工商管理学院教师简历SBA Faculty CV
姓 名 Name
□ 教授 Professor
谢建豪 Xie Jianhao
照片 □ 副教授 Associate professor
□√ 博士 Doctor
□√ 硕士研究生导师 Master supervisor
□博士研究生导师 Doctor supervisor
教育背景 Education
1997-2001 河北农业大学城建学院土地利用与规划专业获得学士学位
1997-2001, Hebei Agricultural University School of Urban Construction, land use and planning major,
bachelor’s degree
2001-2004 河北农业大学资环学院 土地资源专业获得硕士学位
2001-2004, Hebei Agricultural University School of Natural Resources and Environment, land resource
major, master’s degree
2004-2007 华中农业大学土地资源管理专业获得博士学位
2004-2007, Huazhong Agricultural University, land resource management major, doctor’s degree
承担的主要教学课程 Teaching
Undergraduate: land management, agricultural information
Master: land resource management, land use theory and practice, real estate appraisal,
rural development plan, property appraisal
科研领域及成果 Research
Research fields:
Land use and appraisal, land space planning, property market
Time-space pattern of and solution to housing price differences in Wuhan, a social
science project sponsored by Hubei Provincial Department of Education
“Factors affecting the economic benefit of farmland use”, a general project sponsored
by national higher education basic research fund.
“Intensive use of land during new urbanization – with European experiences as examples”, a project
entrusted by the National Development and Reform Commission.
企业与社会实践 Industry Experience
Certified real estate appraiser, deputy secretary-general of Hubei Provincial Land Society
十堰市茅箭区基本农田划定方案编制与数据库建设;咸宁市土地整治规划(2011-2020)编制与数据库建设;浠水县竹瓦镇 2013 年高标准农田土地整治项目规划设计与预算编制;竹溪县丰溪镇土地利用总
体规划调整;武汉阳逻经济开发区 2014 年土地集约利用评价;辛集市城市建设用地初始评价与更新
Drafting of basic farmland zoning plan in Maojian District, Shiyan and the development of database;
drafting of land consolidation plan for Xianning (2011-2020) and the development of database;
drafting of high-standard farmland consolidation plan and preparation of budget for Zhuwa
Township, Xishui County in 2013; adjustment of general land use plan for Fengxi Township, Zhuxi
County; evaluation of intensive land use of Wuhan Yangluo Economic Development Zone in
2014; initial evaluation and updating of urban construction land in Xinji City (2016-2019).