工商管理学院教师简历 SBA Faculty CV
姓 名 Name
? 教授 Professor
石军伟 Shi Junwei
□ 副教授 Associate professor
? 博士 Doctor
□ 硕士研究生导师 Master supervisor
? 博士研究生导师 Doctor supervisor
Director of the Research Center for Modern Industrial Economy
Director of The Department of Business Administration
Executive Director of China Industrial Economics Association
Deputy Secretary General of Hubei Institute of Industrial Economics
教育背景 Education
2014/07-2015/08,美国 Rice University 商学院,访问学者
2014/07-2015/08, Rice University Business School (USA), visiting scholar
2007/04-2010/04, Peking University Guanghua School of Management, postdoctoral researcher
(business administration)
2003/09-2006/06, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Doctor of Economics
(industrial economics)
2000/09-2003/07, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Master of Management
(corporate management)
1996/09-2000/07, Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics, Bachelor of Management (business
承担的主要教学课程 Teaching
理经典文献(企业理论模块),Advanced Industrial Economic(s in Industrial Economics(留学生课程)
Doctoral courses
留学生课程)、Classic Literature
Advanced Industrial Economics, Frontier Issues of Industrial Economics, Classic Literature in
Industrial Economics, Enterprise Theory (Advanced), Classic Literature in Company Management
(enterprise theory module), Advanced Industrial Economics (overseas study), Classic
Literature in Industrial Economics (overseas study)
Postgraduate courses
Chinese Industrial Economy Analysis, Chinese Industrial Economy Researches, Industrial Organization
Theory, Enterprise Theory (intermediate), Principles of Economics.
Undergraduate courses
Strategic Management (bilingual), Industrial Economics, General Theory of Management, Antitrust in
Real Life: Analyses of Classic Cases, Management Research Method, Organizational
Behavior, Managerial Economics
科研领域及成果 Research
Research fields: innovation strategy, corporate competitiveness, industrial competitiveness,
policies, strategic management, social capital, strategic leadership
Main achievements:
石军伟、张静:《产业经济学》,武汉理工大学出版社,2019 年。
石军伟、赵峰:《中国新能源汽车产业创新机制研究》,湖北人民出版社,2016 年。
石军伟:《管理社会资本:基于中国转型情境的经验分析》,英国独立出版集团,2010 年。石军伟:《社会资本与企业行为选择:一个理论框架及其在中国情境中的实证检验》,北京大学出版社,2008 年
石军伟 译,《强效沟通》(Martha Davis et al.著),湖北人民出版社,2009 年
1. Books
Shi Junwei, Zhu Yaodong, Yang Shiyuan: Innovative Coupling of Business Models and Technologies,
China Finance and Economics Press, 2019.
Shi Junwei, Zhang Jing: Industrial Economics, Wuhan University of Technology, 2019.
Shi Junwei, Zhao Feng: Innovation Mechanism of China’s New Energy Vehicle Industry, Hubei People’s
Press, 2016.
Shi Junwei: Management of Social Capital: Empirical Analysis Based on the Transformation of China,
Independent Publishers Guild (UK), 2010.
Shi Junwei: Social Capital and Corporate Behavioral Selections: A Theoretical Frame and Its
Validation in China, Peking University Press, 2008.
Shi Junwei: Seven Elements of Management Effectiveness: Reflections on the Return to Reality of
Mainstream Theories, Hubei People’s Press, 2006.
Shi Junwei, translation, How to Communicate (Martha Davis et al.), Hubei People’s Press, 2009.
Hu Lijun, Tang Chunyong, Shi Junwei (chief editor): Organizational Behaviors (2nd edition), Wuhan
University of Technology Press, 2016.
