一作者发表论文19篇(中科院分区一区论文6篇,二区论文8篇),累计影响因子65以上,关于兴安落叶松的研究成果曾被美国地球物理学会新闻报道。任GlobalChange Biology, Global and Planetary Change, Environmental Modelling &Software, International Journal of Climatology, Theoretical and AppliedClimatology等SCI期刊的审稿人,国家自然科学基金青年项目和地区基金的评审专家。
2017/09-2018/09,哈佛大学,访问****,合作导师:Neil Pederson
2019/05至今,河北农业大学林学院 教授(2019/06遴选为博士生导师)
2014/10-2019/04,沈阳农业大学林学院 讲师
1. 硕士课程:《林业科技写作》
2. 本科课程:《森林气象学》
1. 树木年轮生态学/气候学
2. 气候及植被分区
3. 土地利用变化的气候效应
[1]XianliangZhang*, Rubén Manzanedo,Loïc D'Orangeville, Tim Rademacher, Junxia Li, Xueping Bai, Meiting Hou, ZhenjuChen*, Fenghua Zou, Fangbo Song, Neil Pederson. Snowmelt and early tomid-growing season water availability augment tree growth during rapid warmingin southern Asian boreal forests. Global Change Biology. 2019 (accepted,1区,IF=8.88)
[2]Xianliang Zhang*,Junxia Li, Xiaobo Liu, Zhenju Chen*. Improvement of EEMD–based standardizationmethod in developing long tree ring chronologies. Journal of ForestryResearch. 2019. DOI:10.1007/s11676-019-01002-y (4区, IF=1.155)
[3]Xianliang Zhang*,Xueping Bai, Meiting Hou, Zhenju Chen*, Rubén D. Manzanedo.Warmer winter ground temperatures trigger rapid growth of dahurian larch in thepermafrost forests of northeast China. Journal of Geophysical Research:Biogeosciences. 2019. (2区,IF=3.621) DOI: 10.1029/2018JG004882 (该文章被AGU新闻报道,报道链接:https://news.agu.org/press-release/climate-change-is-giving-old-trees-a-growth-spurt/)
[4]Xueping Bai, Xianliang Zhang, et al. Altitudinaldisparity in growth of Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii Rupr.) in response torecent climate change in northeast China. Science of the TotalEnvironment. 2019. 670: 466-477
[5]赵学鹏,白学平, 李俊霞,王丽丽, 张先亮,陆旭, 陈振举.气候变暖背景下不同海拔长白落叶松对气候变化的响应.2019. 生态学杂志, 38(3): 637-647
[6]Xianliang Zhang,Xueping Bai, Meiting Hou, Yongxing Chang, Zhenju Chen* Reconstruction of theregional summer ground surface temperature in the permafrost region ofNortheast China from 1587 to 2008. Climatic Change. 148(4), 519-531. (2区, IF=4.168)
[7]Xianliang Zhang, Xiaodong Yan*.Criteria to evaluate the validity of multi-model ensemble methods. InternationalJournal of Climatology. 38(8), 3432-3438. DOI:10.1002/joc.5486(2区,IF=3.601)
[8]Xianliang Zhang, FenghuaZou, Zhenju Chen*. 2017. Climate-Induced Tree Growth Variations under the RCP2.6 Scenario: A Case Study on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Forests.8(10), 359. doi:10.3390/f** (2区,IF=2.116)
[9]Xianliang Zhang*, Zhe Xiong, Xuezhen Zhang, Ying Shi, Jiyuan Liu, Quanqin Shao, Xiaodong Yan*, 2017, Simulation of the climatic effects of land use/land cover changes in eastern China using multi-model ensembles. Global and Planetary Change. 154: 1-9 (2区,IF=4.1)
[10]Xianliang Zhang, Xiaodong Yan, Zhenju Chen. 2017. Geographic distribution of global climate zones under future scenarios. International Journal of Climatology. 37(12): 4327–4334(2区,IF=3.601)
[11]Xianliang Zhang, Shuang Wu, Xiaodong Yan, Zhenju Chen. 2017. A global classification of vegetation based on NDVI, rainfall and temperature. International Journal of Climatology. 37(5): 2318-2324. (2区,IF=3.601)
[12]Xianliang Zhang, Zhenju Chen*. 2017. Anew method to remove the tree growth trend based on ensemble empirical modedecomposition. Trees. 31(2), 405-413. (2区,IF=1.8)
[13]常永兴, 陈振举, 张先亮, 白学平, 赵学鹏, 李俊霞 & 陆旭. 2017. 气候变暖下大兴安岭落叶松径向生长对温度的响应. 植物生态学报, 41, 279-289.
