

河北农业大学 免费考研网/2016-02-21



1999年毕业于河北师范大学生物教育专业,获学士学位;2002年毕业于河北师范大学细胞生物学专业,获硕士学位;2007年毕业于上海植物生理生态研究所遗传学专业,获博士学位; 2007.4-2012.9,在美国芝加哥大学分子遗传与细胞生物学系植物抗病研究专家Jean Greenberg教授实验室做博士后研究; 2012.10-2015.7在芝加哥大学外科系做高级实验技师 (reseach specialist 2)。2015年11月经由河北农业大学“百名优秀留学博士(后)引进计划”入职农学院作物遗传育种系。长期从事植物抗病信号转导方面的工作,以第一作者或共同第一作者在在Plant cell, plant physiology, molecular plant等国际刊物上发表论文多篇,申请专利一项。为Molecular plant,Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine,The American Journal of Chinese Medicine,Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry,Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants等杂志邀请审稿。




1. Chika Tateda, Zhongqin Zhang and Jean Greenberg (2015)Linking pattern recognition and salicylic acid responses in Arabidopsis through ACCELERATED CELL DEATH6 and receptors. Plant Signal Behav. 2015 Oct 3; 10(10):e**

2. Chika Tateda*, Zhongqin Zhang*, Jay Shrestha, Joanna Jelenska, Delphine Chinchilla and Jean T Greenberg(2014) Salicylic acid regulates Arabidopsis microbial pattern receptor kinase levels and signaling. Plant Cell 2014 Oct; 26 (10):4171-87 (*共同第一作者)

3. Zhongqin Zhang, Jay Shrestha, Chika Tateda, Jean T. Greenberg (2014) Salicylic acid signaling controls the maturation and localization of the Arabidopsis defense protein ACCELERATED CELL DEATH6. Molecular Plant 2014 Aug; 7(8):1365-83

4. Zhongqin Zhang, Muyang Wang, Zhimiao Li, Zuhua He. Arabidopsis GH3.5 regulates salicylic acid-dependent and both NPR1-dependent and independent defense responses. Plant Signal Behav. 2008 Aug; 3(8):537-42.

5. Zhongqin Zhang, Qun Li, Zhimiao Li, Paul E. Staswick, Muyang Wang, Ying Zhu, Zuhua He. Dual regulation role of GH3.5 in salicylic acid and auxin signaling during Arabidopsis-Pseudomonas syringae interaction. Plant Physiol. 2007 Oct;145 (2):450-64

6. Qun Li, Fang Chen, Liangxian Sun, Zhongqin Zhang, Yinong Yang, Zuhua He. Expression profiling of rice genes in early defense responses to blast and bacterial blight pathogens using cDNA microarray. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology. 2006 68: 51-60


Zuhua He, Zhongqin Zhang, Zhimiao Li, Qun Li

Plant nosogenic induction and tissue-specific promoter sequence and use NO: ZL**8.7


1. Zhongqin Zhang, Jean T. Greenberg (2009) Characterization of ACD6 complex

The 14th Congress on Molecular-Plant Microbe Interactions, Quebec City, Canada

2. Chika Tateda, Zhongqin Zhang, Joanna Jelenska, Jay Shrestha, Delphine Chinchilla and Jean T Greenberg (2014)Regulation of receptor-like kinases by salicylic acid

XVI International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions ,Greece
