


工商管理学院教师简历 SBA Faculty CV

姓 名 Name
□ 教授 Professor
□ 副教授 Associate professor
? 博士 Doctor
□ 硕士研究生导师 Master supervisor
□ 博士研究生导师 Doctor supervisor

个人介绍 Introduction


教育背景 Education
博士 Ph.D.2016-2020,企业管理 Management,对外经济贸易大学
访问学者 Visiting Ph.D. 2018-2019,市场营销 Marketing,华盛顿大学 University of Washington,西雅图 Seattle
承担的主要教学课程 Teaching


科研领域及成果 Research
经管类TOP UTD 24期刊之一,JCR 1区,影响因子: 9.158
1) Irina Kozlenkova, Ju-Yeon Lee, Diandian Xiang (Corresponding author) and Robert W. Palmatier.
Sharing economy: International marketing strategies. Journal of International Business Studies.
2021, online first, https://doi.org/10.1057/s41267-020-00393-z
金融时代TOP Financial Times 50期刊之一,JCR 1区, 影响因子: 9.36
2) Xiang Diandian, Zhang Leinan, Tao Qiuyan, Wang Yonggui, and Ma Shuang. Informational or
emotional appeals in crowdfunding message strategy: an empirical investigation of backers’ support
decisions. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2019, 47(6): 1046-1063.

JCR 1区, 影响因子: 6.395
Wang Yonggui, Xiang Diandian, Yang Zhiyong, and Ma Shuang. Unraveling customer sustainable
consumption behaviors in sharing economy: A socio-economic approach based on social exchange
theory. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 208: 869-879.
JCR 1区, 影响因子: 4.604,Essential Science Indicators 2020 Web of science 1% 高被引论文
Wang Yonggui, Han M S, Xiang Diandian and Daniel Peter Hampson. The double-edged effects of
perceived knowledge hiding: empirical evidence from the sales context. Journal of Knowledge
Management, 2019, 23(2): 279-296.

企业与社会实践 Industry Experience

原中国高等院校市场营销学博士生联合会副秘书长原上海 A.S.Creation 有限公司 Brand Specialist

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