


工商管理学院教师简历SBA Faculty CV

姓 名 Name
? 教授 Professor
陈池波 Chen Chibo
□ 副教授 Associate professor
? 博士 Doctor
? 硕士研究生导师 Master supervisor
?博士研究生导师 Doctor supervisor
Director of Rural Revitalization Research Center
教育背景 Education
1979.9-1983.7, Huazhong Agricultural University, Agricultural Economy Management major,
Bachelor of Agronomy;
1983.9-1986.7, Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics, Agricultural Economics major,
Master of Economics
2000.9-2003.1, Huazhong Agricultural University, Agricultural Economy Management major
(part-time), Doctor of Management;
2003.3-2005.7, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Applied Economics
post-doctoral station, postdoctoral research
承担的主要教学课程 Teaching
本科生课程:《农业经济学》 Undergraduate: Agricultural Economics
Master: Theory and Policy of Agricultural Economy, Theory and Practice of Agricultural Development
博士生课程:《农业经济学专业经典文献》 Doctoral: Classic Literature of Agricultural Economics
科研领域及成果 Research

Research fields: economic theories and policies concerning agriculture and countryside, countryside

3.主持完成国家社科基金年度项目《加大“三农”投入力度 整合财政支农资金问题研究》
6.《湖北强农惠农资金整合问题研究》(序 1),获湖北发展研究一等奖(2014 年);
7.《湖北和谐社会建设中的乡村债务问题研究》(序 1),获湖北发展研究一等奖(2009 年);
8.《湖北现代农业投资的优先序与政策调整》(序 1),获湖北省第八届社会科学优秀成果二等奖(2013 年);
10.《农业经济学课程建设研究》(序 1),获湖北省高等学校优秀教学成果二等奖(2005
1. As leader (chief expert) in the research “System innovation and policy adjustment
for greater support to agriculture”, a key project sponsored by national social science
fund (project number: 08&ZD022);
2. As leader in the research “Evaluation of the implementation of agricultural support policies
under new normal and the optimization of implementation mechanism”, a key project sponsored by
national social science fund (project number: 15AJY014);
3. As leader in the research “Increase investment on farmers, countryside and
agriculture, and integrate support funds”, a project sponsored by the National Social
Science Foundation of China (project number: 07BJY107);
4. As leader in the research “Mechanism of agriculture investments”, a project
sponsored by the National Social Science Foundation of China (youth) (project number: 97CJB015);
5. As leader in the research “Evaluation of the implementation of important policies
concerning farmers, countryside and agriculture” funded by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (project number: 71341019);
6. Integration of agriculture-supporting funds of Hubei (preface 1), Hubei development study first
prize (2014);
7. Study of countryside debt in the frame of harmonious society development in Hubei
(preface 1), Hubei development study first prize (2009);
8. Priority order of modern agriculture investments and policy adjustment in Hubei (preface 1),
Hubei eighth best social science research, second prize (2013);
9. Countryside market economy development in China (sole author), Hubei fifth best social

research, second prize (2007);
10. Development of agricultural economics course (preface 1), Hubei higher education best teaching
result, second prize (2005).
企业与社会实践 Industry Experience
(1) Part-time jobs
Consulting member with Hubei provincial government (the 4th, 5th and 6th terms) Consulting member
with Wuhan municipal government (the 7th term) Consulting member with Xianning municipal
government (the 3rd term) Consulting member with Huangshi municipal government (the 4th term)
Agriculture industrialization expert of China
Consultant with The Three Gorges Family

1、《加大农村基础设施投资力度的政策建议》, 时任国务院副总理回良玉同志批示
4、《加快推进湖北农村产业高质量融合发展的建议》,载《咨询参考》2019 年第 14 期,湖北省副省长万勇同志批示(2019.7.30);
5、《加强湖北现代农业支持体系建设的政策建议》,载《领导参阅》2009 年第五期,原湖北省委常委、副省长汤涛同志批示(2009.4.1);
(2) Consulting jobs
1. Suggestions for increasing investments on countryside infrastructure. Hui Liangyu,
then Vice Premier of the State Council, provided written comments. (2013.2.26);
2. Integration of agricultural support funds in Hubei, included in “Result Report”
(research result purchase program of Hubei provincial government). Zhang Chang’er, then Deputy
Secretary of Hubei

Provincial Party Committee and Zhao Bin, then vice governor of Hubei provided written
comments. (2012.10.12)
3. Thoughts on and suggestions for agricultural subsidies. Li Chunming, then Secretary
of Party Leadership Group, Standing Committee of Hubei Provincial People’s Congress and Executive
Deputy Director, and Wang Xiaodong, then member of Hubei Provincial Standing Party
Committee and Executive Vice Governor provided written comments (2013.10.12);
4. Suggestions for high-quality integrated development of agriculture in Hubei,
Consulting and Reference, Vol. 14, 2019, Wan Yong, Vice Governor of Hubei provided written
comments (2019.7.30);
5. Suggestions for reinforcing modern agriculture support system in Hubei, Leadership Reference,
Vol. 5, 2009, Tang Tao, then member of Hubei Provincial Standing Party Committee and Vice Governor
provided written comments (2009.4.1);
6. “System innovation and policy adjustment for greater support to agriculture”, Hubei higher
education think tank top ten decision-making support research results” (2016.12.14).

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