


工商管理学院教师简历SBA Faculty CV

姓 名 Name
□ 教授 Professor
□ 副教授 Associate professor
? 博士 Doctor
? 硕士研究生导师 Master supervisor
其它职务或职位 Other title(s):武汉市人才项目入选者
教育背景 Education
2008.9-2012.7 China University of Geosciences(Wuhan) Bachelor Engineering Management中国地质大学(武汉)
学士 工程管理
2012.9-2018.6 Xi’an Jiaotong University PhD Management Science and Engineering西安交通大学
博士 管理科学与工程
2014.9-2018.10 City University of Hong Kong joint PhD Systems Engineering and Engineering
香港城市大学 博士 系统工程与工程管理
承担的主要教学课程 Teaching
Undergraduates: 《Management》, 《Operations Management》 Postgraduates: 《Statistical Quality
1. 指导校优秀本科毕业论文——2020 届周同学(保研至南开大学商学院)
2. 指导校优秀本科毕业论文——2021 届梁同学(保研至华中科技大学管理学院)
3. 指导校“博文杯”大学生实证创新基金项目三等奖——2019 级周同学
科研领域及成果 Research
Research interests: Quality management, data-driven operations management研究领域:质量管理与质量工程,数据驱动的运营管理
Academic Achievements(学术成果):
1. Project investigator, Youth project granted by National Natural Science
Foundation (No.72002220) - Probabilistic graphical modeling and quality monitoring
based on multivariate auto-correlated categorical data


2. Junjie Wang*( 本 人 第 一 作 者 + 通 讯 作 者 ), Min Xie. (2021). Modeling and Monitoring
Unweighted Networks with Directed Interactions, IISE Transactions, 53:1,
116-130.(Featured article, FMS 管理科学高质量 A 类期刊)
3. Junjie Wang*, ZhiLin Chong, Peihua Qiu. (2021).Optimal monitoring of Poisson data with known
and unknown shifts, Computers&IndustrialEngineering,154: 107100. (FMS 管理
科学高质量期 B 类期刊)
4. Junjie Wang, Jian Li, Qin Su*.(2017). Multivariate ordinal categorical process control based
on log-linear modeling, JournalofQualityTechnology, 49(2):108-122.(FMS 管理科学高质量
B 类期刊)
5. Junjie Wang, Qin Su*, Yue Fang, Pengwei Zhang.(2018) A multivariate sign chart for
monitoring dependence among mixed-type data, Computers & Industrial
Engineering,126: 625-636. (FMS 管理科学高质量 B 类期刊)
6. Junjie Wang, Dong Ding, Qin Su.(2019) Latent change-point detection in
ordinal categorical data, QualityandReliabilityEngineeringInternational, 35:504-516.
7. Junjie Wang, Qin Su, Min Xie.(2018) A univariate procedure for monitoring location and
dispersion with ordered categorical data, CommunicationsinStatistics-Simulationand Computation,
企业与社会实践 Industry Experience

Third prize of Decision-making consultation in Xi 'an City, 2nd author西安市政府决策咨询三等奖,第二作者

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