石军伟:比较优势陷阱、创新偏差与后发大国全球价值链突破——一个新的理论视角与经验证据,《产业经济评论》,2020 年,第 19 卷,第 1 期。
石军伟、皮君、蒋军成:国际旅游目的地形象标杆对比评价模型构建及其应用,《经济问题》,2019 年第 2 期。
(哲学社会科学版) 2018 年第 5 期。
谢伟丽、石军伟:产业结构转换研究述评,《中南财经政法大学学报》,2017 年第 6 期。石军伟:企业社会资本的动态演化及其管理策略,《学海》,2017 年第 1 期。
2015 年第 3 期。
胡立君、石军伟、谢伟丽:“十三五”时期中国产业发展研究——中国工业经济青年学者论坛观点综述,《中国工业经济》,2015 年第 12 期。
石军伟、王玉燕:我国西部省份工业结构同构度测算及其决定因素——基于 SIP 框架的理论与实证研究,《中国工业经济》,2013 年第 3 期。
石军伟、付海艳:激励机制、科研合作网络与大学声誉之间的关系研究,《教育研究》,2012年第 1 期。
《中国工业经济》,2010 年第 11 期。
—基于中国转型期经验的实证研究,《中国工业经济》,2009 年第 11 期
石军伟、胡立君、付海艳,企业社会资本的功效结构:基于中国上市公司的实证研究,《中国工业经济》,2007 年第 2 期
石军伟 执笔,城市基础设施建设资金管理模式创新研究:以济南市为例,《财政研究》,
2008 年第 9 期
石军伟、胡立君,企业社会资本的自愿供给:一个静态博弈模型,《数量经济技术经济研究》,2005 年第 8 期
2012 年第 4 期。
胡立君、石军伟,产业结构与产业组织互动关系的实现机理研究,《中国工业经济》,2005年第 5 期。被人大复印资料《国民经济管理》F10 全文转载
付海艳、石军伟、胡立君:技术创新的社会结构:中国转型期企业研发行为的一个解释,《经济社会体制比较》,2008 年第 2 期
石军伟、付海艳,社会结构、市场结构与企业技术创新,《经济学家》,2007 年 6 期石军伟,企业战略理论的逻辑比较研究,《经济管理》,2002 年第 8 期
被人大复印资料《工业企业管理》F31 转载
石军伟,管理培训新理念:知识培训,《经济管理》,2002 年第 5 期。
石军伟,民营中小企业制度创新:一个基于企业家的解释,《财经研究》,2002 年 10 期被人大复印资料《民营经济、乡镇企业》F22 转载
2. Papers
Representative papers (Chinese)
Shi Junwei: Pitfall of comparative advantage, innovation difference, and big backward
nations’ breakthrough in global value chain – a new perspective and the empirical
evidences, Industrial Economics Review, 2020, Volume 1, Book 19.
Shi Junwei, Pi Jun, Jiang Juncheng: Formulation and application of international tourist
destination image benchmarking model, Economic Issues, Vol. 2, 2019.
Shi Junwei, Jiang Qianqian: Human capital accumulation and independent innovation:
empirical evidences from Chinese auto makers, Journal of Jinan University (philosophy and
social sciences edition), Vol. 5, 2018.
Xie Weili, Shi Junwei: Industrial structure transformation review, Journal of Zhongnan University
of Economics and Law, Vol. 6, 2017.
Shi Junwei: Dynamic flow and management strategy of corporate social capital, Journal of Xuehai,
Vol. 1, 2017.
Shi Junwei, Xie Weili: Major world powers’ industrial competitiveness evaluation and evolution
trend: 2000-2010, Industrial Economics Review, Vol. 3, 2015.
This paper is fully included in Industrial Economy Researches, a photocopy collection of Renmin
University of China.
Hu Lijun, Shi Junwei, Xie Weili: Researches of industry development in China during the 13th
Five-year Plan
– Review of China Industrial Economy Young Researchers Forum, Chinese Industrial Economy, Vol. 12,
Shi Junwei, Wang Yvyan: Measurement of and factors behind industry structure homogeneity
in western China, theoretical and empirical studies based on the SIP frame, Chinese Industrial
Economy, Vol. 3, 2013.
Shi Junwei, Fu Haiyan: Relationships between incentives, research cooperation network and
university reputation, Education Research, Vol. 1, 2012.
This paper is fully included in Higher Education Researches, a photocopy collection of
Renmin University of China.
Shi Junwei, Fu Haiyan: Heterogeneous social capital for companies and the risk of using such
– an empirical study based on the transformation of China, Chinese Industrial Economy, Vol. 11,
This paper is fully included in Enterprise Management Researches, a photocopy collection of Renmin
University of China.
Shi Junwei, Hu Lijun, Fu Haiyan: Corporate social responsibility, social capital and
organizational competitiveness: a strategic and interactive perspective – an
empirical study based on the transformation experiences of China, Chinese Industrial
Economy, Vol. 11, 2009.
Shi Junwei, Hu Lijun, Fu Haiyan: Effectiveness structure of corporate social capital: an empirical
study based on listed companies of China, Chinese Industrial Economy, Vol. 2, 2007.
This paper is fully included in Xinhua Digest and Higher Education Social Sciences Academic Digest.
Shi Junwei: Innovation of management mode for urban infrastructure construction fund: with Jinan
City as an example, Finance Researches, Vol. 9, 2008.
Shi Junwei, Hu Lijun: Voluntary supply of corporate social capital: a static gaming model,
Quantitative Economics Researches, Vol. 8, 2005.