[14]李俊霞, 白学平, 张先亮, 常永兴, 陆旭, 赵学鹏 & 陈振举. 2017. 大兴安岭林区南, 北部天然樟子松生长对气候变化的响应差异. 生态学报, 37. 7232-7241
[15]Xianliang Zhang, Xueping Bai, YongxingChang, Zhenju Chen*. 2016. Increased sensitivity of Dahurian larch radialgrowth to summer temperature with the rapid warming in Northeast China. Trees.30 (5), 1799-1806. (2区,IF=1.8)
[16]Xianliang Zhang, Xiaodong Yan, ZhenjuChen*. 2016. Reconstruct regional mean climate with Bayesian model averaging: acase study for temperature reconstruction in the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau, China. Journal of Climate. 29 (14), 5355-5361. (1区,IF=4.805)
[17]Xianliang Zhang, Xiaodong Yan*. 2016. Deficiencies in the simulation of the geographicdistribution of climate types by global climate models. Climate Dynamics. 46(9-10), 2749-2757 (1区,IF=4.048)
[18]Xianliang Zhang, Zhe Xiong, XuezhenZhang, Ying Shi, Jiyuan Liu, Quanqin Shao, Xiaodong Yan*, 2016, Usingmulti-model ensembles to improve the simulated effects of land use/cover changeon temperature a case study over north-east China. Climate Dynamics.46:765-778. (1区,IF=4.048)
[19]Zhenju Chen, XingyuanHe, Nicole K. Davi, Xianliang Zhang.2016. A 258-year reconstruction of precipitation for southern Northeast Chinaand the northern Korean peninsula. ClimaticChanges. 139(3-4): 609–622
[20]白学平, 常永兴, 张先亮, 马艳军, 吴涛, 李俊霞 & 陈振举. 2016. 近 30 年快速升温对两种典型小地形上兴安落叶松径向生长的影响. 应用生态学报, 27, 3853-3861.
[21]Xianliang Zhang*, Xiaodong Yan*. 2015. A new statistical precipitation downscalingmethod with Bayesian model averaging: a case study in China. ClimateDynamics. 45(9): 2541-2555. (1区,IF=4.048)
[22]Zhenju Chen, Xianliang Zhang, Xingyuan He, NK Davi,L Li, X Bai. Response of radial growth to warming and CO2 enrichment insouthern Northeast China: a case of Pinus tabulaeformis.2015. Climatic Changes. 130(4):559-571
[23]陈振举,白学平, 李俊霞,张先亮,李露露, 常永兴.2015. 树木年轮记录的辽河平原南部240 年以来10~ 6 月的降水变化.第四纪研究.9: 1165-1174
[24]李露露,李丽光,陈振举,周永斌,张先亮等. 辽宁省人工林樟子松径向生长对水热梯度变化的响应.生态学报, 2015, 35(13):4508-4517.
[25]Xianliang Zhang, Xiaodong Yan*. 2014.Spatiotemporal change in geographical distribution of global climate types inthe context of climate warming. Climate Dynamics. 43:595-605. (1区,IF=4.048)
[26]Xianliang Zhang, Xiaodong Yan*. 2014.A new method to improve temperature simulations of general circulation modelbased on ensemble empirical mode decomposition and its application tomulti-model ensembles. Tellus A. 66. 24846, (3区,IF=2.0)
[27]Xianliang Zhang, Xiaodong Yan*. 2014. Temporal change of climate zones in China in the contextof climate warming. Theor Appl Climatol. 115:167-175. (3区,IF=2.7)
[28]XianliangZhang,XingyuanHe, Jinbao Li, Nicole Davi, Zhenju Chen*, Mingxing Cui, Wei Chen, Na Li. 2011. Temperature reconstruction (1750–2008) fromDahurian larch tree-rings in an area subject to permafrost in Inner Mongolia,Northeast China. Climate Research. 47:151-159 (3区,IF=1.984)
[29]Zhenju Chen,Xianliang Zhang,Mingxing Cui,Xingyuan He*,Weihang Ding,Junjie Peng.2012. Tree-ring based precipitation reconstruction for the forest–steppeecotone in northern Inner Mongolia, China and its linkages to the Pacific Oceanvariability. Global and Planetary Change.86: 45-56.
[30]Zhenju Chen, XingyuanHe, Mingxing Cui, N Davi, XianliangZhang, Wei Chen, Yu Sun. 2011.The effect of anthropogenic activities on thereduction of urban tree sensitivity to climatic change: dendrochronologicalevidence from Chinese pine in Shenyang city. Trees. 25: 393-405.
[31]Mingxing Cui,Xingyuan He,Nicole Davi,Zhenju Chen*,Xianliang Zhang, Junjie Peng,Wei Chen. Evidence of century-scale environmental changes: Trace element intree-ring from Fuling Mausoleum Shenyang, China. 2013. Dendrochronologia.31(1):1-8
[32]JPeng, Y Sun, M Chen, X He, NK Davi, XZhang. 2013. Tree-ring based precipitation variability since AD 1828 innorthwestern Liaoning, China. QuaternaryInternational. 283: 63-71
[33]张先亮, 何兴元,陈振举*,崔明星,黎娜,陈玮.2011. 大兴安岭山地樟子松径向生长对气候变暖的响应———以满归地区为例.应用生态学报. 22(12):3101-3108.
[34] 张先亮,崔明星,马艳军,吴涛,陈振举*,丁玮航.2010. 大兴安岭库都尔地区兴安落叶松年轮宽度年表及其与气候变化的关系.应用生态学报. 21(10): 2501-2507.
[35] 彭俊杰, 何兴元, 陈振举, 崔明星, 张先亮, 周长虹. 华北地区油松林生态系统对气候变化和CO2 浓度升高的响应——基于BIOME-BGC模型和树木年轮的模拟.应用生态学报, 2012. 23(7): 1733-1742.
联系方式:zhxianliang85@gmail.com, lxzhxl@hebau.edu.cn
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