工商管理学院教师简历 SBA Faculty CV
姓 名 Name
□ 教授 Professor
胡宗彪 Zongbiao Hu
? 副教授 Associate professor
? 博士 Doctor
? 硕士研究生导师 Master supervisor
□ 博士研究生导师 Doctor supervisor
个人介绍 Introduction
等权威期刊上发表学术论文多篇,出版专著 2 部,多项成果被人大复印报刊资料和国研网全文转载,代表性论文获湖北省社会科学优秀成果奖(三等奖,2020;二等奖,2016;二等奖,
Zongbiao Hu, male, associate professor of the School of Business Administration, Zhongnan
University of Economics and Law, Ph.D. in Economics, post-doctoral in applied economics,
master supervisor, research directions are opening-up to outside world and service industry
development, digital economy and trade and circulation industry economics. He has published 2
monographs and many academic papers in journals such as “Economic Research Journal”, “Journal of
Quantitative & Technical Economics” and “Journal of International Trade”. Some achievements have
been reprinted by the periodical literatures reprinted by China People’s University and
the information network of development research center of the State Council, The representative
papers won the Hubei Provincial Social Science Outstanding Achievement Award (third prize, 2020;
second prize, 2016; second prize, 2015; third prize, 2013), the Ministry of Commerce National
Business Development Research Achievement Award (second prize, 2013), and Wuhan Social Science
Outstanding Achievement Award (First Prize, 2020), Etc. He undertakes many scientific research
projects such as Youth Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China (2015), Project of
Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Foundation (2014), China Postdoctoral
Science Foundation Special Funding Project (2015) and General Funding Project (2014), Joint
Research Project Jointly Established by the Ministry of Finance and the Province (2018), etc. He
serves as an expert in communications review of the National Natural Science Foundation of China,
and an anonymous reviewer for important journals such as “Economic Research Journal”.
教育背景 Education
Mar. 2010 - Jun. 2013: School of Economics, Wuhan University of Technology, Majoring in Industrial
Economics, Ph.D. of economics.
Sep. 2007 - Dec. 2009: School of Economics, Wuhan University of Technology, Majoring in
International Trade, Master of Economics.
Sep. 2003 - Jun. 2007: School of Economics, Wuhan University of Technology, Majoring
in International Economics and Trade, Bachelor of Economics.
承担的主要教学课程 Teaching
Trade Economics (Undergraduate) Consumption Economics (Undergraduate) Service Economy and Trade
Macroeconomic Analysis and Policy (MBA)
Research Methods of Economics and Business (Ph.D., with other teachers)
科研领域及成果 Research
1. 胡宗彪、周佳:《服务业全要素生产率再测度及其国际比较》,《数量经济技术经济研究》,2020年第 8 期,103-122。
2. 胡宗彪、周佳:《汇率水平、汇率波动对服务业出口增长的影响——跨国证据与中国表现》,《江汉论坛》,2019 年第 8 期,28-37。
3. 胡宗彪、滕泽伟、黄扬嘉:《汇率水平、汇率波动对企业绩效的影响——中国服务企业与商品企业的表现相同吗?》,《经济与管理研究》,2019 年第 2 期,47-69。
4. 胡宗彪:《国际服务贸易成本与服务业生产率研究》,中国社会科学出版社,2018 年 9 月。
5. 胡宗彪:《汇率水平及其波动与国际服务贸易绩效研究》,经济科学出版社,2016 年 11 月。
6. 胡宗彪、朱明进:《中国流通服务业生产率的部门及区域差异研究》,《山西财经大学学报》,2016年第 8 期,35-45。
7. 胡宗彪:《企业异质性、贸易成本与服务业生产率》,《数量经济技术经济研究》,2014 年第 7 期,
8. 王恕立、胡宗彪:《中国服务业分行业生产率变迁及异质性考察》,《经济研究》,2012 年第 4 期,
9. 国家自然科学基金青年项目:服务业出口增长机制、路径及其生产率效应:中国的理论与经验研究
10. 教育部人文社科青年基金项目: 中国对外服务贸易成本评估及其影响因素研究( 批准号:
Research Fields:
Opening-up to outside world and service industry development; Digital economy and trade;
Circulation industry economics
Main Research Achievements:
1. Hu, Z. B., and J. Zhou, “The Remeasurement and International Comparison of TFP in Service
Industry”, The Journal of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2020, (8), 103-122.
2. Hu, Z. B., and J. Zhou, “The Impact of Exchange Rate Level and Its Volatility on the Export
Growth of Service Industry: Transnational Evidence and China's Performance”, Jianghan Tribune,
2019, (8), 28-37.
3. Hu, Z. B., Z. W. Teng, and Y. J. Huang, “The Impact of Exchange Rate Level and Its Volatility
on Firm Performance - Are Service Firms and Commodity Firms the Same in China?”, Research on
Economics and Management, 2019, (2), 47-69.
4. Hu, Z. B., International Trade Costs and Productivity in Service Sectors, China Social
Sciences Press, 2018.
5. Hu, Z. B., Exchange Rate Level and Its Volatility and Performance of International Service
Trade, Economic Science Press, 2016.
6. Hu, Z. B., and M. J. Zhu, “Sectoral and Regional Differences of the Productivity of
China’s Circulation Service Industry”, Journal of Shanxi University of Finance and Economics, 2016,
(8), 35-45.
7. Hu, Z. B., “Firm Heterogeneity, Trade Costs and Productivity in Services Sector”, The Journal
of Quantitative & Technical Economics, 2014, (7), 68-84.
8. Wang S. L., and Z. B. Hu, “Productivity Changes and Heterogeneity in China’s
Service Sub-industry”, Economic Research Journal, 2012, (4), 15-27.
9. Project of National Natural Science Foundation of China: The Mechanism, Paths and
Productivity Effects of Service Exports Growth: Theory and Evidence from China (Grant
No.71503273), 2015, Principal Investigator.
10. Project of Ministry of Education Humanities and Social Sciences Foundation: Research on
China’s Foreign Service Trade Cost Evaluation and Its Influencing Factors (Grant No.
14YJC790046), 2014, Principal Investigator.
企业与社会实践 Industry Experience
1. 财政部部省共建联合研究课题:跨境电子商务、行李邮递进境与一般贸易进口比较研究,2018,主持。
2. 国家发改委亚洲区域合作专项资金项目:大湄公河次区域产业合作体系构建与模式创新研究,2017,参加。
1. Joint Research Project Jointly Established by the Ministry of Finance and the Province: A
Comparative Study of Cross-border E-commerce, Baggage Delivery and General Trade Imports, 2018,
Principal Investigator.
2. Asia Regional Cooperation Special Fund Project of National Development and Reform
Commission: Research on the Construction of Industrial Cooperation System and Mode Innovation in
the Greater Mekong Sub-region, 2017, Participation Project.