Wang Haisu, Hu Lijun, Shi Junwei, Wang Yvyan: New developments in the researches on strategic new
industries of China, Chinese Industrial Economy, Vol. 4, 2012.
Hu Lijun, Shi Junwei: Interaction mechanism between industrial structure and industrial
organization, Chinese Industrial Economy, Vol. 5, 2005. This paper is fully included in
F10 of National Economy Management, a photocopy collection of Renmin University of China.
Fu Haiyan, Shi Junwei, Hu Lijun: Social structure of technical innovations: corporate R&D
activities during the transformation of China, Comparative Studies of Economic and Social Systems,
Vol. 2, 2008.
Shi Junwei, Fu Haiyan: Social structure, market structure and corporate technical
innovations, Economists, Vol. 6, 2007.
Shi Junwei: Logic comparisons of corporate strategy theories, Economy Management, Vol. 8, 2002.
This paper is fully included in F31 of Industrial Company Management, a photocopy
collection of Renmin University of China.
Shi Junwei: New concepts of management training: knowledge training, Economy Management, Vol. 5,
Shi Junwei: Management innovations in small and medium sized private companies:
explanations based on entrepreneurs, Finance and Economics Researches, Vol. 10, 2002.
This paper is included in F22 of Private Economy and Township Enterprises, a photocopy collection
of Renmin University of China.
Junwei SHI and Haiyan FU, Has the Industrial Structure of Western Provinces in China
Been Differential? Evidence from the SIP Framework, Singapore Economic Review, 2017, 62(4): :
Haiyan FU and Junwei SHI, Investment efficiency of chemical companies in china: estimation
and determinants, Chimica Oggi, 2016 , 34 (6B) :60-65.
Junwei SHI and Haiyang LI, From Angel to Eagle: The Involvement of Private Equity in the Board and
IPO Underpricing of Entrepreneurial Firms in an Emerging Market, Academy of Management Meeting,
August 5-10, 2016.
Junwei SHI and Haiyan FU, Relative Social Capital and Entrepreneurial Firms’ IPO Performance:
Evidence from an Emerging Market, Academy of Management Meeting, August 4-9, 2017, Atlanta, USA.
Junwei SHI and Haiyang LI, From Angel to Eagle: The Involvement of Private Equity in the Board and
IPO Underpricing of Entrepreneurial Firms in an Emerging Market, Academy of Management Meeting,
August 5-10, 2016, Anaheim, USA.
Junwei SHI and Weili XIE Industrial development, structural change and the competitive advantage of
large nations: An empirical examination, the 12th International Conference of Western
Economic Association International, January 7-10, 2016,Singapore city, Singapore
Junwei SHI and Haiyan FU, Economic Transition, Heterogeniety of Social Capital and
Performance, Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2012,6(2): 262-287.
Junwei SHI, Haiyan FU and Lijun HU, The Structural Impact of Social Capital on
Corporate Performance: Empirical Evidence from Listed Companies in China, Frontiers of Business
Research in China, 2007, 1 (1) : 272-291.
Junwei SHI, Haiyan FU and Lijun HU, Social Responsibility, Social Capital and Corporate Competitive
Advantage in Transitional China, International Corporate Responsibility Series, 2007, Vol. 3:
377-394. Junwei SHI, Lijun HU and Haiyan FU, An Exploration Among the Relationship of Social
Structure, Market Structure and Technology Innovation, Proceedings of the 3rd
International Conference on Innovation & Management (Kaminishi & Duysters, Eds.), pp:
98-105,Wuhan University of Technology Press, 2006.
Junwei SHI and Haiyan FU, Being More Transparent? Evidence of Corporate Information Disclosure
of Listed Companies in Transitional China, Transparency, Information and Communication Technology (
Antonino Vaccaro Eds.), pp.163-178, PHILOSOPHY DOCUMENTATION CTR(USA) , 2008.
Lijun HU and Junwei SHI, Market Structure, Social Structure and Technological
Innovation: An
Interpretation on Firm Behavior in Transitional Stage in China, in Mechl ed.) Technology and
Innovation Management, pp. 13-144, München: Oldenbourg Verlag München Wien, 2008.
企业与社会实践 Industry Experience
Worked as a leader in the manufacturing industry and a modern consulting company, and worked
as a temporary employee in a Beijing government department;Won at zhongnan university
of economics and law "outstanding graduate student mentor", "advanced teacher training education"
and other honorary awards, undergraduate students the guidance of "big project" won the national
project, project was awarded the first prize for college students in hubei province
outstanding scientific research achievement and so on many rewards, guide students won
the provincial excellent dissertations, excellent dissertations, reward.