


工商管理学院教师简历SBA Faculty CV

姓 名 Name
? 教授 Professor
赵琛徽 Zhao Chenhui
□ 副教授 Associate professor
? 博士 Doctor
? 硕士研究生导师 Master supervisor
?博士研究生导师 Doctor supervisor
人 力 资 源 管 理 系 主 任 Director of the Department of Human Resource Management 国际人力资源开发与管理研究所所长
Director of the International Institute for Human Resource Development and Management

Executive Director of China Society of Human Resources Development (national First-class

Vice President of Knowledge skills Competition Council of China Human Resources
Development Society

Executive Director of moderate Labor Branch of China Human Resources Development
Research Society

Vice President of Hubei Human Resources Society and Director of the Professional Committee of
Talent Training

教育背景 Education
1986.9 -- 1990.7 武汉化工学院, 获得工学学士
1986.9 -- 1990.7, Wuhan Chemical College, Bachelor of Engineering
1995.9 -- 1998.7 中南财经大学,获得经济学硕士
1995.9 -- 1998.7, Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics, Master of Economics
2001.9 -- 2008.7 北京大学,获得管理学博士
2001.9 -- 2008.7, Peking University, Doctor of Management

承担的主要教学课程 Teaching

Doctoral: human resource development and frontier of management


Master: human resource management model innovation, corporate culture innovation in the new era

Undergraduate: a guide to human resource management, human resource management experiment,
organizational behavior, human resource management in multinationals, inter-employee relationship,
specialized English for human resource management
科研领域及成果 Research
1.2020 年教育部人文社科基金项目,“养老护理人员工作投入的影响因素与提升路径研究:基于工作要求-资源模型的视角”,项目批准号 20YJA630096。
2.The state as regulator? The ‘dual-track’ system of employment in the Chinese public sector and
barriers to equal pay for equal work.Journal of Industrial Relations(2020), Vol. 62(4) 679–702.
2020 年第 3 期
4. Unpacking knowledge management practices in China: Do institution, national and organizational
culture matter? Journal of Knowledge Management(2019), 23(4): 619-643.
理》,2019 年第 1 期。
年第 6 期。
7.《供给侧改革背景下老年人照护模式的选择意愿》,《人口与经济》,2017 年第 6 期.
8.《湖北省城乡老年人生活状况调查与对策研究》(M),武汉大学出版社,2016 年 2 月
9.《新员工工作不安全感对其绩效与留任意愿影响的纵向分析---基于组织社会化视角》,《科技进步与对策》,2015 年第 32 卷第 15 期,
10.《劳务派遣员工身份感知对工作嵌入的影响---基于双情感承诺视角》,《经济管理》2015 年第 6 期
1. “Factors behind the working enthusiasm of nursing staff and their path of career
development: a perspective based on work requirement-resource model”, a project sponsored by the
social science fund of the Ministry of Education in 2020 (project number: 20YJA630096).

2. The state as regulator? The ‘dual-track’ system of employment in the Chinese public
sector and barriers to equal pay for equal work. Journal of Industrial Relations(2020), Vol. 62(4)
3. Motivate college students in public services through moral identity and volunteering
experiences”, Jiangxi Social Science, Vol. 3, 2020.
4. Unpacking knowledge management practices in China: Do institution, national and organizational
culture matter? Journal of Knowledge Management (2019), 23(4): 619-643.
5. Sense of over-qualification among workers in service sector and the influence on
their working attitude – interference of organizational self-esteem and regulation of
psychological empowerment”, Economic Management, Vol.1, 2019.
6. How conceptual leadership influences the attitude and behaviors of staff – case studies based on
grounded theory”, China Human Resources, Vol.6, 2018.
7. Retiree nursing options in the context of supply-side reform, Population and Economy, Vol.6,

8. Investigation of and solution to the living conditions of elderly people in urban and
rural areas of Hubei (M), Wuhan University Press, Feb. 2016.
9. Influence of new employees’ sense of insecurity on their performance and willingness of staying
– a vertical analysis based on the perspective of organizational socialization, Scientific
Advancement and Solution, 2015 32(15).
10. Influence of disposable workers’ sense of identity on their job embeddedness – from a
perspective based on bi-affective commitment”, Economic Management, Vol.6, 2015.
企业与社会实践 Industry Experience
1. 兼任湖北省人民政府咨询委员、湖北省人才公共服务智库专家、湖北省人力资源经理协会监事长武汉市科创之星高校科技成果转化服务中心理事,浙江长兴产业智汇联盟校地合作武汉联络处负责人
1. Part-time jobs include: consulting member with Hubei provincial government; Hubei public service
think-tank expert; director of Hubei human resources director association; director of
Wuhan higher education institute research commercialization center; responsible person of
Zhejiang Changxing Industry-University Cooperation Wuhan Liaison Office.
2.2017 年对国家电网公司的咨询服务成果获第二十四届全国企业管理现代化创新成果二等奖
2. Consulting service for the State Grid Corporation of China in 2017 was awarded the twenty-fourth
national corporate management innovation second prize.
3.2016 年获中国人力资源开发研究会颁发的特别贡献奖
3. Special contribution prize awarded by China human resources development association in 2016.

4.2016 年被湖北省科学技术协会授予创新创业优秀个人称号
4. Awarded the title “most innovative individual” by Hubei Science and Technology
Association in 2016.
5.近五年为国家电网、中国移动、中国长航、烽火通信、葛州坝以及湖北省国资委、深圳坪山区、珠海斗门区、浙江长兴县等 60
5. Consulting and training services concerning group control, talent strategy, human
resources management, staff culture, craftsman spirit, compensation incentive, performance
management and party management for the State Grid, China Mobile, China Changjiang
National Shipping Group, Fiberhome Telecom Tech, Gezhouba, Hubei Provincial State-owned
Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, Pingshan District (Shenzhen), Doumen
District (Zhuhai), Changxing County (Zhejiang) and other 60 corporate organizations and
government agencies in the last five years.

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