

河北大学 免费考研网/2016-02-18

二、主讲课程及研究方向 1.主讲课程:精细有机化学,基础有机化学实验,大学化学实验
1. Libo Niu, Jian Song, Jingjing Li, Naimin Tao, Mei Lu and Kaiqi Fan*, Solvent effects on the gelation performance of melamine and 2-ethylhexylphosphoric acid mono-2-ethylhexyl ester in water-organic mixtures, Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 7780-7786.
2. Kaiqi Fan, Jian Song, Jingjing Li, Xidong Guan, Ciqing Tong, Huahua Shen and Libo Niu*, Copper (II)-response gel-sol phase transition in supramolecular gel systems of salen-appended sorbitol, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2013, 1, 7479-7482.
3. Libo Niu, Guoyi Bai, Jian Song*, 1,3:2,4-di-(3,4-dimethyl)benzylidene sorbitol organogels used as phase change materials: solvent effects on structure, leakage and thermal performance, RSC Advances, 2015,5, 21733-21739.
4. Guoyi Bai*, Libo Niu, Zhen Zhao, Na Li, Fei Li, Mande Qiu, Fei He, Guofeng Chen, Zheng Ma, Ni-La-B amorphous alloys supported on SiO2 and gamma-Al2O3 for selective hydrogenation of benzophenone, Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 2012, 363, 411-416.
5. Guoyi Bai*, Libo Niu, Mande Qiu, Fei He, Xinxin Fan, Haiyang Dou, Xuefeng Zhang, Liquid-phase selective hydrogenation of benzophenone over ultrasonic-assisted Ni-La-B amorphous alloy catalyst, Catalysis Communications,2010,12, 212-216.
6. Kaiqi Fan, Libo Niu, Jingjing Li, Rongxiu Feng, Rui Qu, Tianqi Liu and Jian Song*, Application of solubility theory in bi-component hydrogels of melamine with di(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid, Soft Matter, 2013, 9, 3057-3062.
7. Huahua Shen, Libo Niu, Kaiqi Fan, Jingjing Li, Xidong Guan and Jian Song*, Organogel Formation in Binary Solvents Rationalized by Hansen Solubility Parameters, Langmuir, 2014, 30, 9176-9182.
8. Ciqing Tong, Kaiqi Fan, Libo Niu, Jingjing Li, Xidong Guan, Naimin Tao, Huahua Shen, and Jian Song*, Application of solubility parameters in a D-sorbitol-based organogel in binary organic mixtures, Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 767-772.
9. Jingjing Li, Kaiqi Fan, Libo Niu, Yuanchao Li, Jian Song*, Effects of salt on the gelation mechanism of a D-sorbitol-based hydrogelator, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2013, 117(19), 5989-5995.
10. Guoyi Bai*, Zhen Zhao, Huixian Dong, Libo Niu, Yalong Wang, Qingzhi Chen, A NiPdB-PEG(800) Amorphous Alloy Catalyst for the Chemoselective Hydrogenation of Electron-Deficient Aromatic Substrates, ChemCatChem, 2014, 6, 655-662.


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