


工商管理学院教师简历 SBA Faculty CV

姓 名 Name
□ 教授 Professor
邹碧攀 Zou Bipan
? 副教授 Associate professor
? 博士 Doctor
? 硕士研究生导师 Master supervisor
□博士研究生导师 Doctor supervisor
教育背景 Education
1. 2012/9–2017/6,华中科技大学(Huazhong University of Science and Technology),
管理科学与工程(Management Science and Engineering), 博士(Ph.D.)
2. 2008/9–2012/6 , 东北林业大学(Northeast Forestry University), 工业工程
(Industrial Engineering), 学士(Bachelor)
承担的主要教学课程 Teaching

1. 管理运筹学(operations research):本科(bachelor)

2. 国际物流(international logistics):本科(bachelor)

3. 商务分析软件(Business analytics software: python):本科(bachelor)

4. 商业流程建模、仿真与设计(Business process modelling, simulation and design): 研究生(master)
科研领域及成果 Research
1. 科研领域:智能仓储系统运作管理(operating management of intelligent warehouse systems), 运营管理
(operations management)
2. 成果(publications)
(1). Zou Bipan*, De Koster René, Yeming Gong, Xianhao Xu, Guwen Shen. Robotic sorting
systems: Performance estimation and operating policies analysis[J]. Transportation Science, 2021,
In press.
(2). Zou Bipan*, De Koster René, Xu Xianhao. Operating policies in robotic compact
storage and retrieval system[J]. Transportation Science, 2018, 52(4): 788-811.

(3). Zou Bipan, Xu Xianhao, Gong Yeming(Yale)*, De Koster René. Evaluating battery charging and
swapping strategies in a robotic mobile fulfillment system[J]. European Journal of Operational
Research, 2018, 267(2): 733-753.
(4). Zou Bipan, Gong Yeming(Yale)*, Xianhao Xu, YuanZhe. Assignment rules in robotic mobile
fulfillment systems for online retailers[J]. International Journal of Production Research,
(5). Zou Bipan, Xu Xianhao*, Gong Yeming (Yale), De Koster René. Modeling parallel movement of
lifts and vehicles in tier-captive vehicle-based warehousing systems[J]. European Journal of
Operational Research, 2016, 254(1):51-67.
(6). Shen Yaohan, Xu Xianhao, Zou Bipan*, Wang Hongwei. Operating policies in
multi-warehouse drone delivery systems[J]. International Journal of Production Research, 2021,
59(7): 2140-2156.
(7). Xu Xianhao, Zhao Xiaozhen, Zou Bipan*, Gong Yeming (Yale), Wang Hongwei. Travel time models
for a three-dimensional compact AS/RS considering different I/O point policies[J]. International
Journal of Production Research, 2020, 58(18): 5432-5455.
(8). Wu Guangmei, Xu Xianhao, Gong Yeming (Yale)*, De Koster René, Zou Bipan. Optimal
Design and Planning for Compact Automated Parking Systems[J]. European Journal of Operational
Research. 2019, 273(3): 948-967.
(9). Xu Xianhao, Zou Bipan, Shen Guwen*, Gong Yeming (Yale). Travel-time models and
fill-grade factor analysis for double-deep multi-aisle AS/RSs[J]. International Journal of
Production Research, 2016, 54(14): 4126–4144.
(10). Xu Xianhao, Gong Yeming (Yale), Fan Xiangxiang*, Shen Guwen, Zou Bipan. Travel-time model of
dual- command cycles in a 3D compact AS/RS with lower mid-point I/O dwell point policy[J].
International Journal of Production Research, 2017, 56(4): 1620–1641.

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