工商管理学院教师简历 SBA Faculty CV
姓 名 Name
? 教授 Professor
胡铭 HU Ming
□ 副教授 Associate professor
? 博士 Doctor
? 硕士研究生导师 Master supervisor
□ 博士研究生导师 Doctor supervisor
教育背景 Education
1987 年 9 月-1991 年 7 月,在中南财经大学工业经济系读本科;
Sept. 1987 – Jul. 1991, Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics, industrial
economics major,
bachelor’s degree
1993 年 9 月-1996 年 7 月,在中南财经大学攻读工业经济专业硕士研究生;
Sept. 1993 – Jul. 1996, Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics, industrial
economics major,
master’s degree
1998 年 9 月-2001 年 7 月,在中南财经政法大学攻读产业经济专业博士研究生
Sept. 1998 – Jul. 2001, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, industrial economics major,
承担的主要教学课程 Teaching
Undergraduate:Management science,general theory of management, quality management
Postgraduate:financial management , management science
科研领域及成果 Research
Research fields: quality management
1. 我国研究生教育质量需求与保证体系研究,中国学位与研究生教育学会 2015 年研究课题;
1. Quality demand on graduate education in China and the quality assurance system, China Academic
Degree and Graduate Education Society, research project of 2015
2. 《我国研究生教育质量需求与保证体系研究》,专著,武汉大学出版社 2017 年出版。
2. China’s Quality Demand on Graduate Education and the Quality Assurance System, monograph, Wuhan
University Press, 2017.
企业与社会实践 Industry Experience
Project evaluation expert of China Association of Small and Medium Enterprises, project evaluation
expert of Hubei Provincial Department of Science and Technology.