

河北农业大学 免费考研网/2016-02-21

· 性别:男

· 民族:汉

· 出生地:河北蔚县

· 职称:教授

· 最高、最后学位:博士

· 机构:河北农业大学动物医学院

· 研究领域:分子病毒学与分子免疫学

· 电子信箱:zhongf@hebau.edu.cn

· 通讯地址:河北保定: 河北农业大学西校区D座2523室

· 联系方式:**




1. Xiujin Li and Fei Zhong (通讯作者). Nickel induces interleukin 1β secretion via the NLRP3-ASC-Caspase-1 pathway. Inflammation, 2013, 2013: 1-10 (SCI)

2.Jiexia Wen, Sumin Pan, Shuang Liang, Zhenyu Zhong, Ying He, Hongyu Lin, Wenyan Li, Liyue Wang, Xiujin Li, Fei Zhong (通讯作者) Soluble form of canine transferrin receptor inhibits canine parvovirus infection in vitro and in vivo. BioMed Research International, 2013, 2013:172479 (SCI)

3. Kao Zhang, Qiang Hou, Zhenyu Zhong, Xiujin Li, Huihui Chen, Wenyan Li, Jiexia Wen, Liyue Wang, Weiquan Liu, Fei Zhong (通讯作者). Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus activates inflammasomes of porcine alveolar macrophages via its small envelope protein E. Virology. 2013, 442:156-162 (SCI )

4.Xingxing Wang, Xiujin Li, Zhenlong Zhang, Xinliang Shen, Fei Zhong (通讯作者). Codon optimization enhances secretory expression of Pseudomonas aeruginosa exotoxin A in E. coli. Protein expression and Purification. 2010, 72 (1): 101-106 ( SCI )

5.Xiujin LI, Zhenyu ZHONG, Shuang LIANG, Xingxing WANG, Fei ZHONG (通讯作者). Effect of cryopreservation on IL-4, IFNg and IL-6 production of porcine peripheral blood lymphocytes. Cryobiology. 2009,59 (3): 322-326 ( SCI )

6.Fei Zhong,Zhen-Yu Zhong, Shuang Liang, Xiu-Jin Li. High-Level Expression of Soluble SARS Spike Protein Mediated by Adenovirus in HEK293 cells. World J Gastroenterology. 2006, 12 (9): 1452-1457 ( SCI )

7. Fei Zhong, Weiping Cao, Puei Nan Tay, Florence Feby Cahya and Jinhua Lu. Deviation from major codons in the Toll-like receptor genes is associated with low Toll-like receptor expressions. Immunology,2005,114 (1):83-89 ( SCI )

8. Li Xiujin, Zhong Fei(通讯作者), Qi Shunzhang. Modification of pGH cDNA using first intron and adenovirus-mediated expression in CHO cells. Chinese Medical Journal. 2003,116:1267-1269 (SCI)

9.Ying He, Fei Zhong, Wangbin Cao, Manfu Zhang. The subcellular localization and the tissue tropism of canine parvovirus based on the co-localization of transferring receptors. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 2012, 7(3): 235-242 ( SCI )

10.Rikke Leth-Larson, Fei Zhong, Chow VT, Holmskov U,and Lu Jinhua. The SARS coronavirus spike glycoprotein is selectively recognized by lung surfactant protein D and activates macrophages. Immunobiology. 2007,212 (3):201-11.(SCI)
